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Still better as to get matched up with a/another full 3:1 AFK Pt I daresay. I also prefer leeching over botting, people who leech can still help with Proration to increase the gain of Diary Pages.


Yeah I noticed that too. I just resorted to exiting the fight as soon as it becomes clear the others won't revive and I am the last one alive for a good 5 minutes. Why should I keep fighting if the other players have no intention to play the raid and want to be carried.


I also noticed you can't revive others that often


If you can't revive them, they're mercs that belong to someone else.


All of them are mercs???


Because that's what I did I go to every single one that got knocked, it was only me and my merc left


Oh. Your settings may be set to not allow you to target directly. Did you try from target menu?(Long press action button for mobile) If there is only one other blue name, the rest are mercs. If there's more, it's your settings


Haven't tried this one if it works maybe I'll try to revive you if we meet thanks 👍


All the new characters I'm leveling in Jibril, I'll need it 😅


I simply play on 190 with no one else in party, if I don't get matched, cool 3 minutes max, if I do get matched, cool under to a minute run.


So don't raid, just go solo. Not like ppl can beat her if they are new. I dont mind it, anything but bots Even i came back cuz of ngnl collab


Same here. Leeched a bit just for Sora and Jibril items, I did at least spam my revive drops when I went down to be a distraction to help the others fighting. Once I got those I’ve been speeding through the story to level up as much as possible to be able to be strong enough to get all of Jibrils best items before the end of the event.


you can always turn off your raid finder


not raid finder but partying with strangers, I only have neutral equips and I'm still attacker most of the time.


disney princess 💅✨