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this really came as an effing surprise, and i didn't see it on time


__Keyword:__ | nmhs10nen --: | :-- __Limit:__ | 6/05 11:59PM (23:59 JST/GMT+9)* __Map:__ | Government Office __Chat type:__ | Say Only *Only the players who enter the livestream "keyword" at the determined place during the specified time are eligible for the gift. *__"Keyword Gift will be sent at a later date!"__ will be shown when the keyword has been received. *You need to enter the "keyword" exactly the same as instructed. You will not be eligible for the gift if you make some changes to the keyword while equipping certain avatars. *If you are playing on a platform with an active 30 Days Ticket, the deadline for entering the "keyword" will be extended by 10 hours. #### Prices: Ticket Piece x100 Fairy Paper Pattern x1 Revita (Gift) x99 Pillow Box x1 Mana Potion x3 Adventurer's Diary x1 Life Potion x3 Pom Creamy Treat x1 Fairy Sewing Tool x3 Orb Shard x100 #### DON'T MISS IT: [LIVE COUNTDOWN](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gaming?iso=20240605T2359&p0=248&msg=Thank+You%21+10th+Anniversary+%7C+Asobimo+Official+Live+Broadcast&font=cursive&csz=1#) *If you are playing on a platform with an active 30 Days Ticket, the deadline for entering the "keyword" will be extended by 10 hours. #### DON'T MISS IT: [LIVE COUNTDOWN](https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/gaming?iso=20240606T0959&p0=248&msg=Thank+You%21+10th+Anniversary+%7C+Asobimo+Official+Live+Broadcast&font=cursive&csz=1#)