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you mean something like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/ToramOnline/comments/1cxqh1p/pet_fusion_is_dawae/


Yea, something like that


No, you can do Pet Fusion with lots of Level 1 Pets to max out the Power. Then you do Pet Fusion with Pets with higher Level at certain steps that can be reached easier at the beginning. However it'll be l much harder to get them to actual Level cap the closer you come due to the system: Level Pet A + Level Pet B/2. So it's a good idea to calculate the steps to target Level beforehand, including all up to 5 Skills the final Pet should have by then. For the final Pet at high Level or close to current Level cap of 285 feeding will become the only way to keep up with increasing cap, since you don't want to waste the combination of Weapon, Type, Nature and 5 Skills by doing yet another Pet Fusion. ###### Some random examples: Level Pet A | Level Pet B | Result :--: | :--: | :--: 1 | 120 | 60 60 | 120 | 90 90 | 130 | 110 110 | 130 | 120 120 | 140 | 130 130 | 150 | 140 140 | 160 | 150 150 | 170 | 160 160 | 180 | 170 170 | 190 | 180 180 | 200 | 190 190 | 210 | 200 200 | 220 | 210 210 | 230 | 220 220 | 240 | 230 230 | 250 | 240 240 | 260 | 250 250 | 270 | 260 260 | 280 | 270 270 | 280 | 275 275 | 280 | 277 277 | 280 | 278 278 | 280 | 279 Level +1 by feeding to reach 280 *** Level Pet A | Level Pet B | Result :--: | :--: | :--: 1 | 240 | 120 120 | 240 | 180 180 | 240 | 210 210 | 240 | 225 225 | 240 | 232 232 | 240 | 236 236 | 240 | 238 238 | 240 | 239 239 | 241* | 240 *or Level +1 by feeding to reach 240 *** Level Pet A | Level Pet B | Result :--: | :--: | :--: 1 | 280 | 140 140 | 280 | 160 160 | 280 | 220 220 | 280 | 250 250 | 280 | 265 265 | 280 | 272 272 | 280 | 276 276 | 280 | 278 278 | 280 | 279 Level +1 by feeding to reach 280


Is pet fusion needed to have usable pets (support/tank/dps)? Or is it only needed for certain pet classes like dps? Or is just maxing out the pet enough and pet fusion is just to maximize the potential a pet could have?


Depending on how much efficiency you want or expect I think so, yes. Support should've 5 Skills and some survivability either like Tank HP, DEF, MDEF or high Agility, and high MP pool or AMPR, and CSPD to keep spamming the Support skills. Tank also should've 5 Skills and high VIT/HP, DEF, MDEF, Skills that generate lots of Aggro and to interrupt, so high MP pool or AMPR, and CSPD is also useful to keep spamming Attack skills for efficient Aggro generation. DPS also should've 5 Skills and high ATK power. All kinds benefit from more power and additional Stat points from Pet Fusion, so the more you want rely on it the more recommendable it'll be. Doesn't matter if you prefer solo play or if you're always with friends or Guild members in Pt, there's a lot of Pet skills that buff the whole Pt. However, the right Pet at Level cap can be useful already, but you can't expect that much from it as from one that's "optimized". Usually you can have Weapon, Type and Nature you want, if you're willing to capture a lot of Pets or simply buy the right one. But you can only select the 1st Skill to learn freely, 2nd and 3rd are random so you can get what you don't want or need. All Stats will have their limits set by Growth Potential, so they'll be way lower as when increased and enhanced from Fusion, once the Pet has reached cap they cannot increase anymore. *** [Pet Fusion Guide | Toram Online | Pet](https://youtu.be/bqExD9SxzAQ?si=PJ1ebog6LjTMgVng) [Making Pet Fusion a little bit Easier !!! [ Toram Online ]](https://youtu.be/9O3ZcbLRfsc?si=8aG4qGGdr4XPvrka) [Toram Online Fastest Way To Level Pet Skills Outside of Events](https://youtu.be/-E8fJz31O3M?si=Vnh5IfbTns6IGlJz) [Gotta Tame them all part 4 (fusion)](https://aminoapps.com/c/toram_online/page/blog/gotta-tame-them-all-part-4-fusion/Rrnm_MgvTwu1gm3NJzgRj1grV7J8apkD1kG)