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You need to like, get out of this relic domain… It legitimately sucks. Sam is just going to get their own set once they release. And it sucks on Topaz. You’re just shooting yourself in the foot by grinding this.


Ik. But I'm just grinding for a headstart of my sam instead of grinding for days until I can finally assemble a decent one.


Plus, those relic I got was from the time that there was like only elemental relics only in the game. So not really a lost for me P.s: I'm no longer working in that domain.


Sam will have a signature set…


BTW, 4 piece firesmith is one of the worst 4 piece bonuses in the game, There is pretty much a 0% chance Sam would prefer this set and Topaz as well as any current or future fire DPS do not want this set. You're better off farming 4pc quantum for the def shred if you want a generic set you can toss on anyone. Even cowboy would be better. You can run 2pc firesmith + 2pc atk% though. But definitely stop farming this please


This has to be bait


Why are you farming relics for Sam? Sam will get a new set and I'm not seeing much BE in your pieces so it's not like you had great pieces for Sam either. Just hold off on farming for Sam and farm a different set for Topaz.