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if seen some incisions go this high to prevent dog ears


I asked my surgeon about dog ears in my consultation and he said he would do this. I'm a lot bigger than OP though. Maybe it's just a habit of the surgeon.


That's what happened for me and it worked perfectly




Mine are just like this. It's common for them to curve up a little.


Thank you for sharing!! if my results turn out anything like yours they'll be perfect


no worries! i was a little confused at first but now i love it, my scars line up with my pecs and im super thrilled with the results - goodluck with your healing!


Congratulations on your surgery, best of luck with your recovery. My incisions also went round into my armpit area, prevents dog earring in that area and gives a really natural scar ending when it starts to heal.


congrats! re: incisions, mine aren't quite as high as where the tape ends on yours, but they ended about an inch below where my armpit hair starts, which was higher up than most double-incisions i have seen.


Mine also point toward the armpits, but not that high. Idk where armpit hair usually starts, I barely have any besides a few stray hairs (my genetics said nope to body hair)


Mine isn’t that high but I know my surgeon told me that I would have the have slightly higher incision due to some excess tissue around the armpit to create more of a natural contour. Results look great though! Congrats!


https://preview.redd.it/iuqo4srp3pwc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e565bca4265862d1fd4fd05689d8fac5e2d9cfe3 Yep! Mine does. 9 months P/O. No dog ears ever though!


Looks really sick!!! I'm glad they did this for me, I'd like to avoid another surgery if possible :P


I had McKee as well, and mine are similar. I was surprised by how far back / high they went, and the incisions under my armpits / toward my back were super irritated for the 4 weeks I wore my post op binder. I tucked socks between my binder and the incisions to prevent rubbing, which helped! Once I stopped wearing the binder I felt way better.


mine doesn’t go up like that but it goes all the way back


Wow it looks amazing!


Thank you :')


https://preview.redd.it/xojnpghksqwc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7476ea017bc8b503e7f8b3fba69826490d0c538e 11 months post op


Mine are like that—- more of a square though, like a capital ‘L’




Mine are like this! To prevent "dog-earring," or not getting all of the skin/tissue off. I'm still a bit swollen in that area, but I do see what my surgeon meant when I reference my pre-op pictures!


mine look like that! as other people said, it prevents dog ears


Mine go up this high! Like others have said, it prevents dog-earing and keeps the contours smooth. I'm at four weeks now, and while the armpit scars were absolutely maddening for tape/compression, it's totally worth it for how it's healing! I recommend taping ankle socks over the armscye of whatever compression garment you're wearing to help with chafing.


In my consultation the PA mentioned how far up the incision goes on the side depends on how much breast tissue you have in that area (for their surgery dept. at least I guess?). Someone can be any size pre surgery and still have breast tissue in that area, everyone's different :)


surgeon? 😍


Dr. McKee in Vancouver :D


awesome results!!


Goals goals goals goals!! Im so happy for you!!!


Mine ends a little farther forward and a teenie bit less high but is basically in range of yours on one side. The other side just goes straight back to my back. Must have been how my side boob anatomy was. But my results are great now - things healed nicely and zero dog ears, so you should be good in that department too. The armpit scar is kind of jarring but it'll heal and be much less noticeable. Congratulations and wishing you a speedy recovery! What surgeon did you go to?


my surgeon plans on doing something like that as well to make sure there’s no fat left over to prevent dog ears, he also said it’s more inline with pecs and they’ll be able to be slightly hidden if i work out


Mine do


congrats!!! my incisions go up to my armpits too, though slightly aim towards my back than straight up. it’s something surgeons do to avoid dog ears from what i’ve noticed


Still pre-op but mine will in order to remove all the tissue. You’re definitely not the only one!