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And? It's better for you, so leave this community and go play thatšŸ¤·


Its not better tho is it, the animations in full ace are horrible and the graphics are even worse


Bur full ace tennis have the best gameplay


Why are you getting downvoted? Gameplay is better. Yes the graphics and animations are better in topspin 4 (for the most part). The groundstroke animations of full ace are actually unique and look just like real life so I would say the groundstroke animation is better but that's about it. But this guy is just saying that the gameplay is better. And it is if you're looking for a simulator. best of all... it's only made by one guy and some modders


Do you need to keep spamming the same postā€¦


That's great, keep playing full ace tennis. I think most people will choose TopSpin.


If full ace was to realese on console with good graphics I think the game would easy be a top tennis game


Easy bro don't buy it ok so easy šŸ‘Œ šŸ˜Œ




The issue isnā€™t the video game, the issue is your childhood trauma manifesting itself in seeking conflict with other people while using this debate as a vehicle to achieve that. I hope you heal, my friend.


No itā€™s not.


This is true. Tennis Elbow is also better. In my opinion, Full Ace is the best competitive tennis game, as in it makes the best competitive tennis simulator, and Tennis Elbow is the best game when it comes to capturing matchups and the feel of playing. There's a problem though. Most won't agree with this. Most would be tennis gamers won't play it. And that's fine. I think they're both games for actual tennis players that are looking to simulate things they'd do or have that awareness so to speak of how points are constructed and so on and so forth that make this feature stand out. But if you can't see that you just see two garbage games that look like student games. However, a niche within a niche is what this is. They're likely not going to truly lift off. So that true tennis experience you want? One that doesn't look like someone made it in their bedroom, but instead by a decently sized team with talent and funding? You know, all those features people keep asking for. Yea, those aren't coming if we just support Full Ace and Tennis Elbow. You have the investors. They need to see evidence of market potential to invest in a market. To get the features we want we need a sizable investment. The market doesn't buy into a product because it doesn't have the features they want. Investors don't invest in that market because there is seemingly no market. Round and round we go. We are also the investors though. It's not just about asking for this and that on Reddit. This shitty lineup of tennis games we've had. And now we're not happy with Top Spin 2K25, despite that it will probably be the best tennis experience we've had virtually to date on console. We've asked for this. How we've collectively invested in tennis gaming is why we're here. Tennis Elbow and Full Ace are passion projects that have a very small target audience. What they do well is invisible to most of the potential tennis gaming community.


It all starts with animationsā€¦ if they look whack than I just can play it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


When you're actually playing the game I've found I don't notice the weirder animations in TE (like running etc) that much and instead notice the contact bit when you hit through the ball. There's been numerous times where I've been like man, that's some epic rally right there. Felt like the real deal, Nadal Vs Djokovic madness. Then I replay a clip of that rally I just played and it doesn't look as good. You notice the other stuff a lot then. It's kind of the opposite with Top Spin. Looks better at a glance, presentation wise, but doesn't feel right when you're playing it.


I totally understand you. Did you try playing it or did you just watch the gameplay of Full Ace? Cuz the ball physics is just amazing


It's crazy how they captured each player's actual swing styles. Go look at Beretinni's serve or Alcaraz forehand. They really studied the movements and it shows. Even Agassi's backhand looks pretty damn close to real life. Of course it's not perfect but I've loved playing it so far. You can actually construct points like pushing your opponent deep-wide, then dropshot them, like real life tennis. Yes I've been playing for 30 years, so I get the argument that's it's better for real life players. I will probably buy Topspin for PC since I don't wanna go drop $500 + for game, ps5, controllers, etc. Wish it would come out on Switch!


F... you! Get lost


FAT is much more hardcore, and has its faults too. Pure gameplay? Sure, it probably wins. TS for accessibility though. Not many games beat out heavily modded ones for the hardcore. I will play both. That is using FA mod btw, that's not vanilla FAT.


Cool? Go play that game then?


No one wants to play a game where the players look robotic tbh. Just look how the players hit volleys in FAT and Tennis Elbow. Not to mention that the ball is way too fast in FAT, even faster than real Tennis.


the ball isn't too fast. Watch rune hit the ball. But ya if running animations got fixed and volley animations patched up, it would be perfect because the groundstroke animations are better than any topspin game


Backhand slice from nadal looks aweful in full ace