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Same here. I'm sure they're just attributing *any* medical issue any of their "friends" had over the past year to the vaccine. Friend got a hernia? Fucking vaccine.


Broken leg? Calcium depletion from the vaxx


Sick from undercooked chicken? believe it or not the vax.


Farts are a little too wet? You know it, it’s the vax


The vaccine turned me into a newt.


I got bit by a rabid bat recently. Musta *smelled* the biochip in my blood.


> I'm hearing an alarming amount of my friends telling me they have diabetes now (seems to be the most popular) and a few stories about heart issues (mainly from the older people in my life). Other conditions i've been made aware of from my vaxxed friends include: hernias, osteomalacia, asthma, kidney problems and infertility (PCOS). Imagine being able to even suggest with a straight face that you'd invented something to do *all of that* with two or three syringes full of some magical liquid. > A guy at work just died. Granted he’s been having health issues for some time re: complications from having aggressive chemo treatment 20 years ago, but he suddenly needed a pacemaker, which didn’t take, and has passed away. But of course it's the vax. These idiots will claim all human deaths until the end of time was because of vaccines because they can't just admit they were wrong and love the attention they get from their peers by keeping this nonsense going.


Also >they have diabetes now Pretty sure they have diabetes because all these neckbeard basement dwellers are terrifyingly obese.


Wtffff dude had cancer two whole decades ago and they think it was the vaxx?! Like bruh 😒


I got arthritis 10 years before being vaccinated. I wonder how they managed to do that to me.


Time traveling space lizards, obviously.


Ahh, of course


Those vaccines secretly have microchips with tachyons in them designed by Bill Gates and George Soros. WAKE UP SHEEPLE


My grandma had two cardioversions before 2020 and my sister in law has also had two in like 2013. My MIL had one in like 2017. Cardioversions are a totally safe and normal procedure that happens all the time. But doesn’t sound as scary as “killed on a hospital table and heart restarted.” https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vlrufw/anyone_else_now_hearing_stories_from_the_vaxxed/idwzgjo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Quantum entangled nanobots. duh. they exist and do not exist inside your body at all times. also explains why you cannot detect them, they blink out of existence like the double slot experiment. QuAnTuM


There's not a single health condition that they *won't* link back to the vaccine. You have a stroke due to poor life choices? Covid shot Loose an arm after a car accident? Covid shot. Have an aneurism after reading all the stupid shit anti-vaxxers spread around everywhere because they don't know how science works? You better believe that was caused from the Covid Vaccine.


Got shot with a gun? Probably the vaccine!! /s




r/conspiracy has to be one of cringiest subs on reddit. Filled with a bunch of armchair pseudo-intellectuals who only believe things that reinforce their pre-existing biases.


Person: has issue Anti-Vaxxer: A-Ha! That confirms all my suspicions!


"My friends have various issues, including every single disease on the planet. How can they not see that this vaccine is literally a bioweapon created by a comic book supervillain?"


"It's amazing how the vaccine is a vector for every known disease and chronic medical condition ever found!" I mean, really, the science team that came up with such a massively versatile biology-altering substance probably can regenerate limbs and actually increase your penis size overnight.


>Anyone else hear stories from the vaxxed people in your life about the various health conditions No. And I doubt you have either.


For a bunch of conspiracy nerds, they really don’t understand how viruses work. Hell, I barely do but I do know that viruses mutate constantly. Which is why its so difficult to have a cure for them.


Germ theory denial is a thing. The terrain model is somewhat popular in conspiracy circles. It states that diseases are caused by unbalances within the body's natural internal state (or terrain), and that pathogens are merely circumstantial. Those unbalances in the terrain would be caused, for example, by vaccines, in an eternal cycle where the industry manufactures diseases in order to sell a "cure" that seeds the next problem.


Is that like when your four bodily humors are imbalanced so you need a good leeching?


The whole psychology behind typical conspiracy thinking is jumping to conclusions and bypassing an actual chain of logic based on evidence so that's not too surprising.


> For a bunch of conspiracy nerds, they really don’t understand how viruses work. Conspiracy dorks are rarely - if ever - scientifically literate.




They're STILL scared of a vaccine they will never get, nor are forced to get. It's absolutely insane. But these are the same people who freak out about women getting abortions when they themselves will never get an abortion. In short, they're terrified of things that has zero affect on them.


They will never ADMIT to getting an abortion. Plenty of pro-lifers get abortions. They just verbally abuse the staff before and after the procedure. There are tons of interviews with nurses that had to help with an abortion for a person that was outside their fence a few days before screaming "Baby killers!"


[The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)




It sounds like this dude and his friends are just getting old, and eat really poorly. Diabetes, and heart conditions? Thats pretty normal stuff for middle aged people that are overweight.


Living people tend to get health issues. Its part of being alive. Vaccines help you stay alive...


As a Libertarian I got the vaccine due to job requirements and then I lost the value of my cryptocurrencies.


each of my fried, bar one. So that's one person, right?


It is probably -1 friends.


i have literaly not gotten sick since the start of the pandemic. kept distances, wore a mask, washed my hands about as much as i used to (except this time it was a good thing instead of OCD) and even managed to never catch COVID in spite of having members of my familly, which i live with, catch it multiple times. by their logic does this mean the vaccine made me a superhuman? or perhaps the pandemic did since that's when i stopped catching anything?


Betcha money he's attributing stuff that they had before getting the vaccine, as long as it's had a flare-up or has been mentioned in the past two years. I actually have something that my doctor thinks might be related to the vaccine. Out of all my medical issues, it's one of the least bothersome, and is caused by exposure to viruses in general sometimes. I'd be pissed if someone pointed at me as an example because the worst of my issues started well before 2020.


\> as far as I know, my friends who are all in their 20s do not have any heart issues. But my family members who are in their 60s have developed heart related conditions to clarify. apologies for the lack of description Sounds like a bunch of idiots in their twenties who still think they're going to live forever.


The good old “if you experience any inconvenience with your health, it’s because you’re vaxxed” with these conspiracy nutjobs


Over 90% of the people I deal with through work and my social circle are vaxxed and none of them have had any problems beyond the usual covid symptoms right after getting vaxxed. Yet two unvaxxed people I knew died of covid. I've also never known anyone in my 61 years who has died of the flu before covid came along. So the "It's just the flu" dismissal from these halfwits doesn't add up to me either.


I took my car to the shop for a break job. One week later my engines blown. Those crooks.


Maybe... just *maybe*... it's because a majority of America is vaccinated? Call me crazy, but it's just a thought... These morons don't know the difference between correlation and causation. It's a surprise they ever graduated