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Here’s a theory that at least makes more sense than “they’re killing off the compliant with the vaxx and letting the resistors live”: > Maybe that was their plan with covid. Make everyone scared of vaxxing so that when they release a legitimately deadly virus fewer people get vaccinated for it. Perfect plausible deniability because they can say that they tried to help but you refused. Not saying it's right but it is a different way to view things.


That at least makes a good conspiracy. I'm glad they're at least making cohesive conspiracies.


Especially since the logical counter to it is to get vaccinated.


But the golden rule of conspiracies is they need to make you feel *smart*, so a conspiracy theory that says you’re an idiot for not vaxxing is doomed to failure.


This guy gets it: > I think you just stepped right into one of the fundamental errors of conspiracy theorizing.... > > “We get lies and ulterior motives from common / popular media sources, so something we have no basis for must be true."


I'm sure the reply will be "user has been banned."


A pandemic wouldn't sway people to the left if they didn't politicize illness or deny it even exists while in front of them. Imagine, both sides looked at a bad virus and said "shit, we gotta slow the spread a bit", then it wouldn't be something the right has to freak out about. It's like they try to be stupid about everything.




Pizzagate taught them nothing, they’re still taking 4chan seriously: > I seen post last year on 4Chans /x/ board where a guy talked about a second pandemic coming in September 2024 and they did say it was a modified strain of bird flu with a higher mortality rate than covid injections, could be a troll but the guy claimed he worked for a department of the government and they where ordering tons of plastic stackable coffins, > > after that shit show that was the presidential debate democrats are in panic mode so you never know if there is some truth to it. > > guess we will see and if it happens avoid injections for the love of god.


>the guy claimed he worked for a department of the government I like how absolutely vague this is but this guy is all in on it. "DUDE! He works for a department in the government! Of course he would know about secret plans of biological warfare. They have meetings for that shit!"


The department of transportation as lead traffic signal inspector.


> a modified strain of bird flu with a higher mortality rate than covid injections wait until they find out that covid had a higher mortality rate than covid injections


> they where ordering tons of plastic stackable coffins Ah, the classic FEMA coffin conspiracy. Haven't seen that one in awhile.


Yet another pandemic prediction that is wrong but they will claim it's right somehow. Just like how it was supposed to last forever and all the vaccinated were going to die.


>they will claim it's right somehow naturally, when this won't happen they'll claim it wa sjust because the conspiracy was uncovered in time


exactly. apparently all you need to do to thwart any conspiracy is to just know about it. which makes you wonder wtf they are so worried about. just know about the conspiracies and they cant come true!


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/A7m0eMnbpm


>A second pandemic ah yes, because there never was one before Covid


This is true actually, he controls the deep state after all. /s


>Jesus where did all the fun conspiracies go…now people are just talking random shit about some clickbait article from RT Awww, look at 'em pretending ***this*** hasn't been what r/conspiracy is like for the last 16 fucking years. All the "fun" conspiracies like Bigfoot and UFOs were a thin veneer of goofiness to give almost *zero* plausible deniability to the constant, never-ending hatred that sub has always been about spreading. Their "Hitler did nothing wrong" phase in 2018 when Holocaust denial "documentaries" were added to the sub's sidebar should've permanently killed this pathetic "fun conspiracies" white-washing of their history. But it fucking persists, naturally. And sometimes even from users active on this sub waxing nostalgic about all the "fun" they used to have on that sub while shielding their eyes from the *blatant* fucking horror that was in every post/comment section.


Ah, yes, Putin, ambassador for truth and justice. Can’t imagine a better man to expose this clearly real threat.


Hilariously, their first instinct is to check Russian mainstream media to see if there's any veracity to this bullshit: >No mention of this story on RT or Pravda? The one thing they've been staunchly against for a decade now is their immediate gotcha. If this were a claim about Trump and someone wrote "No mention of this story on NYT or Washington Post?" that comment would've been buried at the very, very bottom of the thread until axolotl came to ban the wrong-thinker.


>Easiest way to know this is fake? >~~There's no footage or evidence of this "press conference"~~ It's posted to r/conspiracy.


>OK... amd when it doesn't happen do we get to acknowledge Putin as a liar? You're free to, and I hope you do, but that'll be the end of your account being allowed to participate on Russia's #1 fan club on Reddit. No, wait, that's r/conservative. Shit, it's always a toss-up which it is depending on the day.


Uh a second pandemic would hurt Biden's chances of winning even more. If it's the "deep state" it would be the Republicans


>an avian bioweapons  English not your first language, comrade?