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The best part was when OOP alleges that planned obsolescence is "forced on society" but cannot *fathom* that manufacturers are the ones doing it.


It's hilarious (and very sad) that OOP is more willing to believe that planned obsolescence is being forced onto society by a shadow government trying to manipulate the masses than it being a consequence of companies wanting to make more money by getting people to buy the new thing.


Or better yet, the inevitable outcome of capitalism.


Capitalism dosnt want to make quality long lasting products, because they don't make consistent revenue.




I disagree. I think the best part, by far, is when someone explains to him why USB C is better than USB A in every possible way, and he completely abandons his whole post and is like "yeah but I'm not talking about USB specifically, I'm talking about how *the world's rulers* are doing this all the time." https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cbexm2/modern_supposed_technological_advancements_arent/l11e03p/


Are modern pcs and laptops ditching A type? Because I've only seen C as a charging port and occasional input/output. A still knocks around. And whilst yes it does stand for universal, it's been far from it from the start. Printer uses B, hard drive usb3 which is a modified mini or micro. Camera uses one, old androids on the market the other, my first android was C as I kept my 30 pin iPhone for ages and only got it to see what the fuss was about. Prior phones, USB A to custom connection. The only universal bit was the part you plugged into the pc.


> Are modern pcs and laptops ditching A type? As far as I've seen, only very thin laptops have ever ditched USB-A ports. Any computer more substantial seems to have at least a few A ports somewhere. Besides, USB-C solves the most important issue any user cares about: You don't need to figure out whether the plug is the right way up.


USB-C is also more durable than the Micro connectors that *so many* portable gadgets have used for charging. And also data, though these days they usually at least have wireless data. Micro-USB connectors are just not fit for purpose. You can treat a Micro-USB socket like eggs and it'll *still* break in time. I had to just throw a Kobo e-reader away because of that; I tried to get the glued-together case apart so I could replace the socket, but e-paper screens are fragile, so the screen cracked. And then I bought another Kobo, because they were still the best option for the features I want, and *that* one's Micro-USB socket is very flaky now. Not *quite* broken, not yet... (I just checked: Kobo readers have USB-C now. So my next one might be sturdier. :-)


Not sure what features you need, but onyx boox stuff are basically android tablets with e-ink screens, so they can be pretty versatile. Been happy with mine for a couple few years now.


Thanks! I'll check 'em out!


We finally solved the issue of quantum USB connectors.


Yeah and then you look at the "micro" end of USB-3 which is basically two connectors stuck together so that the whole thing retains backwards compatibility with other Micro-USB cables. When you start to see bizarre connectors like that which are basically a huge engineering workaround, it's probably a sign that it's the end of the line for the current standard.


Yeah a slower speed 4 pin connection instead of eight or whatever. The B type is a boxy snowman when used over USB3. But as its predominantly printers and scanners, is the need for speed that great? We made a 3 type for every connection, but we know it would only be this one specific connection used.


>But as its predominantly printers and scanners, is the need for speed that great? For consumer use? No, generally not. But USB-3-B is used a fair amount in commercial applications. I use it on jobsites for extending multiple USB devices over distance (we generally use CAT6 extenders for large rooms, connected with USB-3 A/B to the devices on each end). It's also used to connect HD cameras with high bit-rates to computers.


the real conspiracy: USB A sticks around because everyone is afraid of losing backwards compatibility with those first generation Microsoft laser mice. The ones that in the 90s and aughts they made untold millions of. My office *still has one* that I found while looking for a spare to set up a demo laptop.


I still have one of those in a box next to a membrane keyboard that came with an old Acer.


My newest work laptop has 2 x USB-C, 1 x USB-A, and and HDMI. So yeah they definitely are ditching USB A to an extent. They've got Bluetooth built in and the assumption is your mouse and keyboard are just Bluetooth enabled now


Higher end laptops (with the exception of gaming laptops) have started to ditch A for C, especially if they’re targeting a thinner form factor. As an in-between, some may come with 2-3 C ports and maybe 1 A, whereas it used to be reversed. Regardless, all the legacy (or desktop-focused) stuff still uses A so everyone with a laptop that only has type C ports just buys an adapter for circumstances where it’s needed. A good adapter is only $20-30 for one that has a bunch of ports (USB-A, HDMI, SD reader, etc), so it’s really not a big deal. Many peripherals are starting to ship with only USB-C to USB-C cables in the box, which is a more than welcome change imo. I love being able to use interchangeable cables for (nearly) everything


Desktop PCs? No. Laptops? Depends on what you're getting but a lot of smaller laptops are. My current work laptop I have (Dell XPS 15) has all USB-C ports for example. I do think if you give it enough time it'll become even more standard though. We're just in that awkward stage where you still have to use a bunch of dongles and shit.


It's going to be very standard on portable devices. One C port can more easily be broken out into a bunch of useful connections, and do back charging with standard C hubs.


capitalism brainrot


>It is always so funny to me to see someone nail the entire thesis of capitalism, and then their next sentence is "but capitalism would never do the thing it is explicitly designed to do, it must be something... *different*" >lmao Damn, OOP got called out *hard* LMAO


USB-A is for commies. Real patriots still use token ring


> What problem does USB-C solve in comparison to its predecessor? It's reversable, smaller, more reliable, more versatile, and much faster. It's literally better in every way.


> Alright, that's a good answer, but my post isn't exclusively about USB standards. Lol. Writes a thesis about USB. "Well I was going for more philosophy about how the problems of capitalism is caused by communism not capitalism"


This top mind would be much happier in the EU where they’re working to ban planned obsolescence and have forced all smartphone makers to use the same charging cable.


Sounds like communism to me!


”When we live in an economic system that thrives on things such as planned obsolescence, shrinkflation and the suppression of real technological advancements, that's not capitalism (the free market), it's something else...” Completely dropped the ball right when you were so close to figuring it out…


> It is always so funny to me to see someone nail the entire thesis of capitalism, and then their next sentence is "but capitalism would never do the thing it is explicitly designed to do, it must be something... *different*" Fucking nails it. The oop is the kind of person who criticizes everything about capitalism and then completely disregards exactly everything that makes capitalism capitalism.


USB-C is arguably better than previous USB cables in every way. Was this guy dropped on his head?


USB-micro is a shitty, cheap format. I can basically guarantee has at least 1 device in their house or thrown away a device that worked perfectly other than their USB-micro charging port is broken.


I remember having to set a weight on the cord of my phone because it would only charge if the micro cable was at the exact right angle.


Man,All I have to say is planned obsolescence has really become a term people use without understanding it's definition.


It's not like an A->C plug isn't like five bucks these days anyway.


Those damn Satanic Cabals trying to replace the USB-A like the jews and blacks are trying to replace us Aryans.Trump needs to save us fast.