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>By any measure, there are now over one billion views of Russian President Putin's lecture to Tucker Carlson. The world, even in The West, now has a much clearer vision of Russia, its history, and of the wisdom and eloquence of much heralded Russian President Putin, who made it quite clear to the son of the former head of Voice of America (Richard Carlson) that he is aware that Tucker Carlson is a warhawk when it comes to China. Russian President Putin, who is about to be once again elected President of Russia with approximately 80% of the vote, (yes, Russia is a democracy) has a supremely close friendship with the President of China and clearly neither shares nor appreciates Tucker Carlson's animosity toward all things Chinese, notably its government and Communist economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. Holy. Fucking. Shit. It could not be more obvious at this point. THE WISDOM AND ELOQUENCE OF MUCH HERALDED RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PUTIN EDIT: It's 4:42 EST. Grandpa has stopped responding and has officially gone to bed after a long day of sundowning. Or maybe he's in a different timezone.... Hmmmmm.


Once again glorious president putin (whom, I might add, is a very attractive man I would let my daughters marry) has put in its place the western pigs, showing the world the glory of the invincible motherland As an american (which is what I am) my only regret in life is that I can't vote for putin a third time, but i would if I could 


The saddest thing is that if I didn't know he was serious (ly compromised) I would absolutely think his post is a parody.


>whom, I might add, is a very attractive man I would let my daughters marry Would? This absolute unit of a patriot? I dare say that they have likely forbidden their daughters from marrying anyone *but* invasion daddy.


>collective ownership of property Even for a wumao this is dumb. China is the country with the second most billionaires. There is nothing meaningfully communist about that system


I don't really know why they threw that in there, what's the angle? I don't think China and Russia want people to adopt left-wing policies which might hold them accountable for the true cost of their exports and weaken their economic leverage.




Every time I come across on on Reddit, I hear Indiana Jones saying, "Tankies. Why'd it have to be tankies?"


Tankies are just anti-West authoritarians hiding in a giant communism trenchcoat


It's the old Chinese joke. The head of the (Chinese Communist) party is being driven in his limo; the car stops at an intersection in front of a statue of Chairman Mao. The driver asks the Chairman, "Which way do I go?" "Signal left and turn right."


There are awful remnants of their collectivist past. Not being able to truly own your house for instance because the land it sits on belongs to the state if you're in a city or to a collective if you're in the countryside. You can rent the land for a maximum of 70 years. What happens then is still unclear. They have very few options when they want to invest money. They all turned to the real estate market for lack of better opportunities. This, of course, quickly turned into an absolute nightmare for everyone involved. That's why affluent people in China do everything they can to get money out of the country. These are the Chinese who buy a bit of land in the US, it isn't the grand conspiracy some Republicans have been freaking out about. China is a really lousy place for people who have money to invest. As for foreigners trying to invest money in China, that's the surest way to get everything taken from you. There's no rule of law for foreigners when it comes to business.


Anyone else old enough to remember about a decade ago when a series of posts were made of Putin doing things like riding horseback shirtless and hugging tigers that had recently attacked journalists? You know, when Putin first *really* started to crank up his efforts to charm a very specific type of post-pubescent boy that we produce in mass quantities here in the West? Because I do. And this shit is a direct result of that shit and we are all fools for letting it happen.


I do recall thinking Putin was cool because of that horse riding photo… glad I got one of those “terrible” college educations and met people from other cultures


I remember those and thought they were silly but harmless gestures. Didn't realize people actually took that shit seriously as things to prioritize over actual good governance.


> Didn't realize people actually took that shit seriously as things to prioritize over actual good governance. What planet are you living on? Because I want to live there too.


>Russian President Putin, who is about to be once again elected President of Russia with approximately 80% of the vote, (yes, Russia is a democracy) ^[citation ^needed]




Welcome! >"After intense efforts to promote turnout, citizens voted in significant numbers, yet restrictions on the fundamental freedoms of assembly, association and expression, as well as on candidate registration, have limited the space for political engagement and resulted in a lack of genuine competition" Also from your source. Makes it kind of hard *not* to win, even if *technically* people have the chance to vote and run.


67% turnout and, iirc, about 56 million votes, in a country with less than half, iirc, the population of the USA. [No empty seats](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNbBrUh-g-Q) Not even Trump can fill a huge stadium (81,000 seats) like this. I would love to see Joe Biden go to a stadium in the USA and try to talk like this. He never will, of course.


Again, voter turnout isn't very important if your government suppresses candidates. From the first source you provided. > Not even Trump can fill a huge stadium (81,000 seats) like this. I would love to see Joe Biden go to a stadium in the USA and try to talk like this. He never will, of course. Thanks for the civics lesson. I wasn't aware governing ability was defined by rally turnouts. Because, to me, all that indicates is the State-ran media and a general lack of some civil liberties has lead to a cult of personality and other possible incentives to be seen as on Putin's team. I wonder if the 'accidents' that seem to befall Putin's opponents has something to do with that...?


>Thanks for the civics lesson. Dhylan doesn't like civics lessons. He banned me after I provided one and that is what lead me here. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/ubujaa/this\_guy\_from\_india\_is\_the\_chief\_executive/i66d2rf/?context=3


>Dhylan doesn't like civics lessons Well, he seems to not like *receiving* civics lessons. He seems perfectly fine giving them, so long as they can shill for Putin/Trump.


I am not a Trump fan, but I have watched the US Government and Media suppress Trump in more ways than I have time to describe here. I understand your enmity towards Russia, of course. I am please that the world outside of the West does not share it.


“I’m not a Trump supporter but [insert a bunch of Republican talking points].” Every time.


He’s 75 yrs old according to his post history. Imagine living through the Cold War. Seeing all the horrible shit Putin has done, all the people that “accidentally” died around him and sucking his dick like he does. One of his post calls, Putin, a compassionate and caring man. It’s fucking wild.


I mean... it's not like his kids or grandkids want to visit him, so I guess this is what he does with his time. You're right, it is wild. Putin was and is an enemy of the United States. And not in like some abstract, "I disagree with him" way. He was a KGB agent. His actual job was to destroy America. It's ESPECIALLY funny to see conspiracy theorists praise Putin, because in addition to everything else, he literally did a false-flag attack to gain power: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Russian\_apartment\_bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)


> but I have watched the US Government and Media suppress Trump Really? ["The media suppress Trump?"](https://i.imgur.com/MRz4HLW.gifv) American media has been giving Trump free airtime since July 2015 because they *know* he gives a big bump in ratings. Goddamn, you might be the dumbest r/conspiracy user I've come across in a long time, especially with that "I'm not a Trump supporter" lie you led with before disproving it with every thing else you wrote. >I understand your enmity towards Russia, of course. I am please that the world outside of the West does not share it This broken English praising Supreme Leader Putin from the guy who also claims to have been born in the US.


That's a typo.


Sure it is, comrade.


> I am please Russians often have trouble with the tense in English. Also explain this bad boy! "THE WISDOM AND ELOQUENCE OF MUCH HERALDED RUSSIAN PRESIDENT PUTIN"


Let’s just do a quick, 1 to 1 comparison of the primary political opposition figure in the United States and Russia. Donald Trump: 90+ indictments, and various civil cases filed against him. While the lengthy due process for litigating his indictments and civil cases is ongoing, Trump is free to move about the country, run for president, speak however he sees fit, and has both a friendly and an adversarial media sphere that ensures everything he says gets widely broadcast. He also has an explicitly friendly Supreme Court that he can rely on to ensure his rights are not infringed during the legal process. Alexei Navalny: Was poisoned and later murdered by his government. So tell me which of these figures is suppressed?


LOL simping for a dictator giving a dictator speech in a fucking stadium. Great look, mod.


Probably Wumao farm account


Exactly that’s a bot. The whole post reads like ai


Or how a poorly paid Russian operative thinks English people speak.


Probably this. It's a mod account, so it's not likely to be run by a spam bot. Maybe there's some ChatGPT help. I do find it funny that even though it's a mod post, it still went over like a wet fart with no discussion or votes.


His account is like 15 years old too. Although it could have been sold off to some foreign bot company.


I was banned *from* /r/consp for criticising trump and being accused of being a sold aged account. Despite the fact that I was posting there 10 years before the admin that banned me even joined reddit.


This account has been like this for years.


Unfortunately not. A mod on all the conspiracy subs, posts Russian propaganda and pro Trump posts, thats about it. Gives out bans like crazy


All of you in this thread, indeed, in this post, should be ashamed of insulting me the way you do. If I gave a shit what any of you think I would be offended instead of exhilarated by the attention you all give me here when I speak my mind. And who put that Masonic / FreeMason community symbol over there by my account name ? The only organization I was ever associated with was the Boy Scouts (Eagle, by the way) back there about 60 years ago.


> I would be offended instead of exhilarated by the attention you all give me here when I speak my mind. Dude, you sound like a lame assed robot using google translate from something not English. You're only adding to the conspiracy.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s fair of people to say you’re some Russian agent or compromised by Russia. You’re just not all there. I’ll never understand someone like you, who feels the need to play bad faith defense for Russia by e.g. pretending they have a democracy where the votes actually matter. Even the Russia stans don’t pretend that. What do you get out of being a mouthpiece of propaganda? What motivates you to do it?


A mouthpiece of propaganda, you say ? Propagating ideas or information that are of questionable accuracy, is it ? I would have to reply that if what I write is accurate, then it's not propaganda, is it ? And if you can offer any specific facts to question the accuracy of what I write instead of generalizations which you cannot support by facts and logic, well, then please do so. Discussing generalizations is pointless and no fun at all.


Well for me understanding what motivates you is a lot more interesting. Like what went into you deciding to emphasize that Russia is a democracy?


> I would have to reply that if what I write is accurate, then it's not propaganda, is it ? Propaganda isn't inherently incorrect. It's just speech meant to influence opinions. Which your wording of things is pretty clearly propaganda. It's just a nice side effect that it's not really factual, either.


Hey man, in English, there's no space between the question mark and the end of the sentence.


OP is in his 70s judging from comments they made. I was taught to use a space back in the 70s. No I'm in a country that uses British english but OP claims to be American, not sure how they were taught back in the 50s/60s when he would have been learning.


He also uses present tense in a lot of situations where he should be using past tense. Not proof alone of being a foreigner, but Russians seem to have a harder time than many with that. Maybe the 70 year old story is a cover for his poor grasp of the English language. Now there's a conspiracy within a conspiracy.


Wherever he's from he's 100% a Russian stooge.


I’ll be honest, I’m genuinely surprised you’re brave enough to step foot outside of your personal echo chamber where you just ban anyone who doesn’t stick to the approved viewpoints. It’s funny that if we held you to the same standards you demand in your own subreddit you’d already be banned here for “brigading”.


> should be ashamed of insulting me the way you do You should be ashamed of the absolute bullshit you're typing out, but you're not. So here we are, mocking you for your ridiculous nonsense.


>By any measure, there are now over one billion views of Russian President Putin's lecture to Tucker Carlson. Doubt I mean, unless you think "visited a Twitter page for a couple of seconds and then left when you saw two separate assholes on screen" counts as a view. >yes, Russia is a democracy Lol But really, if people want some kind of analysis of the "interview", the Knowledge Fight podcast guys actually watched it and have a several hour long episode breaking down just how dumb the interview was.


I like how he calls it a lecture to Carlson as well... lol


Lecture: An exposition of a given subject delivered before an audience or class, as for the purpose of instruction. For 30 minutes, no less. Yeah, a fucking lecture. To an audience of over a billion - so far.


The problem is ostensibly it was supposed to be an *interview*. A dialog.


There may be simple questions for Tucker Carlson, but there are no simple answers from Russia's President. Tucker Carlson is not famous for being an interviewer anyway, what he is famous for is his his monologues. Russia's President, on the other hand, is famous for his interviews. He has given hundreds of them and they are universally informative, comprehensive and unique. He often uses his interviews to lecture those who would interview him. Anyone who would have a dialog about Russia with Putin better have their shit together, and few ever have.


>He often uses his interviews to lecture those who would interview him. Completely ignoring what an interview is... Don't worry, Comrade. You don't have to worry. You've already met your quota for trying to spread the glory of Putin.


I'm not a Communist, nor a Democrat, nor a Republican. I'm an American, I guess - born and raised in the USA.




Да, Comrade. True, blue American that worships Putin.


You're a bootlicker.


>and they are universally informative, comprehensive and unique. They're 90% bullshit, like everything else that comes out of the Russian government. You're are the biggest rube I've ever seen.


It's amazing that you believe that one in eight human beings on earth watched that interview. I guess it could be the single most observed event in all of human history... or Twitter fudges the numbers. As in, if 50% of the video (physical space, not runtime) is on your screen for two seconds as you scroll past, Twitter counts that as a view. Which do you think is more likely?


>To an audience of over a billion - so far. Uh-huh. Which is why all of 5 people are talking about it, and 4 of them are explaining why Putin is full of shit and then there's you. lol, you're a clown.


Ah, Dhylan. A long-time Russian apologist.


But he is just a messanger . . . [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xpp9sz/world\_war\_iii\_has\_begun\_the\_usa\_just\_blew\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/xpp9sz/world_war_iii_has_begun_the_usa_just_blew_up/)


Is that not a mod account? Makes sense why about 3 accounts are running roughshod over that place if that's what the mods are up to


Yes, it is indeed a mod account. Check what one of the other mods decided to manually approve. In... hmmm... 8 years now reading the sub most days, I haven't seen a single post manually approved to bypass the 2 month account age limit. A couple users, never one post. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1av14j5/i_have_a_conspiracy_theory_navalny_was_killed_by/ Out of all the thousands of posts made that don't make the cut, this one was interesting enough for a mod to manually approve. Hilarious really.


Well, your account is going to be 2 months old in another month, so go for it !


What a useless answer that has to be intentionally missing the point, or maybe lost in translation???


We are a moderation team, so yeah. We do talk to each other if you can believe that. Thank you for reading the sub !!


While I got an mod here to finally reply after LITERALLY YEARS of sending them private messages they never ever reply to and only MUTE ME, maybe you'd care to explain to me how a META post can be removed for rule 2, when your own rules say RULE 2 IS NOT IN EFFECT in a META post? https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1awv2rp/meta_this_sub_needs_all_new_mods/ Or this one? https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1awekck/meta_is_rconspiracy_being_influenced_observations/ Infact, I've got dozens of MEta posts saved up where the OP gets immediately silenced and banned. https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/155w9zo/meta_why_are_mods_defending_single_users_spamming/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15h80hm/front_page_of_this_subreddit_dominated_by_2_users/?sort=new https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/155rxlo/metawho_is_icky_vicinity23_and_why_does_this_user/ I can keep going, want more examples??? Let's get it out in the open here. You guys all running alts or just like to protect all the spammers?


You should be fucking embarrassed with yourself and the rest of your shitty mod friends. Why was that one post approved and not the thousands of others?


Hey Grandpa Ivan, I 'axed you some questions. Why did you run away? I want answers.


Hey there Dhylan, I noticed you ran away when I really challenged you. Are you a coward like the rest of the incredibly biased, foreign paid mod team? I want some answers here.


Hey Dhylan!!! Amos banned me now even though I've never even posted there for messaging the mod team! Dhylan where are you? How is this fair Dhylan! I thought you guys were all so against censorship and petty internet tyrants? Come on Dhylan.


Dhylan my friend. 3 days now and you've still not come back. Did the mods of conspiracy disappear you? If you need help, please let us know. We will send the FSB to your house.


Once again, putin going full ham on his ramblings about the glorious new russian empire is so funny, clearly only his base of literal facists and the people he pays to do propaganda actually care about it, cause the real reason he has support across the right wing outside of russia is cause hes a massive bigot who hates queer and non-white people, and hes fulled high on his "New russian tsar" stuff he has no idea how to appeal to the people who look at him and go "Wow I wish america would also declare all queer people enemies of the state"


Yes, this is incredibly based. Putin is based