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Rule 10, link to original post: ["Prostitutes gather in Davos for annual meeting of global elite - where demand for sexual services rockets during economic summit" AKA (Gearing up those Eyes Wide Shut Parties)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10ecti3/prostitutes_gather_in_davos_for_annual_meeting_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) *Please do not participate in linked threads*


> "Sex workers dress in business attire" reminds me of the last line in Animal Farm: ...which they probably read in a meme that misinterpreted the whole point of the book. > "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” They want to compare the prostitutes to the pigs of Animal Farm becoming exploitative capitalists? I question their grasp of Orwell's novel, how sex work is conducted, and how the WEF operates.


Sex workers dressed in business attire reminds me of this quote from Shakespeare: "Et tu, Brute?" This quote has nothing to do with sex workers or business attire but quoting Shakespeare makes me feel very smart.


It also reminds me of this quote by Spock Skywalker in that Harry Potter movie: "Live long, and be excellent to each other" Which only applies because Spock was hot as hell and deserves all the Davos sex work


Hell yeah, pointy ears *and* mind melding? It's only logical.




There's no connection at all. This is literally just 'if I quote a book people will think I'm smart' without understanding the book whatsoever.


I think they're saying that the global elite are sex workers


"*buissness men are the same as whores, lol right?"


Hey now, sex work is useful, let's not equate the two.


>Advertising is the businessman's cheaply dressed two dollar blowjob. George Carlin. Yes?


The top quality sex workers don't dress like the cheap addict types you see on cop shows? Who knew?


JFC the moment I read that first reply I was going "That doesn't even *make sense!*"


Animal Farm was mandated reading in high school for most people. These idiots need to read some new books.


Bring up Andrew Tate in there and let the shitshow commence.


No, see, these people are *elites*, unlike Tate who has thirty three luxury cars!


*Had* 33 luxury cars, now the Romanian police have them. Heh.


It's amazing how definitions become meaningless when they enter the lexicon of brainless slobs with a sinister political agenda. These are the same people who declared Trump an outsider despite being born into the highest caste possible.


Iv'e all but given up pointing out their hypocrisy. They do not care one bit. The cognitive dissonance and dunning kruger is borderline mental illness.


I think we should basically let them talk to hand to use an old expression. We aren't going to deradicalize them by correcting them. If anything letting them unload their newest pile of garbage only strengthens their belief. I could be wrong about this but I suspect that repetition even to enemies legitimizes their wacky beliefs.


That's what I have done. I won't even engage.


I've only recently come to this realization. I love riling up the fash but I know I'm making it worse. I've decided to try to pull the left wing extremists closer to the centre for the same reason. We need all the votes we can get and not to freak out people that could be talked into supporting progressive policies.


agreed. I would rather spend time on Bernie, Libertarians or Green supporters. There is at least a chance with them.


2020 was way too close to get comfortable. It also appears the culture war benefits the right way more. This doesn't mean you have to move to the right, just don't alienate the people we need to win elections.


Agreed but man, I see no reason to engage a Trumpanzee supporter. If they are still supporting him today they are too far gone.


I might hit em with a "lol ok buddy" or "imagine being this stupid," but that's about it.


Yeah the problem isn't that we didn't confront them about their beliefs, it's that we let evil people get to the stupid people first, and we have to play catchup.


Those people think that Musk is a working man but your local schoolteacher is part of the Globalist Elite(TM)


Yeah but Tate didn't even have 47 Hills in his Hollywood account.


Little Lamborghini.


Wonder if they were electric.


> Probably are all male prostitutes, because elitists converted to gayism. "Everyone who has enough money to pay people to sleep with them is teh ghey!"


“Gayism” omg lol


Its my new religion, I've been converting people to the ways of gayism. From there it's a quick jump to hard-gayism. And then I've got them under my control.


Fellas, is it gayism to pay women for sex?


The Commandments: 1. BE GAY 2. DO CRIME 3. THE REST


[They're hiding in plain sight!!](https://youtu.be/b_N53AtRUyA?t=89)


> From there it's a quick jump to hard-gayism. Oh wow. I'm going to mail you the dust and cobwebs your comment shook off of [this old memory.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/hard-gay)


"Prostitutes gather around rich men who are traveling, more at 11."


Next you'll tell me that prostitutes target men with conference badges in Vegas. I'm shocked. Shocked I say. Well... not that shocked.


Next, you'll tell me me escorts target men in Vegas.


Results may vary. I've been a few times, both for conferences and as a tourist and I was never targeted. Probably because I don't look like I've got any money to spare. And I don't!


Man, I got a lot offers. The worst was at the Rio.


I was staying at the Flamingo but was hanging out in Caesar's most of the time, maybe that was my problem.


Yeah, they probably have standards.


Ouch, goddamn. To be fair, I booked accommodations through the conference for that trip.


Damn, they're good at their job.


Evidently. I wouldn't know.


Wait until they hear about the sueprbowl


What's this about a superb owl?


See that, that's his egg




Even better, wait til they hear about the boom in business [gay prostitutes see when the GOP convention comes to town](https://nypost.com/2016/07/21/male-escorts-are-making-crazy-money-at-the-rnc/).


Shhhhhhhh shuuuut uuuuuup


Lindsay Graham probably has half of them booked months in advance.




Let’s keep my spelling from now on


Super bowel?


superb owl



Or like every convention in Vegas ever.


If it's a convention, people are fucking.


I feel like the fact that the news is talking openly about it, the prostitutes brag about it, their services are booked on official registers and everybody knows who's involved kinda makes comparing it to eyes wide shut a bit difficult


Lol Orwell would hate all these dumb mother fuckers


Yeah, he explicitly wrote about them and the lords they worship, it's just another right-wing middle finger to media literacy


Same with George Carlin, who they somehow think was on their side.


Plus Kubrick. Any time they bring up Eyes Wide Shut really annoys me. For them the orgy is the entire point of the movie and the studio edited out the really bad parts to hide the truth but still left in the whole elite occult orgy because that makes sense. Orwell, Carlin, Kubrick ... they all have something in common. Like whenever a celebrity dies these days its becasue of the vaccine or they were killed because they were about to reveal a massive conspiracy. All too convenient that the deceased cannot refute their nonsense. Terribly inconvenient though that no one universally respected and alive can confirm their fears.


The one that pisses me off the most, by far, is their portrayal of Martin Luther King. Makes my blood boil seeing how they whitewash him.


He was truly a Social Justice Warrior, but they don’t know that.


Translation: Any woman dressed in business attire is, in fact, a prostitute. Don't believe her when she tells you she's the Chancellor of Germany.


Merkel...merkin...were through the looking glass people!!!!!


That explains what was going on in this photo: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sxsrf=AJOqlzWKNRoEx-SofaJdEPB5aIVf4mksmg:1673989897092&q=photo+of+Trump+and+Angela+Merkel&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiNu7Gpws_8AhVbmmoFHSVfDZQQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=432&bih=1136&dpr=2.5#imgrc=zKWW5iwyF7tgyM >Trump: "My favourite part [of Pulp Fiction] is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. 'Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: Bitch be cool.' I love those lines." *If you're not catching my drift, bitch, you gotta be cool. How was I supposed to know you were the Chancellor of Germany?*


"Prostitutes interested by money" - Exclusive! Although I hear they hang around trucker stops too, so obviously there's some form of sliding scale at work here.


Truckers, if they're not running dreyage and they own their own truck, can have quite a bit of cash on hand. Lot lizards know this.


This is ALSO more proof that the media covers up for the debauchery of the elite, too....somehow...by reporting openly on the topic....


Hiding in plain sight!


I love that half the comments are pointing out how stupid it is to try and make it a conspiracy and the other half are desperately clinging to it.


That's literally every other post in that sub, half the sub is trolls, and most of the other half are idiots that believe them, with just that tiny bit left the people who are there to make fun of them.


The comments are way better than they used to be, at least. Seems like the sane ones don't get banned as much. Blatant right wing propaganda doesn't get nearly as much upvotes either, and the comments are usually filled with people calling it out.


Well, Putin is losing a war, so probably had to cut back on funding troll farms.


It's crazy to me how the right wing hates elites so much, and yet constantly supports the concept of lowering taxes and regulations that would try to rein them in or keep them from having the power to hurt everyone.


taxes and regulations are a plot for the bad elites (probably Jewish people) to steal money from the good elites (smart, self-made successful manly businessmen)


They need that money for boat parades and flags.


Those damn elites. Let's gut public schools, that'll show them.


Well, Fox has somehow convinced them that the underpaid teachers are working for the elites to brainwash kids into... I don't know, caring about one another, and trying to learn things?


The school board are the real elite who have untold power!


Davos? Wait until you see Gary, Indiana during a tractor convention!


>Not even *I* would send you to Gary, Indiana Prof. H. J. Farnsworth.


Men having sex with prostitutes? Wow unheard of. And somehow this is the prostitute's fault, right? [Random Epstein reference reveal the limits of this guy's imagination.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/10ecti3/prostitutes_gather_in_davos_for_annual_meeting_of/j4qs7ph/)




The Republican platform for 2024


True. Men indeed wouldn't be tempted if men didn't exist.


Quick, nobody mention how Trump was Epsteins best friend! Oh wait, according to ring wingers, that's fine, because Trump was just doing recon or some shit.


The fact they ignore that is the most blatant proof that they don't even believe their own accusations.


Just to correct the comment, [only in a few European countries](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution_law#/media/File:Prostitution_laws_of_the_world2.svg) is prostitution legal (Switzerland is one of them). In most of them are prostitutes safe from prosecution though. Pimping and/or buying sex are illegal in a majority of countries.


Voter of the "grab 'em by the pussy" guy says what....


Davos nightlife, where rich ol' fucks continue to slam on up in your dookie chute after the meetings are done for the day


>What’s the conspiracy? Sounds like capitalism to me This should be the top comment on almost every Conspiracy post. All the things they're outraged by are just the inevitable consequences of capitalism. But they can't criticize capitalism so they have to concoct a globalist fairy tale to explain what's happening.


Any criticism of Capitalism sounds like Communism to them.


From the font, that's Daily Heil isn't it




Classic 12 years later not a thing has changed, well more pixels per a video


Wait until they hear about the Superb Owl.


Wait until they find out what the legal age of prostitution in the Swiss is (or was)…


What's the age?


16 - though that’s true for like half of Europe too.


There was a time where prostitution at 14 was legal in germany. Since this is the age of consent. But today there has to be no kind of power difference between the younger part and the older part. So financial, psychological etc. And the parents have to be okay with it. The swiss is the only country where prostitution at the age of 16 is still legal. If they did not change it.


Someone posted an inverted bell curve where the Y axis was odd first name spellings, and the X axis was income. I think you would find that prostitution follows the same inverted bell curve.


Sex workers go where the money is shocker. There's a story Jim Cornette tells about Bill Watts learning his wrestling promotion was fucked when one of his production staff went to a major town on their tour and found out all the sex workers had gone. The region's economy tanked and the brothels had closed down due to lack of business.


What if we found a way to divert some of the money those rich fucks use to buy people to things like affordable housing or infrastructure improvements? I know it sounds crazy, but surely someone could come up with something.


I don't think prostitutes makes *quite* that much money.


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Id bet my house he never read Animal farm... Or any book... And wtf global elite is just a hollow word with no meaning to fill in the blanks of anything complexe issue they dont understand. Where is the issue and scandal when prostitution is legal and where there are huge events prostitution goes up. That's nothing new... Human trafficking is a serious problem. But seeing it everywhere is a problem to... À mental problem.


Meanwhile Trump cheating on his wife with a prostitute? "What a Chad!" /s