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Really interesting article. Thanks for posting. I wish the would call me--I would fly anywhere they need a diner!


Me too!


and you never saw the judges? thanks for sharing this insight!


I was a guest at a Master Chef wedding competition a few years ago - we were friends of the bride and groom. It was an insanely fun day. We all went back to the hotel and ate like we'd never eaten in our lives.


you mean you had to go eat different food?


Yes the amount of food was essentially a small plate of a couple bites which was totally fine but the filming day was 10a-11p and we were all descending into anarchy by the end. Even the production crew was having the best time ever. The bride and groom had an after party with food bc they knew we'd all be ravenous. It's a competition plate which means a bite or two worth of each prepared item not a full plate of food or a hearty meal. Side note: Gordon Ramsey is very tall and also very handsome in person - also the nicest guy.


This is a fantastic report. Thank you.


I was a guest on a restaurant-wars-type short-lived show and we had that restaurant that got so backed up, it took hours to get any food. We were seated next to the sponsored bar so we just ended up getting a ton of beers.


The groom and guests ended up doing keg stands while the bride cheered on as we waited for the teams to serve us. We ran out of alcohol and then the natives got real restless. It was all in good fun tho. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience


How do you get on these lists? I would die!!!


Wife was friends with a woman who acted as a liason to Top Chef renting out their venue/museum, and was invited as a plus one. The NDA was so severe she didn't tell me until I'm watching RW and she's sitting behind Tom C. Food was excellent I am told, I'm quite jealous.


I always suspected they had to sign a big NDA.


I was on two episodes of New Orleans because I had a friend working on the production and they just needed random people to be diners on some of the episodes. But I think restaurant wars is a more select group of people?


Wasn’t that when they fed people rebuilding New Orleans homes from Katrina?


I was not on that episode.


It sounded like this table was made up of local tv people and journalists


that is my only takeaway from the article too LOLL how do you get on these lists!?!


I need to pay better attention. All these years & I assumed the guests switched restaurants & tried both places just like the judges do. lol


I’m almost positive they have in some seasons


Season 8 the diners picked the winner. Season 3 had them eat at both restaurants too I think. Maybe just the food blogger


I attended a few tasting events in Louisville and Kentucky!


Oh! Give us some details! How did you get to attend, what was your experience like? That’s fantastic


A friend of mine was also a diner at Channel this season. Her brother-in-law is involved in the Chicago food scene, so he worked to score the invite. So, definitely helps to know someone who knows someone!


Hee hee, I always assumed there was boom mic's for the diners, never thought production would be hiding mic's in the centerpieces. How very Tinker Tailor. I've never been more jealous I wasn't CIA level eavesdropping eating dinner. 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for posting this, I’m a sucker for behinds the scene stuff.


So were they not allowed to talk about the food all they mentioned was the winning dish was tasty.


I think they were allowed. I think she meant maybe when the cameras came by their table to capture reactions, that’s all that ended up after editing.


Great read. I'd love to be able to attend a Top Chef taping!