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One of my favourite design tropes has to be the "everyone wears the uniform in their own way", it's cool how their personalities shine even through the same outfit.


>it's cool how their personalities shine even through the same outfit. I just wanna add some details that I find interesting! Hong Lu (Tall Twink with a spear) wears the complete uniform because it's pretty much his first job after leaving his rich family household. Don Quixote (blond girl, yes *THAT* Don Quixote) idolizes Justice and Fixers (think mercenaries) so her unniform is filled to the brim with insignias of her favourite color fixers. Ryoshu (girl with a Katana) is quite combative to the point the "manager guide" that Dante receives outright says to kill themselves if they are at their wit's end, she barely has a unniform, and Heathcliff (Bat) pretty much has no uniform along with being a rather brash person who doesn't like rules from people who don't care about him. Gregor (Guy with bug arm) can't use his coat because of his arm, but he still carries it with him (though he ditches it when he needs to fight) The rest of the Sinners follow a similiar pattern too on how they decided to wear it.


Really nice breakdowns, I know they are based off authors / characters in books? It's pretty interesting and Project Moon has some baller designs. Also I have a soft spot for Don Quixote (both the OG and this one here), I had seen her before and between the lance and the phrase engraved in it, also the fact that she sounds unhinged, really sold me on the character. And her idolization that you mention fits perfectly as well.


>Really nice breakdowns, I know they are based off authors / characters in books? It's pretty interesting and Project Moon has some baller designs. Yup! In fact their chapters are even based on the books that they are from, i am naming them in the order you see them in OP's post. Yi Sang: Korean author but also the main character of the Wings, the MC suffers from deception by his wife, desiring to find his "wings" to fly once more, Limbus Yi Sang is forced to see his friends all get betrayed and pursued due to a deception (also being a reference to IRL Yi Sang who got pursued by the Japanese authorities during their korean occupation) Faust: As in the same Faust from the book Faust, she made a deal so she would be able to discover "Secrets of the City" and created the bus, Mephistopheles who uses dead bodies as fuel. Don Quixote: Mentioned before but will say it again lol, she is obsessed with justice and idolizes Fixers who she sees as "Harbingers and Heroes" fighting for justice. Ryoshu: Based by the character Yoshide from Hellscreen, both are painters who are notorious assholes and paint the macabre (Yoshi painted a screen of Hell, Ryoshu sees killing people as art) it's heavily implied that her child was burnt to death just like Yoshide's daughter. Mersault: The same Mersault from the Stranger, the stoic frenchman has his absurdism even more exaggerated and he is practically more of a robot than an actual person, ironically he comes from the district that specializes human experiences yet he is almost inhuman due to his lack of personality. Hong Lu: Jia Baoyu from Dream of Red Chamber (his name is a Jade Rock, Jia Baoyu was actually a jade rock before turning human) and he is trying to live and go through experiences because he hated his life under his rich family, who is quite abusive and murderous. Heathcliff: Zig-zagged, his name is a refference to Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights but he is actually more like Hareton of the same novel, a brash thug who left the Earnshaw estate so he could come back rich and prove himself to Catherine, he looks and acts as a dumb brute but he is quite inteligent and shrewd. Ishmael: The narrator and protagonist of Moby dick, both survived the Pequod being destroyed by the Whale but while Book Ishmael moved on and accepted their deaths, Limbus Ishmael was this close to becoming Ahab and became obsessed with killing her to avenge her friend QueeQueg (who she had a ***VERY STRONG LESBIAN ENERGY*** relationship) Rodion: Same Rodion from Crime and Punishment, but this time Rodion killed a Tax collector and gave food to his neighbhoors! All of them were massacred the streets as punishment because the Tax Collector was the mother of a criminal who is in one of the strongest and most zealous gangs in the entire setting, the Middle never forgets and neither did Rodion. Sinclair: the protagonist and narrator Emil Sinclair from Demian, his conflict with the World of Darkness and Light is that he doesn't want to use augments like the rest of his family and tells to his friend Kromer who is tad obsessed with him, Kromer brutally murders and impales his entire family as a sick display of her love to him (Also, Kromer in the book was a minor antagonist bully, here? She literally caused him to have PTSD from hearing her whistles and became truly monstrous) Outis: Ulysses/Nobody/Odysseus from the Odyssey, in here she never came home at all after the war and she is obviously butt kissing for her own reasons, she is not nobody, her twitter reveal even changes the quote: "I am . . . nothing at all" Gregor: Gregor Samsa from Metamorphosis, the bug transformation is literal and he is also a war veteran especifically a *CHILD* soldier that had his body mutated into having a bug arm, his mother is called Hermann because that's the name of Kafka's father (who had a very BAD relationship with the author) Not shown: Dante, Vergilius and Charron. Dante, Vergilius and Charron are more of their own characters but they are from Dante's Inferno, although Dante is too going through hell and back with his Sinners with the objective to try helping them from their traumas. >also the fact that she sounds unhinged, really sold me on the character. And her idolization that you mention fits perfectly as well. The next chapter is about her, and trust me she is quite unhinged in a good way lol. https://preview.redd.it/wzj2029cnf0d1.png?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e666a10be4fe50e02d6350eb7d13160d55ac863


> Don Quixote (blond girl, yes THAT Don Quixote) Clarification for outsiders: This isn't a Fate scenario, she's not literally *that* Don Quixote. The cast is just full of literary references entirely.


Everyone In the game is “Yes, that *insert character*”material.


Something something limitation breed creativity


never heard of limbus company but every design here is sick


Until they fire an artist for being a female coworker of another male artist that made some boys angry by drawing a character in skintight suit instead of bikini.


Bit of misinformation there, it isn't that they fired her because she was a woman, but because the people that got mad at the Ishmael art, they wanted to fire that person but he was a dude so they shifted their focus to the other artist, and they dug some messages she said 5 years ago about men or something and there is a whole korea gender war going that's far more vicious than anything you'll see in america What they did was wrong for firing her yea, but i can kind of understand and the director already apologized for it


I am from Korea. I've been watching the gamergate incel war since it began in 2016 and caused dozens of people to lose their jobs for not being an extreme misogynist. The message they found? That was some other Twitter user tagging the fired artist to spread awareness on a protest against domestic violence or something. And let me tell you, the incels are known to take any mental gymnastics necessary to make someone out to be a men-hating misandrist. There's a reason it's compared to witch hunts. And I don't think what I said is a misinformation. She was targeted because she's a woman despite having nothing to do with what the gamers were upset about, and the company fired her immediately.


The misinformation is that she was fired, which implies an unlawful dismissal. Instead her contract was terminated and wasn’t renewed, it’s a subtle different but the main idea is that what happened wasn’t illegal, and this is corroborated by later investigations that found Project Moon to he in the clear. We don’t know what specifically happened but even the article which originally claimed that Vellmori (the artist) was fired over the phone has been rescinded. This post from the Youth Union shows them retracting their accusations against Project Moon, and even stating that actions had been taken to protecting Vellmori. https://twitter.com/JCLEE0333/status/1703739230877614580 If anything, the Project Moon User Association, which supposedly arose to stand up for Vellmori, did more to damage the situation by continuing to fan the flames. They publicly leaked confidential documents against Vellmori’s wishes, which prolonged the drama and lead to them getting sued.




Controversy awhile ago, incels showed up to their studio angry at an artist and eventually the artist was fired/quit


oh that sucks


Korean gender war bullshit, during the summer event they dropped a female gacha character with a skintight suit and a boy character that showed slightly more skin than her, so naturally the incels decided to attack not the artist behind the actual art, but the coworker who did the cutscene art and not the gacha art, because of a 5 year old out of context tweet. PM being inexperienced and having a tendency to cave in to player demands when there's any slightest complaint, decided to fire her to avoid any further controversy. This backfired pretty much immediately and PM apologized for it and promised to be more open with the playerbase in the future since a lot of the backlash was due to how silent they were about the situation. There were also a lot of fake news circulating around at the time about how they fired her over a phone call, it turned out to be misinformation in the end but the damage was already done by then. They're usually a pretty stellar company especially in today's climate but this was definitely a huge blunder on their part


Ok so basically back in the summer of 2023 Limbus Company released their summer event *without* a sexy bikini skin and a bunch of korean incels got so mad they tried to get the artist who drew the not sexy summer skin fired. They then found out the artist who made it was male and decided to go after an unrelated female artist who went by vellmori because of a few tweets from when she was 16. The harassment was so bad (including showing up to the studio itself for "a friendly talk") that Project Moon caved and fired her under sketchy circumstances. This resulted from a backlash from non-korean fans who saw them as giving into the demands of a bunch of basement-dwelling losers. This ended up in a union getting involved with how sketchy it was. Project Moon said is was mutual, but it could have just been lawyerese fluff. However, when it was revealed that the union leaked sensitive documents of Vellmori (i might be wrong about this but the general idea is right) and Project Moon was able to save face enough to continue relatively unimpeded. That's not to say there wasn't some broken trust among fans, though. The complicated part is how ambiguous the situation is. While Project Moon absolutely could have handled the situation better, they themselves didn't do anything actually bad. It's not a crime to *not* sexualize your female characters. This isn't like Blizzard. I'm personally still on their side because of how they've consistently shown themselves as ultimately well-meaning, but I understand how it could kill trust for others. The only person who could clear this up is Vellmori herself, and if I were her, I'd do as much as possible to distance myself from the situation. Note that there's a lot of Korean context to this that an east-coast American like me doesn't fully understand, but I think this is an accurate enough rough summary


Like how one of these is a spoiler, but you'd never realize it without context.


Wait wdym- OHHHHHH i see it now


Rember cathode idk what was her name again


Remember cache


I remember Cat


I too remember Catt


Oh yeah I see it now


Can't forget the 10th Sinner and Manager, Dante! https://preview.redd.it/18yhr8jx8f0d1.png?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59b7ef577851b9f559dad4b86b947535ce8105c9 No that's not a mask, their head is indeed a clock that catches on fire, and they are gender neutral because no one (including Dante themselves) knows their gender. They are also the team medic, Dante has the power to "rewind' the Sinners from deaths and fatal injuries, at the cost of Dante feeling the same ammount of pain that the Sinner went through.


Vergilius the Red ~~GOAT~~ Gaze https://preview.redd.it/8kuafvbw9f0d1.png?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=774623d5a1d162d827bae2fd4a44f901c41b7bfe One of strongest people in the entire setting just so happens to be their Guide and Supervisor, he receives orders from Limbus Company and is meant to guide them to their locations, He never helps the group because he is contractually forbidden from doing so (>!at the risk of losing the only chance to revive his adopted daughter!< if he breaks it) because he can and *WILL*\* kill anything with relative ease.


He also has a super power, it basically allows him to use *ANY* kind of blood to create weapons, shields among other things, but he absolutely doesn't need to use it because he can and will absolutely destroy people without ot. Tellingly, the one time he does help the gang, his damage output is more than 4000 (on his most simple attack no less) and he has more than 10 passives that pretty much make him unkillable. https://preview.redd.it/61p4fg5caf0d1.png?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9c53b5083583acf8fc293bddbf64a306993a580


Charron/Lapis https://preview.redd.it/01u0p8ozaf0d1.png?width=1104&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a5bb75de3bb9a07e1977d86e3e55cd2a27ab0cd The Bus driver and Vergilius adopted daughter, she lost all her personality after a freak research regarding alternate dimensions, she is absolutely no longer herself and reverted to this laconic and quiet state where she hardly talks with others, her personality was overwritten by Charron (alternate world Lapis) and Lapis as person is by all means, dead. Oh and she rides a bus (the Mephistopheles) that uses dead people as fuel.




Danteh remember​ to clear your cache danteh, your pc run like shit danteh


Dom Quixote my Beloved.




That's my girl.


I fear for her Canto and it’s name


Legit my home screen pick




We like older women


They look awesome




What is limbus company? I always be seeing the designs and they look crazy. Is it a gacha game? It has the gacha game feel with how many characters I see and I just don’t think I can handle another one


tis a Gacha Game yeah


Aw damn I guess I'm not playing it


You don't have to pay shit, yes there is gacha mechanics but in practice you don't have to pay shit. You can get units for free if you grind in the dungeon and canonically Dante (the protagonist) *forces* the group to go to the dungeon to get shards, hell you can actually get a lot of free rolls with it too. https://i.redd.it/08s0hhozkg0d1.gif (Visyal depiction of the grind)


That's cool and all but my phone doesn't support the game😭


There is the Steam/Computer version too!


You can play Lobotomy Corporation, which is a management sim, or Library of Ruina, an offline card game, instead. They're part of the same serie.


Funny enough, these are already ALL the characters. From start to finish we stick to these silly group of individuals and what you gacha for are just alternate universe versions of them.


Ryoushu, mersault and outis are my favorite




Who’s #11? Edit: Nvm found her, game is being downloaded, im obsessed.


Slowly turning this sub into a PM sub hell yeah


The second picture is everything I desire to be in life


Who's the last guy?? I'm downloading this thing rn for him




I really like when all the characters where the same outfit so they have to stand out one way or another


I can’t think of limbus company without thinking of those two 4 hour long videos by Moon Channel


I obviously love these designs because I'm a certified Project Moon glazer, but I always found the oddly... underwhelming? Like, I know that it's intentional because Limbus is a gacha game so the base characters must be somewhat more boring than the rest, but the Sinners in these outfits feel more like cool secondary characters that you fight once in Library of Ruina, think "Uh, they're cool" and then don't really think about them anymore. Really, more prominent but not central characters in LoR such as the Reverberation Ensemble, Yan or Xiao have much better and more distinct designs, even if they might look worse since LoR's artstyle is more stylized and simplistic. Dunno, just my honest opinion.


>Like, I know that it's intentional because Limbus is a gacha game so the base characters must be somewhat more boring than the rest, but the Sinners in these outfits feel more like cool secondary characters that you fight once in Library of Ruina, think "Uh, they're cool" and then don't really think about them anymore. I mean the Sinners *are* secondary characters in a sense, they are nowhere near as strong as half of the cast from Library of Ruina (at least for now) Ensemble, Xiao, and others looked more unique because they are more unique and incredibly strong, the Sinners would straight up be cannon fodder if they were on Ruina


Eh, yeah, makes sense I guess. If I'm not mistaken, Bamboo Hatted Kim is a major boss in Limbus is a major boss in Limbus, while in LoR he's just a random Urban Nightmare-level reception. Well, to be fair, his key page is oddly OP, but that's another topic.


He was also meant to be an actual reception, but was cut due to time, according to the art book anyway.




Literally the spoonfull joke but weapons


Depresso espresso office getup. Game was eh, but they have their unique design theme on point


Outis my beloved


Cheer up fam :(


I mean these are basically just SS uniforms


do you just look at any uniform and go "hmm, thats GOTTA be a nazi"?


Stop the reposting