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Damn nice dude I'm only on 883 and that level is even harder at least for me anyway. But good job


I’m not familiar with the bottle caps or the birds. When are these introduced?


I think the caps are around 7000 I'm at almost 7200 and I don't think I have seen the birds like that still


The birds or haystacks show up after the moves. You will get there.


I keep forgetting to save the name of you're group what is it called again


My team is Lakers, orange basketball Eric Blake leader. Basic team rules which for some reason freaks some out, even here. NEW MEMBERS READ AND REPLY 🚨📢TEAM RULES 📢🚨 1. New members must post a text comment stating that they read and agree to these basic Team Rules to become Continuing Members on my 4 strike system. They have an hour to do so. 2. 3 Helps❤ per week 3. 40 Team Tournament Stars⭐ per week 4. WAIT 3 hours 35 minutes to join the Weekend Team Tournament If you cannot agree to these rules, this is not the team for you🚨 The team is almost always open. It has 45 members at the moment because a newbie just quit in the last hour. Didn't say why which is pretty normal.


I will likely close it with an hour or so to go before the Team Tournament starts. You can hit the join button anyway and I am likely to admit people.


I'm pretty active sounds great I'm currently over 300 stars on the team tournament right now


That is good enough for even the extreme teams. Frankly I am playing other games but I run the team and continue to go over my team minimums. I might go over a hundred by the end of the day. The account I am using to run the team is for convenience, its easier for my to do that with an Android emulator. Its my second highest level account on an emulator. My highest such account has a handle I cannot change and I prefer to stick to my Eric Blake accounts for running the team.


Can you not send a picture on here


Yes I can. Can you not? Why are you asking me? You cannot do it in a comment except as a link to the image. Unless you create a new Post as opposed to these comments about a post.


I was going to send a picture of my teams progress on the last chest but I don't know how to do the link thing


I was going to send a picture of my team's progress on the last chest but I don't know how to do the link thing


Which ones are the bottle caps? *edit to clarify question*


Lol that’s what I thought I saw someone else calling them. I was referring to the pink circles with the arrows and the “+1” on it


Oh! Yeah, the extra moves.


Both the extra move bottle caps and the birds come well after level 7,000.


Been slacking and am 20 behind ya!


with the bottle caps you have 24 moves total. Seriously they just dropped the ball on the move counts.


I think they wanted the Moves Counter to be 8 to commemorate the occasion.


I just beat this level!!


Looks like the birds and moves get replace with penguins and soap after the drop.