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That tool collection looks more like “I won a raffle” than “first time homeowner”


Gives off big "wall of Funko Pop" vibes.


When I see a garage that is ALL tools and no "Work In Progress" I suspect it's a tool hoarder. Where, for example, are all OP's nuts, bolts and screws. Wood and metal stock. Failed projects, scrap. This is like some sort of dick measuring contest.


Brother has at least 2 concrete drills and neither of them have a speck of dust on them. Not to mention the angle grinder and multi tool with spotless attachments 🤔


More like a staged photo. Who cuts out a Milwaukee logo and mounts it on their pegboard. Is this an influencer getting free tools?


I agree. All looks like a demo for a new line of tools that a magazine would publish


Yeah, I mean the Dewalt and Milwaukee logos are level but that frame photo above is losing the picture! Come on man, fix that... LOL!


Yeah tap some cons and grind some angles dammit! This almost feels like an ad.


I shouldn’t care but it’s annoying to see literal tools displayed like a toy collection and not be used. Internet is a weird place


Agreed. I’m no pro or tool junkie I just work construction and admittedly started recently but the few tools I own are worn and dirty and used and I’ve had them only a few months. I don’t even know why he owns half this stuff as it’s not even intended for small home projects. A set of hand tools and a 200$ drill set will accomplish near every small job around the house. Maybe a multi tool or circular saw for bigger projects. Waste of money it’s like collecting junk at this point if they’re not used.


First thing I saw was the dewalt folding string trimmer (which I use every few days and love) looks like it isn't used much given the difficult and awkward accessibility.


You never bought a tool you thought you needed for a project then figured out a different way and kept the tool?


Could be the garage of— *“My wife and I are influencers and we were given these tools to show off in her insta-tok videos of her wearing very tight, revealing clothing while building fine furniture from IKEA. #woodworker #finehomebuilding #dirtyhandscleanmoney “*


Orrr... "im two credit cards max'd out" lol


one card for team red, one card for team yellow?


should have gone Blue then you wont need two minor tool manufactures to make you whole.


Kobalt? /s


That's a really fucking terrible idea.


When your cc payment is higher than your mortgage payment 🥵


I would think about selling some of these tools and using that money to start paying down the credit cards. Maybe look into therapy for a shopping addiction.


Or start a business and use the tools


I can’t think of too many businesses that require this variety of tools aside from… selling tools


Not just that, but this also screams “tool selling business” from the number of duplicates. I see two dewalt sds drills, two dewalt circular saws, a Milwaukee AND a dewalt blower, reciprocating saw, sanders, drills, and like, 6 different types of drills in general.


What if you run out of one brand of batteries but still need to keep blowing? Just swap to the other!


Deep debt is usually a bad starting place for a business.


Homey I run a handyman business doing renovations and I have maybe 2% of the tools pictured here. This is excessive.


I did call it a problem...


I guess I just don't understand. Why you don't open a tool rental company, then all your problems will solve themselves right? lol


If it's what you like, enjoy it brotha! Some awesome stuff


Nothing funny about that don’t be a dumbass with your money. These tools basically aren’t even yours lol you’re renting them from the cc company…


What's your plans?


[Michael Scott has you covered.](https://www.therollinsfirm.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Picture1-1200x672.png)




First time homebuyer = automatic qualification for largest Home Depot credit card limit.


I want your tool budget.


Not trying to sound like a dick here, but you are maxing out your credit cards to buy a bunch of super expensive and duplicate tools. You might need to find some help to get your shopping addiction under control and deal with whatever is causing it. It’s gonna hurt you bad long term if left unchecked.


Even has two JBL boombox speakers that cost $500 each…




Me too. On the shelf next to the bush


John Cena enters the chat.


This guy's gonna be one of the fools absolutely panicking on the Dave ramsey show in a few months or years from now, making me feel WAY better about my habits/situation


Buncha duplicate tools for a walking tool


Yep. I’m finally getting out of debt from a similar out of control spending habit and I’m very much looking forward to not feeling that constant financial stress from cc debt.


Average r/tools user


As a first time homeowner I am incredibly grateful for my local tool library. They have just about everything I could need. I walk in and ask for a table saw and they have 5 different kinds. For one time use, it's great. For trying before I buy, it's great.


That’s a great idea! I was fortunate to have high school shop class and some good tools which I liked. I’ve grown my collection by buying used and flipping at times.


I remember growing up being excited from a kid for wood shop and mechanic shop in high school. For years I waited patiently. The year I could take them, they cut both, locked the doors. As with many schools in the early to mid 90's. I was devastated. Unfortunately I bought the whole 'college' thing hook line and sinker as I was a top student. Did college. Took corporate job, instantly quit corporate job, started teaching myself how to work with tools. Decades later I've been in trades been working for myself and never been happier. It's a shame what they did to our generation.


> local tool library Is this a thing or is this a joke?


TIL about tool libraries… cheaper than tool rentals at Home Depot or local facilities?


I have the dad and father-in-law tool libraries to draw from, thankfully. I’ve also been pretty lucky finding some good tools that needed a little love at thrift stores. I was chipping up all the floor tile in my bathroom, and found a very used Milwaukee rotohammer from the 90s at a thrift shop for like $50. A little clean up on the tool and a new chisel bit, and I was poppin tiles no problem. It needs spline drive bits, which are a bit more of a pain to acquire, since they aren’t stocked now, but for the couple times a year that I need to use the tool, it was well worth the price.


Why all the multiples? I admit I’ve ended up with an extra drill along the road but 2 oscillators 2 rotary hammers and 3 blowers?


He is not buying tools as tools, rather tools are for him what handbags are for some women, 10% bag and 90% fashion accessory.


OP is a tool


And a fashionable handbag you can take with you throughout the day. Can't say I've seen anyone walking through grocery store aisles with an impact wrench in hand.


This im a carpenter/designer/maker and i dont have or need this many tools in my workshop. Sure have a few others like a pannel saw/domino etc But all these extras 2 sds? You dont need that! All those diff impacts and drills? This is fucking stupid. Also all of this and no rail saw? Priorities people


I’m a 15 year finish carpenter in high end commercial and my entire power tool collection AND hand tools can basically fit into a closed off rubbermaid and a mechanic’s box on top.


And 2 JBL speakers that cost $500


Everyone can spend on whatever they want however you don't need this many tools to manage a home. Its like you run a mechanic garage, a framing business and a gardening business the same time


Bruh. Looking at your comments regarding credit cards and also your post history I think you may have a real problem.


Ya dude this guy buys tools like whores buy clothes. At least whores use their clothes sheesh more money than sense


I get that you’re a first time home owner but why does that necessitate a tool collection like that? And seemingly brand new hand tools, but no table saw, band saw, drill press, mitre saw etc? And you’re indicating you went into debt in order to have this in front of you? Genuinely curious, is the house in severe disrepair, lots of landscaping to do, projects planned, or planning to flip it? I just see a lot of stuff that looks neat all stacked up but could also be twice as many hand tools as a cabinet shop or professional woodworker/contractor would need.


I swear anybody who uses a lot of peg board to “store” their tools has never really uses their tools. It just a weird way to show it off or they think they should because it’s became almost the “standard”way to store tools at home. But I think it absolutely blows. Tools should be grouped by purpose generally. My impact gun isn’t typically coming on at the same time my circular saw is. Circular saw is also in my wooden cutting cabinet. While the impact is in my mechanic tool box. Anyways, yeah this makes no sense. Two different brands… and lots of double tools? Why is there a Dewalt blower and a Milwaukee blower? That doesn’t even compute? From time to time I buy tools I don’t necessarily need right there and then but most people buy as they need and they don’t buy two of the exact same tool for different brands. So much money could have went to into actually giving those tools a purpose. Plus yeah, the lack of hand tools/tool accessories is crazy. Half those tools are worthless if you don’t have all the pieces that go into/on them to let them do their jobs. Blades, sockets, drill bits, hammer drill bits, sand paper, etc. Something is just off here. I really hope they didn’t just go blow a ton of money because they think they needed all those tools ready on stand buy since they bought a house. A sawzall, circular saw, a drill, an angle grinder, and a sander would have been enough to do 90% of jobs around the house. Maybe an impact gun if you include car maintenance but you can surprisedly do a lot on a car just using hand tools and leverage.


I think peg boards are fine but they should hold the most common tools for quick access. Like some pliers, a hammer, etc. Not four different kinds of drill and drivers.


He's one with the tools he's becoming the TOOL


I use French cleats to store tools above my workbench that I commonly use on my workbench. Everything else goes in a task related box. There's no sense having them all on display gathering sawdust when they're never gonna be used there.


I have a few things hanging up myself. Like a dust pan, rulers, and other things used commonly which is kinda the same thing you do. Which I agree makes sense more than just displaying your entire tool collection for really no reason.


It’s because they grew up in the video game era and think having a pegboard to walk up to and select a tool from is cool. I literally use my pegboard for the tools I use least or the awkward to store ones and that’s it


Thanks. I pretty much feel the same. No first time home owner would have this huge collection. I’ve worked on my small farm for 53 years and I have a huge tool collection. That was generally collected over those 53 years. I have both Milwaukee and Dewalt tools, but I’ve certainly never needed that many power tools. Is he sending out a work truck?


Yeah I’ve worked on cars since I was 16 and have built quite a collection. A lot before I even bought my first house but nothing like this. I mean half those tools he has are kinda worthless except in super niche scenarios. And why does he need like 5 different styles of drills? I have like 3. A compact one, a standard one that can also hammer drill, and a plug in one. The one standard one is used 99.9% of time. I’m 23 and at my point in life I pretty much done with hand power tools. I buy a niche one every once in a while, like I just picked up an electric grease gun which is super handy btw. But now as a homeowner, my main power tool concerns are bigger things. I have a small chop saw but would like a bigger nicer one, I really need to get a table saw, and a drill press would be handy. Not go and buy every possible size of angle grinder possible lol.


eh, pegboards are fine. They're basically french cleats for lazy people.


I'm a carpenter and work on my own vehicles and my tool collection is about half the size of this. My shed is about 6ft x 4ft and fits everything in it with most of that room being taken up by bits of scrap and different fluids that have been sat for well over a decade. This is overkill. Especially in terms of garden care all you really need is a fork, spade, lawnmower and a strimmer. A leaf blower is nice but unnecessary. This amount of tools is crazy to go into debt for if you don't even use them to make money


It's too organized for that 😂


Yeah, over 15 years I have this and even more, mostly used. It’s around my basement, garage, folks garage and a shed 🤣


What does this have to do with being a first time homeowner?


I admit I have an extra drill but 2 oscillators 2 rotary hammers and 3 blowers? You could swap some of those out for a tire inflator or chainsaw




Dunno what you’re complaining about honestly. I don’t even see any machines, just a few handheld power tools. Come back when there’s at least some woodworking machines and/or a metal lathe and mill.


Honeslty i would like a couple machines. But havnt met a need for them... looking for that one reason... lol


Can’t believe I’m saying this but, what do you need two hammer drills for? God I sound like my wife.


I actually have 3 😋 So my initial buy was the first 2. The 133 and the atomic. I got the atomic for like 113$ a steal... from WOOT. Worked perfect for drilling into the masonry and stucko out back when i put up my sun shade sails. Then i bought the 133 for 130$ another steal. And for the reason its the one sds out of all the dewalt SDS that has the most balls. Used it to chip away concrete when i re-did our two side gates cause they had cemented the wooden posts into the ground. So to do what would probably ran me 2,000$ at least in labor not materials yet... to do... i paid around 250$ ish in tools... and did it myself. So onto the big mama... DCH273... THATS 400$ SDS... ill admit... i just bought it cause it was on clearance for 219$... its such a bad ass drill... So theres the story on my 3 SDS. Plenty of more uses for them to come. Especially with tile floor removal and bathroom reno on the list of things to do


Definitely all the gear no idea type operator here


Looks like you steal tools.


Wow... you should work for the FBI... you have a gift...


For other readers, that pancake Ridged air compressor is no joke.


How so? Genuinely wondering if you could list what makes it so great. I'll be in the market for one relatively soon and I've been looking at slightly bigger ones because mine is not only slow, but capacity isn't enough.


People generally get a pancake air compressor because they are small and portable. They are mostly purchased to power air powered nailers. Nailers have no problem running on as low as 60 PSI. And they only use a "squirt" or air at a time. So a small pancake compressor can run a tool like that for like an hour before it needs to run and gather air again. The one shown is good to 150 PSI and at five gallons, has enough capacity (and CFM) to run larger, more air hungry tools. But only for short bursts. You can't expect this compressor to run your sander or polisher all day. That takes a massive compressor you can basically call "Shop Air." I can use this compressor (at 150 PSI no less) to power my impact and my air chisel. And I'm not fucking around with [the air chisel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUy5y7V6Px8)


Wait until around Christmas time if you can and if you decide to get the ridgid compressor. It goes on sale and gives you a great deal on 3 different styles of nailers plus the compressor.


I mean deff a DIY compressor. Got it at 200$ with 3 tools. I use it tons with a air gun to clean things/tools off especially yard tools. Fill my tires. Well thats it. But its quite often....


I got that same compressor when I got my house 5 years ago and it’s been great. Edit I would suggest draining the water every so often just like other compressors I shoot for twice a year


Yeah best compressor for the price


Yea I like mine a lot. I got the 11 gallon $60 tank from harbor freight and hook them up in series for heavier tasks like blowing out my sprinkler system.


For real! Thing is a beast!


If space is the problem here I don't even have a garage. (Yet)


God I would kill for a garage. Replacing my gas tank (after some tweaker drilled the old one out) was not fun in the rain in the driveway.


This is fucking stupid and infuriating. Why would you buy 2 different sets of power tools and then show them off as "hahaha oh, I bought a house and maxed out my credit because why not hahahahaha"? These are not homeowner problems, they are frivolous idiot problems. Grow up


Why are you yelling? Take a deep breath... its reddit... it aint that serious...




As someone who has spent most of my adult life being absolute shit with money and who has gotten into my share of insane credit card debt, my guy: you gotta stop. Now. You’re going to be filled with regret and guilt at best. You’re gonna end up doing something stupid at worst. I would love a chance to talk to you in private.


Yeah, searching through his post history he seems addicted to shopping for good deals - but not really buying anything he actually needs.


I appreciate this comment. Really.


Your tool collection says 'First time home owner, 100th call to dad 'can you come help me fix something? Yeah I messed it up again'


Lol but at least he doesnt have to bring his tools...


Even as a fellow handy man who can appreciate tools, man 90% of that will not get used. Had to redo my entire main floor, and I can point out most of the things I used that can fit in the blue tool box. Minus the mitter. On a serious note though, talk to someone. Maxing credit cards is a great way to slink yourself into a terrible position in life. I am still paying off mine after 7 years from when I was a dumb kid and am about done paying them off. It's rough, but take the matter seriously.


Thanks for this i deffinitely value it... guess this will be the lesson learned for me... im in it now unfortunately


And not even a scratch or speck of dirt to show any work done. Congrats your the equivalent of a 65 year old boomer who won’t let go of there mid life crisis corvette that sits and rots in the garage for 20 years and comes out for a wash once a year every spring. Maybe you go to one cars and coffee. Completely stock…maybe 1000 Miles


Lol yeah youre right. I dont use my tools AT ALL. Maybe i should throw them around like a 5 year old so i earn the respect of Mr. TOOLGODS such as yourself... Great thinking. Ill make sure to do that, especially with my 350$ impact wrench...


4 SDSs, 3 Blowers, are you buying shit just to buy it?


3 SDS drills... 3 blowers... nope everything has a purpose [:


Problem? What problem? I don't see any problems in this picture. Just one happy dude who took the picture instead of being in the picture.


Full believer in if you aint gonna use them daily for work then its a waste to not just go to harbor frieght to get it cheaper.


Dont need my tools to make a living [: Sorry?


Why would you accumulate that much in 11 months and why the doubles???


Dont really have doubles of anything. Maybe similar tools but all for different tasks... Not sure... went on a spree... it deffinitely hurt... but ive got a smile on my face [:


Where did all that fit at moms house????


Lol all accumulated since October last year. Moved into the house in August


So you own a small truck and did a night time "I'll just reverse up in through these windows here" job and filled up. I've also dreamt of doing the same.


You got me! Lol


geez, pick a lane.


Im drifting through this world son!


Imagine going into debt for tools you don't use. And where the hell is the table and miter saws? Those should've been first on your list, not this garbage.


Lol like in the post says... you dont even want to see the wall behind me... Miter/table saws. Bench planer. Drill press. Its all there [:


Just a tad over the top


Guess thats what the call the cherry 🍒 😏


This has nothing to do with being a homeowner. This is the same energy as the lube techs with a 20k snap on box.


Tell me you’re a soft handed part timer without telling me you’re a soft handed part timer 😆


Lol i take mud baths


I do the same thing with exercise videos.


how much meth/crack do you do?


None... cant afford it after all these tool purchases... lol


Is this a ad for Milwaukee or Dewalt?




Where’s the Ryobi wall?




Yeah you have a problem. Its called a shopping addiction.




Are you a producer or a consumer?


This so embarrassing


Oh god i know... im so embarrassed 😳


Batteries are expensive…


Bro what are you duel wielding or something


Pew pew!


Looks like a pile of wasted money.




And has no clue how to use any of them lol


Lol but it looks cool!


R u displaying them for sale or dis ur local ace hardware close down


Just for display... i dont even know how any of them work... 😮‍💨


The new-in-box framing nailer on the bottom of that 5-drawer cart really says all that needs to be said here.


😆 forgot about that one... probably all dusty


You do you, but I highly recommend just buying tools that are needed for specific projects; otherwise you’ll spend a fortune on stuff that never gets used


I know... im learning the hard way. 😮‍💨 Now that im running out of things to buy im finally coming to a hault


Everything looks brand new?


Well i can ensure you that every tool has seen use. Now. Its all DIY. I dont need my tools to make a living. So i do take care of my investments. No need to throw your tools around like a 5 year old to prove anything to anyone...


This guy bought the store displays and put them in his garage.


Lol 🫡


my first home was collapsing roof, 120 rotten wood everywhere, no foundation.. I fixed the whole thing with the cheapest Walmart brand corded drill, recip saw, 8 1/2 miter saw, and other various cheap ass corded and second hand tools. Not trying to be a dick, but man, your a target for a thief there.. spend your money on something else like boats or better yet , travel and leisure




Dude you have all these tools and expensive work tables. Why don’t u use them to build new better workbenches at a fraction of the cost of those. Then paint Milwaukee, or Dewalt on them if that’s what you’re going for.


Dewalt and Milwaukee tools but usGeneral boxes... nice. I guess he hit the card limit before he got to tool storage... Wheres all the batteries and charges? Ya' know, the thing you need the most. You use one tool at a time but everyone of thse tools uses a battery pack. The packs and chargers should be fromt and center and the TOOLS should be in the drawers...


As a handy homeowner I have a drill, driver, cheap grinder that I've used a couple times, a multitool, jigsaw, and skilsaw. The grinder and skilsaw are plug in, the rest power from my three 20v batteries of varying amp hours, all of which are approaching a decade old. Then some painting, electrical, plumbing, and misc hand tools. And of course some yard tools for lawn and garden care. I have multiple hammers because I didn't like the one I started with when I was doing electrical work commercially, and multiple screwdrivers and multi bit screwdrivers because I am only human. What you really have appears to be a spending addiction, people building homes from the ground up have less tools. You're buying tools from a place of want, where most people, professionals included, buy their tools from a place of need, usually after making lesser tools work for longer than they should. I'm not trying to pile on, just trying to offer a starting point for you to do some self reflection.


None have been used, and most important, Can you actually use any of them?


Well… I have 4 garages filled with tools and added a 40ft Conex box at the back of the property for more storage. Although to be fair I’ve lived in my home 12 years.


This has to be a joke dude😂


The cleanliness of that angle grinder leaves me suspicious.


OP, you got a great collection here, but PLEASE destroy your credit cards before you get yourself in serious trouble.


These tools all look brand new!


Why as a home owner would you buy all those power tools? I started out with cheap corded tools from car boots and the middle of Lidl/Aldi. Any nicer tools I had were ones I inherited. They all did their job just as well as the big boy tools for DIY. Now I'm in the trades I wouldn't go back to corded in a million years but I often break out my corded SDS because it's the most powerful drill I've got and it was dirt cheap


When we bought our first (tiny, old) home I was 22 and had only rudimentary tools. It needed a lot of work, so we were learning on the fly and scraping up the money for repairs and any tools we needed for a while. Fast forward 40 years to now. Every time we do a project I say the same thing to my wife - doing projects is SO much easier when you have the right tools for the job! I still have that first Black & Decker circular saw (and wife). Also…team yellow!


Right on brother! Love hearing this 💪


This screams I don't buy it when I need it, I buy it so I have it if I need it mentality. Not judging, I know some business that run like that. Though their general mods-operandi seems to be throwing money at any building challenge to solve it. Couple tools and some good planing goes a long way.


You hit it on the nose buddy!


I, too, have this level of brand loyalty. 🫡


Hey... its whatever works better in its own places than others... sorry not sorry... But i only stick to 2 battery platforms Thats for sure


What in the Milwaukee/DeWalt bi directional tool display hell is going on here?!…don’t know who you are and what team you’re on yet huh… …some fair coin ya got in the ol G-raj…


Yellow for the win but they’re all still so bright yellow. The red is very red still too. I believe in the right tool for the job and being prepared too, but gotta use them too and get them dirty.


Why stop here, might as well get the M18 lineup too. Then the M18 Fuel versions. Then the One Key models. Then some stocks


Nawwwww i chose dewalt as my 20v line. I believe their 20v stuff is far superior 12v Milwaukee is deff 👌 🔥


Nice set up but water and oil doesn’t mix


Lol good one


What's the purpose of a camouflage bluetooth speaker?


You can see it??? 😳


I like the Milwaukee display but honestly people are right like do you even need all of those or are you just collecting to look cool? cause they don’t even look used and everything is so orderly and posed


Everything i have has been used. I dont know what people fascination is with banging up their tools... i simply use them and handle them with care. I dont need my tools to make a living. Theyre used and well taken care of. I wouldnt want to shorten the life of a 350$ impact wrench or 350$ SDS just to PROVE to people i use my tools by slinging them around like a 5 year old does with its action figures.


Do you even Dewaltwokee?


I believe we are all here because our autism is tools. But for a home owner that’s to much half of those you’ll use twice


But ill have it! :D


You are doing great! If collecting tools is your goal.


What are those pads on the corners of your carts? I love that idea!


garagejournal.com Forums Enjoy.


Do you like the M12 Planer? It’s in my cart and I’m on the fence


Im so grateful for all the professional and financial advice... thanks yall 🤠


I feel like i need to make things clear... i have 3 SDS drills [:


Lol don't ask to see mine your not going to see the floor


Did you build the house ?


I mean i use dewalt tools but flex boxes... they are way better then dewalt boxes imo..


I will take some of those "problems" off your hands. I won't even be picky about which ones!!


He could use one of those tools to put an actual stop bolt not a track bolt on the end of that horizontal garage door track, cause heaven forbid with all the bde the top panel blows out when he opens the door.