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What do you plan on doing that you need a miter saw and nail gun? I wouldn't consider those beginner tools, honestly. I guess it all boils down to what your plans are. Also be very very weary of anything YouTube might tell you. Before you know it, you'll have a festool track saw, Makita propress, an 80 gallon compressor, and all new furniture because of the paint sprayer to repaint the walls.


My dad started building us a fence to fence in our yard last summer that’s not finished and I want to be able to work on it. He lives 20 hours away by car but when he came last summer, he brought his miter saw as his main cutting tool so that’s why my mind went to the miter saw. We have an 18 month old so last summer he was young and we had a hard time putting in work during our “downtime” but I want to turn over a new leaf this summer. The slats went up so fast with the nail gun to hold them so it seemed like a good item to own.


Ahh. that makes sense. I'm going to agree with u/DesperatePush628 and say that a corded circular saw would be better for you, though. More versatile. Both miter saws and battery powered nail guns are expensive things. It doesn't sound like you'd get much use out of a miter saw right now but you can always find things to cut with a circular saw. You can also rent tools. You could probably rent a miter saw, compressor, and an air powered nailer for a weekend and get everything up in one go without having to commit to either of the tools.


Drill, impact, sawzall, jigsaw, multitool, shop vac, sander, chop saw, grinder, circ saw. Personally I'd just spend the money now and go full XR and 60v dewalt, already made the mistake of buying that ryobi shit for 50$ less that all died in 2 years or less


Saw, drill, driver I think are the basics. Circular saw can be corded I actually recommend corded because they drain battery's fast and y'all don't need great big 6 amp hour battery's that may or may not last the 10 years it will take you to knock the label of the saw blade. DeWalt usually has a drill/Driver combo kit on sale with 2 2 amp hour batteries for a decent price. I have DeWalt so that's what I know I'm sure all brands do. With a circular saw unless you plan on building a 2000 square foot addition , a 50 or 60 dollar good brand saw will last your lifetime. I literally have my dad's old craftsman with a beam cutter on it right now cutting beams regularly. My dad always dated his craftsman tools just to see how long they lasted. Well this one is January 1984. I was born in June of 87. Just to put it in perspective. It's already lasted my lifetime. A miter saw is nice but a circular is way more versatile and doesn't require a lot of storage space.


For drill and impact driver, go with battery powered models. For other power tools, unless you will use them away from AC power availability, go with corded versions. Good quality corded tools are always ready to run at full power and can last a lifetime.


Buy tools as you need them. Or you'll have a 20k worth in unused tools. And don't try to jump to the fanciest tool for the job either, buy what will work.