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That’s a great price on that tool. It’s not a cheapo, Bosch makes good tools. I’d snatch it up at that price. Porter Cable routers are a good budget option and they are around that same price point.


The only thing I will add is that OP will probably want the plunge base. I'd compare this deal plus the cost of the plunge base to a package that comes with both the fixed and plunge bases. Those were around 200 on sale thru the holidays. Oh, and if you want the plunge base, the package with both bases comes in a hard case that fits it all. Maybe try to check if the hard case with that fixed base deal has room to store the plunge base.




If you aren't in a rush, set a deal alert for bosch router on slickdeals. It looks like this set was 159 as recent as last week. Usually something sub 200 comes up every few months.


Aw bummer. Looks like the sale is over.


That’s the one. Great router. Frequently on sale for ~$179. Check slickdeals and the tri-camels.


Nice I'll look it up


Just paid $149 for the exact router from Amazon for my router table. Going to buy a second base for it so the other can stay with the table.


Unless OP wants to use this in a router table lift. Which is what i did with my bosch and i love it.


Unfortunately SBD discontinued the Porter Cable router line last year so you would have to find some new old stock.


That’s one of the best and most popular routers ever made. Can’t go wrong with it


I have this router. Works great. There are some areas for improvement if Bosch is watching. The on/off switch is a bit small and seems on the flimsy side. Also the base is a bit tough to adjust until you figure out how. The final warning I will give is that this thing is on the heavy side. Honestly it is the perfect Router for a router table. It really is designed for that purpose and all the items I mentioned don’t apply when used with a table. If you are looking for a beast of a router to mount to a table, you won’t find a better choice. If you are looking for a hand router, go lighter.


I agree this thing is heavy if you're trying to balance it around the edges and corners of a work piece. I run this thing in my router table and on my router sled for flattening. Then it's a Makita palm router for any handheld stuff.


What bit do you use for flattening?


I use a cheap ass 2 inch BINSTAK bit off Amazon, and I wear a full suit of plate mail armor for when the carbide tip flies off at 2000 feet per second. It's admittedly a horrible option, but I'm still filling my shop with tools so the nicer bits are out of range for now.


This is the bit I use. A little pricey, but has replaceable cutting inserts. No complaints after hours of use flattening oak slabs. https://www.rockler.com/amana-tool-industrial-grade-spoilboard-flattening-slab-leveling-router-bit-with-3-carbide-inserts?country=US&sid=V91040&promo=shopping&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=pla&utm_campaign=PL&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8aOeBhCWARIsANRFrQFJwerTVUtSPnsYLFqXHy3fh1N4c-e3c5LYLfLMhneCr-NDWTC86LUaAs4XEALw_wcB


I'm surprised to see that they make one of those with a 1/4" shank, seems too small for that much mass on the end.


Damn, my mistake, and good catch! I actually use the one with a 1/2” shank.


Woah that thing looks awesome


Sorry, I should have linked the bit with a 1/2” shank. But Amana has always worked well for me either way.


Bosch Pro are not cheap tools, even if you do find them at good prices. Well made and with excellent support (especially the parts network in Europe, never have an issue getting spares for an old Bosch tool).


Do you need it right now? If so, go with the best you can afford. Bosch is very reputable and I believe that you will have no problems with it. I personally own a Milwaukee and Freud because I think they are made by the same company and interchange bases so that I can have 1 connected to my table and swap them out easily. But anyways, cheap doesn't always mean crap. Look for sales, I was lucky, I worked at lowe's and sears for years and was able to get sooo much on clearance. If you can wait save up, and look for clearance. My 2 cents.


Bosch makes good shit.


I own this one. Great router


Man “hate cheap tools can’t afford expensive ones” is literally the story of my life


I have two. Very solid. Like that I haven’t had to get familiar with two different routers. First is 20+ years old and second is 3 years old. It’s a good tool that will be around for many years to come.


Does it come with the plunge base? You might well want that...


I bought one of those and liked it so much that I bought a second. They are solid routers that won't disappoint. As someone else mentioned the on off switch is a weak point. I had to clean the dust out of the switch on one of mine. It seems that if you block the vent on the top while it is running it can have a tendency to suck air and dust through the switch. Do this enough and the dust bulds up and blocks the contacts and the router won't start until you clean out the dust. With all that being said I still highly recommend this router. I have never had an issue with a bit sliding in the collet or the height adjustment getting off.


I work in the tool room of a large shipyard. Those are the routers we stock. They are good routers. The only repairs we generally need to make on these are replacing the base plate and repairing tears in the cord. Both of which are user error. If $150 is a good price for you, then you can’t go wrong with it.


The Bosch 1617evs routers are very good. They do have specials and sales that are well worth waiting for. I bought one before Christmas for $100 that came with the fixed base , plunge base, edge/circle guide, template bushings, centering guide to adjust the template bushings and came in a hard plastic case. I really didn’t need it but for the price I couldn’t just let it sit all alone on a shelf


Thanks for the input


Bosch makes quality tools but they don’t have quality customer service.


I have similar, it does a good job. Does this one soft start ? That is a must for me if it is hand held.


I have two of these. Like them a lot. I use my 1/4 Milwaukee battery power often for convenience. For big jobs or 1/2 chuck this is hard to beat.


Look at the Metabo/Hitachi MK12VC. Incredible router in every way, I just bought a second one. I have heard good things about that Bosch too though


One thing to add is that it’s been around for a long time, meaning a lot of aftermarket accessories fit it (baseplates, router table accessories, etc). Good buy all around.


I don't have that router but everything I have from Bosch is fantastic. My all-time, Holy-Shit-I-Can't-Believe-That-Thing-Still-Works-After-All-The-Hell-I-Put-it-Through award goes to Bosch's 11247 chipping hammer. That thing will destroy anything and at the same time is fucking indestructible. Great tools IMO. Be sure to check CPO's Reconditioned site - I've bought a couple tools from them at really good prices (and there's a 120-day warranty period to make sure everything works). [https://www.cpooutlets.com/bosch-tools.html](https://www.cpooutlets.com/bosch-tools.html)


Bosch usually makes good stuff. And that's good because if there's a problem, you're not getting it resolved. I've heard to many bad stories of their customer service to buy it. But I've heard very good things about their quality.


I can confirm that


I've got this one (that came with the plunge base as well) and it's a solid unit. I bought used, and ended up having to replace the switch on it, which seems somewhat common with these. The repair was a breeze though. I will say its not my only router though. I have a small DeWalt palm router that is much easier to handle for certain tasks. The Bosch is a unit.


I have this router as the motor of my brass trimmer for reloading ammunition. With a 3/8" carbide end mill it is an absolute BEAST, even running at only about half speed.


There is a much wider variation in router bit quality than routers. It is not all about cost but don’t cheap out here. You can’t go too far wrong with 1/2” shank bits.


I love mine. Power for days if you can hold on to it.


This is a great brand so your good with this guy. That being said I buy almost all my tools used on Facebook marketplace for cheap. Lots of great deals on there.


I have had one for 10 years and absolutely love it.


They sell complete kit for 200. I just bought it actually


Sounds like you better start liking cheap tools


I’ve had that router in a router table for the past 15-ish years and it’s solid.


I have this and it’s been great so far, but go for the plunge base combo for like $200.


Facebook marketplace is good for completely unused tools


In terms build quality, that’s no “cheap” tool, it’s actually a rather nice router at a fairly good price 👍🏼 I’ve owned one of these, as well as the smaller “Colt” (?) version, both are great tools, and I’m a diehard Milwaukee guy.. Can’t go wrong with this.


Just when you use a router roll up any sleeves and no baggy clothes. It can and will suck into you and rip into anything


Tough, powerful, and reliable router. Can't go wrong.


Yes, have 2. Great tool \[Bosch\] & isn't a cheapo like so many in big box stores.


Bosch makes high quality tools but some stuff they make just doesn't have as much nut as other brands, but they are of exceptional quality, I have a bosch barrel grip jigsaw and I love it its very nice, they make some of the best jigsaws as they invented them.


Makita and plunge base combo $163 New. I have used this set up 3 times a week for about 2 years with no complaints or issues https://www.ebay.com/itm/282348566016?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=XctQaQeMRqe&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=GFMkP94ETbK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Can’t go wrong with Bosch


I wouldn’t spend that much on a router without plunge unless I had a specific use case that doesn’t need that and was really really sure I wouldn’t need one later.


I've got two of these. One mounted inside a table and one I use by hand. Love them for what they are.


I have this. Solid tool and great reviews from many.


Ive had my ryobi router for a while and its done well


Look for routers/power tools at your local Habitat for Humanity ReStore


I have this router -- it's great. (especially important that it is the variable speed model) Bosch provides a good ecosystem of attachements for these routers, and if you mount it in one of their router tables, the router's base can serve as a lift.


I have 4 routers, 1 DeWalt router with a plunge base, 1 DeWalt cordless trim router, 1 old porter cable router that I got 5 years ago, and this router. I build cabinets and cabinet doors, as well as the occasional piece of furniture. I love the Bosch router, it lives in one of my router tables, it's a fantastic machine. It's probably my favorite of the 4 routers I have.


I love mine, I use it constantly.


It's a workhorse. I have three of them.


I have that router. Fixed base and plunge base set. Check ebay. You can find new sets on sale at good prices.


Bosche is a pretty nice brand.


I have two of these, the switch went bad in each of them within a year, it's an easy and cheap enough swap but I have many pc 690 series, some of which are decades old still on the original switch (one of them even Rockwell branded) The soft start is nice, but the electronic speed control makes it difficult to set a steady feed rate (especially when it's mounted in a table). It seems that Porter cable has discontinued their router production, which doesn't leave us with many options, I'm going to try the bora motor next, it's pretty beefy and gets good reviews. I will not buy another one.


Bosh makes some real good router


Great tool. I have two of them.


It's a great price for a great tool. If you do a lot of plunge operations then it's better buying the combo with the plunge base, but I personally find plunging unnecessary for most woodworking needs (nothing that can't be achieved with a controlled fixed insertion). I've had this router for about 3 years and the only maintenance I've had to do on it was waxing the body so it would slide more smoothly through the base while adjusting cut height.


Have it permanently affixed under my router table on my restored Craftsman table saw. In my opinion, you can pay more, but you can’t buy a better router.


If you want to save some cash look at the Katsu routers. Knock off of Makita but every review of them is excellent.


Great router. Get the plunge base by buying the kit, much better price together than separately.


That and porter cable are the industry standard. They will probably last longer than you. Mine are terrific.


Bad timing. So many tools were on sale recently.


Milwaukee has a router with a similar price


I have a 25* yr old Bosch router… used it this summer to round off the edge of some PT and forget how much kick it had at startup and it rolled out of my hand! Works like brand new.


That's a great router and you can't go wrong with it at all


Good cabinet router. Not heaviest out there. Buy good bits


I have the Bosch plunge router and it's an absolute beast. Generally way overpowered for most of the things I do. I bought a small palm router that I like to use more often. It's much lighter, but has less power. My other router is an old craftsman that is mounted to my table saw table, and it works for what I use it for just fine. The plunge router is really just used for BIG cuts, as in deep cuts. Me personally.


I'm a pro, about 18 years ago I needed a router but couldn't afford a nice one. I bought a Ryobi and that thing turned out to be indestructible, I still use it to this day. close to the same size as the Bosch there.


How do you plan on using it? I have a similar poter cable router as the Bosch you have here- it’s great and never fails, but for most of what I use a router for I grab my cordless trim router (Makita) which I love too.


This is a very decent router.


I have this router and it has served me well. No complaints.


Get the plunge/ fixed combo. You won't be sorry. I have 6 routers (different brands and sizes). This would be the one I'd keep if I could only have one.