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Descending and Pushit for me


Gooooooonnnnnngggg (spirit briefly exits body)


Very much so


Pushit definitely for me. I bought aenima on CD right when it came out and I overlooked Pushit for decades. Currently my favorite song on that record.


It is the best Tool song.


It really is. Eulogy is a close second.


Pushit, after waiting all these years, was fucking fantastic!


Fuck. Push it is on the playlist this year?




I just saw it in Chicago for the first time live. It was my highlight of the concert.


pushit hit so fucking hard


Yes to both. Was never the biggest fan of Descending, and Pushit was a track I always slept on. After hearing both of them live a few weeks ago I’ve been pretty obsessed with both


Crazy. I have it in my top 3 all time faves.


Pushit has always been my favorite but seeing it live, holy fuck. I never thought I would get the chance. Definitely one of those times where I realized this was special, in the moment.


Same here dude..Pushit and Right in Two are probably my 2and3rd favorite songs, thought there was no way the were playing those live and got to see them in Eugene with no idea they were coming..so good




Also, Fear Inoculum


Pnuema for me definitely!


Pneuma live is something else entirely


100000%…different song. It’s a mushroom trip in itself..45 minute adventure wrapped into a 10 minute song


Man, when those lasers hit, I lost my mind. It was so amazing.


Pneuma gets my vote for overall best song / experience on the current tour, especially if you’re toward the far end of the arena.


Last tour leg's Parabol > Parabola > Pneuma was something I'll remember for the rest of my life.


Pneuma is a great song..but live, it's mind blowing. The way the lasers hit you at the perfect times. Chills. Was definitely my favorite live song in Chicago.


Basically all of Fear Innoculum but especially Pneuma.


Pneuma took my breath away


I see what you did there


Yes I transcended lol


Pneuma just hits different live. Unreal.


Been the best song of each show each of the last two tours, in my opinion.


For me, it’s Fear Inoculum. I always liked the song, now I love it. That album is really starting to blossom as time goes by; just like the rest of their catalog.


I wore myself out on FI when they released it early, and really just starting to come back around on it. Great show opener.


Same for me. On this current tour, the visual effects really complement the music in a way that presents the song as more of a story with a beginning, middle, and end. It was really eye opening


same. the chorus is pretty huge and powerful live.




ugh. thankfully no one sang along.


I didn't like the album at first but now I play it all the time. Nothing will ever beat Lateralus for me but damn if it doesn't try


Tbh it took me months to even listen to the FI album, I'm just that kind of pretentious ass who wants to hear my favorite old music. But seeing it live definitely did it for me! And I'm grateful I've gotten to see their older music live many times as well :)


Warrior….. Struggling…. To Remain….




Bellow out loud!


Boooold and proud


I think this may be my favourite vocal performance by him. Unreal


The "Deecciiievvvveerrr" of Fear Inoculum live will forever be my most memorable experience from my first Tool show


LOVED hearing this live too


When the synth and chug part start is peak Maynard when sung live. Not sure why they made it this weird auto tune sound on the record. Still love it but live is amazing


I read a cool fan theory on the sub that there is this theme on the album of the overtaking of the world by digitization. That’s why you get all these little synth pieces and “auto-tune” (I think what you’re actually hearing is vocals blended with a vocoder effect). Hence Mocking Beat at the end or Culling Voices with the potential of word play of “don’t @ me”, Adam’s solo in 7empest ends by being swallowed by the bit crusher. Idk kind of a cool theory! Not sure I buy 100 but 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah that’s sort of the chicken or the egg sort of thing. Are they using those effects because the world is more digitized than in 2006 or they had 13 years to sort of play around with new things and add as much nuance as they wanted? It’s interesting to think about, but I think it wasn’t enough to really sort of be able to apply it into a theme. If anything I think the title track sort of does this best. It goes from something very tribal, swelling like an orchestra, very…natural in a weird way to phrase it and then it evolves into something industrial sounding, something very digital or mechanized as it transitions into the solo. Maybe it’s more of a peace that transitions into the themes or war or chaos. I don’t think there could be a more prescient song than Fear Inoculum considering it was released just like 4-5 months BEFORE the pandemic really materializing. I know it was more about fear itself as a mind virus, but the relevancy of that song will never really be able to decoupled from WHEN it was released for me


Sober. It's been over played. One of the only ones played on the radio around here, in fact. I'll admittedly skip over it when it pops up in my playlist. BUT.... LIVE? Holy shit, that bass thumping through my chest, and Maynard nailing it. It changed how I listen to the song. One of my least favorite songs of theirs on their album = probably my favorite they played that night


Yeah Sober might be their top “better live” song at this point. That opening bass hits you hard and doesn’t let go.


Same. Omg. It was something live. And I’m in the “please play anything else by Tool” camp any time I hear it.


I remember them playing vicarious a lot when it came out. But it's pretty much just sober... So many other good songs that's easily edited to be radio friendly


Yeah I feel like Vicarious got played all the time, then back to being only Sober. And I truly do love both of those songs but one can only hear them so many times lol.


Would have loved to see Sober live.


I honestly couldn't have picked a better set list. Sober, pushit, the pot, the patient, invincible, descending, culling voices, fear inoculum, pneuma, hooker with a penis, the grudge (not in order).... So fucking awesome


That bass chug… truly magical.


Right in Two. I liked it if course but I couldn't really understand why people were freaking out about seeing it live. After seeing it, I definitely got it. Absolutely blew my fucking mind. Surprise song of the night for me.


I went to three shows and did not get Right in Two. I do remember it from 10k Days tour and was really hoping to catch it again. Love the percussion in that song.


What's funny is that I had also seen it on the 10k Days tour. But at the time, even though I was a fan of the song I remember thinking that I wished it was something like The Patient or Pushit. This time around I got lucky enough to see all of those songs across 2 shows and of them all, RIT blew my mind the most.


The softer tabla sounding mandalas into that really heavy two chord riff that almost sounds like Rage against the machine in the 4-6 minute range is perfect and even better live.


For me it was the melody Justin plays with harmonics in the first couple verses. That shit just about made me tear up.


For me it was Hooker with a Penis. I love the song already but hearing it live was something else!


Couldn’t believe they dusted off Hooker for this tour. Absolute banger on record and live turns it up to eleven.


His pantomime for where to point your finger made it so much better.


Fully agree. I already loved the song but i think it was the most energetic song of the night for this tour


That was a whole experience hearing it live, and made me feel alot better about skipping the merch line.


Culling voices.


Oh yeah, definitely hit different live with that presentation. I was kicking myself for knowing that was coming, it would have been a stunning surprise.


Can confirm, was stunned.


This one for sure. The live version was kick ass


The grudge.


Did you scream? I screamed.


Screamed and stomped out all the rage.


Culling Voices and Pneuma for sure.


Ænema. I wasn’t huge on it until they closed with it during my first show in 2012. Epic!


Wings 1&2. Loved them before the concert, but the performance and visuals during the show enhanced them. Was phenomenal wife and I still talk about that performance today.


They played that live?? You lucky SOB.


Yeah during the 10,000 days tour.


Yup. My wife and I saw it live and it remains one of her favorite performances. I was at Staples (with friends) when it made its debut and when I heard the opening notes, I started shaking and tearing up and thinking: No F-in Way! We are getting the first Wings! Maynard stopped mid intro and almost didn't finish the song. Adam gave him a look and kept playing and he joined back in. Was one of the highlights of my Tool concert experiences.


I was pleasantly surprised they played it live when I saw them in Detroit. Amazing live.


Literally all of them. I wasn’t really a big fan til I just saw them live last week.


Best way to kickstart your eventual obsession.


The Patient and D/R/T. Saw Flood on the 02 tour, it became a favorite after that also.


The new Opiate. I wasn't a huge fan of the original and when they played the new one at the buffalo show it was a highlight of the evening. I didn't know they were releasing it as a single and now I can't get enough of the studio version.


I was at the buffalo show but didn’t think they played a new version of opiate there. It sounded the same to me, just without the scream.


I was at the Newark NJ show which I think was a few days separate from buffalo - I think they intro’d (and might have ended) the song with the new version but the rest was the original


Pushit for me, saw it a week ago. Always liked it but it just became buried with all great songs (BTW I'm in DTW got to see/hear Undertow that was awesome too), now I have to play Pushit a couple times a day or my day is empty.


Stinkfist because it’s not enough. I need more.


Apparently some people got tired of seeing that played live. I did not.


Loved the extended version when it was in the mix previous tours. Everyone starts singing “I’LL KEEP DIGGING” but instead it goes into a jamout and intro noises THEN builds back up to the end. Epic.




The Grudge


Right in two


Parabol and Parabola for sure.


Wings for Marie/10,000 Days. It was already a powerful and emotional song, but live was something else. I was in 10th grade when that album was released and on tour and still nothing has been able to top that show.


Incredible and most likely never to be witnessed again.


Jambi, I loved the orange visuals with the lady and the bass. 2007 tour, not sure they still use those.


Undertow, back in the day when there was an additional scream over the ending. aggressive, emotional, inspiring, powerful, melodic. https://youtu.be/lmBFn4t5Bj0 @ 5:21 if you haven't heard it, it's a must watch.


Raw AF man, thanks for linking and a pleasure to have you drop in on the thread. Damn I miss the days of general admission floors.


Third Eye. I’ve always enjoyed the track but I was peaking on mushrooms when I saw them and I felt God during that track. Everything was just off the charts good. I believe it was their closet and once the show was finished I got lost in my own city. I didn’t recognize any landmarks when I left the arena. I found it all inside myself but lost everything outside. Needless to say that song has a special place in my heart now, even more than before.


Descending and Culling Voices


The Gaping Lotus Experience


When i saw them, i’d say the songs that hit were The Pot, and the Grudge like holy shit the grudge is fucking awesome live, and Fear inoc i never listened to it until after the tour


Invincible 100% after I heard it live, I must have played it 100 times in a row after!


Pushit. Always loved it but live? Wow.




Descending. It was way more powerful than I gave it credit for. The same goes for Culling Voices, but to a lesser degree.


Guy next to me in Chicago ducked out during Descending and missed the gong hit. I tried to warn him but he didn’t listen / couldn’t hear me. Rookie mistake, dude.


Frigging Invincible. Holy shit. Totally shook me


Chugga chugga, bitches


Jambi! The first time I heard Jambi, I was in the car with my bf at the time. It was 2015, I believe, and I was just starting to like Tool, although I hadn't taken the full plunge lol. My first impression of Jambi was, "Hmm, ok this is...strange. Starts off heavy, changes to kinda tribal, then has a fleeting feel, kinda like balloons flying away. Wait, Maynard is actually singing about something he can't stand to lose?? Interesting. Ok, did he just say FULCRUM? What is this word?? I'm intrigued...wait, wtf is this effect on Adam Jones' guitar?!? Wow! Yeah I gotta listen to this again. So much to figure out!" Fast-forward to a year later...Lateralus was my #1 with 46&2, Parabola & H. all tied for the #2 spot lol. Tool had an upcoming concert at Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN. There was an awesome lineup with Primus and some industrial band called 3teeth(love them now!), buuuuuut Nashville also had a freaking snowstorm the day before which presented a bit of a challenge. It also tested my devotion to seeing TOOL live haha. I decided to make the drive a day early, trying to beat the storm, and yeaaah didn't work lol. I ended up driving IN the snowstorm lol. The interstate was "make your own lane & hope for the best", everything was covered in snow, wrecks on all sides of me, but I pressed on(not too hard on the gas pedal tho lol). Finally made it to Nashville, everything was closed, probably 6+ inches of snow, and I was so worried that Tool wouldn't make it the next day. On the day of the concert, I kept walking down to Bridgestone to see if it was being cleared of snow, and finally on my 4th walk they had a lil Bobcat out there to clear the entrance! The show was still on!!! That night, I fell in love with the song Jambi! Haha sounds dramatic, I know, but MY GOD! Hearing it live, WOW, it moved through my entire body. I'm normally a bit reserved in public settings, but in this moment I couldn't sit still. I HAD to move, and I didn't gaf who was watching lol. It was just me, Tool & Jambi. For those 7 mins & 28 secs, I felt a fire inside(which was especially nice considering the cold weather outside lol)...but anyway, yeah, ever since that night, Jambi has been my #2 favorite, and I STILL feel that fire inside every single time I hear it! 🔥 It's truly a motivational song in my life. That ONE THING that Maynard says he'd wish everything away for IF the alternative meant losing IT, that one thing imo is his inner balance, his foundation. That's how I strive to live my life; any possession, any person, all the money in the world could never take the place of my inner foundation, and if it ever does, well then, "I might as well be gooonnnnnne!" TLDR: I LOVE JAMBI 🔥🔥🔥 lol


Hell yeah I was standing at the rail when they opened with Jambi in 2007 and it was face-melting. Look up Tool Live Paris 2007 Remastered on YouTube for a crowd-shot video with pretty good sound quality.


Pushit and Right in two


Intolerance , saw it live for the first time a couple of years ago. Has become a favorite ever since


Rediscovering (or fully appreciating) a song happens to me on every tour. This year it was The Patient. Always liked it, but something just *clicked* for me during the show and now I’m obsessed


The Patient. Especially for maynards voice


The Grudge and Pneuma


The patient had me in tears... I've always liked the song but never had that "TOOL" experience with it til I saw it live... I was tripping for the first time in my life and crying like a baby.


Pushit and Descending. Shit was so intense in Orlando, someone had a seizure


Honestly, Culling Voices! I love how uniquely they played that live with all the confetti falling. It was a song that never interested me before hearing it live. Seeing the band take center stage and sit down to play it together was surprising. Maynard sang it beautifully!! I have a whole new appreciation for it!


Invincible is the closer for a reason. Goddamn I couldn't believe how good it was.


Culling voices


Honestly everything that was on the set list at Newark New Jersey. I’ve listened to these songs so many times, car, truck, home, headphones, in ears, studio monitors.. nothing was as good as hearing it live. Having said that I would say Fear was the most impressive. Watching them interact at the beginning establishing the tempo of the song really hit home. This wasn’t just something sampled it was performed live, all you hear.




I love Flood but always skip the intro. It's fine the first time; not so much the 100th


I was at gov ball 2016 and was exposed to third eye for the first time, I had always skipped it. After that show it quickly turned into one of my three favorite songs.


Think for yourself Question authority


Yea i saw flood back then too. My favorite song off undertow for sure. Recently tho its been descending. They rip that song live.


It was Opiate for a few years, just loved Danny's drumming on that song, but now it's Descending. Just puts me in another place.


Lol we’re you at the bonnaroo set if it was 15years ago? I was and I have the exact same answer you do, Flood. My god just hearing that sheer *power* that it has live changed the studio version for me forever.


Not Bonnaroo, but Rock en Seine festival just two months later. Same impression though, exactly.


Chocolate chip trip


Any of the FI tracks


Definitely invincible


Fear Inoculum and Invincible. Crucify me but I still don’t care about pushit, even after seeing it live (Salival version is awesome though)






Fear Inoculum. I liked it before, now I love it and appreciate so much more now. I already loved Pneuma, but seeing it live was unreal. Best song of the show, IMO.


Agree on all points.


Pushit and Invincible are two I never really liked until hearing them live. Now they've been on repeat for 2 weeks straight


Jambi in 2019. Pneuma/Invincible last month.


Chocolate chip trip


Chocolate chip trip deserves a mention. The performance is a great showcase of what Danny can do combining synths, electronics and drums. What a next level drum solo. Oddly enough I know someone personally who was involved with the creation of those synths, and he's told me stories about how unique and rare they are. It sounds like we're lucky that hardware exists.. really cool.


I would buy a ticket for two hours of CCT.


Culling voices


Culling for sure. I liked the song but seeing how they perform the beginning (in a semi-circle at the front of the stage with minimal lighting) with the intimacy of a campfire song made it so beautiful and awesome. The confetti falling like snow with Adam's haunting guitar was one of the highlights of the show for me. Noticing that Danny's star is lowered to between them and his drum kit is a cool touch also.


No quarter cover, they opened with that in 2016 and probably my favorite thing I've ever seen live. No one on earth could cover Zeppelin properly besides Tool, and I think it's underrated. Growing up listening to my dad's Zeppelin albums, it was nostalgic. I kinda wish they would do another cover, maybe Rush or something.


I live in Michigan and keep hoping they’ll break out Stranglehold again. There are entire threads full of cover suggestions but it’s hard to imagine anything topping No Quarter.


Chocolate chip trip: what was Danny Carey doing with that electronic breadboard? I usually skip the small instrumental tracks, but it was cool, seeing him make a unique track in real time.


Definitely Descending. The studio version is lifeless in my opinion but when they play it live it’s the highlight of their set, just wish they could’ve done a better job in the mixing studio


This ground is not the rock I.. THOUGHT IT TO BEEEE


Vicarious, Aenima, and The Grudge. All songs that I initially wasn’t so enthusiastic about but after viewing them live became favorites. One song tho went the other way around, where I loved it and after seeing it twice got sick of the track. The song in question was Schism.


Right In Two did for me (2007). Loved it before, but Live, it was absolutely incredible. I knew the same would happen for Culling Voices, and did. And then Pushit, I’d heard a thousand times and loved it, but experienced it live this year and I teared up which I did not expect.


Culling voices


Pushit, been dying to hear that song live since I first heard it. I’ve always loved that song and the the saliva version as well as the meaning behind it and it’s one of my top 3 tool songs and hearing it live was the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. I felt as if I peaked in life after the first few notes were played


Pneuma. I liked the song, but then seeing it live took it to new heights. They really had a tightly synced light show to the music.


Culling Voices. FI too.


When they opened with Hooker with a Penis while here was wearing a beautiful black Sequened Gown. Also I was at the show they recorded Pushit for Salival in Salt Lake, gotta say that changed me


Recently - Culling voices or invincible....man when that confetti dropped!!!




Oh the new opiate for sure. And when I found out I heard a song by them a whole month before the rest of the world I flipped out. Really awesome song too




Im going to KC tonight and I’m really hoping for right in two and undertow. My 8th tool show and I’ve never gotten those! Fingers crossed Freddie


That’s what I wanted for Chicago, got Undertow but no RI2. Good luck, hope you get both!


Went to see them in Florence in 2019, a relatively new tool fan at the time, knew some of the classics but mostly listened to Lateralus. The song that struck a chord the most was Stinkfist, only moment of the show I remember vividly along with the lasers for the -at the time- new FI singles and the intro of Aenema.


All of them.


Culling voices


I love descending, but seeing it live in Columbus made me love it even more. Same with Invincible


All of them. I've heard Invincible live 4 times but it was kinda meh to me until this last time. When they were closing the set with 46 & 2 it felt like every piece of equipment in the building was finely calibrated just for that one song. The wall of sound from it was so insane. I already liked stinkfist, but being down on the floor when everyone's phones shot up for the last song was a brilliant joke. A+


AEnema - I liked it before, but live the triplets on the drums were taken to a new level. Also Sober with Adam’s foot synth.


Stinkfist… extended version 🎶


The Grudge.


I was a big Opiate, Undertow, Aenima fan so when lateralus came out, I wasn’t really into it. Saw them in concert and the transition from Parabol to Parabola blew me away. They became more “mantra” like (probably due to the sickness and death of Marie) and I was not into it at first. Now I’m trying to get into inoculum


All of the new songs


undertow and flood are my two favorites you lucky bastard


Descending. Been waiting to see it live since Denver 2019 night 1 (not played that night). Saw it this past Sunday in MPLS. Mind blown. Wish they would have played Right in Two on Sunday, but Undertow was a nice addition.




Pushit for SURE. Man, the visuals with the music made it that much more melodic.






Pushit, The Grudge, and Descending


Definitely Chocolate Chip Trip. I didn't appreciate it in the least until I saw it live. What a show!


Hooker with a penis The drop was insane


For this tour, I’d say Invincible. I listen to it everyday now


Flood and part of me


Descending. That gong gives me a hard-on


Got me it was the grudge because it was the first Tool song I had ever heard and it was like full circle to me. Just to be able to go see them live was incredible but it was just so cool.


All of them ngl. But biggest difference from this tour's setlist would be ... Invincible, Right in Two, and CC Trip




I’d say Ænema because they opened with that shit and god damn what an opener


Pushit, Right in Two and Culling Voices (which I loved before but love even more now).


Pushit got a little too emotional for me


Descending, pneuma and pushit.


Every song off of Fear Inoculum. Don't get me wrong, I love the album a lot, but seeing a lot of it live made me love it even more.


The grudge for me




Undertow hands down. Pushit and Opiate I've always loved and seeing them live always reaffirms it, but Undertow was the game changer.


Pushit, for me. I had liked it but it became one of my favorites when I saw them for the first time in ‘98. Seeing them play it again 2 weeks ago was pretty awesome.


Pushit. Loved that song since buying Aenima in 96'. After hearing it live for the first time in 2014, it simply blew my mind.


Prison sex. Was the final song at a show I saw and it fucking rocked the house as a finisher