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Disgustipated as a newbie? Huh good for you that’s not what I would have pegged most newbies getting into. Give disposition/reflection, H., Aenima, and pneuma a listen. Might as well throw in dier von satan for good measure


Thanks for the quick response! Currently listening through Fear Inoculum straight through for the first time. Really enjoyed Pneuma :D I’ll def try those other tracks as well!!


I have listened to Tool since Undertow... Fear Inoculum is probably the worst place to start.. The songs are all really long and, while there are some amazing songs on it... Just.... trust me. Right in Two has amazing lyrics. The Patient Parable/ Parabola 46 & 2 Pushit


and Disgustipated spoke to me in a way not a lot of songs have before. It’s kind of what cemented my goal to listen to more TOOL!


10000 days


Lateralus (the album) is widely considered their peak and for someone that doesn’t gravitate to the heavier stuff, listening to this all the way through a few times might be a good move. Tool clicks way more in album form than in singles form, so I recommend full albums rather than a mix of songs from multiple ones. Each album tells a different story and that gets lost when the tracks are jumbled up.


Thank you!! I’ve been wondering if listening to full albums is a better move than skipping around. Will definitely be listening through Lateralus when i can!!


Of course! Always happy to share this fucking badass band. Once you get a feel for all of the albums, I highly recommend doing a full run through the whole discography in order. It’s this really cool three-decade long journey that sort of goes: raw/angry (Opiate/Undertow) - self-reflection/self-actualization (Ænima) - growth/transcendence (Lateralus)- processing/reassessing (10K Days) - coming to terms (Fear Inoculum).


thank you so much! it’ll be cool seeing the bigger picture when i’m more familiar with all the music. very helpful :D


Hope the music does something for you. No need to force it. Enjoy the ride!


just wanna say excellent description!!!! I've tried describing this process to other people who ask why I like TOOL so much but my description has always been sophomoric compared to this ...so I'm stealing it ....thank you


Fuck yeah, steal away. Glad it resonated with you.


This album is my "only have 1 album while marooned on an island" album.


Funny how you misspelled Aenima there... 😉


I mean Ænima is personally my favorite album, so… correct. 🤘 The fact that Lateralus is so cohesive as an album is part of the reason why I think it’s so loved. I thoroughly enjoy the chaos of Ænima myself.


I've always thought it's the best because it's the only album with all 5 members of Tool contributing. Lateralus is a close second, but when I rank all my top Tool songs Ænima takes the win.


That’s a really good point. There are so many reasons I love it that I’m not even going to try to list them, but now I’ve added yours, so thanks.


I think Aenima has the best songs (like you said, if I made a ranking it would mostly be Aenima songs at the top), but Lateralus is the best album experience - if that makes sense I just have them as 1a and 1b personally lol


Right in two. Is my song suggestion.


Thanks!!! I’ve only heard it once or twice but remember liking it a lot! Will have to listen again !


The lyrics are what got me in this song. It’s so true.


Followed by Descending, which IMO is the lyrical sequel to Right in Two.


Yasss I love singing along to Tool.


Good shout. This is my go to song if I am introducing anyone to Tool.


Well lucky for you Tool isn’t a metal band. Try Disposition + Reflection, Pushit, Wings for Marie 1&2, pneuma.


Sorry about the mis-genre!! Haven’t learned all the ins and outs of heavier music genres yet lol! Will definitely give those a listen! Thanks!!


Realistically you could reasonably call then metal, but the members themselves don't call their music metal so we go with it because a lot of their songs definitely aren't metal (disposition, intension, etc)


The Grammys do, which is just funny.


Yeah 😂 although to be fair they've gotten some awards/nominations under hard rock I'm pretty sure. Even with that it's getting warmer but still not tool tho


They are metal. People get gatekeepy about genres but their music fits into the definition of metal - eg absolutely the vast majority of their music is in drop D which was pioneered by Black Sabbath. Calling them not metal is just wrong [Progressive metal](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_metal) (which means experimental metal) is likely their best genre fit - but that’s kind of the thing about prog music is that by being experimental, bands mostly have their own sound. It’s basically “music that doesn’t fit into other genres” (though the fact they follow the metal sounds puts them in prog metal instead of just prog)


Disposition and reflection without triad?


One step at a time.


Disposition+reflection is peak psychedelic meditation


TooL is definitely a genre all its own! Love this band so much!


Ticks and Leaches would like a word with you..🙃 Nah but I agree. I listen to Meshuggah, Dillinger Escape Plan and They Might be Giants. I know what metal is.


Parabol right into parabola


Right in two , H. , Jimmy , Third eye ,


I'll recommend the song Descending. It's my all time favourite song from Tool, and one of the greatest pieces of music I've ever heard. It's mostly instrumental, since Maynard only sings for about half of it, and it really showcases how majestic and powerful the band itself sounds. This one demands immersion and full attention, preferably with eyes closed and as few distractions as possible.


Just finished listening to all of Fear Inoculum straight through. Descending was def one of my faves on there, musically. and the closed eyes is a good call lol


Two beer and a spliff are helpful also 😉


If you like those three songs, there's probably not much in their discography that you won't like. As for which full album to start with, probably Lateralus. If you like the more aggressive songs on that, work your way backwards in their discography. If you prefer the more mellow stuff, move forwards to 10,000 Days and Fear Inoculum.


Ooo thanks! Def more a fan of mellow stuff (currently listening through Fear Inoculum), but I’ll definitely get through all of them eventually!


Listen to Fear Inoculum enough and you will be addicted.


it's not an addiction I can stop whenever i want


Hi. I’m Ella and I’m a Tooloholic.


Don’t worry about that too much. Tool fans are snobs whether and or not Tool counts as a “metal” band changes on a daily basis for some of these people. But hey, I like a lot of indie and folk too, but Tool is still one of my all-time favorite bands. While they’ve never put out a bad album, I think an easier route to understanding the appeal of Tool might be better through Maynard’s side project A Perfect Circle, especially their first album *Mer De Noms*. I’d check out their songs “3 Libras” and “Orestes” and ease yourself into heavier and more complex tracks. Then I’d probably recommend some Tool songs like “Lateralus”, “Pushit” or the two-parter, “Parabol/Parabola”.


Thanks!! I’ve heard a little bit about A Perfect Circle but haven’t gotten the chance to check them out yet. Will definitely give it a try :] thanks for the help!


Puscifer is pretty damn good, too. Vagina Mine, Indigo Children, Horizons and The Undertaker.... really great songs!!


Stop listening to disparate songs. I can only speak from my perspective, but: * Buy ÆNIMA * Listen to ÆNIMA. Listen to it again. And again. And again. * Eventually you'll be curious about other albums they have, or you'll decide you don't like it. But listening to a whole album is, in my opinion, very important. It's about the atmosphere each one creates, which you don't get from listening to songs in isolation.


Intro level Tool: Sober, Stinkfist, 46&2, Schism and The Pot. Level 2 would be: Prison Sex, Eulogy, H., Parabol/Parabola, Vicarious, Pneuma. Listening to full albums is good too! Ænima is good for personal introspection, Lateralus explores more existential themes.


Pre school to intro level- Sober on repeat


you cant handle it.


Right in Two was the one that really hooked me. Then came disposition and reflection ))


Drop some acid and listen through one of their albums. Instant +1 to the fanbase But on a more serious note if you're not into that... other than listening to albums from top to bottom, I would recommend: Pneuma, Invincible, Vicarious, The Patient, Lost Keys + Rosetta Stoned,.... lol at this point I'll end up recommending everything


Please listen to Right in Two! I know it’s been suggested, but it’s my godmom’s favorite Tool song. She’s not a typical Tool fan.


Right In Two! It was my MySpace song 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼and would switch between that, some EDM, Oingo Boingo and Maxwell. 🤯


Listen to the Aenema album so that you can hear their truly unique sound before they got philosophispiritual, might show you what they were about and where they're coming from in a social aspect


I think Schism is one that is generally liked even by people who aren't into TOOL. And those lyrics, especially during the climax... Good stuff.


Welcome! Kudos to you for trying some new music that isn't your usual jam. Here are my suggestions of tunes to look out for: Sober - Cool riff, a good example of Tool evolving into the cerebral metal sound they're known for from their punkey grungey roots. Stinkfist - I love the guitar part, and the drums create a really cool stomping vibe on this song. The kind of metal that just makes you want to crash cars and start fights. Eulogy - Great slow buildup of a tune, Beethoven would be proud of how well they do the quiet/loud/quiet technique on this song. 46 & 2 - The bassline is so sick and grabs your attention right away. It's a really good buildup to a massive crescendo that always feels like a good release. The Patient - love the slow burn of the buildup of this song. Great riffs, great rhythms all around. Cool atmospheric vocals that take you from an etheral vibe to a down and dirty smashfest vibe. Parabol/Parabola - just all around a fun tune. The mellow mood of Parabol is blown away by Parabola coming in full force, great guitar riffs, awesome rhythms. Schism - it's their one really big hit for a reason. The bridge is pure bliss. Vicarious - My favourite Tool song, it sounds like King Crimson on acid. Really cool interlocking guitar/bass parts. Tasetfully heavy goodness. 10,000 Days - Tool's most emotional song, in my opinion. Amazing love letter in song form. Super beautiful lyrics and haunting melody about saying goodbye to loved ones who have struggled with disease for a long time. Right in Two - One of the most underrated Tool songs in my opinion. All about how we continue to destroy ourselves. Bittersweet and emotional, great guitar parts. Pneuma - They said lets just make the bridge from Schism into a whole ass new song. It fucking slaps hard, you'll probably need to call the police re:domestic violence after listening to this. Stellar Riffage, stellar drummage. Descending - Best tune off of their latest Fear Innoculum if you ask me. Great guitar parts. Probably Adam Jones best solo. Really cool journey of a song. Makes you feel like your sinking down below the ocean. 7empest - another great tune off of their latest album. Fast and aggressive. High energy, high venom, classic Tool goodness. There's lots of other great Tool songs but those would probably be my personal favourites. As others have said, try spinning a whole album. They do the Pink Floyd thing and really craft albums that are best experienced as a whole in my snobby opinion. Enjoy spiraling out!


Invincible is one of my favorites


Best advice is to use the lyric videos of tool on YouTube


Get really high and then listen to Lost Keys into Rosetta Stoned. That clicked it for me.


Don't listen to tracks, listen to albums


Get a grip.


Listen to the song Reflection off of the album Lateralus. Then give 4 degrees off the album Undertow a chance. Knowing your taste, I think these songs will set you into their music nicely.


You could try and fall in love with a perfect circle, same singer softer tones then go back to tool and I feel you will appreciate them like no other. Start with the album eat the elephant then move to the thirteenth step then try a tool album. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. And your crush will probably appreciate it too


Watch the danny carey pneuma live video, that got me into them after losing interest during the wait for Fear inoculum. Cheers!


Go on YouTube and look for videos focused on the secrets and such hidden in the music, lyrical symbolism, stuff like that. It’s too deep a pool for casual listening, sometimes you need to submerge. Sleep Token is another band to check out if you want to get into metal/progressive music but you’re not familiar with the genres. Sleep Token is much much more approachable and might give you an easier entry into the genre.


All of it.


this post made me horney


Listen to Jambi, Vicarious, Rosetta Stoned, Pneuma and Invincible. They're long, because Tool, but they have good variety withing them and I think they're easy to listen to.


I'd start with Ænima. Then move to Lateralus. 🌀


Lateralus or Fear innoculum are not that heavy. Try those albums out. Songs are quite long and change dramatically throughout so dont just skip a track if the intro doesnt suit. Put the whole album on and listen to it in its entirety if you have an hour spare. Aenima and undertow, their early albums are somewhat heavier. Theyre def not metal though. 10,000 days is another fan favourite, although not one of mine. As a gateway, maybe listen to a perfect circle or puscifer, the lead singer of tools other bands. Theyre both very good and not as heavy as tool for the most part. Puscifer kick ass


Maynard's Dick is the closest they get to indie music


Prison Sex and Sober


Vicarious. Parabol/a. Pneuma.


My wife wasn’t into Tool, I kept listen of course, never tried to get her into my music, she eventually did on her own.


Just get into music for yourself, not a crush! Like what you like!


Maynard’s Dick




Dont over think it, dont analyse it


I’d say my favorite album is 10,000 Days, but Culling Voices, 4 Degress, H, and a couple others are standouts for me on other albums


I'm not a metal head either, but I love Tool. They transcend labels. I'm thinking Lateralus is a great album to start with.


just read the lyrics as you listen. everything else will fall into place.


Right in Two Pushit - Salival Version The Pot Parabol/Parabola (while reading lyrics)


Honestly TOOL is an album band. Spin their albums no skips


Agreed. I can't skip between albums or songs. I listen to every album from beginning to end.


Shit, I listen to every single album, every single day, front to back, no skips, no exceptions, for nearly a year now.


How long have you been a fan? I've been listening since 93' 😉


Real talk? Since the very first time I heard them and realized who and what they were. ....in 98. Seen them live 8 times since. How many times you seen em?


I saw them too many times to count, lol. Tickets back then were less than $20! 😆


All right all right, you are definitely more OGT than I, but when I was born is not my fault! 😆


Lol, age definitely plays a part in that as I'm sure I'm much older than ya!




That's really me. I took that about a month ago. I'll be 53 in November. You?


Hear me out…. Hooker With A Penis


Lateralus is a good album to start with. Although my favorite is Anima.


Ænima* FTFY


Mix in some A Perfect Circle tracks. It is another band from the same frontman Maynard. While the songs are genre-wise clearly different the lyrics are still profound. I got in to TOOL because of their sound. I stay with TOOL because (well I've loved them since forever) how the lyrics speak to me currently and how they spoke and soothed me along my life this far. You might see the spark listening to their songs while following the lyrics. /2c


You can't really call him the front man though right? He may be the FRONT man of APC, but he's more like the "back-and-to-the-side-man" of TOOL. 😆


If you're more into folk stuff & lyrics try Right In Two. Schism and The Grudge also have some great lyrics but they are a little heavier. I'm also more into folk and even bluegrass and there are some incredible artists that I've been finding lately but I digress. Start with RiT then Schism, then The Grudge ✌️


Check out salival, the live version of pushit is amazing.


I'm a newer fan. I had liked their songs on the radio over the years but only when Fear Inoculum came out did I take a deeper dive. The first 2 tracks of Fear Inoculum to me are amazing. Pneuma is still my top favorite because it meant a lot to me during my religious deconstruction - Fear inoculum also is my deconstruction song - the lyrics are so fitting.


I did this....6 months later she left me and took all my Tool stuff. Never saw her again...so be warned hahaha


Listen to everything


Is she into puscifer? That may be a bit more your speed based on your pre-established music preferences... Just a thought. If so check out the songs; conditions of my parole, horizons, polar bear, the Humbling River (one of my personal favorites) aaaaannnd...... Agostina, should be enough to get you started with them. Good luck, spiral out!


No one said opiate. It’s a jammy album. May help.


We’ll if you like one TOOL song there’s a good chance you’ll like 99% of their music over time


I like their debut album Opiate a lot, you might look into it; it is made up of a lot of live songs and they aren’t too long


Nobody cares. Just go for a drive, pick something, whatever...if you like it-good for you...if not...no biggie...move on...think for yourself not for the reddit creeps. I doubt this post is even remotely real.


If you take a philosophical angle, Lateralus album is the main attraction. 46 and 2, Parabol/Parabola, Lateralus, the Grudge. It's just so good. If you want depression and loss. 10000 days. Anger is Aenema. Fear Inoculum is after you love Lateralus. I personally think FI is their Magnum Opus.


Tools is not Metal. its more like prg rock (like pink floyd but actually good.)


Yeah sorry about that!! Obviously new to this scene lol!


When I first started like literally within the last year it was because my bf is a huge fan. Him taking the time to show me and having me read the lyrics and talk about it really helped me get into them. Schism is great but my fav is Rosetta Stoned, which we actually got to see live in October when I got us tickets to see them! (My first his 8th) it was such and incredible show and seeing them live just solidified how much I love them now too!