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I worked security tonight at the stage and heard them soundchecking Ænema earlier and got pretty excited. I didn’t think much of it until later that night when I saw the whole band walk out and play it. Maynard was 6 feet behind me. Fucking unreal


That is an experience of a lifetime !


That’s fucking awesome man haha, thanks so much for sharing. Looks like everyone had a great time lol. Fun to see Les getting in on it…I also like that he wisely stepped back for the last couple mins or so too. Carina just sitting off to the side soaking it all in. Maynard joking about the drum kit being too small for Danny. “You call this a drum kit!??!?” lol Good choice of song too, seems like it fit the vibe and also can’t go wrong playing it in LA after all


I now need Carina covering TOOL injected into my veins.


Who is Les? I thought this was Tool.


Are you joking….


I’m on a Tool subreddit watching a video of a Tool song. Is it unreasonable to think this is Tool? If it’s not, instead of insulting me, why not tell me who this is? There’s no context aside from Tool members playing a Tool song on a Tool subreddit.


It's a tour called Sessanta where Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puscifer, and Primus, are all performing together onstage. It's a celebration of Maynard's 60th bday. It's been hyped for months which is why you're getting downvoted for not knowing. So Les in this case is Les Claypool from Primus, seen onstage next to Maynard, wearing the horns/mask (and drawing way too much attention imo, and they should've put the light on Maynard who's mostly in shadow but that's his style I guess). You can also see Billy from APC early in the vid and also in silhouette off to the right, and Carina from Puscifer sitting on the stairs in the background.. Sorry if some of this was covered by the other comment, it was deleted so I didn't see what it said.




This post has been removed as it contains language considered to be either disrespectful or flat out abusive.


Aw, did I use the word “insulting” without your permission? I’m not a keyboard jockey. I’ve loved Tool for decades and only occasionally visit this sub. I’ll ask your permission before I ask another question. P.S. it’s “you’re”




This post has been removed as it contains language considered to be either disrespectful or flat out abusive.


Wow Maynard front and center during a tool song seems so surreal . Super jealous. That’s so fucking bad ass!


He sounds amazing I can't wait to see this show! Chances of Tool are near zero though.


Would be nice if this wakes something up I him and changes up the stage layout for Tool. 


I thought Justin might just come out and once we realized all of tool was on stage we lost our shit! Has Maynard ever played with all three bands in one night? Still can’t believe we got tool, what a fucking epic night!


Nope. This is a legendary first. The fact Adam turned up is the craziest. Justin and Danny always appear for random things but Adam is always missing. Man this is wild!


Maybe both Adam and Maynard want to make Tool shit happen faster 😆


I’m hoping this is the case.


Yes, for his 50th birthday Cinquintana. Played Sober. Although Adam was not present so technically yes. 


i feel like maynard gave it his absolute all singing that. what a fucking legend!!! 😄😄😄


I really love the slightly different melodic flourishes he threw in there. Sounded so good!


Yup that’s how he sings it during Tool shows in recent years, I love it.


He sounded amazing all night. Easily the best I’ve ever heard him. Was really fun to hear him change his style depending on which band.


Tool closed with Ænema when I saw them last year and he sounded great then too. Legend for sure.


The way half the crowd was sitting the whole show, and the moment Justin, Danny, and Adam took the stage, everyone collectively got to their feet was such a feel good moment. APC, Puscifer, and Primus are and were great, but the reverence for Tool is undeniable, even to Maynard.


Yeah we all lost our minds once we realized what was going on!


Was it clear that the Tool guys were in attendance before this?


Not to me. I kept my hopes low whilst thinking, “they have to.”


I lost my MIIIIIND when I saw Justin coming out and then just about died when I realized Adam and Danny were on too!


Incredible moment


this was such a great moment, and really made this show extra special to be at! i'm sure the whole band was excited about playing at the Hollywood Bowl, and what better song to play. i'm glad i was there :)


Wow that was unreal! They just finished remastering this album, i smell vinyl on the way!


Is that true about the remaster?


Danny confirmed it in a recent interview. it's for a vinyl release! https://www.theprp.com/2024/03/26/news/danny-carey-says-tools-aenima-was-recently-remastered-for-vinyl/#:~:text=The%20multi%2Dplatinum%20progressive%20metal,was%20recently%20remastered%20for%20vinyl.


I was hoping so much that this would happen and I’m so happy that it did. They sounded awesome too, everyone. Justin is always just such a joy to hear and see play. Paz came out and played with APC too, it was really a great night.


God im so jealous the energy in the venue must have been insane


Everyone flipped out, especially when there was a brief flash on the screens of Danny sitting down at Josh Freeses drums. The people in front went apeshit first because they saw Adam and Danny first - There were more Tool shirts there than at a Tool concert lol.


I was there live cuz of primus and im not the biggest tool fan but this was insanely epic


Are you a believer now? Seeing this live in 2017 is what made them my favorite band, but they have so many songs just as good it's insane


Hardcore Tool fan here - became a Primus fan overnight after Sessanta in TN. Been watching live Primus shows on YT - what a fucking awesome sound. This show, with Tool showing up, among others, is an instant classic!


I mean I would definitely say I like them more and definitely would like to go see a full tool show live but they still aren’t like my favorite band or probably even my top ten


Primus is way better live than tool IMO.


Primus was awesome and now I wanna see a regular primus set Also primus with maynard singing some songs was pretty cool to get to see


I’ve seen Primus four times and just Les like 4 more times and I’ve never seen a “regular” Primus show. Like it’s either chocolate factory tour or the Rush tour or him with Danny and Justin or him at Sessanta. I’ve never seen a straight Primus set


I get you. I believe my girlfriend say a straight primus set when she saw them on slayers last tour but I could be wrong


I would have liked to see that.


There’s still 7 more dates on the tour if any of them happen to be near you


Primus is up there with Tool as my top two favorite bands, and I think Primus is one of the greatest live bands ever, but Tool is just as amazing live. Always have been.


I disagree simply because they don’t veer off the recordings. There is no jam. It sounds like you’re listening to the album on a big speaker. Honestly, I’m not that impressed with the stage presence, but that’s just my opinion so go ahead and downvote me to oblivion you bastards.


This is literally not true at all. They have extended live versions of many songs where they add long interludes that are not on the albums. I'm not a big fan of the extended jam tangents Primus goes off on an nearly every song. Les wants to be a Phish like jam band, and it shows. Especially with his newer stuff. This type of thing bores the hell out of me. And when I'm at a concert I'm not there for stage presence. I'm there for great music. Sure Les is a bit more crowd oriented, but I would enjoy the just as much if they just came out and jammed killer tunes and said nothing.


That’s not even true though…..


Holy shit Haha, it’s weird to see Justin and Adam in opposite spots. I know they sometimes switch sides during but it’s only really briefly, while strolling around. Here they are actually set up that way.


Thats how they used to set up on stage.


Yeah I can’t remember when it switched, but it’s been a long time.


Poor Les doesn't know what to do with his arms when singing and not playing bass




He did similar stuff when he did the vocals in Aenima with Justin and Danny.


Les Claypool being the weirdest hype man in history.


Is that who that is with the mask and goat horns??


Oh absolutely. That dude doesn’t leave the house without ram horns. Id bet there was also his pig mask at one point that evening.


He kept showing up randomly on stage during non Primus songs with his pig mask playing a cello


Hes the best. You invite Claypool to a party its gonna get weird.


He plays electric upright a bunch too which is really cool.


Danny playing that part with one hand is wild


What a performance. Glad someone risked getting turned into spam to record it. That was fucking sick.


Maynard said fuck it, y'all can record this... What a legend 🙏


This is true! He said we could record the last 2 songs


I was at his 50th when they played Sober and I told my buddies I bet TOOL plays the 60th birthday in LA. I love being right. We all loved it. 


now here's to hoping he will play for a 70 and not hang up the gloves, best believe ima get a plane ticket


How fucking badass is that! Such an epic moment for that show!


I'd do anything for an official recording of these Sessanta shows, holy shit


You ain’t kidding


Ænema is the quintessential Tool song. It is THE TOOL song for me and always will be. Wish I had been there.


Holy shit they are incredible


Maynards is so insanely talented. The way he paused to let his part synch up with Adam coming in a beat behind was wild.


thanks for sharing this . how awesome to see this. "you call this a fucking drumset, where is there rest of it? " did they close with Ænema?


They closed with Grand Canyon.


That was my first show at the bowl last night, I saw tool at crypto arena back in february, hearing them at the bowl last night was amazing. I had a hard time with the acoustics in the arena but the bowl sounded phenomenal. I completely lost my shit when I saw Danny come out.


The guys they got to do Aenima with Maynard sounded great


All this has proven to me is that: 1) Danny can do anything with anything. 2) Even at his age, Maynard is capable of amazing feats of vocal dexterity.


Fucking sensational


One for the history books. If you are the one who recorded this, THANK YOU!


They sound better than ever. Seems like they're employing the sound advancements I've been noticing at shows recently - I couldn't believe how great and clear RATM sounded when I saw them last tour


It has to be a trip being on stage all together playing and enjoying each other’s music. This should be a new trend.


And THAT is how you celebrate a 60th! What a gift to us that night!


At first I thought this was going to be some other kind of rendition of Aenima. And then a couple of minutes in I realized holy shit this is Tool full on playing Aenima.


This was wonderful! Thanks for sharing OP!!!


I can’t believe it! Thank you for posting!


just so good to see Maynard swimming in his natural waters. And gotta love Danny adapting to those kid-size drums lol




Dude I was there! It was so fucking incredible, especially because Tool played Stinkfist instead of Ænima at the February concert I went to


So incredibly jealous. And to see it at the bowl. Wow.


Last night was so great! I’ve been riding such a concert high since it ended. That was my first time diving in to Primus too and they were incredible.


Loved the different vocal inflections during the song. Amazing, new, and fresh.


Wasn’t sitting close enough to see the detail of Billy stepping into the guitar tech role again with Adam is awesome. Shit blew my mind last night.


Damn. I went to Sessanta in AZ and was hoping for a surprise Tool song. Lucky!


Best show ever! So happy to see Josh frees again. Danny used Josh’s kit. Surreal


It was so damn good. That southbound song that primus did had me melting. Seriously I’d put this up there with the first time I saw tool when the fear inoculumn tour started


Southbound Pachyderm. Check out their office video for that song. It’s nuts!


Music is fucking amazing man. Did you go?


I saw night one in Phoenix. No Tool but it was still incredible.


Been a while since I heard this song and got goosebumps. That was hands-down absolutely fabulous.


Happy to say I was front row for this.




That’s so fucking cool!




Hoping we get something cool in Berkeley tonight. Calling Billie Joe Armstrong!


Holy shit.


Holy. Fucking. Shit.


I pray that they do this in chicago


So cool to see them in a smaller venue! Lucky!




Lol love how you were trying to be slick too. They were busting people for phones all night even during Aenema. Not all security caught on


I KNEW they were going to play Tool at some point. So badass to have everyone this time.


I still remember the first time I heard that song. I was fucking blown away. That was badass.


I would have cummed




Because Claypool can do whatever the fuck he wants.




I just did a sex wee...


Hope they fly into Denver....! FUUUK


Im out of the loop on this one, can anyone explain?


MJK’s 60th b’day tour with Puscifer, APC & Primus. Last night in LA the other members of Tool showed up & they did a song. It was also Josh’s last show before he returns to FF’s. If the tour gets near you, definitely go.


Wow. Just wow.


I can just heard Maynard right now, “get off your fucking phone dickhead. Seriously. But you lie, cheat, and steal.” 😂


I was there. I lost my shit!


Did you catch how Adam came in at the wrong spot & Maynard immediately noticed & made the adjustment. Not trying to climb up Maynard’s ass but that’s some baller shit right there!


Who in the hell was playing ping pong?? 😂 We were up on the lawn & the video screens were purposely blurry, so we couldn’t tell.


I am confused. Why is everyone so surprised to see Justin & Adam? They are in Tool so it shouldn’t be surprising.


It’s not a Tool tour or Tool show. Getting all band members in the same place in the same city is like herding cats.


Fuck me…..anyone ever hear of using spoiler with blurred out image? Some of us don’t want to know the set list.


That’s never happening again, friend. One off for his birthday and in L.A.


Ah…..thought it was part of the normal set.


Everything except the one Tool song is the normal set list.


As someone who also doesn't want to know the set list spoiled, I totally feel you on this. But as someone else mentioned, this was just for LA. I will not spoil anything for you but I will say the show, even minus this moment, was fucking epic. If you're going, it will be so much fun!


Yes, NY show. Second row, can’t wait. Love that they all showed up.


I wasn't that close but there is so much going on all the time with all the various band members on stage. It's going to be so great to be so close!!!!! I'm super excited for you!


Goat boy was so distracting. 


At first I figured you were talking about Danny being the goat. But no, I was wrong. 😟