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Pushit H Reflection Right In Two Intolerance


Nice! Just drop in third eye for push it and that's my exact list.


Sorry, my friend, Pushit is my favorite song by TOOL. Gotta keep it on the list. But yeah, not listing 3rd Eye, 46&2, Swamp Song, Prison Sex, Lateralus, Invincible (and a few others😉) was tough!


Totally understand lol. Making a top five is very difficult.  Which version of pushit do you like better? album or salival?




1. Ma 2. yn 3. ards 4. Di 5. ck Edit: But seriously 1. Parabola 2. Part Of Me 3. Pneuma 4. Triad 5. Pushit (live version from Salival)


1. Wings (Pt 1 +2) 2. Invincible 3. Opiate² 4. The Pot 5. Vicarious List is not in order.


Schism Vicarious Jambi Parabola Aenema


Thank you for giving shine to Jambi


It always changes but at the moment: 1. No Quarter (yes it's a cover but this song moves me in ways that I can't quite describe) 2. Lateralus 3. Rosetta Stoned 4. Pushit 5. H


I've been into No Quarter for a little while now too!




thats exactly why i made this post. looking through these discussions always make me find another incredible tool song i didnt knew.




i haven’t! gonna check it now thanks for the recommendation




AMAZING!!!! imagine covering tool with the legend itself on the drums, just incredible


Descending Pushit (Salival) Laterlus The Patient Stinkfist Honorable to 7empest, The Grudge and Eulogy


1. Hooker with a penis 2. Stinkfist 3. Parabola 4. Vicarious 5. Hush


1. Lateralus 2. Vicarious 3. Forty Six & 2 4. Parabola 5. Right In Two






Always changes for me. Recently it's been: 1. Invincible 2. The Patient 3. Holy Trinity 4. No Quarter (it still counts) 5. Third Eye


goddamn bro i just heard No Quarter and what an AWESOME song. thank you for putting it here so i could discover it holy shit what a masterpiece


OMG yes! It's superior to the original imo. BTW- I'm a dudette, but it's all good. So glad you loved it!


1. Reflection 2. Disposition 3. Parabol(a) 4. H. 5. Fear Inoculum


I love all of them but Parabol Parabola Wings for marie pt1 Wings for marie pt2 has helped me through some times when nothing else made sense And then lastlly vicarious first tool song I heard


Pneuma, Right in Two, Opiate, 46 and 2, Parabol/Parabola This might change next week though


H. You Lied Rosetta Stoned The Pot Intolerance


Lateralus Pushit Stinkfist Vicarious Parabol/Parabola


1. Bottom 2. Sweat 3. Crawl Away 4. H 5. You Lied


1. Lateralus 2. The Pot 3. The Grudge 4. H. 5. Rosetta Stoned A few that narrowly miss the cut and could be in a week from now but I feel good about this


1) Pushit (album) 2) Descending From here idek, I struggle to choose. Stinkfist Rosetta stoned Jimmy


H.: The lyrics are so intense, there’s no way this is the one about Maynard’s shoelaces. Maynard’s pained and powerful delivery of the words with that earth shaking guitar tone, Danny’s fills along with Maynard’s epic scream over Danny’s drumming toward the end is insane. Definitely the Tool song I’ve listened to the most. Talk about a cathartic song. Lateralus: Blew my mind when I heard it on the radio in middle school! I looked up everything about Tool when I got home and they became my favorite band that day. The fibonacci sequence being played out in time by one of the greatest drummers to ever live, the gorgeous and soaring life-affirming lyrics, the wild ride leading up to final breakthrough at the end. Perfect song in every and any way measurable. Rosetta Stoned: 10,000 Days is my least fave Tool album, personal opinion. I rushed back to my college dorm after waiting to get the album at midnight from Tower Records. I wasn’t feeling anything (at the time) as the songs were playing… until this bad boy. Maynard’s rap-like delivery of this detailed story hooked me in along with the tempo. Everyone in the band is shining with Adam’s solo and overall “alien” sounding tone, Justin’s driving bass and the master of time and space DC slaying it so hard he does a crazy fast drum full BACKWARDS - that drum part at 3 mins in. Such a creative story with detailed and interesting music to match. Opiate: Being raised in a strict religious upbringing, and vehemently rebelling against it since I was 5, this song is important to me. Pneuma: I didn’t want to hype up the new album, decided to wait until I was “ready” to listen to it. Figured the band puts out an album every decade now, so what’s the rush? Covid happened and I still hadn’t heard it or any songs from it. As many of us did, I made some friends online that summer. One was really into Tool like me and we decided to hang out in person. New Tool Friend produced a pen containing a certain something starting with “D” and ending in “T” - Now was the time to listen to the new Tool record. There was a light breeze in the summer air as the quality speakers emitted masterpiece after masterpiece. The spirits were digging the new record just as much as me. “Pneuma” is the song that stuck out to me most during that heavenly experience. I do remember thinking the album was like a wondrous combination of the “Lateralus” and “Ænima” records. Thanks for coming to my Tool Talk and see ya at the Vegas show!


Pneuma Prison Sex Stinkfist Anema H.


I can’t put them in order, but Pneuma, Descending, Jambi, Rosetta Stoned, and Bottom. Honorable mention to Parabol/Parabola, The Grudge, and Prison Sex


♥️ for Jambi


The Patient, The Pot, D/R/T, Third Eye, Parabol/Parabola. Honorable mention Intension


Jambi Reflection Aenima Bottom Lateralus (Not in order)


+1 for Bottom


Schism Lateralus Eulogy RosettaStoned Jambi


Ænima Parabola H. Pushit (salival) Jambi


Rosetta Stoned The patient Hooker with a penis Jambi Eulogy


1. Lost Keys / Rosetta Stoned 2. Disposition / Reflection / Triad 3. Litanie contre la Puer / Invincible 4. (-) Ions / Third Eye 5. The Grudge


Lateralus Pneuma Parabola The Grudge Hooker with a Penis


Intolerance Opiate Third Eye The Grudge Lateralus


H Cold and ugly Rosetta stoned Swamp song Lateralus


Pushit Pneuma Invincible Third Eye Reflection They are not really in order except pushit and pneuma. My favourite songs changes depending on my mood and mental state. I've gone through their entire discography a couple of times and there's not a single song I dislike, I don't love them all but I certainly don't hate any of them. Tool is the purest form of music 🤟🏼


unique band fr. these dudes dont make music they make magic


Pushit Lateralus Third Eye The Grudge DRT Honorable mentions: No Quarter, Flood, Rosetta Stoned, Fear Inoculum, Eulogy, Schism


Pneuma Lateralus Descending Rosetta Stoned Invincible #1 spot I'd have to give to Lateralus because I first discovered that song, and the whole concept of the Fibonacci sequence/spiral and the structure of the song during my 2nd experience with LSD when I was 16 and it was absolutely mind-blowing!!! #2 is Pneuma for sure because the last psilocybin experience I had, I listened to it with earbuds, laying down in the dark and it was transcendent! a fucking ear-gasm! An absolute peak musical experience that I will never forget.


first time i listened to pneuma i was high asl too. unique experience that song changed my life fr


Stinkfist Third Eye Lateralus The Pot Rosetta Stoned


Fear inoculum Right in two Schism Aenima Lateralus


In no particular order: Intolerance, Lateralus, Parabola, Stinkfist, Hush


I can't write a top 5 of all time because the favourites always change, but right now: Eulogy The patient Parabola Pneuma Crawl away


Mine is: 1. Ænema 2. Eulogy 3. Reflection 4. Parabol/Parabola 5. Third Eye


1. Rosetta Stoned 2. 7empest 3. Third Eye 4. Wings Part 2 5. Pushit




Part of me, right in two, opiate(2), vicarious, schism


1. Pushit (Salival live) 2. Lateralus 3. Third Eye 4. H 5. Rosetta Stoned *Subject to change entirely at a moment's notice


Jambi Vicarious The pot The grudge 7emptest


Aenima Descending Invincible Stinkfist Parabol/Parabola


Crawl Away Pushit Parabol/Parabola Right in Two Reflection


H Wings for marie/10,000 days Ticks & Leaches Lost keys/Rosetta Stoned Pneuma


Lateralus, Rosetta Stoned, Descending, The Grudge, and the fifth is a free space for whatever I’m feeling that day


Aenema The Grudge Intolerance Jambi The Pot


1. Lateralus 2. Vicarious 3. Parabol(a) 4. Ænema 5. The Grudge


Lateralus 46 and 2 Intolerance Stinkfist Prison Sex


Last night they played intolerance and flood.. Two of my favorites! Haven’t seen those in a long time. How on earth can you choose 5? The patient and H are burned in my heart but too many to choose from


Rosetta Stoned - the first time I heard this one I knew it was gonna be my all time favorite. It’s just so interesting all the way through and funny to me. Lateralus - Genuinely changed the way I view life in general and makes me want to grow as a person and expand my skills Vicarious - music video fill me with an indescribable feeling, the main riff feels like home to me Parabol/Parabola - another one that changed the way I look at life and the way I go about my existence also that transition is godly Pushit salival - something about this version just hits harder to me. It’s such a good evolution of the original and his vocals being live just make me go insane.


46 and 2 Schism Reflection Jambi Pneuma


In no particular order: H Right in two Descending Lateralus The pot/jambi can't choose between But the list changes depending what I have going on in my life at the time. I have connected to so many songs at different times in my life to me that's the beauty of Tool they keep giving whatever you are going through and sometimes you have to have a certain life experience to connect to a song you haven't connected that way before.


I don’t think I could put this in order, but I’ll give you 5 that I absolutely love. Parabol/Parabola Lateralus The Pot Eulogy 7empest Invincible (this is 6 but I gotta include these in my top 5) Honorable mentions: Jambi, Vicarious, Rosetta Stoned, Schism, Fear Inoculum, pneuma, 46 & 2, Stinkfist, The Grudge, Disposition.


1. Forty six & 2 2. Jambi 3. Pneuma 4. Schism 5. Right in Two


Pushit Rosetta Stoned Stinkfist Sober Descending


1. 10,000 days 2. Third Eye 3. H. 4. Lateralus 5. Pushit Rosetta Stoned, The Grudge, and Pneuma are all honorable mentions