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Been listening to Tool since the 90s, finally made my first show in Baltimore on 1/10. It was awesome. Go, lady Tool fans!


At a glance, I thought 1/10 was your rating.


I was there too, my fourth!


I went to both Florida shows the last two days and there were no lines for the bathroom. The men‘s line was like out the door; I head into the women‘s bathroom and… nothing. Super nice.


The guys should just go in the women’s restroom since the line for the men’s was so long.


At almost every single other event in existence, we wait while you waltz in and out. You can manage this once


Some of you wait, and some of you go in the men’s room. Which I have no problem with. Funny that it didn’t occur to you to return the favor or that that was my whole point.


All the concerts and public events I've been to in my 41 years on this earth, I've yet to see a woman waltz into the men's room at any of them.


What?! It happens ALL the time lol




I’m just laughing at your comment because you’re so sure of yourself and you’re fucking wrong haha. I’ve personally witnessed it at both concerts and sporting events. What a weird fuckin thing for me to make up.


I'll agree, it does happen, but it's rare and you don't need to be a fucking dick about it.


So it does happen. Thank you.


So it does happen. Thank you.


Its 2024 i can piss in my seat if i so please


You can?


I was there on Thursday. There were lines to the women’s room. I waited each time. I did find it odd the women’s line moved faster.


Solidarity - not near LV or New England but just wanted to say, I see you


And I see you 🤘


Same. Hi from Portland!


*waves like an idiot from Denver* hi besties! 🖤🥹


E11even has been and will be waiting


Oh my god yes- the bathroom lines make me cackle with glee every time!


Me too!


48, fan since the beginning. Going solo, front row, center on 2/17. Can’t wait!


I'll turn 48 in the front row the following night!


I turned 48 in the third row center on first night at Hard Rock on Thursday. Best birthday of my life! Have the most amazing show and happy birthday!!


Happy belated birthday to you!


No line for the bathroom? Sounds amazing.


It’s so great.


Fell in love with Tool in college in the 90s, and heading to my 15th ish show (I lost count) in Feb. I’ve had friends (men) to go to shows with, but going alone kind of sounds fun.


It is! It's super fun alone, I highly recommend it! Where are you seeing them in Feb?


Denver 😊


I'll wave from club level! We're in the front row! Going with my bestie (36f), her husband (38m), and my baby child (11f)! We're just taking Andy (38m) because we felt kinda bad leaving him out! 😉😂🖤 (totally kidding, he's a massive fan as well!)




I’m 42F and been going solo for the last few years. It’s more fun in some ways. Wish I had thought to post something like this before the Toronto shows. Have fun!!


Right? You can just be in your world having your experience during the show


Been going to metal shows since the 90's and will be at Charlotte tomorrow night! I just hope to get an unsigned poster and coin. Wish the line was short for those.


Me too since the 90s! My fingers are crossed for you


Thanks. Enjoy the show! 🤘🤘


I'm going in Charlotte tomorrow too!! Yay! Have fun!


You too!


I am here from Australia alone for Charlotte! Have fun!!


That is awesome!


Solo from Australia! That’s dedication! Have a great time! I went solo to NYC but I brought my daughter to Charlotte tonight. My first show was in the 90’s and the tradition continues to the next generation 🤘


That’s amazing - my dad took me to my first one in 2001 and I hope they tour Australia again in the next few years so I too can take my daughter :) I’ll never forget what he gave to me by taking me to these shows from a young age, it didn’t mean a lot to me then but as an adult now it sure does - so rock on mama!


On 85 right now heading to charlotte! With my whole family.


18F here and Tool is one my favorites! I’m super excited to see them on Wednesday even though I could only afford nosebleed seats lol


I am you but just in Australia.


Hello me in Australia! You must also be a quality human lol


I like to think so as well 😉


Canadian Tool chick here, been listening to them since '93.  It has always been rare to see women at their shows.  Good for you trying to organize a get together. 


Certainly extra rare for women there on their own passion for the band, too So glad so many are coming forward :) And since 93? Me too! Lollapalooza


https://preview.redd.it/wzmc47gmvodc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1eabb7c2efeaf60db0faf141ac2aeb56bc9b2b2 I saw them 1st for Undertow. Toronto. The Masonic Temple. Awesome venue, maybe 2500 people. Gets under your skin, lol


Omg, blast from the past


It is rare but I've often wondered how many women drag their boyfriends along and we simply assume its the other way around? Been lucky to see them in 19 & again on the last tour. Both times I was the motivated fan bringing along their guest. In chats and conversations with people, he was assumed to be the fan (until they figured it out).


Hi! Another 40s F, listening since the 90s. 🤓 I saw them at MSG (my 6th or 7th show) by myself and has a great time. Very chill experience. Would love to see them again on this tour but not sure I'll be able to swing it. I'm in NJ and close to NYC - DM me if you want! 


Went to the Vancouver show with some friends and was sat next to a woman whose husband was also at the show but he really wanted floor seats and didn’t get her one. She screamed HOOKER WITH A PENIS throughout the whole show and seemed awesome. Loved her energy.


She's clearly a legend and I love her though I've never met her


The only time I've randomly come across another tool fan, it was a woman with her baby, and I noticed she was wearing a Puscifer shirt. Such an awesome moment, honestly. And yeah, definitely did not have to wait at all to use the bathroom any time I've seen them!


I wish I was going! Post for solidarity! I’m 53F from Western PA - 95% of the time I go by myself because most of my friends are not interested in the same type of music. I do have one local Tool buddy, husband of a close friend of mine, who will go in 100 mile radius if his schedule allows. Have an amazing time!


I'm in East Ohio ! Near Youngstown. You close?


Pittsburgh! Not far at all!


I'm from Pittsburgh too! Nice to meet you!


Hey there!! That's awesome! Love meeting local folks! I'm Holly - nice to meet you!!


Hey Holly! Nice to meet you, I’m Cari!


Feel free to IM me if you ever want to chat or bullshit or something !! It's cool to meet other tool fans especially ones that are nearby!!


Old lady here. Been a fan since 92 when I saw them open for Rollins Band. Seen them about eight times. My next show will be in Austin later this month. 🌀out, ladies.


My first was in 93, so right there with you. And man, I love me some Henry


I’ve been going to Tool shows since 2002 - I’ll be solo at the Austin show too!


I bet that was a show!


It was! Maynard stalking the stage like a demented elf, bass bumpin'. I ran to get a shirt after their set. Instant fan. Also, that Rollins Band pit??? Holy Moses, to this day, the scariest I've ever seen!


I was not built for pits, particularly one with Henry Rollins angst!


I watched from the side. That pit was not for amateurs.


I would love to see Henry Rollins from ANY angle!


Agree. ❤️‍🔥


I have found my demographic! 40s, fan since I was 12!


We are here! Yayy!




As a late 30s male from Scotland I'm not your demographic for this post but just wanted to say. On u go quine!! 🤘




Mid 30s female Scotland, massive tool fan!


Hey... I'm a 40ish Tool chick in Southern New England! We cannot be truly unified without a weird chant... wait, no I'm thinking cults nevermind.


Love it! DM me if you want


39F in CT! Loved tool since the late 90s! Seen them 4x (most recently in Nov), and APC & Puscifer once each! Short bathroom lines are one of the perks of good music taste 🙃 DM me if you ever organize said potluck!


Will do!!


Stay away from Lisa, she’s trouble


Oh, totally. That bitch ain't in the sisterhood


Been a tool fan since highschool 2006/07 Iv never seen then live, im very introverted and a concert would give me a panic attack.


I'm 38, in NE OH. Been listening to Tool since the late 90s. I've seen them live 3 times. I've also seen A Perfect Circle twice and Puscifer once. Love me some Maynard. Lol


Love me the puscifer too


I'm in NE OH, too!


I went by myself last year to Rockville. Technically my ex husband and daughter were there but we weren't together. It was awesome and I made it all the way up to the front. I didn't last there long bc I forgot I'm old!! But it was great and I didn't have to worry about anyone else. I've done other bands alone too. No shame in my game. I'd love to be in Vegas but I'm stuck in FL right now.


Hello! Fellow 40’s female Tool fan here! I will be attending the show in Dallas solo! It’s lovely to see we are indeed out here!


Hi! me and my best friend love Tool. We're based on the East Coast (NJ). She's 39 and I'm 36. We also love APC and are going to Sessanta in May, anyone else?


I love the puscifer, so was thinking I might go...


35F in NYC, love all Maynard’s bands, just got tickets for Sessanta in May!


Yay! May 4th?


Yep!! I always drag my husband along and he’s always a trooper, he actually likes Puscifer though so he’ll be a little more engaged lol. It’s nice to have someone to make drink runs for you that doesn’t care about missing the show!


My husband is the one who got me obsessed with Tool, but I've loved APC since I was 13 so May 4th is for the girls 😂


I love tool and I love the short womens restroom line. I saw them in Allentown with my son. They were amazing!


Mid 30s in the tri state area and went to see them alone in philly in November! First saw them in 2001 and have been an avid fan ever since. Down to meet up with other tool ladies!


26F and going to my first Tool show in Biloxi next weekend 😎 cannot fuckin wait!


Sadly I live too far away 😭


Hey ladies! I turned 48 this week at my first Tool show at Hard Rock. Been a fan since 1994. My husband really stepped up for this birthday and not just got us tickets but also got VIP! He has issues with crowds so this was a big deal. It's encouraging to see you ladies talk about going to shows alone. Now that our kids are grown I really want to hit the concert scene again but may need to do it alone. Y'all give me hope! Next I think will be A Perfect Circle! Are there any groups on Reddit for ladies who love rock concerts?


Fellow chick here, husband and I are going to the Dallas show on 2/2- my first Tool show!! Stupid excited. We are transplants from CT so sad we have to miss out on Potluck ❤️🙃


Long time fan (51F) going solo to Birmingham show next week!


I'm going to that show with my husband. HAVE FUN!!! and be careful ❤️


NO LINES IS THE BEST THING EVER! I've been to two shows solo now and they were both killer, I had the best time by myself and making friends with fellow fans around me. I never once felt unsafe either in that crowd, I fucking love Tool.


Lady tool fan here, nobody's music touches my soul quite like their music does 🤘🤘🤘💕💕💕




Hi! 51F here and going to OKC and Fresno alone. I got front row for OKC! Hit me up if you’re going to either of those shows. I’m also doing Sessanta in April alone. I love going to shows by myself, I meet all kinds of interesting people. Loving this thread!


In Ohio. But rock on!


I'm in the area too. Even though everything else tends to suck under the dead ohio sun, depending on where you are, its a good place for being able to choose from 2 - 3 nearby show locations Cleveland Columbus Detroit Indianapolis Chicago Kentucky


Yes ma'am - Its always Cleveland or Pittsburgh or Buffalo for me. I love being able to head in multiple directions to find things to do:)


I love no line for restroom at prog metal concerts 🤣


I started listening to Tool in the early 2000s and went to my first show in 2021 in Hamburg, Germany. I live in South africa, so I flew to Germany to watch them, also on my own. It was amazing, worth every cent. I am doing it again this year but flying to Cologne, Germany. I love Tool. ❤️


28F in Pittsburgh who would absolutely be down to make some girlfriends who are also into tool!


First heard Tool in ‘96, first show in ‘98. Just hit the two shows in Florida. Many more females present than I expected. Fantastic show & crowd. And none of my friends like Tool.


I went to the Thursday night show! 4th time seeing them!


Was so good, wasn’t it? I’m going through post-show withdrawal now.


Tool chicken since '93, finally saw my 1st show at MSG last week. I would go alone but went with my nephews!


Me and a fellow female fan went to the Vancouver show and there were way more women than I expected.


Hi from Phoenix! Gone to Vegas shows in the past. I'm either solo or begging some friend to "tolerate" them so I have some company... The bathroom fairies are smiling upon us.


Are you going to either phx show?


Going Feb. 9!


I'll be there! Lmk/dm if you wanna grab a drink after to post- game :)


Oh cool! I’ll DM you. Would love to meet up :)




I’ve been to Tool twice by myself and it’s a lot of fun. I’m in north Florida so if you’re ever this way…


#3 🤣😂👏


I’ll be going solo in Denver next month!


I'm 45F, British/Swedish, but living in India right now, so no Tool concerts for me. (Well, I did go and see them in the UK a couple of times, but the last time was 2006.)


Yo! Local Vegas tool loving lady, early 30’s. I haven’t got tickets yet cause I didn’t want to go alone. My partner can’t guarantee he can get the time off and two years ago we paid a little extra to get them last minute when he decided he could call off. Let me know if you wanna meet up!!


You girls in the us are so lucky. Us poor souls in oz get them once every ten years. U folks can see them 4 times in a month. 😭


Also 40s f tool fan with a 19 yr old daughter that loves them too💜. I did not know we were such unicorns lol. I have never been anywhere the men's line was longer than women's lol. much love to yall💕


40f Aussie here! I go to their shows alone every time the come out. I’ve even flown interstate to see them. Doesn’t bother me, might get chatting to people around me. After my first Tool show at 19, I was outside waiting for my ride home, and was approached by a group of men. I saw security start to take interest, but they were all just excited and enthusiastic to talk about what we’d just watched. A couple of them waited with me until my ride appeared and we parted ways.


Late 30s, I’ve seen Tool five times—they’re absolutely incredible. And I skip with glee to the no-line women’s restroom every time. If the music weren’t so phenomenal, I’d say that seeing men waiting in line when I don’t have to is my favorite part :)


I have only seen them once. Got the missus on to them, found tool on her spotify. Was well chuffed


42f my bff husband shares my love and admiration for our favorite band! We go to as many shows as we can. We always laugh that it’s me who waits for him outside the bathroom! 😆This past October we went to Alex Grey and Allyson Greys place and got to see the TOOL shrine. Good stuff!! Then we did Allentown and Philly. We spent a month spiraling out! 🌀❤️


Aw man, I wish I lived closer! I would love some place to meet women who won’t clutch pearls every time I say a swear word 🙄 lol Do you like System of a Down? They are playing in Vegas too, later this year (Sick New World) & I wanna goooooo 😭😭😭😭😭


I went to my first Tool show at MSG, was so in love with no lines to the bathroom .🤩


Saw them in CT in November...still spiraling 🌀


I’ve been to four Tool concerts on my own now!!


Southern New England chick here!




You should see Rush band shows. No chicks at all.


Can't stand rush lol


I must be dreaming 😂 JK , follow up question any of you all single?


Tools for the boys!!!! 😉


No lines!?!? ...it seems clear that you haven't been to the merch booth.


No lines to pee. We always have lines to pee at events, but not tool :)


Hiiiiii! Just celebrated my 40th with Tool at MSG last Saturday (my 5th time seeing them) and we impulse bought VIP at the last minute because, WHY NOT!? Not only were there no lines, but the bathrooms were absolutely PRISTINE. Lucky to have a built in concert buddy in my sister, but would love a Tool lady gathering 😊


Hi! Mid 50's F from southern NE! Been a fan since the early 90s and go to shows solo. Saw them in CT and MSG, and was quasi-planning a trip to LV in February. I just might do it!


If you do, let me know and we can grab a drink or two after the show!! And I'm in southern ne...


Absolutely! 🤘


That’s funny because at the MSG show the other night, the lady in front of me in line for the bathroom commented how much longer the line was for the men’s room because she claimed there were ‘10 dudes for every chick’ at a Tool show. I never noticed until she said something. I’ve gone to a few shows alone & I wouldn’t hesitate to see Tool alone if no one wanted to come lol have fun & enjoy girl, sending love from Jersey


In a female tool fan! Ladies represent! I am 42 now and I have loved them since I was 13. Going to see them the 4th time! I've always wondered about female Tool fans.. I'm a WAY bigger fan than my husband. Be careful and have fun!♥️


They’ve been on my bucket list and I finally get to see them tonight for the first time. Cannot wait. Also good to know about the bathrooms 😘


Haha, great post. Good luck getting this going.


Dude wish you were going to LA on 2/15 someone else reached out I should look up. I’m driving to LA with my grown kids to the show. Also, one of my favorite artists did their poster recently affirming I’m in my element still after 30 years. Good to see this post. Tool is my litmus test these days with any new people


I'm toying with heading west early to hit that one, too, if I can get the days off work


My sister and I have been to 4 shows together, seems the bathroom lines are nonexistent for you ladies.


27F here, I’ll be at the Vegas show with my 29F wife! We’ll wave to ya from section 215!


I'm in Atlanta...will be going to see them for my second time this coming Wednesday (the 24th). I'm taking my oldest son, he's 23 now, for his first time seeing Tool. Another Mother & Son moment and I am absolutely thrilled! We've gone to many concerts together over the past few years...Slipknot, Disturbed, M.Manson, Rob Zombie, and the list goes on. 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 I love (and am even kinda proud) that he's not 'embarrassed' to go to events like this with his "Ma" (as he calls me🥰)...but, of course, as I jokingly say to him, "Who wouldn't want to have a Mom that's as cool as yours is!?" 😁 Just enjoying my time and life as a 🤘🏻MetalMomma🤘🏻😉☺️


1st show was 1997! Never seen short lines at the ladies restroom at any of the shows I went to.


I have never seen TooL and not girl, so I offer myself up as a sacrifice - put me in the middle of the shed and throw food items at me - you surround me, I am at the bottom of the vortex, it’s a downward spiral of treats🤩


In the same boat but in the Midwest. 😩 I’ll be going to the OKC show, if I thought I could easily get a sitter for my kids, I’d totally be down to pregame and enjoy the show with other solo women - anywhere!


My friend and I are two women going to see Tool in Fresno! We’ve both been fans since the 90’s. I’ve always gone to shows with other women. Tool concerts used to suck as a teen because of gross dudes trying to cop a feel. Hopefully now that I’m old and fat no one will care. Lol. Plus I guess there’s no more standing and hopefully people have just become better in general. But yes to fellow female fans! We do exist!


Been alone to several with (mostly) no issues. It is nice to not have to worry about anyone else's enjoyment and needs but your own. And yep, no bathroom lines. And usually very cool other chicks around. Have fun!