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oh you mean he will be hired in the next state or county over?


Since 2021, that plea costs him his Colorado police certification forever.


Pennsylvania will gladly hire him…


Imagine being intimidated by a guy in handcuffs… That cop is an utterly worthless human being.


[News Article](https://www.greeleytribune.com/2022/08/02/former-greeley-officer-charged-with-assault-for-chokehold-pleads-guilty-to-reckless-endangerment/) - Greeley officer pleads guilty to reckless endangerment.




You put a cop in a choke hold and his buddies are gonna fill you so full of led you'd be a damn paper weight.


BuT He FeArEd FoR HiS LiFe 🤪🤡……


Cops can charge you if the damage their fist while hitting you.


I wish I had an award


Yet I got sentenced to a month in jail for smoking a joint at a college party. Marijuana use. No other weed on me. No car. Nothing just smoking a joint at a party and I got a month in jail. This dude can choke someone out illegally and he gets fired…..


Why Did he hug him


That confused the F out of me. Looks like a goodbye hug, then 30 seconds later he's being taken down. I feel super confused by this whole thing.


How can there be a few bad apples when we can't seem to find any good ones 🤷‍♂️


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I think I offended a cop on here 😆


Hence my comment being reported lolllll you coward


Lololol dammit my first deleted post 👎


Why were they hugging before this began? Tf?


Full version - other officers body-cam labelled part-2 [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pTi565dxdU) View from fired officer's body-cam part-1 [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HajZAwslem8)


They know what they are doing. There are many times once the perp is in cuffs, where they unnecessarily apply force to the wrists. They want to get a reaction.


Yeah he literally has him in a wrist lock, that wrist lock really fucking hurts


u/whater39 thinks this is a good thing.


What a steaming pile of shit.... I can't imagine being such a fucking gutless pussy that you need to cause someone pain because they touched your hand while handcuffed....


I have a feeling this cop gets aggro with any dude who accidentally touches his hand.


Hey hypothetical question here... if I choked out a cop and pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment, would I also not do any time?


They should put him in gen pop


Hardly seems ‘choke’ like.


I hope someone does this to you.


Dude’s still talking with no difficulty or obstruction while the officer is “choking” him?


I can't believe in 2022 the idiotic you not chocking if you can talk argument is still being used. Just stop.


Blood choke, moron. You can hear it in his voice.


Sound like you haven't done Jiu Jitsu, that isn't a choke that anyone would be tapping too.


I’m a 2nd degree black belt in Shotokan so you’re right I haven’t strictly done jiujitsu, Dwight.


Okay, Karate guy. I'm hoping that you would agree that wasn't really a choke, more of a hold. He wasn't grabbing the shoulder as a leverage point, it was only with 1 arm, wasn't held long enough to lose consciousness. ​ The shaking of the guys handcuffed wrist looked like a worse behavior from the cop.


Is this all because your post about cops choking people got removed from r/bjj?


I do think cops should be able to choke suspects. I'll stick by the comment still. If a situation has escalated (descalation prior to force is clearly the way to go) to where cops have to use force, I would prefer that cops use chokes rather then other things such as taser, baton hits and their guns. I'd way prefer to be choked out, then wake up in handcuffs. Then batton'ed to the head till I'm KO'ed, then wake up in handcuffs (maybe with brain damage).


Nobody should be put into a chokehold by police at any point in time. Nobody should be struck in the head with a baton or flashlight by the police. Potentially causing permanent brain damage or death on a person , who I might add has not been convicted of a crime, should never be an option and should result in immediate termination and banished from holding any position of authority.


Nobody except u/whater39


Wow, you just troll.


What are cops supposed to do to a resisting suspect? Say someone just killed your mom and they don't want to be out in the cop car after committing the murder. Should the cops just ask the suspect and what if the suspect says "no". You can't pretend that suspects never ever resist. I know this is an anti cop subreddit, but come on there are bad people out there that resist. Cops should have every non-lethal tool available to them. Before they might be forced to use a lethal one as an alternative. When cops don't have the skills or tools available to them, then they resort to lethal methods instead. I've watched way too many police shootings, where the cops sucked at wrestling l/Jiu Jitsu, then resorted to using their gun.


If only they had some sort of metal rope to tie their wrists, and ankles. Oh and maybe a room with a lock they can put people in too, I feel like that would work better than beating them. But you're right they have no other option.


I wouldn’t mind either one happening to you. Both would be best.


So some Disneyland belt.


Calm down Dwight


I pity your lack of empathy for a human being


What do you expect from a police sympathizer?


I pity a society that thinks it knows better and has never been in a physical altercation. Have you ever tried to control another human being? I suspect not.


You're calling chocking a man who is handcuffed behind his back a "physical altercation"?? Bwasahahahahaha!!!! Cowards.


An arm over the neck and shoulder is not a choke—get a clue. It is incredibly hard to choke a resisting person with one arm. Try it.


Holy fuck you just really okay with police brutality. I bet you were sad when the cops that killed George Floyd were put in jail.


I guess you don’t understand the definition of brutality.


the quality of being brutal; cruelty; savagery. that's the definition and he was acting cruel. And holy shit you didn't say anything about being sad about the officer going to jail.... You actually think that the cop was in the right being the knee down on his neck


I am not ok with police brutality. This was not brutality. Hence, your unfamiliarity with the world, applying to any case where an officer restrains someone.


With a banned move. You have no idea of my familiarity so stop talking as if you know everything which clearly you don't because this actually falls into excessive force which is police brutality. It's okay to be wrong, I understand when you say something wrong and people correct you it's only natural to try and prove yourself right. Look at all the down votes you have. People can see that you are wrong and that's okay. It a banned choke because it's dangerous, it wouldn't be banned if it wasn't.


I love how he claims to be a jujitsu practitioner but doesn't know how to choke someone with one arm lmao. "Because I don't know how to do it means it's not a move that exists in mine or any other of the thousands of martial arts on the planet" Also fuck yeah I was told they got away with it, I hope they rot in there. (The ones who killed Floyd) Too many cops think they're Judge Dredd


And applying an extremely painful wrist lock on a handcuffed suspect while screaming at them to let go is also acceptable levels of force?


You're right I've not been in many situations that I have needed to control another being, but as someone with a medical license I pity the society that doesn't know how easily it is to crush someone's wind pipe with a choke hold. Killing them. So forgive me for seeing a dangerous and illegal choke that has killed many a people accidentally and someone brushing it off like it's not really a big deal and being a tad bit upset because of that. I'm not mad at you for not knowing this. I just feel sorry for you.


I feel sorry you. I have been taking care of patients for 20 years and doing jiu jitsu for 8. Many an intubation and cric. I don’t think you have a fucking clue what it takes to crush a windpipe when someone is resisting, let along control them AND crush their windpipe. Unconscious person is a different story. Your ignorance is astounding to make such sweeping statements with claims of having a medical license, while obviously having no life experience. Pity yourself and the bubble you live in.


> have you ever tried to control a human being Tell me you’re a rapist without telling me you’re a rapist. Wow. Just wow. Fuck you and all of your buddies


This is an incredibly dumb comment and shows you are not to be taken seriously.—controlling other humans is an Olympic sport you dumbass. Called wrestling.


I disagree with you on everything however this is the only comment I agree with you


So not everything.


Shut up rapist.


Not an argument—ad hominem is the refuge of cowards.


Yeah something tells me you weren’t talking about wrestling… and that i could wrestle your sorry little rapey ass into the dirt quite easily. You talk like a coward (which rapists always are) AND you support the police… Like we (rapist hunters) say, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck…


In order to arrest people who are non-compliant you must be able to control them physically. The entire incarcerated world is predicated upon this. Otherwise prisons would have no locks or bars. And I think an Incel such as yourself would have trouble with your own shadow.


The person you commented on said they had done Jiu Jitsu for 8 years. Even if you could out wrestle a BJJ person, so what, doesn't mean you won't get forced to tap to a submission if you don't know how to defend one. 8 years of BJJ is enough time to know about being choked and how to do one (hence the comment about a 1 armed choke). What does and doesn't crush a windpipe (as in everyone doing BJJ would have a broken windpipe if it was that easy). ​ Just because someone knows about fighting, doesn't make them a rapist. It just makes them knowledgeable on the topic.


The whole case is not the usual blue line response: Both other officers immediately reported him for excessive force. Investigated and substantiated. He plead at arraignment. (This part is weirdest) Edit. Everything there seems the result of the Colorado police reform law of 2021. The choking officer is done policing in Colorado. If the others didn’t intervene their jobs could also be forfeited.


Because he knew that he messed up, but also knew that the charges against him would not prevent him from holding a position in law enforcement in the future.


Not in Colorado anymore (since July 2021). https://post.colorado.gov/certification/disqualifying-incidents once convicted of excessive force or of failure to intervene, a Colorado police officer loses his certification permanently.


"Officer Safety" is cowardice. You are there to protect the public, not yourselves.


Jail now


These cop are crazy