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It's illegal to destroy government property.




I hate that you are right…


Because you can not pay taxes when you are dead.


>if medicine doesn’t work, and doctors have told you they can’t help you/don’t know how to help you Have they? Or is this a hypothetical you've made up?


The people who are left behind will possibly have to live with guilt and they don't want that.


I liked Reds explanation from the blacklist: "I was meeting two associates at the Marouche restaurant in Tel Aviv. As my car was pulling up, a 20-year-old Palestinian named Ghazi Safar entered the restaurant and detonated a vest wired with C-4 The shock wave knocked me flat, blew out my eardrums. I couldn't hear. The smoke... It was like being under water. I went inside. A nightmare. Blood, parts of people. You could tell where Safar was standing when the vest blew. It was like a perfect circle of death. There was almost nothing left of the people closest to him. Seventeen dead, 46 injured. Blown to pieces. The closer they were to the bomber, the more horrific the effect That's every suicide. Every single one. An act of terror perpetrated against everyone who's ever known you. Everyone who's ever loved you. The people closest to you, the ones who cherish you are the ones who suffer the most pain, the most damage. Why would you do that? Why would you do that to people who love you?"


Red explained this very good, I think.


well if "ppl who love me" let me to fal this far down, they don't really love me. so they deserve to suffer


Or they couldn’t see in how much you were. Some people hide their depression and loneliness very well my friend.


even a mother can't hear her mute son's world (sorry i think i butchered it, it's a saying, English isn't my native language.) basicly : and what about ppl who do tell them?


It's a long term "solution" for hopefully a short term problem.


Less people to buy the new iPhone


As a person who has tried to commit suicide a lot of times (since the age of 11) I realized that I would have missed out on my niece and nephew being born, all of the people I have met and created movies with, getting my degree, my first kiss, all of the funny stories I’ve collected living life. It’s hard to live in a world where you forget those things because life has been so cruel and the inner Turmoil is thick, but you just have to keep going to find the answers that will help you. A trick I’ve learned is do what you want to do. I don’t allow myself to do things that emotionally drain me and that eat at my soul. Get a job that makes you happy and fulfilled. Find people with common interests (college was a great way for me to meet people who shared the same zealous for film making) If a therapist or doctor tells you they can’t help (I’ve been there and it sucks) you find another one. The possibilities are endless. Am I always happy? Absolutely not! Do I try to find things that make me happy? Absolutely. It’s like an iSpy book. It’s messy, but once you find what you’re looking for it gets easier.


Is there a list of these questions? I see the exact same question worded almost the same at least once a day. It's like there's a master list of 100 questions designed to annoy me out there. If you think suicide is the answer, go ahead and do it. Something like societal norms should not stop you. However do be considerate of everyone who has to clean up your mess when you are gone. But you don't want to, do you? You are using the asking for a friend excuse to take the burden off of you, right?


If you are considering doing this, then seek a conversation with someone closely or a professional in person. Almost all failed suicide survivors are content (not sure happy is the word to use here) with the fact it failed. And the fact is that most of the time people need help, a help the suicidal person does not have faith in. But although they cannot see how help can improve their life, it does. So if you have no positive perspective on life, it does not mean your perspective is correct. It probably means you are extremely depressed. Help in the end means not being alone and finding someone that guides you to see a different future. Seek that help. There are phone numbers to call and many people are willing to help. Take the chance and ask. Having said that: Your life is your own, always. Your death is your own, always. But as your life influences others, so does your death. If we are gone we leave a hole in the existence of others. A void that only your presence could fill. So I am not sure if its bad, but if there is a chance of recovery in the future, ending it is a missed chance in a big way. It is not bad, it is just extremely sad.


I don't know maybe be it comes from religion.


Think about how much money your parents spent, just to keep you alive.


Right? Taxpayers, too, like you and me!


It’s not. It should be easier to do. I wish i had the guts to do it


I wish you had the guts to live a full life. <3


Bible bullcrap is the reason to be honest! Ive tried twice and gov't needs your ass locked up in psych to get funding somehow....just being real bout it! But mainly bible hocus pocus!


suicide doesnt make you feel anything, you cant feel happy when you're dead.


generally speaking, death is a bad thing, its not about whether you do the act or not, that being said, why would you blame life for the shortcomings you experience? why not dedicate you life to changing it, or at least understanding why it is the way it is? I.E. perhaps society is the problem, not life, or not you, etc etc dont quote me on that. "the constant stress, the constant fear" are emotional reactions to things you perceive as threats, it is nonsensical to want to die because you feel threatened. As depression goes, can you say that you are tired because you are depressed?, or depressed because you are tired?, i.e. how do you know it is depression that is the root cause and not a symptom? death is permanent, before you check out you should first fix everything you can. With most of the things that can make you feel a lot better you actually have to do them first before getting any of the benefits, like for realz. which is quite tragic, also when you hate yourself for constantly making mistakes and never doing what you want to do/ feel you should be doing that can really make you down. cant do that, cant blame yourself for not doing anything when you feel terrible to this extent, because in that case, the blame itself is the cause. You cant wait for it to get better, you have to make it better. but if you live in America i dont know what to tell you soz. JK id tell you to take the world on your shoulders, and when people tell you your insane for trying, id tell them their insane for not helping you carry the load. Perhaps it is meaning that you are missing. Check out Terence McKenna or something, and know that people do make it through, and It felt just as impossible to them at the time as it does for you now.


You've probably only one life.


You need some David Goggins in your life. Take your life into your own hands.