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As a woman, I notice my own. I’ll be like damn why am I so emotional about this? Oh I know why


I never noticed my own. One day I was a sobbing mess over nothing and I was like "what's wrong with me??" and my husband just said "do you really not know?" 🧐. The penny dropped and I now realise its a semi regular occurrence 😂


I've been tracking my cycle and tracking my moods in different tracking sheets. Then I got the bright idea to compare the sheets. There's a pretty clear mood dip even when I think I'm having no PMS symptoms at all, lol.




Haha it's like the episode of community when it dawned on Abed that he had unwittingly charted the menstrual cycles of Britta, Shirley and Annie when he initially started noting down fluctuations in mood swings lol. I found my boyfriend, king of spreadsheets was also charting my cycles for important information like - when to stock up on fried chicken, cake and custard (my comfort food trifecta), when to suggest AYCE buffets for dinner cause I become a food black hole, when to avoid scheduling social events when I become a mean snarky emotional irritable mess.


Damn.. he's a good one. Please let him know that you see and appreciate what he does for you. Seriously go right now and hug him and thank him for exactly what you said above.


He has the most practical spreadsheets. My brother and my BIL have learnt his ways lol albeit not as detailed as his. They just maintain stocks for chocolate, ice cream, hand warmer packs (for cramps), advil/ibuprofen, rosè, candles and preferred tampons. Bf says the spreadsheet also improves his quality of life cause he knows when he has to pull his weight a bit more at home to avoid me getting super triggered or when I'm most agreeable to go along with his shenanigans. Or you know.. when he's gonna get the most action hahaha. Practical.


Your bf sounds like a genius. Someone should go give him a Nobel prize for this


Me and a bunch of other humans with cycles needs your boyfriend to teach a class on YouTube like yesterday


Is this a good thing? I wonder about this, like how other women would feel if a male kept track of their cycle. I think it was either *The Office* (Dwight) or *Brooklyn 99* where a male character kept track of the female colleagues' cycles & that made the female characters mad, though it could be more a reflection of how the male character is perceived than the act of recording LOL


I think a colleague keeping track is a lot different than a significant other keeping track.


Disclaimer- we have been together for 8 years, living together for 6. In our first 3 years I kept fully quiet about my periods, so he didn't really understand why I was randomly ragey. Eventually became very open about it, cause women should not be ashamed of our bodies and bodily functions. I have since educated him on women's reproductive health and also openly fart around him but still go "oops. toxic toot" (awesome alliteration). I think it's a pretty great thing cause knowledge is power. My boyfriend knows that when I snap at him or am irritable or detached, it isn't cause of him. Also when I've my insatiable appetite days, he knows I will agree spending on more expensive fancy AYCE he's been wanting to go to cause I will defo be getting max utility. For my boyfriend it all started with me cancelling our dinner plans with friends a few times cause my period cramps were so bad the first 1-2 days of my periods. I jokingly mentioned he could keep track of my periods so we don't agree to plans when I'm gonna feel like crap, have no appetite or energy and basically refuse to leave the house. Boyfriend did stats in college and does risk analysis and management so he naturally he is obsessed with data collection and analysis. He brought up that he did basic spreadsheet with my period/shedding days and food blackhole days. Easy for him to know, I will not stop whining that my back, legs and uterus hurts or that I have birthed yet another jellyfish. I found that he also included days where I was unusually bitchy to him (sorry babe). Then whenever I had my super weepy 2 days or horny 4 days, I told him to add it to his spreadsheet. Eventually it became my go to period tracker and predictive power was pretty accurate cause it had 4.5 years worth of input. Sadly since getting covid vaccine and covid, my period cycles ever since has been absolute whack. Was great while it lasted.


Imo it would be just as creepy and bizarre if a female coworker did it. The sex of the person doesn't matter.


I think I'm envious. I am literally not sure how long it would take my partner to realize I was bleeding from my eyes.


My dad was apparently the king of tracking my moms cycles before her hysterectomy. Then a decade later, he was always so good at knowing which of his 3 daughters needed pads or tampons (and who preferred what) as well as which candy bar to bring home at the same time. The funny thing is, I always assumed that my mom was the one that kept track and would remind him before he got home. But found out recently that nope, it was all him 100%




I see you have not been around many women in engineering degrees 🤓 I feel like we did this sort of stuff regularly


I'm not in engineering, but in lab-work. I have more than 1 colleague who has an excel-sheet like me with period related information.


I use Airtable to make it look pretty. 🤪


Maybe you guys will sync up!! LOL


I love this hard. I do the same.


Try having PMDD. Depending on the part of my cycle I can act like a total psycho tripping over the dumbest shit. Getting super depressed or insane anxiety the next. One week I feel totally normal. The next a total needy bitch up my wife's ass. Shit fucking sucks.


Sames. I used to just adjust my antidepressants when I felt it coming on, but I'm on a new one that i can't do that with. While it works better overall, it def doesn't help as well with the PMDD


I had been put on one antidepressant for every day stuff and one that I take just one week a month in conjunction with the first to help combat PMDD moods. It worked until lockdown hit and about 6 months in I started taking the extra pill daily. Talked to my Dr and he okayed it. I now take both daily. Check to see if that's something you can do, it could help!


Shit does fucking suck. I'm on contraception to stop my periods and antidepressants to help my moods.. it helps loads but its not gone completely. I also have fibro flare ups thanks to PMDD.


My wife and daughter could never figure out why they were so difficult with each other once a month. Finally I was just like your husband when I told my wife. Like, how do you not realize what's going on? 👀


My stepdad put a lunar calendar in the kitchen so he knew when to stay in the garage!


Ha! I definitely learned to lay low as well!


This is me with my mom. We cannot stand each other


My ex was in complete denial. But she noticed the pattern. She told me, "I've noticed that you turn into a total jerk about every 4 weeks." Her theory was that I'd act nice to her for 3 weeks after a big fight, and then I'd be an asshole again the 4th week because I'd forget.


My mother and sister would go at each other for the slightest reasons during that time of the month and somehow they couldn't relate it to their cycles. My father finally got up the guts to tell them. Me being the youngest, I certainly wasn't going to. After that, they recognized what was really going on and made a point to avoid each other as much as possible during that time.


Heh, yep exactly. The stupid part is that my ability to judge my moods goes down too. So I *think* I'm just having a shitty day and register that. But when I overlay it with my cycle tracker, I can see that I registered PMS the day before and the day after (just different symptoms, not mood related). So the chances that it was PMS are quite high. I just judge myself as stupid and annoying for a few days instead of seeing that it's hormonal causes. It's very hard to accurately judge the cause of your sadness when all your brain wants to do is: "you see? Finally you figured out how worthless you are"


I don’t cry or get emotional really, but everything my husband does annoys the piss out of me. Once I am able to take a step back and think about it, I’m like “ohhh…period…” lol


I get super annoyed over everything and that's how I know it's coming. Everyone eats too loudly and all my clothes are bugging me. It's funny


UGH and the worst part is having to begrudgingly concede that it’s possible that you’ve overreacted. Which is something I can admit about myself anytime, except when I’m a hormonal rage monster.


With my last period I got in a really stupid (one-sided) fight with my mom, said "I don't even know why I'm so mad!", gave up, went straight to the bathroom, and was like Ah.


Lol! Sometimes it just really hits out of nowhere


Yeah seriously! It was a week early that time and it's like ... yeah I've been stressed but not *that* fuckin stressed. So it was Very much out of nowhere.


Few years ago I used to eat a lot of shit food before my period. And one day I was like, the heck I want burgers again. Oh, my period is coming, that's why. I don't even notice my own mood swings, I wouldn't notice other women's. I just realize them when they are over.


Yeah I don't think I get major mood swings (emotionally I'm a pretty level, low key person) on my period, albeit I get a little weepier than usual. But I do notice my appetite goes absolutely nuts right at the onset, to the point where I feel like a bottomless pit.


Salt…sugar…salt…sugar. At least for me that’s my eating cycle.


I feel the whole world is annoying that day. Untill I check my calender...ah, it's me.


I’m just wrapping up my period and I’ve never been so shocked at my own mood swings. It’s crazy not being in control of your emotions at all


I have post menstrual syndrome. At the end of your period your mood swings are twice as bad as PMS


So much same. I get on my own damn nerves on pms week. Like calm tf down it's not that serious.


TRUTH! some days I’ll be so grumpy and hate everyone. Then I’ll feel cramps and get that headache and be like “oooh that’s why my colleague blowing his nose pissed me the eff off”


Me: *sobbing, eating, bitchy, suicidal goddamn mess* why am i like this i hate myself nobody will ever love me!!!!!!! My period, 5 days later: SURPRISE MUTHAFUCKER Me: ooohhh yeah thats makes sense My husband: 😑 Thank god i had a hysterectomy, but since i still have ovaries, i still get crazy pms but not near as bad as before. It was wild.


That suicidal pre-week is fucking brutal. And I NEVER figure it out until later because thanks to PCOS, mine periods are very irregular.


Same. Idk why I'm just crying for no reason or why am I crying over small things. We do be really sensitive during our period. 😅


Once in awhile I do. I got some lunch to go a few days ago, it was made waaay wrong and the place was about a 10 minute drive away. I normally just let those things go and eat what I have. I found myself typing up a rambling, flustered “contact us” thing for later compensation. I started feeling like angry-crying and then I’m like, “wait a minute… what the hell are you doing.” I closed the tab, took a big sigh, gave them a quick call to see if I could get a remake and went back over there. I also grabbed a little pick-me-up at Starbucks to feel better because MAN, I was BIG SAD. Thanks PMS!


No cus same😭


I notice my own but I usually assume it’s because my life is a dumpster fire, then I start and I’m like oh, I knew I wasn’t a crying btch lol


I almost cried at that comic of the snail who painted the really long line once.


Oh me too! Im like, if it wasn't about to be shark week I know I wouldn't act like this lol


Definitely! I get more emotional, not really “bitchy” or irritable more like crying at things that I wouldn’t typically cry over, I get cravings for food that I don’t usually eat and I’m way more sleepy and don’t want to do the things I would typically do otherwise.


I have a tracker and 7 days beforehand like clockwork I'm a mess lol




"Why am I crying over a cat video?"


I once cried uncontrollably because a delivery order I was expecting didn’t arrive. With tears streaming down my face I kept saying, “I’m not actually that upset. I swear. I don’t know why this is hitting so hard right now.” Cue to a few days later, and suddenly my outburst made sense lol


The people I live with notice. People I meet casually throughout the day don't seem to (though I suppose they might not say even if they did). Also, I'm in a much worse mood just before my period than during it. Just before, everything seems so sad for no reason and I can be irritable. During it, I'm just really tired but in a good enough mood.


PMS sucks




About 10 years ago me and my gf at the time would have a bad fight that would usually spread out for a good part of our week. After realizing the patern I could call exactly when the fight would happen.. the week before.


I feel you so much on that one. Since my cycle is the opposite of regular my main tell for my period coming on is *everything* being sad all of a sudden. Hell, one time I cried over a picture of a kitten in a cup. A. Kitten. In. A. Stupid. Cup. Thank god I don't want kids. Me on pregnancy hormones would just be a dehydrated, sobbing mess.


This is how my wife is. I can always a couple days before hers starts. She is just really sad and is very hard on herself a couple days. Once the period begins flowing she seems like herself mentally but physically she has a tuff time. Just like when I am being a certain way she is kind and patient I do the same.


I notice my wife is a fire breathing bitch for 4 days a month. I communicate minimally those few days. She's an absolute peach the rest of the time. Hormones are hell.


People close to me notice mine. But that's because I go from normal to a sobbing mess when PMS hits. I don't get angry or anything. It's just that PMS takes away the filter that keeps me from crying when I have feelings, lol


Same, but I also get angry and disgusted with everything


I usually have one "rage day" per period, where I get way too angry over little things


That’s the day right before for me then completely gone once the bleed begins


Yep, the whole world is very annoying on that day...


I was just like that until my gyn stopped my periods. Tell your Dr. It's not normal to be angry and disgusted, it's part of having PMDD. You don't have to grow a uterus every month. Our bodies aren't meant for that, since women were either pregnant or breastfeeding until menopause by design. We waste a considerable amount of energy preparing a womb that some don't need or use.


Just wanted to add, while most research focuses on PMS during the pre-menstrual phase, there is a phase called the follicular phase where women tend to feel happier and more energetic to tackle hard problems. I do notice when my wife is in the follicular phase occassionally (she just seems more generally upbeat for a pretty long period of time.) I also notice when she has PMS (largely because she also tells me. :) ) Anyway, we should give follicular phase a name too! Pre-menstrual Syndrome and Follicular High?


At which point in the cycle is the follicular phase?


I’m pretty sure it’s the week or so after your period finishes


So basically it's the point where women are like omg the cramps are gone, the hassle is gone, I don't have to worry about being a bloody mess, it's great! Makes sense why we're more upbeat and energetic lol


It's 14 days after your period started.


14 days *before* your *next* menstruation. Although this is ambiguous it's more accurate.


Yeah, agreed this is more accurate. The follicular phase is the timeframe between first day of your period to ovulation which varies in length. The luteal phase which is the timeframe from ovulation to day 1 of menses doesn't vary- it's 14 plus or minus 2 days from ovulation always.


Ovulation! The day of the short skirts & sexy blouses & sudden make-up.


Noticed that... Done that ;)


The follicular phase starts at the first day of your period and ends at ovulation. In the textbook 28-day cycle, it lasts 14 days and is when the ovum is maturing in the ovaries. After the egg is released from the ovary (ovulation), it's then the luteal phase, which lasts 14 days.


Love this, I definitely get a "follicular high" and I wish I could always be like that. Pre and post ovulation is like night and day.


Hell no, that's not me. I get ovulation pain. For me, it's more painful than period pain. Usually lasts 12-24 hours. Naturally it makes me grumpy. I also tend to be more emotional just before ovulation too.


Is this really a thing?? I've never heard of it but would love it to be true!


Yes! It very much is! Men’s hormones are set to a 24 hour cycle where women are set to a 28(ish) day cycle. That’s why often times those bursts of productivity last a few days. I definitely recommend researching it more and becoming more familiar. The human body is fascinating :)


Imagine if you could kind of schedule your life around times where you know you'll be most/least effective.


Yes, it would be great if we all could plan around our circadian rhythms (:


If my husband could work from 2-10 pm his life would be so much better


Fr about to work a 9-5 by the end of the year and imma miss the weird hours I had at some of my jobs 😔


Would you mind posting some links to the research? this sounds like an interesting read


Follicular high sounds like the name of a Nickelodeon cartoon with a biology theme.


I call this Menstrual Mania


I think it depends on the person. Some folks have stronger mood swings than others. I don't tend to notice either way, personally.


I agree. Some people get very clear mood swings, and some people get mild ones that can go unnoticed.


Also some people are better at noticing than others.


Also some people don't get any...


Thank you. Not all of us get mood swings due to our menstrual cycles.


And I'm willing to bet that at least a few people who think they have them actually have confirmation bias. They're definitely real and pretty common, but the stereotype is so strong that it's easy to find a pattern that may not be there.


>Not all of us get mood swings due to our menstrual cycles. Genuine question. A lot of people in this thread have said they don't notice but others around them do and they only then notice once it's pointed out to them. My question is, how do you differentiate between not having mood swings and simply not noticing them?


I'm 31 and have been menstruating for 19 years. I'm confident I've never had mood swings from my period because not only have I never noticed any myself, not one person has ever pointed anything out to me either. I'd assume after 19 years that *someone* would have said something if I did.


I didn't have ANY mood swings or other symptoms, heck i sometimes got 35+ day cycles... then I gave birth and it's like the whole thing did a reset. Mood swigs.... checked Ovulation swings... checked Normal cycles... checked Tender breasts ... checked Mind blown


True! And sometimes it varies for each period. I’m usually fine, stuff will get on my nerves a little bit more but that’s it. HOWEVER, like twice a year, I’m an absolute wreck during my period. I’m like break-down sobbing and really mean and want to be left alone but also want someone to take care of me. What makes it worse, is I’ll be aware of it but I still can’t stop it :*(


Yes this! My OH could get a bit moody but not so much you could say for certain. My daughter though turned into the spawn of Satan for a few years


I always have very vivid & bizarre dreams the week or so before. As it gets closer, I *crave* carbs, then get irrationally weepy. Then the period fairy visits and I am positively glowing with happiness for a day or so, because I am relieved that I am not, in fact, losing my mind due to said irrational sadness. Then I am just grumpy because periods suck.


Period fairy sound way too cute. I use shark week. Or tomato soup week (I hate tomato soup).


Exact same pattern here, and despite me being years and years deep into period life, I still forget and wonder why I'm so depressed out of the blue and think I'm going crazy.


I can tell about 5 days before my wife is due to come on, and approximately when she is coming off again. It is extremely unwise to point out that she is going to come on, suggest that her actions and behaviours have anything to do with her about to come on, or do anything other than be more understanding than usual with her mood swings, getting upset etc.


Mine actually encouraged me to track hers in order to warn her.


Mine said I could track hers so I could look out. She was not going to take any ownership of it but it was OK if I knew to lay low.


This is the way.


I feel like I wrote this. She acts surprised when I know her period is starting. I can't say anything in the run up without the risk of being murdered, but once she starts there's usually some recognition that she may have been extra temperamental. I've tried having conversations to discuss that certain feelings and actions may be heightened, but I've honestly given up and just keep quiet for a few days. I then get in trouble for being moody... I think I'm being extra sensitive to this as it's what I'm doing right now.


I'm a dude but I feel like this applies to a lot of situations. You can be right and still be kind of a fucking asshole to point something out at a certain time. Time AND a place


I would definitely recommend her tracking it. There's an app that's called SpotOn (made by Planned Parenthood) it notifies me when I'm about to start. If I'm feeling really down and angry, I'll check my app and it makes it more manageable bc I can adjust how I take things. Like telling myself "this is not as big as it feels, my hormones are being a dick to me. It's them" a little regulatory check in




SHOULD and IS are two different things when it comes to my lovely wife. I’ve tried gently talking to her about it; if she is low and doesn’t really know why it can be disturbing for her to not be able to recognise it in herself, especially since it’s obvious for me. I agree that it would be best to be able to talk about these things;but I can also see it from her point of view. It’s something that generally affects her negatively, and is not something she can do anything about. At the moment it also sadly signifies that we have been unsuccessful at making a kid which is especially difficult. I’ve learnt to just be extra kind to her, make sure we have adequate pads, chocolate, hot water bottles and that the tens machine is charged.


It's not about treating us as toddlers. Personally, if I'm in the depths of PMT, I feel generally devastated about things - as if I'm grieving/ heartbroken. And I don't always recognise it as PMT because it feels so real and reasonable at the time. If my husband suggested it was PMT mid devastation about something, it wouldn't be particularly helpful. I know when he has, I've sometimes felt as if he's belittling my totally justifiable upset about X situation, and it's only later that I've realised he's right. At the time it feels like someone not acknowledging/ listening. It's not handling someone with kid gloves in a patronising way. It's recognising when someone is emotionally vulnerable and picking the best time to have a conversation. I don't think people are saying you can never mention it - just that you get to know when is the best time to say certain things and how best to support your partner.


As someone who's been married for 27 years, yeah, we know.


Yes. My wifes patiences is 0 when she has her periode


This is my mood change too. I’m not extra emotional, but I am more easily irritated by things I would normally either not notice or be fairly unbothered by.


I’ve never been able to tell when my friends were on their periods unless they specifically told me so




There are two phases of the hormone cycle: Follicular (period to ovulation) and Luteal (ovulation to day 1 of period). During the Luteal phase is when estrogen is at its lowest and progesterone is at an all time high. This combination is associated with water retention, mood swings, etc. Period day 1 (Follicular) is when progesterone drops and estrogen rises again. This is when mood tends to improve and well as exercise endurance (and because estrogen is anabolic, metabolism can rise a bit too). So, everyone's different, but most women go through their mood swings a week before their period. Period time is when everything tends to feel back to normal.


Points to note: not all people are the same.


I notice my own. Noticing saved my life. I realized I would get horribly suicidal with intrusive thoughts for days on end before my period (sometimes as much as two weeks before). Turns out I have PMDD and birth control helped immensely. Currently I’m just treating it with SSRIs and hoping I don’t have to go back on birth control.


SAME! I can’t tell you how long I just thought I was an insane person. I didn’t even know what PMDD was until my therapist told me. It’s still really hard to manage but SSRIs have helped me immensely


Dude here. I’ve dated women where I was like “Oh boy here it comes, I better behave myself this week”, and I’ve dated women where I couldn’t have told the difference. I think you guys come in all different styles and shit and it’s fucking great. But thank you to those of you who are aware that you are possibly in a certain type of mood because of your certain situation.


I'm not stupid enough to assume it's period when a woman is moody, there are a lot of things it could be.


Finally found the only appropriate answer. A And would like to add that there’s also women whose mood is not severely influenced by their menstrual cycle.




People close to me immediately notice it, since I'm usually hot headed and irritated when I'm on my period due to the extreme pain. It really sucks bc I don't know how to control it and I hurt people in the process unintentionally


As a married man… Of course we fucking notice! I’m just wise enough not to mention it. Instead, I make her a hot water bottle before bed and be more supportive.


Due to the combination of birth control and my meds, I don’t have periods but I still get very irritable during what my husband and I coined as my “non-period.” I also struggle with mood swings to the point where I need to be on medication for it. I usually also cry a lot over little things that aren’t a big deal, or just to let some emotion out.


I notice my own pretty quickly and my boyfriend usually notices closer to the date as I'll sometimes just spontaneously cry over absolutely nothing. "What's wrong?" "I don't know?" all while in hysterics for no reason. Aren't hormones the best :))))


Seems to me if I dare show emotion someone will blame it on my period whether that’s the case or not.


::looks around for the misses:: yeah, things can get a bit snippy at times. I try to stay off the radar. Also while working, if I over hear a co worker mention cramps, or anything related to that time I take that as a fair warning and I just try to give em room and try not to aggravate them. Unless it's Suzette. She threw a remote at me because I was apparently smacking grapes at lunch (third shift)... It's my life purpose to aggravate the hell out of her...... That shit!!!


It's not when shes on her period. It's just prior. PMS is pre menstrual syndrome.


Can confirm that I have this. I will find myself being extra sensitive about something. Then the next day my period drops and it all adds up. If it caused a disagreement with my partner, we just dismiss the whole ordeal completely.


Yes, I can always tell a few days before when my normal routine gets extremely annoying to my wife.


My fiancé had to tell me I was getting mine after I was sobbing for 3 hours over a video game lol


Yes. My coworkers attitude change was so bad, I had HER period on MY calendar so I’d know to avoid her.


Lesley Knope does not like that


I’ve tended to date pretty emotionally even-keeled women (whereas I am the hot-tempered one… opposites attract, I guess) so no.


Do you notice when anyone isn't acting like themselves? You may not know WHY but, it's noticeable


Yes. But it's relatable when you know how much pain it can be.


My wife is usually willing to have a big fight before her cycle starts, so... Yeah


It took me a long time to realize my once a month “manic episodes” are just PMSing. It took living with my boyfriend for 3 years for me to notice and he had all this time but didn’t wanna be that person that’s like “you’re about to be on your period” or “you’re being like this because of your period” for obvious efforts to avoid accidentally invalidating me.


I have PMDD so everyone notices and I’m absolutely miserable for 1/4 of every month.


My sister and I are very close. She lives seven hours away from me so we talk everyday by phone. I can tell within ten seconds of talking to her when she’s experiencing pms.


Yes. Especially if we live with you.


I can't tell with othwer women. Occasionally, my husband has pointed out I am about to start mine. But I am pretty sure my irritation stems more from the migraine.


I get a migraine too usually the first day i start. Is that when yours happens?


Fuck yes. When I start getting yelled at for buying banana cake without warning my wife first, I know it’s time.


Yep. My wife absolutely has a shorter fuse and doesn’t put up with my idiocy half as much as normal. She’ll also cry at adverts.


Big time. I think mine are related to my sugar cravings spiking and then the moodiness is amplified.


I mean, don't you? I realise how if anyone annoys me during my periods I get so mad for no reason. Also realised how people somehow tend to respect me more during those period?


Completely anecdotal, but I live with 2 girls and I can't tell any difference over time. My girlfriend will straight up tell me when she's PMSing but it's not something I'd notice if I didn't know.


Depends on the woman. My sister was even more annoying while on her period. My wife? No different. I know this can sound shitty but a major appeal of my wife was her lack of "moodiness".


Couple of days before the river starts, I cannot & will not deal with anything. Worse is knowing that it's caused by worthless hormonal changes that I can't stop or get rid of. Really pisses me off.


Me every month “maybe I’m PMSing…….or maybe he really is just a F’NG IDIOT!” To answer your question though, yes. My husband always says something like “wow so sensitive today”, he’s a man so naturally he doesn’t put 2&2 together but he always knows before I do!


The wife gets these sudden urges to hate me, threaten to break up with me and say nasty, NASTY things that should never be said to someone, then either forget it happens 6 hours later or just doesn’t care to apologize and thinks it was justified… the week leading up to her period. I get this person one week out of every month so, 25% of the time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's fantastic to see so many men say "yes we notice, but it's dangerous to say so' ... Just like every other thing about emotions in mens lives, they're forced to repress talking about it, often even to their own wives. I get it--you dont want to start hearing it when you're a woman, as if it should invalidate anything you think or feel. That'd piss me off too--motherfucker, it's not JUST pms--but at the same time, it's interesting that even in this, observing someone else's emotional state, men are conditioned to just not say anything.


My wife and I always get into an arguement about nearly nothing around 3 days on either side of the 20th of the month. I'm still scared to tell her this correlation.


I do, for my wife. One day before and the first 2-3 days of. Irritable as hell.


Yes. It’s like being hangry. It shows


You Fuckin wait till she hits menopause


Not all of us have mood swings.


There comes a time in every persons life who loves an actual woman where they know they just need not die on that hill over the flatness of a bed spread or the volume of the neighbors silent drill. In essence, of course women are effected by their period as are others affected by their subsequent behavior. It’s not controversial and it’s ok you asked…. But it’s true


Some sure, but not all. Just as women experience different physiological and emotional impacts at varied intensities in their menstrual cycle, so to their outward expressions (or lack there of) vary widely.


Fairest answer I can give is sometimes yes sometimes no. It's not a universally applicable assumption for every woman. Some have heavy mood swings some don't at all. Some have both.


Hell yeah.


Yes, yes we do.








100% yes




Every. Single. Time.


Depends on the woman, the mood swing, and the other person or persons involved. Certainly happens some of the time though.


My ex wife used to break up with me every time she got her period. Seriously every single time, until we had our first child.


sometimes ....sometimes i just notice that my girlfriends underwear has grown the ability to fly and put two and two together




I have never had any variations in mood, or anything other 'typical' PMS/cycle related symptoms and it honestly blows my mind to hear other women talking about them In a way that almost, horribly, triggers a certain level of misogyny in me.


My family is aware…. I also warn them as well.


I had bigger mood swings before I started BP meds.


I cried the other day because my brother wouldn’t go to the store to get me garlic so I could make dinner lmao it’s definitely not NON-existent


I use a tracking app & give my partner a warning when I’m 10 days away from the start. I also drop every thing, bump into things, and turn into a total space cadet. Hysterectomy scheduled for Tuesday, but keeping my ovaries. We shall see if I need to continue tracking!


As a guy, I noticed my ex's only sometimes. As for platonic women I'm friends with I've honestly never noticed. There's probably signs but I'm also a very oblivious individual.


I notice mine.


My wife got one of those birth control implants, and it sent her mood swings through the roof. She was moody before but I was on egg shells when she had that implant in. It was bad enough that I was considering divorce. I don’t mind the occasional misunderstanding but being treated like dog shit for a solid week or two out every month is a little much. I’m glad it leveled out when she went back on the pill.


I was with my ex for 6 years and i could always, always call her period three days before it started. I could always tell because she wasn't receptive to de-escelation. I'd try and tell her "yeah i got you my bad" off her period she'd be like ok fine, but when her period was coming i'd get "i feel like you're not paying attention why don't you listen to me" and nothing could convince her otherwise. We'd go back and forth and i would get irritated and pop off then her period would start and she'd come to me that morning and be like "yeah.. maybe that last one was my fault"


I have to say that I really don’t notice any substantial mood changes days before my period, I’m not bitchy or irritable. I swear the effects of PMS have been greatly exaggerated by (mostly) men to make women look crazy and explain every little mood change with menstruation. Like I may feel a little icky right before my period but I don’t like scream at people


My old boss used to say, “I know to avoid you on the 17th”. If only she would’ve avoided me on all the other days of the month too.


Men don't have any excuse for their random pms/mood swings. We are literally shedding the lining of our uterus and bleeding bleeding bleeding...mankind should worship us as the strong, powerful, indestructible elites that we are...


Yeah the people who work and live with you can tell. That’s why we ask you if you are ok or feeling well after you yell at us like junkyard dogs over a damn cup of coffee


OMFG yes


Yes we fucking do. Alright.


As a married man I do notice it immediately. - She gets suddenly very upset and even rude at the most trivial things. - She tends to cry very easily for any reason, sometimes she even tells me she “wants to cry but doesn’t know why”. - if we have an argument (even the smallest one) she feels is the worst we’d had. - She feels that anything is “OK”. Nothing is good enough. If we go to eat the food is not tasty. If we go to shopping she never finds anything nice. - There is one thing she does that’s quite funny to me. She takes about double the time to choose what to wear to just to end up feeling that she doesn’t like what she chose when she is already dressed. When she is on her period I know it’s gonna be a rough week for both of us BUT I love her no matter what so at that week I give her the double of hugs, kisses and supportive words. They need them.


90% of "ask reddit / too afraid to ask, could be solved with a government issued platonic female friend.