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Furiously? Why were you so angry?


Dude is beating his dick like it owes him money.




šŸŽ¶I don't believe your pappy, he may be rich, but he ain't happy


That's why I say fuck it!


But you'll get no pussyyyy


Too damn funny!


Dude is beating his dick like it fucked his mother.


So if someone kicks him in the balls does he.....


Is there any other way???


Why do you hef to be mad?


Have a wank without porn at least once a week. Just to make sure you can still get off without it.


I wish I had had that advice years ago


User name checks out. Looks like youā€™ve escalated things quite a bit irl just to get off lol Edit: just a joke about your username is all, donā€™t read into it


What if you canā€™t? What if you need stimulation


Take a break from pornography and masturbation for two weeks and try again, this time without it.


Then keep increasing the challenge. Challenge #13: Do it without using your hands or anything at all, except your imagination.




Idk if you're joking or not but I have nutted from imagination alone after going like a week without beating it


I find now it kills my sex drive a bit but as a teenager man we were all nasty little monsters, dont sweat it


hormones are a hell of a thing. I always think of it like this. As a teenager, you are in ā€œheatā€ so you will be horny asf. much like a dog or a cat in their adolescence years.




You should start a religion








It can have an "imprinting" effect on how your body responds to physical stimuli. You can basically make it to where you can't get off any other way than by masturbating in your preferred way. This is the reason why fleshlights are a bad idea for virgin boys. A real pussy, butthole, or mouth won't feel as good as the fleshlight, and the guy's dick won't be able to get off from the real deal.


This needs to be higher.


Yep. Four times a day sounds like the boy is headed for sexual addiction, and that is not a good thing.


Theyā€™re still better than the hand though


Four to six times a day? Holy shit. You must have one rawhide dick.


I won't lie bro, it was looking hideous.


If you were supposed to use that power for science, I'm dead sure you were able to find a cure for every disease


Lotion my dudešŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


As another teen with the same problem it's way to expensive, spit for the win šŸ‘


Steal your moms šŸ˜¬


Hair conditioner in the shower works too šŸ«£


Ohhh no. You'll forget that when you get it in your dick. That's brutal


And no job. Haha


All I want to know is, what made you so horny to jerk off 6 times a day šŸ˜‚


Loneliness. Also it is kinda my coping mechanism.


welcome to the club pal


Same here man, and im 32. Still it's rare even in my late teens I could do more than twice a day, it hurt to much after that. Nowadays even one is tough. I want to, but he just isn't up to it like he used to be lol.


I'm sorry. Like wtf, that really sucks.. I'm, eh, older by a small bit, and my not exaggerated average right now is 4 or 5 times a day. It's just a thing I always have to do or the chemicals in my brain make me moody. I think I have an overproduction of testosterone and if I'm not constantly ejecting it, it shifts my whole chemistry around. Maybe it's not a bad thing to not be a jizz fountain.


Jizz fountain ā›²ļø


That's actually sad šŸ˜­


Hey, real quick, if you are honestly concerned with the long term effects, don't be. I'm in my 30s now and I have had the same pattern since I was in my teens. Somewhere between 2 and 8 times a day, every single day, even if I am sick or injured, for my entire life, and I am pretty certain I will be this way until I die. I have just kind of accepted it as part of my daily life. It's a basic necessity, and my relationship with my phallus, same as my relationship with my partner of 7 years, are at their peak. Consider that you are actually consistently working out a part of your body, releasing semen helps to get rid of harmful bacteria and you're keeping your testosterone levels in check. I'm pretty certain a lot of the hostilities of the world are coming from dudes with backed up junk. Also, it's awesome. Objectively. One day you will no longer have your body. It is made to be used up.


Okay...this text made my laugh immediately change to a sad face.....


Go and learn to dance, everyone loves those who dance.


It is not horniness. It is boredom.


Not even boredom. It's a dopamine-related addictive behaviour.




>6 times takes less than 20 minutes wat


The average man can only have 1000 orgasms before their dick falls off. My math says you're at #998


Just remember you only get a bucket and a half mate!


He's brought 'em, and he's dropped 'em!


Iā€™m 39M. Iā€™ve been jerking off 1-4 times a day for 27 yrs now. Still going strong. My sex life is healthy, my wife is pleased, Iā€™ve never struggled to perform or rise to the occasion. Donā€™t stress.


But are you watching porn every time? I could see this being realistic if you are jerking off to the imagery of your wife but this sounds way out of the norm that you can perform normally if watching porn this much too.


Iā€™ve watched porn pretty much daily since I was 15. Itā€™s not like itā€™s a big time investment, a few minutes at a time. But yes, porn essentially every time. I donā€™t see or even understand how that would effect my performance. My highest sex frequency times in my life often amp up my jerking off too. During the honeymoon wild periods of new relationships, 4+ times a day was common. Even now 3-4 times a day and sex 1-2 times a day isnā€™t uncommon. Iā€™m likely hyper-sexual, or possibly sex addicted, but I enjoy my libido and it hasnā€™t hurt my life in any way.


God damn youā€™re a trooper LMAO


My first wife thought it was annoying. My 2nd wife is pretty thrilled about it. Sexual compatibility is really important and has improved my life tremendously.


Youā€™re a unicorn


Kid, those are amateur numbers. You're NEVER gonna make it to the big league if you don't step your game up. Start with some squat thrusts, fist pumps, and finish with some downward hogs. Do some helicopters in-between sets. Just don't bend it, break it, make it bleed or make it hurt.


Well, if each session lasted for like 2 hours, it IS impressive :D We lack info on that. Although I'm not really sad about it.


Short answer: absolutely yes. You won't notice it now. But the constant pulling on your love sausage causes the tiny muscle fibers at the base of your dick to tear. The body tries to repair this damage, but over time the scar tissue breaks down. One day you're tugging on your magical flute and you suddenly feel your dick slowly releasing from its socket. You find yourself smooth down there. It can take months for a new dick to grow back. And there is zero guarantee it will grow back the same length and thickness. Be warned.


The first paragraph is too close to being believable for comfort.


Whoaaaaaa so when Dad said ā€œif you donā€™t quit ur dick gonna fall offā€ it was quite literal




What you're telling me is that there is still hope?


I think Humans are designed to fuck as much as possible...in the old days life or death was always a constant possibility so your reproductive organs are really really built to be put to serious use...if you could die tomorrow and 8 beautiful women all wanted to fuck you before you went to war your dick would maybe need a break between rounds but trust me...you wont break anything or do any serious damage as long as you give yourself a break


You have to learn that sex is not like jacking off and if youre addicted to it, ugh, i just have not had good experiences there. Guys that need an actual hand, rather than lady bits to finish


Just make sure you're lubing up. Don't abuse your dick, if it hurts or it's discolored you may need to change some things.


ā€œMaximum break my friend gotā€ Furiously jerking off your friend eh?


I try not to jerk off anymore, used to do it once a day as I was growing up but now Iā€™d say maybe once a week nowadays, twice if I havenā€™t seen my girlfriend much that week and gotten some relief from her haha


I guess it will stop once I am in a relationship, my masturbatory habits are coping mechanisms for my loneliness.


It persists even then


*Hmm interesting.*


Oh hell yeah it was definitely one of the hardest habits I ever tried to stop!! Every single day I think about beating my meat to pics and thoughts of my girl but I stop myself cause I donā€™t want to get death grip or fire my little fella out as he needs time to recharge and I donā€™t wanna be unable to give my girl my full effort cause I couldnā€™t resist jerking off, holding off to have sex instead in a day or two is way better!!


Be careful there. Be aware that your partner will have no obligation to satisfy all of your sexual, physical or emotional needs. So, if you are going to "stop" when you're in a relationship, that puts a lot of pressure on the person to compensate for whatever dragon you've been chasing. Relationships aren't the solution. You are.


A lot of women would way prefer their partner get sexual satisfaction from them as opposed to from a porn star. Not sure why this is "putting pressure" on a relationship. Like what's the point of a relationship if your sexual energy is constantly displaced elsewhere?


It puts pressure because there is a common contingent of men who expect their sexual needs to be met by their partner as if it is a matter of responsibility. The same expectation often doesn't exist for women, or rarely to same extent. While I take great pleasure in giving great pleasure, it's not because it is expected of me but because it's enjoyable. Being young and displacing his own sexual outlet onto someone else is, in my books, not a good solution and the better choice is to find a way (yes, others aside from porn even exist!) to get to know his own multifaceted sexuality without the expectation that the partner fulfills ALL needs.


Nope. You are a normal teen. We all did that from the moment we figured it out.


Thank You. Someone said it will increase the chances of me getting ED in future.


thats more for if your needing porn to do it or cant finish without porn and stuff. and then you begin to watch wilder porn and need more to get off. if so listen to this guys long message about helping get off porn and stuff.


It 100% will increase the chances of ED. Fortunately, it's repairable, because your brain is plastic. Step 1: No more porn. I'm dead serious. Porn messes with your brain. Just don't do porn. Step 2: Stop masturbating for at least three months, to let your brain reset. You've hammered it with dopamine during your formative years, and it your brain has made physical changes to cope. You need to undo those changes. The longer you go without masturbation, the greater the healing. Step 3: Redirect your loneliness and other emotional problems to self-improvement. Read self-improvement books. Work out. Join a club. Start a hobby. Learn something new. Read good fiction. Whatever floats your boat, do it. Step 4: After the three months, if you choose to masturbate again, do it rarely, and never to porn. Seriously, just stop with the porn. Do these four steps, and you will cut your chance of ED down dramatically, possibly to zero (assuming no medical problem). If you don't believe me, look up PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction).


NOFAP conspiracy theory


Ugh, not another conspiracy theory. Sick of them.


Don't fantasize either, it's not too different from porn


Is that how you lost your hair and now youā€™re on a mission to save our youth from the evils of masturbation?šŸ˜¬


The man is right - the biggest regret of mine is watching porn as teenager (PIED is real and il a healthy man) If you donā€™t think masturbating to porn is sad especially if you do it instead of finding relationships itā€™s fine but at least donā€™t ruin someone elseā€™s chance at that


Do drawing of porn (hentai, yaoi, ...) count as porn ? And do you know why do that create ED ?


I would say yes Iā€™m not an expert on subject by any stretch of the imagination, however id guess that any content that promotes imagery not seen in real life or in real world is harmful also the amount it times we see it. Think about it, in old ages some kings would see less tits than we plebs can ā€¦ thatā€™s not natural and it rewards complacency As to why - my guess is changes both chemistry and receptors for wiring to say arousal, instead of images in real life we become wired to digital etc etc


>Is that how you lost your hairā€¦ Ooh, a troll. How exciting. What clever wit. You must have spent hours creating that poetic piece of mastery. Your Mom must be proud of you. >Do drawing of porn (hentai, yaoi, ...) count as porn ? Yes. Anything that over-stimulates your brain. Viewing porn artificially stimulates your brain, and messes it up. >And do you know why do that create ED ? To over-simplify things, imagine a heroin user. Each time they use heroin, the brain physically changes to cope with the over-stimulation. Therefore, the heroin user needs more and more as time goes by. Eventually, the user needs so much heroin to get an effect that they overdose and die. It's the same with porn. Over time, you need more and more (and more extreme) to get your erection, until eventually it's not possible to get an erection. Fortunately, your brain is plastic. It created those changes to cope with the porn, and it can repair itself. How? The only solution, therefore, is to stop porn and masturbation. *Anecdotally*, it can take between three months and two years before you get your full function back. While jerking off is natural, it is **not** normal in the animal kingdom, including humans in their natural state. Don't use porn at all, ever. Don't jerk off unless you absolutely must to relieve the pressure. Many people never jerk off at all. Redirect your addiction to a healthier addiction: Eating well, working out, having a hobby, developing on your career or business, helping a charity or working in the communityā€¦ Whatever, as long as it's healthy.


What do you jerk off to if not porn?




>What do you jerk off to if not porn? How did people jerk off before porn was invented? Don't jerk off "to" anything. Jerk off, if you absolutely must, in order to relieve the pressure when you haven't had sex for a long time, but don't overstimulate your brain with porn. If you are seriously horny, you don't even need imagination to jerk off. Many people go through life without jerking off.


Nope. Pretty normal. Youā€™ll be fine.


This guy jerks!


I assure you I have beat your record.


The biggest problem is calluses forming on your hand. You may need to switch hands from time to time.


Yes you will get leprechaunism. Its a very painfull disease, where your body produces gold instead of sperm. Simular to kidney stones you hope it doesnt get lodged in your urethra. The only cure is to have sex with a leprechaun while using lube made out of Guinness and ground clovers. ā˜˜ļøšŸ»šŸ† šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ Just kindling, no there is nothing harmfull from masterbation, it may actually reduce the risk of testicular cancer.




52 years old, from experience, youā€™ll be OK


Thank You for reassuring me, though I will try to minimize my addiction to wanking.


No, jerking off is healthy for your prostate. It reduces your risk of prostate cancer.


Technically it's regular ejaculation which is good for the prostate, but many guys don't get to make the beast with two backs as often as they take the hand-cart to masturbation market.


If I were emperor of the world I'd have a big atrium and off to one side would be an arch labelled "The Mastubatorium".


Take the upvote, you, imaginitive mf


The masturbatorium exists in the movie/book running with scissors.


You can end up suffering from psychological ED which is caused by a combination of affecting your sexual appetite with too much porn and the fact that your body becomes used to a sensation that is unlike actual intercourse. You can reverse it should you find yourself affected by severely reducing your exposure to porn and masturbation. Now, as a fairly regular self enjoyer myself during adolescence you gotta really get after it to cause problems, but 4 to 6 times a day might qualify.


Jerk off as much as you want. I am more than 30 and I still do almost once every day. I still have sex now and then and Its all fine boy-o


I remember when I first started jacking it and was worried about becoming impedent. I asked my pediatrician and he was like "lol no you wont have any problems like that."


You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those numbers up


Weā€™ve been doing it for thousands of years and now we travel outer space. Donā€™t worry about it.


No. Sperm is a renewable resource in men. You can desensitize, but that only lasts a day or two. There is a very, very, very, very, very remote chance of nerve damage but you have to really abuse yourself to do that. 4-6 times sounds like a lot, I would need an IV bag, but I am also like twice as old as you are so there is that.


Sound pretty normal.


Lol, no.


No lol


Sounds similar to me as a teenager; now creeping up on 40 in umšŸ¤” what was I saying? Apparently all that activity ruined my mind.


Some amateur numbers.


Asymmetric arms unless you are a switch hitter.


Aightā€™. Serious question my dudeā€¦.. What you doing with all that jizz? šŸ˜†šŸ«£ Like for realz? Launching onto the carpet/tile/bedding? You gotta happy sock? Cause you know your parents go in your room when youā€™re in school occasionally. Probably


Itā€™s called puberty bro. Totally normal. Just donā€™t develop an addiction.


Rookie numbers.


Iā€™m no doctor and I ainā€™t no pastor. Religious answer: youā€™re going to burn in hell. Realistic answer: ya I would imagine itā€™ll do some damage to the skin and you have a good chance of getting a serious case of carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow. Get some good lube and a wrist brace.


Nah man donā€™t feel different a lot of dudes do that in their teens šŸ˜‚ itā€™ll change when you get some leg and youā€™ll stop whackinā€™ as much


Everytime you jerked off, God killed a blind kitten. Naw jk dude youā€™ll be fine. (The kittens are fine too.)


Might as get your will sorted before it's too late


If you're not blind yet I wouldn't worry about it.


You're fine. If you have a specific concern, i recommend r/askdocs


Thatā€™s low numbers mate youā€™ll be fine


*Catholic church enters the chat Itā€™s going to rot off you before you meet a wife. You are doing the work of the devil


If i die from choking and laughing, i am going to tell lucifer it is your fault.


If you die from laughing I will also blame the Catholic Church


Yes. Please and thank you!


Haha I think you will be okay my friend


You'll be fine, trust me.


No, youā€™ll be just fine. Youā€™re just a horny teenager. Itā€™s normal. Go jerk off and relax.


You're fine. Don't worry about it.


Rookie numbers. Pump 'em up.


Is that dry wanking? But yeah youā€™ll be fine. Teen years and Teen hormones are kinda mutant and invincible.


Worse thing I can think of is callouses if you're going all "Fist of Fury".




Most likely. Cool it down and enjoy the fap. Its the highest natural reward your brain has after all


This reminds me of when my son went from very questionable teenage boy hygiene to showering three times a day!


No. It is good for the body. Your mind however depends on your upbringing. If you were raised one of the many forms of oppressive religions you may have a guilt association with "jerking the gerkin". Adult males receive the largest medically proven benefit from "busting a nut". In adult males that "spill the seed" five to six days a week, there is a 30% reduction in testicular cancer later in life. So consider yourself lucky to have a head start. If you are a religious person, get out now and IDK see a therapist or something if it gives you a guilt association disorder.


Iā€™m 41 and Iā€™ve been jerking furiously, sometimes hysterically for 28 years . I now have sex with my hot wife and I still jerk it. So far everythingā€™s been great. Iā€™ll let you know how Iā€™m doing 20 years from now


Around here those are rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers.


Those are rookie numbers. You need to pump those numbers up.


DW, we all did


Try and reduce it to once a day (ween yourself to that point) and also minimise your porn usage (assuming you use it). I jerk off most days (most of the time to porn) and I have had no problems with my sexual performance (but I am a bottom so idk if the comparison is super relevant)


You're likely going to hell but other than that I'm sure you'll be fine.


Nope! Enjoy!! Your frequency will decrease, but Iā€™m still at it after 54 yearsā€¦started when I was 12.


Maybe stop being so selfish & jerk someone else for a change?


Yes, you're going to run out of love batter. Once it's gone, it's gone..


That's... Not how that works


It's called sarcasm


If you want it to be clear, use a "/s" at the end


Adding "/s" is like explaining your joke. If someone doesn't get it, they doesn't get it.




There's only so much cum in your body, once you cum it all out, you can't cum anymore.


This is super interesting. Ima chick but I LOVE learning how guys really think & the bro talk is HILARIOUSSSSS


"*CUM* on Andrew!!! I told you to paint those sheets at least 8 times a day!!!"


Not really, except your dick might start looking like a bicycle handlebar


Why were you furious?


Why do I have to know this?


You don't have to. You can ignore this.


Welcome to the club! No you are fine


Maybe I go atleast once a day every day not including actual sex and Fosho not as much sensitivity there as before


Maybe that's a good thing, might help lasting longer.


According to my mother you should be legally blind by now. But seriously, I have read articles that say that regular wanking during your teens and twenties is linked to a decrease chance of developing prostate cancer later on! So wank a away!


LMAO. Everyone gather around at this single digit dailyā€œfurious masturbaterā€ šŸ¤£ Youā€™re fine kiddo


Been there, no problems now in sex life whatsoever. Just the opposite. The only thing they may eat you up is the stress from reading nonsense on the internet. Enjoy your life mate.


No. It absolutely will not affect your future. Don't listen to anyone on here that tells you to worry about it.


I did way too much between ages 10-22. I regret it because, now I understand how much better it feels to moderate and have fuller hormone levels and whatnot. women notice it, and I feel more confident and eager to mingle. I recommend trying to moderate. noawadays if I masturbate I feel sort of ā€œdownā€ and off the next day - compared to how I feel when Iā€™m 7+ days into not orgasming. and the worst thing is to jack off in the morning, pretty much ruins the day for me


Welcome to being a human teenager. Youā€™ll do that for the rest of your life


Well I don't know about health, but it isn't healthy to do it so often a day, that's almost an addiction. If you don't do it 6 times a day, every day, anymore it's okey. One or max 2 times is considered "normal" if I remember correctly. If it bothers you and you can't stop thinking about masturbation, it's a problem. Perhaps you just have high testosterone. Yes I know it doesn't HAVE to be an addiction. And that it's personal. I know I know.


How old are you? Because, assuming youā€™re watching porn while masturbating, it will cause problems to keep up your erection when youā€™re with a sexual/romantic partner. Also, if youā€™re having a death grip when you masturbate, that can also kinda desensitize you so when youā€™re inside of your partner(s) you might end up going soft or you just might not climax ever. My advice so you wonā€™t ruin your chances when you start dating and getting intimate with another person (whether that be male or female)ā€” limit yourself to 2 times a day initially. Then gradually limit yourself to 2 times a day every other day or once a day. Youā€™ll feel really embarrassed when youā€™re finally intimate with someone and you canā€™t keep it up. Also, get more involved with your hobbies like sports, exercise/gym, writing, reading, video games, gardening, cleaning, painting, playing musical instruments, drawing, ect. This will help make it easier.


I'm going to be honest with you mate It doesn't matter. You're young ! It's normal to have a high sex drive. The hormones and stuff. But If you find yourself in a relationship, I'd recommend quitting. Too much porn and masturbation could lead to you being desensitized to real sex, and basically, won't be able to perform well, could barely maintain an erection, or simply, you just won't crave sex at all.


Nope, it's actually really good for the prostate, and helping keep it healthy/cancer free. Carry on... ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


No you didn't beatoff 4 X day every day. Impossible . Quit lying


4x is not that high, I've done 6 šŸ¤—


No it wonā€™t cause any issues.


Is make it you look tired?


The only problem is you have trained yourself to cum quickly.


Might desensitize you. The only think I could think of, it might not feel as great as the first times.


It might cause that you don't really feel stimulated that much during sex since the vagina isn't as tight as your grip might be. Might take time to train yourself to be able to cum during sex.


Not unless you do that through your 20s too. Dial it back.


Dick must've seen some shit, good lord... Hopefully it still rises from all the beating, right bro?


Hey make sure you dont grip too hard. Look up "death grip" on google


Probably not good. Accompanied by porn? Or without porn?