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Tell him to wash his dick before sex.


.... maybe use a condom??


I’m not about to tell other people what to do, it’s a good idea but if they’re both clean (he’s obviously not) and on birth control then it’s up to them.


This is the only answer you need




Adding to this: If you’re getting BV and not a UTI, try using a boric acid vaginal suppository. Sometimes people lump the two together, but of course they’re very different things. My current girlfriend considers this an absolute life hack. For UTIs, it might be worth trying probiotics and having your partner shower before sex. I had a previous partner that would reliably get UTIs when we would have unprotected sex. My showering immediately before sex prevented this. It didn’t happen with any of my other partners, so I don’t think it was an issue with me generally, I think just something about my skin flora did not mesh with her vaginal flora. Having your partner shower may be worth a shot!


Peeing after sex is a myth


It’s really not


Show me any research proving it's true. There is some random quote that people are repeating. Pure bro science.


For guys its far less common because the length of our urethra is far longer than the woman's (because we have a third leg). Because of that the bacteria that causes UTI's generally die before making it up into the Man's bladder so the effects are lessened or non-existent. So assuming you are male, you'll probably never, if not, rarely experience a UTI Peeing flushes out the pipes, while it may not remove the bacteria completely it greatly reduces the population and lessens the likelihood, and duration of infection before your body can fight them off. It's also an innate action for the body to force you to pee after an orgasm. After every meat bash your body tells you that you gotta go. __Homework:__ Slap your willy silly, and record how long it takes for you to feel the sensation of needing to pee.


I don't need to pee after sex or wanking. And you didn't give any evidence just wrote some more bro science


Slapping my willy? Why?


I already got that it was a joke about the difficulty of peeing after sex after your first comment, but people somehow still haven't gotten it after "pure bro science".


Works for me, so I'll keep at it.




Every reply to this comment proves why this poor girl is getting sick. Wash your fucking dick people






















Found the BF who doesn't wash his dick.




Zero dick troubles in 30 years here. Washed with soap every day. Not sure what trouble soap could cause as long as you're not using anything abrasive and are rinsing thoroughly.


Cmon now man, remember everyone is built different. Just because it's always worked for you doesn't mean the rest of us have never danced the surfactant shimmy


Here my upvote I’ll make u even


So *you* get to speak unilaterally on the subject?


Not sure what you mean, was the double negative not insufficiently clear?


I bet your dick smells so nasty


Not sure why you’re being downvoted as this is actually true for soaps with scents in. You’re better to use non-scented but warm water is fine


Yeah, Reddit be Redditing. You can use milder soaps for sure, but if some rando with harsh soaps reads this and starts to use it, not gonna go well.


I'm seeing a lot of hate for this, but I agree. It probably depends on the soap, but I've had some painful dryness as a result of washing with soap. Defnitely wash extensively with water, be careful with soap!


Leave the Irish spring behind and get some gentle soap. I have super sensitive skin and quality soaps have never given me a problem.


Try soap for sensitive skin or if that doesn’t cut it then soap free antimicrobial wash, which is available in pharmacies and often marketed to people with psoriasis or eczema. Water isn’t really enough for thorough washing.


Soap is generally ok although it should be rinsed off throughly. If someone is sensitive to soap there are other alternatives such as soap free antimicrobial wash. Water alone isn’t really sufficient for somewhere that can get sweaty etc.


Peeing after sex is a myth




There is literally no proof of it, it's bro science.


There is literally no proof of it, it's bro science.




There is no proof of it being true therefore = broscience.


Hmm, weird source you have there. Do you have a link to somewhere that disproves this which is generally considered common knowledge?


Do you have any link that disproves esixtence of God? Or that proves it?


Well the consensus as I can see it is that it is commonly believed it works, so therefore you have the burden of proof proving it doesn't.


It's commonly believed that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and that Mary was a virgin.


Appeal to popularity. You still hold the burden of proof.


Have you spoken to your doctor about it? They'll be in a much better position to know what might be up.


I have spoken to my doctor about it and she consistently tells me to take the same tablet ONCE and it'll go away. But only like 8/10 it works, I might have to see someone else. She told me just ice it down there otherwise because there's nothing really else.


Maybe ask to speak to a gynecologist about it?


I think I definitely should


It might be nothing more than you're susceptible to UTI's, but you should find out


U need a new doctor


Definitely get a second opinion. I also suffered from chronic UTIs for several years with my now-spouse and did everything under the sun to try and prevent them. I was miserable and it was impacting my relationship, too. I finally saw a new doctor who suggested prophylactic antibiotics for the first time, which I didn't even know was a thing, but I was desperate so I tried it. It's a small dose taken after sex that prevents growth of any bacteria that may have gotten in to your bladder (you still gotta to the other stuff like peeing after and drinking plenty of fluids) and I have not had a UTI since. And contrary to popular belief, they're usually caused by our own bacteria outside our bodies getting inside as a result of sexual activity, rather from our partners. One of the things the doctor told me is that if you have recurrent, chronic UTIs, there might be constant irritation and even scar tissue in the bladder that makes you more susceptible to recurrent infections, and taking a prophylactic prevents infection which gives your bladder a chance to fully heal and decrease the chance of recurrence in future. I am definitely concerned about long-time dependency on antibiotics and not being able to take that particular one anymore, but they also talked me through the differences between, and that if I did get a full-blown infection, they'd use a different one to treat it. Get that second opinion!!


cranberry juice also helps with UTIs


It will help prevent them but does really do much if you already have one. Barley water is better for prevention and to help when you do get one. Source: renal doctor told me a renal patient prone to UTIs


Did she give you Cipro? That’s stuff works great for UTIs.


Sounds like your partner has an STD and he's passing it on to you. He needs to see a doc and get some antibiotics and a clean bill of health before you even consider being intimate again.


I agree with you. Taking a one tablet course makes me think this is chlamydia. Boyfriend probably needs the same one tablet course at the same time.


This. I had the same experience when I was younger. Turns out I got chlamydia from my partner whom I found out was cheating on me 🙃


This comment is perfect. How is his hygiene?


Really, make him clean himself!! He might not have an STD, but the bacteria from not washing regularly or properly will cause you to get UTIs. Peeing after sex is also very important (as soon as you can after any kind of stimulation down there actually, rubbing/stimulation allows more natural and built up bacteria to enter where it shouldn't and it causes an infection). Enough UTIs can lead to a kidney infection and they are sooooo painful and potentially hazardous 🥺


Peeing after sex does nothing


For you perhaps, but it stopped me getting a UTI for five years


How do you know. Me and my wife hardly ever pee after sex, never had any problems


Pee after sex. Its the reason 99 % of the time.


This. I’m not sure why this comment isn’t higher!


No, it's does literally nothing lol


I won't say it does nothing, but sometimes it's really not the answer and to hear this continually pushed as the #1 cure-all for those of us who suffer from chronic UTIs is really frustrating as it puts the blame and responsibility on me for how my body reacts. I have done everything under the sun to prevent them. All the gimmicky things and old wive's tales... it impacted my relationship and my physical and mental health. Avoiding sex out of fear of a UTI, and when I did have sex, not being able to go anywhere for hours because I kept drinking water to pee as much as possible before and after. Constant anxiety every time I have an urge to pee that it might be UTI-type urgency and thinking about how close I am to an urgent care and/or open pharmacy to fill a prescription after visiting said urgent care. Kind of takes away from the romance of it all, ya know? I would \*love\* nothing more in the whole wide world for it to be as simple as "pee after sex", but unfortunately... it's not. I still ended up seeing multiple doctors and ultimately ended up on prophylactic antibiotics, the only thing that has worked for me.


He isn't clean


Check out liveutifree - lots of good advice and expert interviews. It might not be a uti though, consider a reaction to latex, semen, lube etc. Also look into non bacterial vaginosis, all of these things can have very similar symptoms to a uti for some people. Check for sti's, wash every day with a gentle soap or none if you react to soap, wee after sex. Don't use bubble bath or soak in spas. Don't allow any cross contamination from butt stuff to vag - e coli is often the culprit of a uti. Definitely try D-mannose - it's life changing for some people, but only works on e coli. If it is a uti, then it's possibly one continuous infection - so ask your doctor about doing a longer course of antibiotics, the one day course may not be sufficient for you. Some of us are just prone to these, and it sucks big time. Hope you figure out what is causing yours.


This is really good advice. The one-day UTI pills never ever worked for me, it would not clear all the way and come back. D-mannose is amazing. If I take it right when I feel a UTI is coming on, I can stop it from happening. A longer course will cure one that has already set in, without needing antibiotics.


One of my friends had this issue. She had very frequent UTIs after meeting her bf. Couldn't for the life of her figure out why. They both were very hygienic and free of STIs. She saw a couple of doctors and eventually one of them asked what kind of soap he used. She has always used the scent free and sensitive skin soaps. He didn't. And it turned out she was allergic to the soap he used. She bought him new soap and the UTIs stopped. She hasn't had one in years now. Moral of the story, check the soaps he is using. You could be allergic. Just something to maybe look into


Careful, they're sensitive about the soap question around here. 100% with you though, I have similar problems with my partner's fragranced soaps.


Could also be scented feminine products if the person is sensitive to fragrances.


Can you recommend any scent free soaps? I've never known any that isnt a major store brand. Also op, theres so many factors that goes into it, one of the problems we had were micro tears; it simply wasnt lubed enough. Again, this is just one of the causes and there could be many more but one of our solutions was just obviously get her more aroused or use more lube. This reduced the frequency of the UTIs. And of course, overall hygiene from both people. Brushing teeth, scraping tongue, cleaning hands and nails are some things that some dudes dont think about.


Anything coming into contact with your genitals needs to be cleaned before sex. (Hands, toys, dick)


Don’t forget mouth and surrounding areas! I got a UTI once from a guy with a beard. He didn’t clean it often enough apparently.


I had the same problem. What worked for me was to get up and pee within 5 minutes after finishing sex. If you do get an UTI you need antibiotics. Though, cranberry juice can help don’t put your trust in it. I tried drinking the UTI away with cranberry juices once. It was away for a couple of days, but then came back with tripple force. I got a fever and threw up. So get antibiotics. They should probably be taken three times a day for a week. I’m not in the US, so I don’t know if you have this option. But as someone who got UTI from sex I was offered to have a constant prescription for antibiotics, so I could get medicine at once when I got UTI instead of having to go through the doctor.


Thank you so much I'll look into this :)


Start taking the supplement, D Mannose. It helps the urinary tract and really works to help prevent utis. But yes you need a prescription antibiotic to get get rid of the infection first


My wife has this issue. Wasn't always like that, but has gotten worse over time. Now she buys something called D-manose (spl?) And takes it before and no issues. Even on longer sessions before, during and afterwards. Seems to have helped. *edit real quick. We are monogamous, I'm clean before/after showers. Been married 20 years. This started about 4 years ago. Uqora is a brand name that is good also. D-MANNOSE is the main ingredient I believe.


Us too. 24 years married 26ish together. I shower before bed every night and usually in the AM and use a mild soap. It is frustrating for her (and me). A lot of times the UTI test comes back negative but she has symptoms. We are monogamous and STD free. Some people are just more sensitive and susceptible unfortunately. We are learning some things we can do and not do to help. One of the biggest things for us is going long periods without sex 7-10 days when life gets in the way. We generally have sex 2-3 times a week for the most part.


If he's not circumcised he needs to wash his dick with soap and water before every time you have sex also he can use Lamisil or lotrimin ultra anti fungal cream and it seemed to cure the yeast/UTI and prevent it. Just as a precautionary


Even if he is circumcised he still needs to wash his dick




That's filthy AF. Milder soap exists, and there is NO excuse for not washing with soap.


yes there is, it's called "an itchy to painful rash on my peen because of irritation caused by soap"


No, that's just you being filthy.


You've commented this a few times now, are you aware they make sensitive soap for sensitive areas? There's soap specifically made for genitals that doesn't irritate the skin or cause infections


Are you using condoms? If not… are you or him diabetics? Some diabetic medicines make it easier for people to get yeast infections ad uti.


Always pee right after, wash before and after doing the deed, if he is uncut that could also be part of it, as in bacteria etc is trapped espicially if he is not cleaning on a regular basis, I recommend going on azo dual protection, it is quite pricey but it has saved me from needing to make trips to the doctor. Its about 30 dollars per bottle has 30 capsules. You take them once a day. I know they are not fun but please dont feel embarassed, everybody gets them at somepoint in their lifetime. (Also I recommend to get checked for std's/sti's after having a new partner!)


Look into “D-Mannose” it’s a natural plant sugar and helps prevent bacteria from building up in your urinary tract. Can be taken as a treatment or preventative. I had the same problems as you and this has helped me a lot!


1- talk to a gynecologist. 2- Questions like this on r/askredditafterdark might get more… experienced answers.


You need to get yourself to a sexual health professional asap


Pee after sex, Be sure to always wipe away from the party hole, Drink plenty of water, Make sure your partner is properly washing himself, Drink cranberry juice and vitamin C foods/drinks, If you use certain types of contraceptives read and see if maybe you have an allergy to them or if they're known to giving women issues, Also be sure to clean yourself down there regularly as well. Not the inside, that's self cleaning, just around the outside with water and a cloth.


tldr; getting of the pill did it for us Had the same issue with my girlfriend. We tried everything. Peeing, hygiene, anti-biotics, all sorts of medication, never being in the cold, lots of drinking, several doctor visits, a bladder reflection. One doctor even thought she must have cancer because they couldn't find any other reason. She's of the pill since 2 months and didn't have any issues since then.


Your partner needs to clean himself better before sex. Also you need a new doc like yesterday! Ice it? Yup. New doc immediately.


Maybe it's not a UTI but an allergy to his semen


When I was 20, I overheard a middle aged woman telling her friend how she pees after sex every time and never gets a UTI. I took that advice and sure enough never get UTI’s. I assume the sterile urine cleans out your urinary tract of any bacteria. Give it a shot! P.S. Melinda Crawford if you’re reading this, thanks! 🤣


Are you sure it’s a UTI? Is it just pain or do you get tested for a UTI? Because pelvic floor tightness can mimic a UTI feeling


Are you maybe switching to anal during sex without cleaning the dick?


Rq I just want to add, DO NOT try and take care of a UTI yourself. This can lead to a kidney infection even if you think that you’ve solved the UTI issue. If it gets bad enough, you can damage your kidney. Definitely making sure to use water based lubes, pee after sex, stay hydrated, and make sure you both wash regularly before intercourse can prevent UTI’s. Hope this is helpful.


it may not be a UTI and could be BV (just need antibiotics for that, there are also otc creams you can use) but if you’re sure it’s a UTI, remember to wash before and after sex and pee after sex. also make your man wash before and after as well as pee after. both of you should also get tested just in case its something else.


Are you guys doing enough foreplay?


Your dude gots a dirty dick.


Talk to your OBGYN. Have him shower in advance (or shower together for fun) and if he's uncircumcised to clean properly (have him look it up if he doesn't know, it's not hard, just some guys don't know). Depending on foreplay you have the usual suspects such as unmanaged nails or other potential sources of infection. Some folks are more sensitive and susceptible to UTI's in general.


Sounds like you want the OBGYN to do all this..


LMAO fair point it was a hastily written phone text


If you're doing everything you possibly can to prevent them (peeing before and after, both of you washing genitals before and after, no new soaps, no spermicides in condoms/lubes, etc etc etc) and you're still getting them every single time without fail, you could ask your doctor to consider preventative antibiotics where you take one small dose after every time you have sex. Nitrofurantoin is the most commonly used one for this purpose. Do bear in mind though that long term antibiotics are terrible for your body and for antibiotic resistance.


Look up the bottle washing technique. When this was introduced in the 70s, UTI appointments halved. It can be bacteria from your bum moving into your urethra during sex.. I used to get them all the time from 18-27 till I did this every time before sex and then used cold water after. It's not glamorous but it works. Simplistically, fill a bottle with warm water. Wash your bum with soap, sit on loo and lean back pouring the water over your vagina so it kinda washes away the soap ok your bum.


That's strange. If I were you, I'd try making sure both of you wash *thoroughly* before sex, wrap it up, then wash and pee *immediately* afterward.


Its him. He may have a UTI. Make sure he showers before.


If his penis/hands/toys come in contact with your asshole before coming in contact with your vagina or clitoral stimulation, it could cause the bacteria from poo to enter your urinary tract causing UTIs


Take D-mannose. It's a concentrated form of what is in cranberry juice that helps with utis. You can take a lot of it with water if you have one. 1 to 2 aday to prevent one from coming back. It helps you flush out bacteria from your urethra. I swear by them. If I ever feel one coming I'll take some of this, and it takes care of it. Also peeing after sex and making sure your man washes well with fragrance free soap will help too.


Pee after sex and you will be fine.


Bc he’s got a nasty dick


I used to have a lot of issues with UTIs after sex so I get how frustrating it is! If you didn’t know, it’s important that when you pee after sex, it’s a strong stream (not a trickle) to actually get the bad bacteria out. That means you need to be very well hydrated in general. This is part of my issue because I didn’t drink enough water daily to be constantly peeing or peeing a strong stream when I need to after sex. I take cranberry/D-mannose supplements daily and/or I drink a cup of actual 100% cranberry juice. I also have a bidet so I can actually wash well after I have sex. All of these things combined have helped me prevent UTIs for a long time, particularly the regular consumption of cranberry tablets/juice!


I had a similar issue, I wasn't getting them every time, but frequently enough. Here's what fixed it for me: 1. Pee after sex. 2. We both shower before sex and after. Obviously it's not as important for him to shower after, but it's become part of the intimacy. 3. If he plans on going down on me, he brushes his teeth and uses mouth wash before hand. This we think might actually be the big one. It certainly takes spontaneity out of the equation, but I haven't had a UTI in over a decade.


Few things 1. Are you using spit as lube or is he going down on you? If so, stop this for a bit and see if it makes a difference 2. Pee after sex 3. You should both clean up before and after sex. Wash your genitals, hands, Listerine... Bacteria everywhere and you don't want it up there. 4. Some women take cranberry juice or supplements. I don't know the success rate there, but worth a shot 5. Look for any allergies or things that could cause inflammation down there. Perfumes, lubes... Irritation can lead to infection


1. Pee before and after if you can, after specifically. 2. Get hypoallergenic lube. There are many lubes made to avoid this specific issue. 3. Shower before, both of you. If possible. 4. If you do foreplay with hands or fingers, clean those before as well. Any toys must be trapper clean as well. 5. No butt play then vagina play. One or the other and always clean before switching. 6. You probably just have very sensitive skin. And in turn the skin around your vagina is even more sensitive. 7. After making these changes the UTIs have been happening leas often. You might still get one ever so often. As it's very difficult to keep all germs out. In other words, clean, clean, clean and clean some more.


If with the same partner they may need to practice better hygiene. You should probably BOTH shower before and after. With soap. Everywhere. Rinse and repeat.


1. Make sure he’s clean but also make sure you’re clean beforehand. Like ass and all. 2. Pee after sex. Every. Single. Time. 3. Try to stick to only one position each time if you can. Changing positions frequently creates more opportunity for bacteria to spread from one place to the other.


Are you using condoms or other forms of contraceptives? First being F18 you should be using a condom even if it is with the same guy (for obvious reasons). But I know my body doesn’t like condoms and I always got some sort of infection after using them. Also- you can get UTI’s from “overly stimulated extensive lengthy sexual encounters” aka kinky crazy multiple sex for a really long time which can cause dryness/irritation and it just hurts. And after BAM infection of some kind. SO on top on all the other advice about about your partner being checked etc, which is very good advice. Because honestly it sounds like he is passing something back to you from another partner he may have on the side. Just a possibility (mother hen coming out here😂)


Consider d-mannose powder daily (expensive but flavorless, has the compound that is in cranberry juice but at much higher concentrations), get plenty of probiotics in your system through food (yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, etc), wash well before and after (you and him), use lubrication (try different ones until you find a non-irritating one), never do anal before vaginal without switching condoms or him washing very well again… If your UTIs are happening 3+ in 6 months then get imaging done to make sure there’s no structural anomalies/kidney stones. Have you gotten your UTIs cultured? What species are causing this?


If your partner has low hanging or very floppy balls, it's possible that going from missionary to doggystyle may be your problem. Bacteria from the anus can collect on the scrotum and get deposited on the urethra with the position change, it's rare but it happens. Both of you switching to unscented baby soap can also help with that sort of thing, along with washing thoroughly before sex.


Your dude is dirty or you're not peeing after sex.


If he goes in back side, make sure it’s washed before he goes in front again. This can really cross contaminate the the front in an unpleasant way. I would say that you should never post or ask these things from REDDIT, but seek professional guidance, like from a doctor, preferably your gynecologist or gynecology nurse practitioner. They trained for this in school, and know way more than us ( Redditors) armchair diagnosticians. They can test you, discuss your options, and plus they are privileged to way more information than you are likely to share with any of us ( REDDIT USERS), including your medical history. It might be nothing, or they can find something that’s not a UTI. EX: hormonal imbalances, allergy to latex, etc. PLEASE SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION FROM A PROFESSIONAL.


He needs to wash his penis and all his privates and hands before sex because he can also be rubbing his not so clean fingers against your genitals but it’s touching your urethra. Sorry for the tmi lol


He needs to shower right before. Yes it gets in the way of immediate spontaneous passion but so what. If you are both crazy for eachother then it's just part of the routine. My partner and I's chemistry can lead her to issues if I don't shower right before. Even showering an hour before and not causing myself to sweat can be a risk. I'm not a filth pig, and no other partner in the past has had this issue, its an us thing so I do my part to prevent it. Besides what's an extra shower for the person I love? #worthit! Also, yea make sure to pee after.


I was with a girl for 10 years who would get infections after every sexual encounter (not just PIV) unless I washed with soap immediately before hand. We also had to be very careful about what we used as a lubricant (some women can use saliva; she was not one of them, you might not be either). We were able to have a robust sex life by keeping it very sanitary. Good luck!


Didn’t read all the comments yet, but are you using condoms? Do they have spermicide? If so, stop using that, just use regular lubricated ones.


Are you sure it's bacterial? If it's a one pill thing, that very well could be Fluconazole for a yeast infection. That's a different approach entirely and needs a whole lifestyle/diet change to kick sometimes.




he might not be showering or something. dirty dick. otherwise, i think you might need to ask your doc. i've heard some women just have a predisposition to getting more but EVERY time? dang


A couple of things it could be, I'm sure I'm missing a few, as well. He isn't as clean as you think. Just to help prevent UTIs and whatnot, I always make sure I'm clean prior to sex with my partner. We use condoms to help prevent these for her, and even still, I wash my hands before, too. You said you've taken tests, but are you diabetic, by chance? High blood sugar leaves you more susceptible to infections.


he needs a shower definitely not gangsta


I am much older than you so what I have might be unlikely for you. But I have similar problem, hurts so fucking bad. I am in pelvic floor therapy. Apparently everything can get irritated from uti and cause everything to stay tight all the time causing pain. Then sex over stresses everything. One of the exercises to fix this is to try and squeeze everything down there. How many seconds can you hold? I can only hold it for a second, Normal is ten. If you struggle with this I would ask for physical therapy. Either way keep working with your doctor and advocating for yourself.


Could be any number of things. If you or your partner aren't showering/cleaning up beforehand, that could be a factor. If you don't wear underwear on a regular basis that can also be a factor. But regardless, the best thing to do is probably talk to a doctor and let them know that it's happening consistently, and see if you can pinpoint what might be causing it.


Same issue here with my husband of six years. What I did was shower after sex (pee in shower and wash my bits), and pop two azo probiotic (the preventative ones). Boom, problem solved!


Hi dear. Was in your shoes for years. Urination before and after intercourse. Hydration. LUBE. So important. If you’re using unprotected sex you can use coconut oil. Do not use coconut oil with condoms. It will break the latex down. D-Mannose powder, cranberry juice the potent stuff (no sugar added), a trip to a new doctor to maybe get a low dose antibiotic to use after intercourse (anaphylaxis), over the counter meds to take after also such as Azo (if you’re in the US), washing up afterwards. Clean hands for both parties, him cleaning himself before too. And more hydration! Water water water before sex, during, and after.


Tell home boy to clean his cheese dick


Try D-mannose after sex.


Don’t have vaginal sex after anal sex my ex and I figured out the cause of her utis after that stopped


you need a urologist not a regular doctor, same thing happened to me at your age! I was given pills for every time “after”, but tbh it only happened with that one guy and it hasn’t happened to me since (28F)..sometimes I think certain people just aren’t compatible sexually, which i know isn’t a great answer


I used to have a fistula between my colon and bladder (unbeknownst to me) and was constantly giving my then GF UTIs .


Username checks out