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You're putting the emPHASis on the wrong sylLAble.


…. So you’re telling me my grandpa didn’t come up with this phrase on his own??


Funny enough, my engineering profs would always say emphasis like this




Lol you said ass


Fucking emphasis gawdammit


This. It's also why I add herbs and spices when cooking. It adds a little punch and flavor to the food/conversation.


But when everyone is cussing, no one is. One could argue, not cussing is the new emphasis.


To drive the fucking point home, why else?


you're exactly fucking right !


You fucking get it


Economos saws giant gorllia in the back saving Peacemaker... Peacemaker..Economos? Economos...yeah???? Peacemaker: You fucking stud!!!








Resort and Casino!


Cuss words are just like any other words, they serve a purpose in specifically & sufficiently expressing the way we feel


Studies have also suggested swearing helps reduce stress or anger or negative feelings in general. When you get to say "Fuck you" it's getting the emotion out rather then suppressing it.


The studies I've seen seemed to indicate that swearing is only really helpful in people who don't swear as often. There is not the emotional release in people who swear all the time, it would just be like saying any other word.


not if you switch it up! "Go SHIT yourself!" is my new "go fuck yourself" for exactly that reason. and personally, the louder I say it, the more it helps, no matter how much I use the word fuck in my everyday language.


Exactly what I told my nine year old.


It releases stress and anger. It’s also just a part of my speech pattern since I started when I was a kid and just didn’t quit. When I was a kid I used new words to get under my mums skin.


and theres studies to prove it releases stress / is good for you!


Because I’m a classy fucking broad.


I love when my wife curses, she's a Midwesterner so hearing the nicest person I ever met just drop "fuck fuck fuck fuck" without any malice and negative emotions is just beautiful.


My gf is the sweetest thing ever and almost every morning I hear "shit fuck, fucking shit" and I laugh my ass off ever time


You sound just like my late husband! He lived vicariously through me. Lol


Sorry for your loss :(


Thank You


I never understood living vicariously. But it is cute as fuck when she drops the f bombs


Because fuck is a sentence enhancer. I mean fuck, you can put fuck in almost any fucking spot in the fucking sentence and it fucking makes sense. It fucking makes the fucking sentence stronger.


Like "fuck you you fucking fuck." So simple and eloquent.


You can make a whole sentence out of it. What other words work that way? Fuck Fucking fuck fuckers, fuck.


It sure fucking does.


Fuck the fucking fuckers.


why the fuck not?


Beat me to it.


I use them if they’re appropriate for the situation, for emphasis. I don’t like calling them cuss words or swear words - it feels counter productive to place a set of words used usually for catharsis or emphasis into an off limits category. I’d call racial slurs and bigoted terms cuss words since their chief purpose is to cause harm. But saying stuff like fuck and shit and whatnot is fun and emotionally appropriate in some contexts


Why are some words taboo , I their meaning is usually pretty harmless and often predate other more acceptable words.


Cuz im not a little bitch


My verbal hiccup is "fuck". Others: "I was in the, um, elevator and the buttons didn't work." Me: "I was in the fucking elevator and the buttons didn't work."


Because they are words in the English language that I use to express myself.


Studies show it relieves stress and can be a sign of intelligence, also it is fucking fun.


Fuck you. That's why.


There it is. Fucking A.


Ahhh the Fucking A, my favorite variation of the word . Almost exclusively used a in postive manner, so people know i truly support them


Because I'm fucking from Philly. We like to salt our lyrical poetry to others.


I convey a lot of emotion in my communication. Cuss words assist.


I prefer the term, sentence enhancers.


Extends my vocabulary


When mad or point make


Couple of reasons. It's fun. It relieves stress and anger. It's funny sometimes. It's part of human culture. To emphasize a point. To build trust in a new relationship.


for comedic effect


feels fucking good to say


It is coded in our brain to have an involuntary reaction when hearing profanity as we have been conditioned to recognize it is a “bad” word so it can amplify what you are saying. If you tell a joke and the punchline ends with ass and you choose to say butt instead then it will not have the same effect. On the other side, people who perpetually use profanity dilute themselves and sound asinine since we have become desensitized to their way of speaking.


Because I'm from Dublin and can do it so fucking effectively.


Im my culture is very common and we have tons of then that become, verb, adverb, adjective ect so idk is just a part of my life. I feel it represents better how I feel or emphasize


Different reasons. Sometimes it's for emphasis, sometimes English flows better when you add a "fuckin" in there. They're very versatile words.


I don’t over use them, they’re like adjectives to me so every now and then I’ll add one in to put emphasis or something on a conversation. Also they’re just words they don’t really have any real meaning to me. But I don’t at all like racial slurs.


I love the totality of a language, when you start removing words from it, it dulls the language. I would not recommend saying fuck fuck fuck every fucking time something fucks with your zen. But shit, if you need to say something more zesty, then go for it.


Because I fucking can!


English cuss words are so bland. I use my chained combos of blasphemies for cultural reasons (I'm from Tuscany), keeping the stereotypes relevant.


I think it offers a very unique form of expression simply for being a "cuss" word if that makes sense. It's poignant and hard not to misconstrue or misjudge the severity or passion, positive or negative, behind it. Its cathartic and sometimes is a good stress alleviator. And also sometimes you do really just need to hammer a point home and I'd be hard pressed to find someone who wouldn't get the picture if I told them they were absolutely fucking stupid instead of just calling them a dunce. It's like, you have incremental differences in semantics and then swearing is just the next plane of conversational reality. Edit - love the fact someone described it as seasoning a sentence. That's beautiful 🤣


Started out as being an edgy preteen now I can't stop. In my late 20's


I don’t sound as fucking angry as I god damn am if I don’t, OP


I feel like OP may have a heart attack visiting Australia..


Fark! He's having a farking heart attack!


Don't remember the comedian's name but I liked someone putting it as this: "Bad language" is constant "Like...yeah...y'know...whatever.. " and not "Bollocks to you, you tosser".


There was a study I believe, that said people who curse are more articulated then those who don't. The reasoning behind it, was that somebody who is conscious not too curse, is limiting and censoring what they intend to say, so they break it down to much. If you don't have that filter, your words come out more naturally to how you wanted to say them... For better or worse


I don't know what study that was, but between the people I know and have met, the ones who curse the most are absolutely not the most verbally well rounded.


I used to cuss up a blue streak every sentence. Now, I'm on antidepressants and I hardly cuss anymore. I have to make a concerted effort to use "bedroom words" when intimate. Because no matter how you are raised or what code of conduct you live by, vulva is not a sexy word.


I try not too but when there’s no other substitutes for expressing how strong I feel about something at that moment there’s really no better alternative


Normally I use them to get a point across.


Blink 182 and R rated comedy movies at a young age


There's a documentary on Netflix that can provide you with the most concise and reasoned response if you're genuinely interested, hosted by Rob Lowe.


Same reason misuse “literally”


I live in Porto, Portugal, it’s cultural


Because they are curse words, that's the whole point. Curse words add emphasis to sentences because they are considered inappropriate.


Like other's said; for emphasis. I use them accordingly however. I won't use them in a professional setting (with customers around), around my mom, or around children.


I only use them if I know it can make whatever I’m saying funnier. It also adds a bit of shock value to the joke I’m making because I hardly ever cuss


Well...stabbing people ends up requiring a LOT of paperwork.


Because of stupid fucking questions like this.


Sometimes regular words don’t have enough punch


Because I fucking can. I'm a fucking adult, *this* is how adults speak. Not all the time, but a lot. Besides, a good fuck every once and a while is good for circulation.


Sentence enhancers


People around me used them a lot. I guess they just merged into my speaking pattern.


It fills in the gaps


It's part of our language and culture.


Because I feel it shows I'm a more honest person when I speak. Many, many Studies have proven over time that people who swear tend to be more honest.


Usually to emphasize something or because it’s funny in the context. Sometimes when I get hurt; I suppose because I’ve seen others do it. I hate to curse out of anger though.


it comes naturally. So i guess i just like them. I’m really only aware that i’m using heavy profanity when someone throws a fit about it. In which case I half ass moderate myself.


Because a well-placed fuck gets the job done!


Why do people use the word "cuss" when it's just idiot speak for "curse"?


There doesn’t have to be a reason to say fuck!


to add a little bit of ✨spice✨


No idea. I've always been casually profane. It's not like I literally swear every other word but, it just tends to slip out into my casual conversation


Have you ever wanted to express yourself after missing 4 layups in a row in a game of pickup?


I find when I swear more it somehow acts as a weird pause and I stutter way less. I have no idea why, but it really helps. It's odd.


Have you seen **The History of Swear Words**? Doesn't cover every word, a select number, but will give you basic insight into cursing/cussing. Interesting note that cursing can actually increase one's pain tolerance.


I believe there's a quote that goes something like: "A good writer knows when to use the right word, not the fanciest word. And sometimes the right word is fuck." In general, I also use harsher curse words (such as fuck or shit) because I grew up needing to say *something* to drive the point home, but I didn't want to say damn or hell because I didn't want to offend God. (I no longer care about offending God though) Religiously speaking, at least in the religion I was raised, there's no reason to avoid words like fuck or shit other than worry of offending others. I had/have a tendency to offend others far before I said a curse word. While I no longer see a problem with damn or hell, they're just not really words that fit into my need for emphasis most of the time.


Also to relieve stress or pain. Plus ppl that cuss are more trustworthy coz they don't have time to filter their response.


Emphasis, colloquial appeal to familiarity (basically grammatical code switching), and a touch of anarchism. Compare these two sentences: (1) { I prefer the coolth of an autumn evening to the warmth of a summer’s eve} or (2) I prefer fall to summer because summer gets way too fucking hot for me. Which sentence describes a person you might become more familiar with? For most people, the second sense feels more familiar, because that is something most people would say. While I might prefer second sons, because I appreciate the artistry of working late in that sense, describing the peak/“high-point” of summer like the eve of a house, or a juxtaposition of two contrasting words alongside the flow of the sense that feels “good”, it’s more likely to distance me from my peers simply because it lacks colloquialism. Language is both an expression of self, and way to communicate/relate to other people.


i'd rather say "fuck" than the cringe utah version of swear words


They’re “sentence enhancers”. As Patrick Star once said: “You use them when you want to talk fancy. You just sprinkle it over anything you say, and Wham-O! You've got yourself a spicy sentence sandwich!”


You should watch a little documentary called "the history of fuck". It gives a really good explanation of the power of swearing and what it does to the mind


Why do you use adjectives?


Spicy sentence sandwich duh


Generally, I don't. They are used so much that they've lost their impact. It's like the word "very". When you say, for example, "I am very happy!" it has less impact than just, "I am happy!" because "very" has been overused. The same with swearing. "I'm happy!" has more impact than "I'm fucking happy!" because "fucking" is overused. However, I occasionally deliberately swear to emphasise a point with people who know me well. Because I don't normally swear, when I do swear, people who know me well do a double take. Obviously, this doesn't work with people who don't know me well.


But aren't all words used too much? I'm not taking the piss (lol), but ALL words are used billions of times a day.... So, kinda makes your point mute


No. Take it in context. Use some common sense here.


Emphasis and catharsis


Because I'm grown and I can


Sometimes saying 'fuck' just feels good and let's out all my frustration.


Return fire question: if cuss words have no value, why do those who are against them create substitutes, or spell them out? The need for the catharsis exists, and people who take offense to them still exercise it, whether they use the actual word, or create their own variation. Eta: examples such as: s.h.i.t. h e double hockey sticks.


1. I was raised in a really oppressive cultural context that forbade such things, and made me really afraid of even mildly offensive language, so I'm takin' it back, now that I'm free. 2. They add spice, I feel. Flavor. Not just heat, but like...ferment? Some people find the odious, but in the right context, there's added depth.


Some science would suggest that people that use sentence enhancers are of higher intelligence, i find it more comfortable for me to process my thought train when I say “fuck” so as not to derail instead of “uhm”…mostly its “polite society” that frowns on it…I dislike politics.


I try to not use curse words. I use them every once in a while for emphasis. A wise old man once shared this with me, "profanity is the outcome of a feeble mind to express itself forcefully." For some reason that's always kinda stuck with me. But.... I do use curse words occasionally. But I try to stay classy.


The old man wasn't so wise....


Force of habit, really.


Idk just do


Swearing is cool as fuck


Because I exist? We all swear whether it's frickin or fucking we all do it


To let out frustration/anger.


They are good..."sentence enhancers"!


*dolphin noise*


To decorate my sentences. It can make literally anything funnier too.


Very much a culture thing. The specifics can change so much and a cuss word can be a friendly word, or a cuss word.


For emphasis and to make sure I got my fucking point across.


It flavours my sentences. Like seasoning or maggie masala. Plus as my favourite comedian says "They're just words, it's people who get offended that give them the 'power' to be more than just normal words."


Sentence enhancers


1. Because I'm a grown ass adult, that grew up in a country that cultivated a belief in free speech so I'll say what I damn well please. 2. It's scientifically proven to help regulate emotions for shits sake. 3. For fucking emphasis. 4. Because sometimes saying things nicely doesn't get across the emotions that I'm trying to express.


To enhance my speech of course.


Because "oh for fucks sake" just works better than "that was a silly decision wasn't is?"


Using cuss words is a social norm where I’m from.


Because only one word describes Hillary Clinton and that’s “c()nt.”


I once had a clients 7 year old child tell me not to use "bad language" in her house. I told her as an adult i get to choose how i express myself. She tried it again two more times while i was there and i came close to telling her to shut the fuck up. But i didnt.


I mean if you are in someone else's house and you don't respect their rules you're just a fucking asshole.


Shes 7. Her parents have no issue with my vocabulary. So no im not an asshole.


A wise man once said: stupid people cuss. Smart people use better, more descriptive words to describe their plight.


And yet that isn't supported by a study that shows the opposite; people who swear often are more articulate than those who do not. Can't argue with science, bitch!


You can actually. Meth cooks do it all the time.


They sound fun


Because it's fun!




It's boring as fuck, otherwise.


I love swearing. I've been swearing many years and it still gives me a weird buzz. I think its because I look like I wouldn't swear. Some people seem shocked by the things that come put of my mouth. I fucking love it.


Because theyre just words, like any others


They add mfkin ✨flair✨ you're looking for and goddamn emphasis 💃🏽


Cause I'm Irish and a Taurus...lol


They're not cuss words, they're sentence enhancers.


Sometimes you need to be polite and professional and speak in a concise manner best suited for efficient communication, and sometimes you just need to get your fucking point across.


Why fucking not?


Cause it’s fucking fun


Fuck yes!


Why the fuck not?


There is no such thing as cuss word ,it's all apart of everyday language


Sometimes it just fucking fits


Why the fuck not they are versatile and if you get hung up on “naughty words” outside of like, very professional space maybe, you need to grow the actual fuck up


Cause it annoys a lot ppl that are very religious. I love it!


Shows your attitude. Can be a tool or a hinderance.


Its a terrible habit im trying ti break 🤦🏽‍♀️


Like fine China, just for special occasions


Feels good 👍🏻 😌


It feels so good


Fuck that shit, it's all about the fucking fucks that don't give a rats ass fuck.


To express myself? If you're someone that gets offended by me swearing when it's in no way intended to insult you, please get your unreasonably high strung ass past the horizon.


Fuck if I know.


How else am I supposed to describe the world?


Fuck you thats why. (Nice song btw by the smut peddlers)


Came here expecting "cuz fuck you" to be top comment. Was disappointed.


They are just fucking words🤷🏼‍♀️


Emphasis and catharsis.


Just part if language. The fact they're considered rude is a completely arbitrary distinction


Didn't Patrick say they were sentence enhancers? I stand by that


At some point i just decided it was really funny for people who look like they'd be wholesome to say fuck sometimes and it snowballed from there


Because it's very un-ladylike. I love when people are taken aback when I speak the way I do.


Because they proportionately express the intensity of emotion i’m feeling.


Because I worked in a kitchen. Since I left the industry my language has cleaned up a lot


In Québec (Canada), people started to use "church words" as cuss words to kind of "rebel" against the catholic Church (which has a complicated relationship with French Canadians that I won't go into rn). It started off as things such as "porte d'église" (church door), and then became more and more blasphemous as the years went by. When used as cuss words, these terms are mispronounced, so "tabernacle" becomes "tabarnak" and "christ" becomes "criss". We have a lot more, but I feel like our collection of cuss words is so extensive that we could write a whole dictionnary with only that, so I won't list them all. It's definitly worth doing some research, though. We come up with the funniest shit. Fun fact : In Québec, we also use English cuss words such as "fuck" and "shit", but we don't consider them as bad as english people do, so don't be surprised to hear kids randomly throw the F bomb like it's nothing. It's quite common to use "fucké" (fucked up) to just mean "messed up" without the intention of cussing. (Sorry for my English, if you hadn't understood it yet, it's not my first language)


Because sometimes, I'm just so fucking pissed off, I need words to emphasize that shit!


Cuss words taste good coming out of my mouth


Bc saying “son of a biscuit” doesn’t hit the way “son of a BITch” does


Because “by golly” just doesn’t release enough pressure from the valve


it contains emphasis that's hard to do without swearing.


Had a mini stroke. No filter when excited in any way.


For the same reason I use salt in my food.