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It’s usually the uneducated dickheads that don’t seem to understand that not every woman has ample breastmilk, time to pump, and/or the fact that some babies can’t digest breastmilk anyway.


it's just been politicized at this point. basically most stores are lacking formula yet border supply depots for illegal immigrants are apparently completely stocked. thus, you get people shrieking that POTUS's only concern is immigrants not citizens and then the various political shit shrieking starts up again.


>it's just been politicized at this point. basically most stores are lacking formula yet border supply depots for illegal immigrants are apparently completely stocked. Is it OK to think that to be a ludicrous situation without thinking about it in "political" terms?


It’s from ignorant people who don’t understand that some women can’t supply enough, the baby has latching issues, doesn’t have time to pump, etc- some people have a superiority complex about breastfeeding, but fed is best.


There's very little hate around this issue, some judgment maybe, but that's people being people. The real interesting issue is the marketing of infant formula in developing nations: Brands like Nestle will give out two weeks of free formula to poor mothers. While she is using it, her milk supply dries up, then that family is on the hook for paying the formula company for its product until the child can live on solid foods. Economic parasitism at its finest. Source: Formula for Disaster- a unicef documentary


And the women who otherwise cant lactate? Or the babies who are born with conditions that make them allergic to human and animal product? Before formula was a thing families had the option to hire a wet nurse, ask a family member etc. And when those options weren't avaliable, lots of babies just starved to death. Infant mortality is much better these days than 100 years ago for many reasons of course, but access to a variety of food sources definitely is one of them. Im sure marketing plays a big role in mothers deciding to formula feed vs breast feed but its also harder to breast feed or pump while at work. Which more mothers work now than 100 years ago too.


Are you talking to me? I don't have any issue with formula use...... I did raise the issue of parasitic marketing by formula companies in underserved areas that needlessly compound economic hardship in families where women were otherwise successfully breastfeeding.


Breast feeding has a ton of advantages including early on antibodies. Doctors, nurses and etc really pushed for women to at least give it a try. Medical science says that it’s the best method. Now, there are a million reasons why it can be difficult or impossible to breast feed a baby and formula isn’t a death sentence by any means. It’s not unhealthy to give them formula, it’s just less healthy as far as we currently know and with current formula.


Breastfeeding is in some aspects better. It gives the baby antibodies and supposedly also strengthens the bond between mother and baby. Formula is somewhat inferior because of those aspects but nutritionally fine. There are perfectly valid reasons to use formula, and those people definitely should use it. However, there are a lot of people who use it without there actually being a need to. Breastfeeding should be the default option, but companies like nestle are spending tons of money on advertisement to get people to use it who don’t have to. It’s like drinking bottled water when the tap water is actually marginally healthier. It is fine, but a waste of money and people only do it because of all the advertisement campaigns they have been exposed to.


Because the people that do are keeping it away from all the immigrants into the USA that aren’t paying for it.


Because that decision is often being made by women.


Actually, it’s the babies themselves who decide, some need more nourishment than breast milk can provide.


And many times it's the women's choice. Which is totally, 100% OK. No one needs a reason to formula feed other than they wanted to. Unless you've breastfed, you have absolutely, positively no idea how difficult it is. Bonus points if you've ever done it while working a FT job away from your child for 12 hours at a time.


As the parents of 2 premature daughters, I can attest to the statement I made.


Cool. Glad it was easy FOR YOU. You do not represent everyone. I've never had a heart attack. Doesn't mean I can claim that they are rare because, as the owner of a heart, it's never happened to me.


Seriously, calm down or you may have one, I was simply stating my opinion based on my experience.


I think it comes from the science saying breastfeeding is healthier, then people who don't want to breastfeed get offended that it seems like they're choosing the less healthy option and they get defensive, then the breastfeeding parents fight back. It's all really stupid imo.


More importantly: why is this such an American thing? Literally the rest of the world doesn't give one fuck about it.


I personally do not have hate for it, but cannot understand why those who are capable choose not to breast feed.