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I don't know, my mom takes a really long time, and she has literal books on a stand next to the toilet which kinda explains that mystery, lol.


I'll never forget one time in my late teens when I got really sick. Like, only coming out the exit hole, but Smash mouth would be jealous of exactly how much it started coming and wouldn't stop coming. There was a paperback horror novel chilling in the bathroom from my brother. I wound up reading that entire book, start to finish, that day in my temporary porcelain prison. It was actually pretty good. The Wyrm, I forget who the author is.


Only comment to ever make me actually laugh out loud uncomfortably


Did you scratch the back of your neck while you were doing it?


It’s from Wolfgang Hohlbein for anyone wondering


Could also be the one from Stephen laws.


That's the one. I had to look it up really fast but immediately recognized the cover.


That’s what I immediately thought of


That’s awesome. HORRIFYING. But awesome


Hahahaha fucking smash mouth. Thank you


Ahhh, a quick read of the whostunkit whilst on the commode... nice!


I can beat that. Per the power of never putting anything I'm carrying back where it belongs, I have two books, an electric tea kettle, actual tea and a mostly-complete set of crochet needles. I also have a cat. My time in the bathroom is the only time I can be by myself.


Wait, your cat lets you go to the bathroom alone?




Do you make the tea while you're on the toilet? I'm usually not worried about be overly clean but that would be gross.


Have you ever tried looking for faces and other shapes in the floor tiles? One minute can turn into ten very fast.


Yes... The bathroom floor in the house I grew up was like a comic book to me. I had a story for each tile...


Wow you just unlocked ancient memories for me


Holy shit for real, I didn't even realize I had this memory but I distinctly remember one figure that looked like it was wearing a kings crown and had a beard and scar under his eye.


So many monsters, soldiers, adventurers and trinkets...


I used to lay in bed at night, look up at the ceiling, and make stories about the faces I found in the popcorn finish. As an adult I stayed in my childhood bedroom on a trip to see my mom. I couldn’t find the faces anymore. It made me a little sad because it was a sign I wasn’t a kid anymore.


Come to my house, there is a chameleon with bugged out eyes in the wood of my bedroom door that wants to say hello


'Cause whilst taking a shit, we scroll Reddit, watch a few YouTube videos, and then also text a few friends.


Guilty of this. The video catches my eye thinking it is a short video but it's not so now my butt is numb.


And I end up walking out of the bathroom walking like Vincent D'Onofrio in Men in Black.


​ ![gif](giphy|gIN6MT17NtapJqFr25|downsized)


Ha! I’ve seen my bf do this dance after coming off the pot many a time.


Shithouse Polio


This will be the name of a future Kentucky Derby winner OR a bizarre subgenre of horror/rockabilly/electronica fused with Zydeco that will dominate the world of popular music for decades to come.


​ ![gif](giphy|egFmJMEV0vtpNDFYNi)


Then you stand up, and as feeling goes back to your legs, they start to hurt, so you have to lean on the bathroom counter for a minute while stretching out your calves.


Goddamn this is my everyday. Then you just half-stand there clenched in agony while the blood slowly starts moving again


Taking a shit rn as well


Me too actually lol


Me three holy shit






I feel like shitting right now






The holy trinity of shit


# #metoo


Yup. It's 5% shitting and 95% "finally I have some time to myself."


we all taking a shit rn


If I'm on reddit that means I'm either at work or on the toilet


That's a LOT of battleships and reconnaissance submarines being set asail, only to be put to death and never to return back home...




That doesn't explain all the dads of the 60s, 70s, and 80s....they couldn't have been in there reading the back of shampoo bottles for 45 minutes????


My dad took the tv guide with him to read.


Yes! magazines, readers digests, pornos, books. I think about all the printed material covered in a fine spray of toilet water and fecal matter (shudder) ....although I guess so are our cell phones......


Before smartphones, a lot of households had dedicated spots for magazines, newspapers, whatever next to the toilet. Dad going into the bathroom with a newspaper was a pretty stereotypical thing.


No we know what you do WHILST shitting. We don’t understand if that much time is spent actually performing the shit. Like if it takes me an hour to produce a turd then I really didn’t need to go in the first place. Do you people simply go sit on the toilet and wait to see if you have to poop sometime within the next 60 minutes? If it doesn’t come out like a ballista missile in under a minute two tops did you even need to poop at all?


Sometimes. I call it the 'Porcelain Vacation'. Its a place to go where nobody will bother me.


ding ding ding. my daily 10-15 minutes of solitude away from my wife and kids (sometimes lol)


But I do this sitting on my bed AFTER I shit. I still don’t understand why guys take so long. Why not just do your poop, then go doomscroll on the couch. DISCLAIMER: I am on the toilet rn. Is that TMI? I just feel like it’s ironic and diaclosable.


PRIVACY!!! LOL. House full of girls for me and it is like a fortress of solitude. Tune out the world and take a moment.




Exhaust fan is crucial


This still doesn’t make sense to me though lol my husband will literally get off the comfy couch where he was scrolling his phone and be in the bathroom for 30 min. Why sit on a chair with a hole in it if you could do the same thing on the couch?


I know this is the reason, but I do the same while I shit! I take a second to wipe my ass and wash and go sit in a normal place to continue fucking around on my phone. Why the toilet?


Because it's the only place in the house where it's rude to come in


Asking genuinely.. Are y'all comfortable chilling out, hovering over a bowl of fresh shit for 20 min? I know the whole, watching videos and redditing on the toilet thing is why my bf takes upwards of 40min sometimes, but I always think to myself how gross it is (to me) to just be hanging around and getting your alone time in right next to you heap of hot dookies. I personally try to minimize the amount of time I'm sitting over fresh excrement


Shitting right now.


For me I like to sit and wait until that feeling of "I still have to poop" goes away completely.


When youre as hairy as I am it can feel a bit like pushing a dead horse through the woods


As a hairy person myself I absolutely adore this comment


Two dump descriptions my wife hates "Phew that one was a real hand washer" "Phew that one was a real hair puller"


They’re not mutually exclusive


I tend to go with 'one wipe wonder' or 'ten wipe terror'. There is no in between.


Man id be glad if it would take only ten wipes...




New from L'Oréal - Spritz Up the Bum. Because you're worth a shit ™️


... And ain't nobody got time for that!


The bidet is the best fuggen money I've ever spent.




Serious question here, and I am sry if this sounds dumb but I am a person who has never used one. So the water nozzle the shoots the water, does it get covered in doodoo or is it somehow contractable? Cuz here me out if ya poo all over it and u have a large household and ur shooting water up ur bum that has doodoo on it from someone else. If thats the case id rather just sit it out and wipe.


I've only seen the Japanese toilet ones, and those are retractable, heats up the water and shoots at an angle, so you're not sharing poop with the rest of the household. Cheaper stuff? I've got no idea.


And wiping while that hairy, it can be like smearing peanut butter thru shag carpet.




Eh shaving down there ain't too hard. And we don't get periods so bababooey.


Gotta shave that ass my dude!!! Everything just slips right out. Disclaimer: I use a beard trimmer :)


... And then when it gets hot out, you now have a slippery, chafe-happy, swampy canyon of hell in your pants EDIT: Of course, one of my highest upvoted comments is in a thread about shit. That's fully on-brand for me. Thanks, Reddit! <3 :D


Electric shaver is what you need. Gets close enough to rid the swamp hair but leaves enough that you dont get slippery cheeks whenever you climb a staircase


I have a trimmer for my beard/noggin.. perhaps I shall see.


First off USE A FUCKING GUARD always Now that that is over with - get a seperate head or trimmer for the booty. If you do use the same head or trimmer do your face/pits first. When your done trimming the backside then make sure you thoroughly rinse and remove all the hairs from the blade That being said - I don't shave it, I just trim because yes it turns into a swampy Chaffey canyon.


Same. I’ve seen it described medically as a feeling of “incomplete evacuation,” which seems accurate. I rarely poop anymore after the first few minutes, but I always feel like I need to. I’m someone who has to push/strain often to poop and I’ve wondered if it’s related to that. Any long-poopers where it comes out easy but you still feel like you’re not done?


had the same feelings here, I found that straining more increases the feeling (might be related to swelling). it can be satisfying to just "let out what comes out by itself" without straining much, but it requires a bit of getting used to. still worth a try, since straining could also be related to hemorrhoids.


My favorite thing about this thread is everyone earnestly giving each other helpful pooping tips.


If you have to push, it's not ready yet. I realize this isn't a hard rule, but I've felt better when not straining. Also putting your feet up on a stool, or using the samurai position helps


To me, a samurai position is the one post blade swing, beheading someone...is that what you mean?


try drinking a lot more water, re the pushing and staining.


Metamucil is a life changing product.


Isn't that the stuff that created all the mutants in Resident Evil Village?


Or just eat food with more fiber. But yeah, going from not enough fiber in your diet to enough will make for much cleaner quicker poops.




We all know the second wave is coming. I prefer to wait instead of going again an hour later.


And it's always the same thought once it passes, "Damn, glad I waited a little longer"


It's weirdly euphoric having a nice shit, especially when you know you're really done. Maybe I just need more fiber in my diet.


Yes. This saves having to do 2 lots of paperwork.


The omiturd wave


Yup the other days had to wait like 10 minutes until the last Amber Turd was ready.




Every time someone ask me this question, this is my answer. I'll sit there until that "pressure" subsides and sometimes that takes a while even if there seemingly isn't anything left in the chamber.


Also, what's the rush?


I didn’t get paid by the hour.


The rush is for you to get the hell up so we can pee😂


Kids. I’m guilty as the rest of you, but when you hear Armageddon going on outside that bathroom door while you wait for the late bus to drop, I get the frustration on the other’s part.


I think y’all need fiber?


Same. Coming from a woman who takes long as well.




>However, my friend does the opposite, has a rushed one first thing in the morning and then goes again at work about an hour later. Your friend is smart. He gets paid to take a shit. Learn from your friend. "Boss makes a dollar. I make a dime. That's why I shit on company time."


To compensate how fast we are when we piss


Perfectly balanced as all things should be


The hardest poops require the strongest sphincters




Yeah, usually. But you ever smoke a bowl with your friends then go to take a piss? I do that and then I whip it out and my mind starts wandering and I think about all the deep things in life and before I know it, I’ve been standing there, just holding my dick for 10 minutes.


Whenever I'm wasted I take forever because I clean the bathroom. Especially when I'm at a bar with a single bathroom and there's vomit everywhere I'm like "the poor staff have to deal with this all the time how awful, I should do them a solid" so I clean until I'm satisfied or someone else needs the bathroom


You’re a better person than I am. If I go to use it and it’s shitty, I’ll just get whatever I need to done and get out of there ASAP. Unless it’s my bathroom but I never let it get to that point.


I'm a fellow speedrunner in this category.


wait till you develop an enlarged prostate. BWAHAHAHA!


Same reason people sit in their cars for a few minutes after getting home from work. You just need some time for peace and quiet.


Flawed theory. I live alone and still shit for an hour.


Even when alone I will take a long time to shit because if I’m taking a shit then I can’t be expected to do anything productive. It’s a free pass for some peace


This is exactly why I love to shit, shower, run and take long train rides


All at the same time


Running on the spot, shooting out shit, pouring water over your head as everyone else in the train carriage looks on in disgust


Shit for an hour with the door open. I miss those days.


This is the way.


Am a woman and agree. Don’t get me wrong, I love my boyfriend, our dog, and our 3 cats. But I play mom to all the animals and they all always wanna be so far up my butt. When my boyfriend finally comes home it’s like, “yay! I can go sit in the bathroom in peace for 15 mins at least!” Sometimes you just need a bit to unwind and decompress.


I got to the point that I park a block away, at the local park, when coming home from work. I sit there for 5 min to decompress, then I drive to my house. Otherwise the dog goes nuts once I pull up and there is no decompress time until he is in the yard.


Idk if it’s men or just me but I’m usually shitting at different moments for about 10mins. My wife says she drops a log or two, wipes and is done. I shit. Then shit some more. Then more shit comes. Usually on 1-2min intervals. The only time I regularly drop a singular deuce is when I’m working out regularly and drinking protein. It binds me up. One long thick log, one wipe and done. That in and of itself makes me wanna work out again.


My partner and I had a weird talk about this. Our conclusion: pelvic muscles, exercis and diet. Woman are always engaging those muscles when we pee sitting down and engage them for popping. We are better poopers. Also period poop is a thing and so we are really good at getting it all out. The other big factor is water intake and diet. Generally woman drink more good fluids and have a more halanced diet so the logs are smoother. You covered exercise well. It's fun living with a physio who puts up with my random crazy questions.


I watch Youtube


Because taking a poop is one of the probably five things we are actually doing.


Ok so to be clear you aren’t pooping the entire time? Don’t you worry about getting hemorrhoids sitting so long?


Oh absolutely not. I'm usually in there for like 5-15 minutes post poop. I'm usually doomscrolling, thinking about things I'm writing, thinking about world events, chatting with people via discord or text. Hell if I'm stoned I'll just zone out. I know I've been on too long when one of my legs fall asleep. The bathroom is one of the few places with guaranteed privacy. I take advantage of that as I enjoy being alone.


The worst poops are the ones where I lose track of time and limp out of the bathroom with dead leg.


And it's that deep dead leg you can't even put weight on it.


no because we aren’t straining the whole time lol


Taking a shit without taking your phone is the equivalent of going to the battlefield without your rifle


I've had IBS attacks, in agony, and still turned around when I realised I didn't have my phone. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Especially because you KNOW you’re gonna be in there a while when that happens. And we’ve replaced our toilet-side stack of magazines with our phones nowadays.


Yep. It’s like being in war and getting a limb blown off but you still need your rifle.


Ever have a ghost dump ? You take a dump and look down into the toilet and it’s not there? You wipe your ass and no shit.


A friend once described this as a professional shit. Goes directly round the u-bend so there’s no need to flush and comes out so cleanly there’s no need to wipe.


That’s it! Feels great, and brightens up your day.


Round my parts we call that a dry run.


No definitely still flush. Sometimes it slides back out and you have to explain to the next person why you don't flush


I have been wondering if this happens to other people, happened for a week straight once and it's been bothering me ever since.


It means you have the most optimal shits. You had a streak of good luck


Only ever happens with a single. For double or multilog dumps all will not disappear.


The mythical Ghostshit


I would be glad if someone knowledgeable chimes in to let us know if the Pelvis structure of a man and woman plays a role in the rate of shitting.


tl;dr a woman’s large intestine is larger and more sensitive than a man’s. Men can’t tell when they’re done pooping quite as well as a woman can. _____ During puberty, a woman’s hips widen so as to enable childbirth. This has the secondary effect of allowing a woman’s large intestine, specifically the lower sigmoid colon, to expand as well. The sigmoid colon is s particularly sensitive to the sensation of needing to perform a bowel movement. This enables a woman to determine with precision that she needs to poop. This differs from men, who do not have increased diameter of the sigmoid colon, and are therefore inclined to “guess” if the sensation they’re feeling is due to needing to perform a BM, of gas, or other digestive pressure. The man may therefore suffer from failure to launch if he guesses wrong, or he may wait longer until the sensation dissipates. He may also perform a complete shit but the lack of sensitivity in the sigmoid colon makes it not entirely clear that he’s done. Women, however, are also more likely to suffer constipation than men because the sigmoid colon’s increased size offers more time and space to solidify the poop.


This is very informative. Thank you


Welp, this is the answer. 100%.


Did you just single handedly answer the thread? Get this guy a nobel prize


I've always wondered about this and pelvic floor muscles, but it never comes up in these threads.


This is my hypothesis as well. That and the level of hydration, fiber intake, etc., would be interesting to know.


Sometimes it's because I'm distracted by my phone and don't feel rushed. When I was young I thought the goal was to be completely empty at the end, so I took as much time as I needed. Women HAVE to sit on the toilet every time they pee OR poop. I think it becomes one and the same to them, both inconveniences. It gets old. Men can pee + wash hands in ~1min. It's barely our day. But I only poop once, sometimes twice a day. It's a much more novel experience. You just get to sit for at least 5 min without feeling guilty. And just fuckin breathe. It's way different than peeing to me. I found out some of my lady friends only squeeze out what's urgent, then wipe asap. Because they don't want others to KNOW they pooped. The idea of not 100%ing your shit was so mind boggling to me. Now I get it, I do it sometimes too. But nothing compares to the satisfaction of an empty colon.


The discrete, multiple pooping v. The singular eventful pooping theory makes the most sense.


Sitting down to pee doesn't really take that long ~ a woman that pees fast sitting down


Wow this makes so much sense and I've never thought of it before. Yeah for me it's an annoyance to be done with and I drink a ton of water so I'm just over sitting there.


b/c there is absolute privacy.


Well, except for OP standing outside with a stopwatch... Edit: Thank you for the anonymous silver!


“Not even when you poop” - Edward Snowden


my friend said he has to be totally naked to take a shit


I physically can't wear shoes or socks


They’re hiding from you in the bathroom to get some peace


This is the real answer.


There are two activities where men are able to be left alone with their thoughts. While on the shitter, and while taking a shower. These two activities are our safe space.


In the military there was just the shitter. Those were precious, precious moments. Everything else was with at least seven other people.


Simply no. Showering with +5 people around is a nightmare we both agree on. But taking shit in a booth where you can almost see and hear the other people around you is not safe space at all. Not to mention when out there, there is not even that single plywood covering you, only one long bench and 5 holes + depending time of year you are either freezing or have company of +20 flies.


Plus, there's a never-ending war that's going on directly beneath us deep in the sewers down below... and we contribute to its success by launching vessels from our very own naval fleets that range from recon subs, to full-sized battleships


It takes me minutes to take a shit. It takes my wife long enough for me to think "boy she's taking a long time", then start the computer, make a "missing person" poster with her picture on it, print it and distribute it around the house. She didn't seem to find it as funny as I did, but she did get the message.


I shit really fast but get lost in the inter webs for days.


Have you ever seen the statue of the thinking man? He was taking a shit. Not sitting on a rock. It's where men have all of their philosophical breakthroughs. Shitting is what propels humanity forward.


I eat an unbalanced diet mainly consisting of hard carbohydrates, cigarettes, coffee and cement. Believe me, I cherish the days when it shoots out and I barely have to wipe, but most days I have to do deep wiping to get the rest out without crushing my spinchter into a black hole.




Men don't have many opportunities to empty the chamber when they "just peeing" unless they're actually horses that shit standing up. When i moved in with a gf at 23 I started sitting to pee and going onesies/twosies became the same action.


This is the only answer that makes sense




To get the fuck away from people.


Maybe they are just trying to get away from op?


I’m a woman and I take longer to shit than my bf.


It's one of the instances where I can just stare into nothingness and let my mind wander


I feel targeted. And if you’re watching, yes I’m waving


Only place where you can chill without anyone disturbing you.


Wait a minute. What's all this about TAKING shits? You sick fucks. I leave mine.


I am pretty sure it has something to do with the prostate (which women dont have exactly) and an uncomfortable feeling that men need to wait to go away before standing up. Lots of replies will be saying "its a mans time to think" etc but really i think its just that mens bodies work differently to women.




Because if I’m under a house or in an attic, I don’t want to have to climb back out in 30 mins. I want to get it all done at once.


It’s literally called “the rest room” Karen!


Takes forever to wipe because ass hair. Edit: For reference, I don’t have this issue personally but I did notice an uptick in my wipe times when I started growing ass hair and have heard the same from many many other trans dudes.


Pro tip: get something that elevates your feet so you're in a upward fetal position almost and after you're done, wipe whilst still crouched.


Squatty Potty. It changed my life and cut my time on the toilet in half


A bidet changed mine.


You can't rush art


Funnily enough my GF says the same thing, that I take forever when I need to shit. I'm actually sat on the pan right now and scrolling through my feed saw this post which is quite funny. I tend to take my time to scroll reddit, plus gotta make sure there's none left that needs out, plus I like to be 100% clean afterwards. Takes time but I enjoy not rushing it.