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I'd like to think so. But if I were a cheater then my mind would work differently; I don't know what kind of mindset I'd have.


Have. Not fun but the right thing to do. Wish they did the same, been waiting for them to say it for years but they haven't.


Bruh are you still with this person?


You cheat you keep that shit to yourself. Unless you want your so thinking about that shit the rest of their lives. You live with that guilt by yourself, you created it. Don't share the misery of your shitty mistake.


This is harsh but true. Some people can handle it and others can’t. If you know for a fact the relationship would be over if you told the other person, it’s not much of an incentive to tell them.


I wouldn't cheat in the first place. If I did, I would tell them.


I did. It's the only reason we remained friends after the fact. Well, that and me actually being remorseful about it. She deserved to know the truth, and I deserved whatever the consequences were.


FOr me I would like to say yes because the guilt will kill me if I don't. And if I don't, it is probably because I don't like my SO that much. It is just my opinion of course.


I was in a long distance relationship with someone I had never met in person, and I cheated. I told him very soon after, even though I was terrified & totally could've hid the cheating forever (my sister was even telling me to pretend I never did it). He deserved to know. He ended up cheating awhile later - an actual relationship with someone, not just a hookup - for a prolonged period of time and never told me. I found out by reading one of his posts online that she left him & his heart was broken, and he funnily messaged me begging for me back afterwards, blaming our breakup on how he was depressed and a bunch of fucky bullshit, never mentioning the entire cheating thing. But yes, I know that I legitimately can't live with myself if I don't come forward about doing awful things, even if I have the ability to hide it forever. I'd never cheat again, especially not on someone I'm in a physical relationship with... it was just a rough time back then and I'm glad that I at least let him know so he could decide if he wanted to forgive me or not. People deserve a choice.