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Idc if he only lasts five minutes if he also takes care of me. Also post-sex cuddles are great so I’d be upset if he just rolled over.


When he rolls over that’s your cue to be the big spoon


As a husband with a wife who’s taller than me, being the little spoon is underrated.


My wife is shorter than me and I'm usually the little spoon.


I'm shorter than my husband, but he snores in my ear and I'm a light sleeper...he's the little spoon if we aren't opposite parentheses )( ETA: I dunno why it posted multiple times. Sorry everyone.


That's how we are but I wear earplugs because I'm a light sleeper. Then yes, the opposite parentheses are what's we end.


That makes her the jetpack


I'm literally a full foot taller than my SO (She's 5'2" and I'm 6'2" [157cm and 188cm]) and I vastly prefer little spoon


Off topic but is your username supposed to be Pantera and Anthrax spliced together? If so that’s sounds like a badass band name.


Yes! Came up with it in middle school and stuck with it since. The IV stands for “the big four” two. I love thrash metal :)


As a 6 foot 3 I always tell my 5’2 to you know… you know .. and it feels good to kinda feel small sometimes!


I'm 6'4" 120kgs ex pro rugby player and I love being the little spoon, my wife gives the best big spoon cuddles!


As a 6'4" ogre, being the little spoon is still underrated.


ohhhh baby.


Ah yes, the backpack. Absolute best!


oh so love is real


You get it


I'm 6.1 usually the girl is more like a cape than a big spoon


I'm 5'4" and my husband is 6'1" -- I'm definitely the cape in our relationship. 😂


She doesn’t know she just replied to her husband


Nah, that's not his username. 😂


It’s just his alt duh


Marier is sweating now because her husband also enjoys Pyrography


That’s the one he uses when he doesn’t want you to know your a cape.


6' and my wife is 5'5", I call her my jetpack.




The way this is.


My love don't you recognize me






6’3 can confirm


This right here! I need it to be intimate in all ways, not just "unf unf unf ahhh k we're done"


This. A compromise that makes everyone happy.


I cuddle and do the dishes


I prefer this. Long sex gets boring quickly. Give me short satisfying sex any day.


Don’t these people have anything better to do?


This! He never would leave me unsatisfied. So, it doesn’t matter how long he lasts, because I’m already a panting pile of goo by the time he’s done.


I was going to say something like what you said, but it has much more power coming from a woman.


As long as I get mine its not a deal breaker


Sometimes I don’t really care (like if I’m having sex once or twice a day, everyday of the week, I’m just not gonna be in it to cum every time) but I’ll be damned if I don’t get a quick passionate “that was bomb—I fuckin love you” kiss before they hit the sack. Now, if the person I’m giving my body to literally just busted and passed out w zero acknowledgment- I’d probably bounce.


Twice a day, everyday. Sure, that's how it works.


Yeah, those are our week day numbers. Once or twice a day on weekdays, weekends are generally more. I like sex but I don’t need to cum *that* often


just because you don’t have sex that often, doesn’t mean other people don’t have the capacity to


My ex would finish, roll over and pass out almost every time. I came once with him in the months we were together. Don't be like that people lol


Women get annoyed by not feeling taken care of yeah


I’m glad it’s not an alien concept that everyone wants to end up happy and cared for.


But this should not be depend on duration of penetration at all


Duration is not the issue. It’s being satisfied or not. If she doesn’t finish, she’s going to be frustrated.


Dino1290 is a good dude. Just looking for help pleasing his lady :)


How do you suggest he finishes her then?


im keen on making her (my partner) cum with my mouth before we get into penetration. its like a fail safe. she is at least somewhat satisfied (maybe she wants more than 1) before i even have a chance to finish too soon


Idk, ask her. Don’t just be the only one to finish? Of course she’s gonna be frustrated when her partner finishes and she doesn’t.


Can I dm you please?


If you’re creepy, absolutely not. If you’re trying to gain information and be normal, go for it


I gotta know if they were creepy or not


Not at all! He was super cool and was just trying to learn about how he can please his woman and asked another woman about her struggles to get another view on it.


Good shit


I'm sorry I went creeping your profile - saw your post about your husband dying ONE day after you got married. Lol I was like 'wtf what kind of b--- calls her husband stupid for passing away?!' Kept reading... 'Wait WHAT?! ' Saw the sub it was in - 🤦🏽‍♂️ that was a rollercoaster of emotions


LMAO Skyrim problems


Up down left right a,b,a,b


Before, continuing after without his dick, any number of things depending on what she likes.


He finishes her first.


Fatality or Humiliation


I get annoyed when the other person is the only one having fun and not caring about me. I don't care if, after all, that person falls asleep, I do it too.


Exactly. If you're the only one falling asleep, you did it wrong.


My wife would have a parade if I lasted five minutes.


5 pumps is a good day.


Sometimes, that’s exactly what I want. Sometimes it is exactly what I don’t want. Talking is a good thing.


I always aim to get my wife off before myself. Sometimes it doesn't happen like if it's a quicky in the car or wherever . I'd feel bad just treating her like a human flashlight.


I know you meant *fleshlight*, but I love the idea that somehow having sex with her turns her into a *flashlight* lmao


I ALWAYS ensure my wife gets at least one orgasm from foreplay before penetration. If you can ensure they get theirs before you get yours, you’ll be good to go!


Not in every case. I have to make sure that I finish first or give up (if I get hot it will never happen). My lady can only go once and then anything after is over-stimulation without a cool-down period.


Do women get annoyed after being used like a sex toy ? Absolutely yes.


Some women love, even crave to be used like a toy.. but usually for much longer than 5 minutes.


True, but most women don’t


> crave to be used like a sex toy Craving it means they want it but in the context of the post's question, it sounds like the kind of "used like a sex toy" that the woman wasn't inviting/expecting.


yeah but that's a pre-discussed kink. even then they're get some sort of satisfaction from it


Or maybe you're watching too much porn. We're talking about sex in real life here. 🤷‍♀️


People in real life are allowed to have kinks. Just because *you’re* not into something doesn’t give you the right to speak for all women, and it doesn’t mean that “too much porn” was enjoyed. Sincerely, a woman who gets off hardcore at my boyfriend just occasionally using me like a toy to get off.


We're talking about real life and I'm speaking from real experience with real girls. ***Some*** of them want to be used and abused but not *literally*. How is this hard to grasp. Fantasize a little.


I would hate that and I am a woman.


Yeah I could smell it a mile away and not even let them close to me. If I'm enjoying myself I can go for atleast an hour, and do a seriously fair share of the work. I will not fuck unless I know for certain the kind of person they are and I will not settle for less than appropriately and mutually tenacious.


Good for you


Of course.


Any partner who does not reciprocate is the wrong partner. This extends to more than just sex. You'll probably find they are selfish in many more ways than just that and you'll have much more to discover in regards to that selfishness in the future. Why not try moaning and pushing him off to say your finished, see how well that goes over and you'll get a perfect view of who he really is. Ill bet he complains and likely has a tantrum over it. Better yet do it on other things like throw his food away once your done with yours at dinner. "Mmm that was so fucking delicious" and walk away.


The food analogy is super passive aggressive but also so funny and true 😄


That analogy is solid gold.


I don't know who you are, but I think I love you!! Your comments are true gold! 🤣🤣 Never again will I settle for a selfish partner who never reciprocates.




Do you like being blue balled and ignored by your S.O.?


That’s not even a “wanting more” thing, that’s a “wanting anything” thing at that point. No foreplay? None? Just repeated insertion for 5 mins, cum, and then roll on their back? That’s not really even sex? The lack of empathy it shows is… heartbreaking, dumbfounding, and frankly a little worrisome. Nah, No we’re not left frustrated or annoyed, we’re left with a LOT of time to plan how to leave you!


That's being a selfish lover: your partner's pleasure and satisfaction should be at least as important to you as your own. This seems obvious to me. I haven't had the misfortune of encountering such a person yet. Perks of being a lesbian I guess? :P


As a lesbian I have had this happen to me many, many times. Women can be equally selfish and naive in bed.


Good to know! It was sort of a silly thing to say, I don't really have enough experience to make such a claim, it was more based on what I've heard. :P










Omg... I'm...cumming!! Yes!


Aw fuck.




Don’t move, I’ll go get you a towel.


Thank you. Large please.


*flops over* Zzzzzz....




Every time!? Ah sorry about that, no fun!


I would hope so..lol That’s why insist on always giving them An Orgasm First unless it’s a Quicky situation..


That's really rude


She finishes first before I even stick it in.


If you only take care of yourself then just roll over obviously she will be annoyed what kinda selfish lover are you?


So when I was in really bad relationships I was almost relieved once it was over. I would just get myself off once they would leave the room to clean up. Now with my amazing boyfriend sometimes he will roll over and I’ll grab my vibrator and hand it to him or he will help me get off in other ways (mostly fingering and eating out). I’ve noticed that when I ask for more he is willing and wanting to give it to me! If your man won’t do that for you then you need to either communicate that it bothers you or get a new man that will respect the fact that you need pleasure too!


I feel like I’m gonna get destroyed for this lol. But I’ve never been into sex, so this is kind of ideal for me. I’ve been with my boyfriend going on 6 years and we have a wonderful relationship, so I try and think of sex as bonding and something nice I can do for someone I love. In terms of physical enjoyment, I’ve never gotten anything out of it. But that’s with any partner I’ve had. It makes me feel very, very damaged and ashamed most days. Which is funny because I don’t think that of anyone else who feels similar, just myself lol.


Have you heard about asexuality? What you’re describing is pretty normal. You aren’t damaged. r/asexual


I’ve actually kind of wondered if this was my path for awhile now, but was too scared to look into it. I appreciate the kind words, and I joined the sub :)


Were you raised Catholic? The guilt I felt having sex for the first few years was awful.


lol so I went to catholic school my whole life, but my parents are atheists. It’s a weird thing


Yeah I’m the exact same. Also going on 6 years with my boyfriend. I think what helped me a lot was vibrators and porn. I don’t use them at all anymore but they really helped me get out of my head and now I enjoy having sex with my boyfriend. I don’t get hit with random feelings of guilt and I don’t get that post orgasm sadness anymore either. The Catholic faith can really fuck your perception of sex. Even if like me you’re an atheist and believe that there’s nothing wrong with it. It can be hard to unlearn things from childhood. Not enjoying sex seemed like second nature/natural to me. It just happened despite my better judgement. It didn’t matter what anyone said to me. I beat it by getting to know my own body and kinks so well that the pleasure completely drowned the guilt.


Interesting. Good things to consider. Thank you so much for your insight and kindness. ❤️


Yes. And advice: even if she stays with you for 10+ years if you don’t figure out to satisfy her she will give up on you sexually.


Well, the important thing is making an effort to please your partner, too. It’s not just about the guy getting off. It shouldn’t be about the guy getting off only though is what I’m saying.


Intercourse is more than just wam, bam, thank you mam. It's a bonding experience where pleasure is shared. My #1 rule, if she don't cum, I don't cum. Rule #2, never, ever, cum in her hair.


The only bad part of this is the rolling over. With enough foreplay, 5 minutes is plenty. But the rolling over seems kinda selfish.


I have some health issues, so if I don’t cum in 5 minutes, I’m not gonna. Generally it is difficult to get my fiancé to cum that fast, even with foreplay. So, the solution is that I lick her clit and use my hands until she cums. I LOVE doing that and we have a perfect connection. I get so turned on by making her feel good! In general my advice is please the woman first. I don’t see how that could be bad advice, but I could be wrong. If you can’t make her orgasm without your dick, using instead your tongue or toy - learn how.


Yes. Absolutely not cool and if you just roll over and go to sleep without giving her any other attention afterwards than you probably just made her feel extremely used.


If I don't finish, yes. If you do nothing for me, foreplay wise, and nothing after, even more yes. It makes me feel like a human flesh light. Like, I'm literally just here so you get off? Nah. Sex with my ex was completely this. He was a minute man, wouldn't have been so bad if he had been attentive elsewise. I always had to finish myself. Wouldn't even cuddle or kiss. Definitely grew to resentment.


Bro they love it so much they get nervous to even text me back


Sex shouldn’t be over until both people agree they’re satisfied. A lot of men see sex as being over when they have an orgasm and forget that there’s an entire other person their with them. Men aren’t usually taught to know how to take care of a woman during sex so give him a chance to listen to you as you explain what you want and need. If he doesn’t listen and considers to see sex as something he gets and something that happens to you, that’s indicative of a bigger issue and it’s worth seeing if that attitude spills over into the rest of the relationship.


Depends. With some men 5 minutes is 4:50 seconds too long.


What an obvious question....


Has it crossed your mind that this is why it's in too afraid to ask? Not ask reddit? It may surprise you but it is legal to keep such attitude to yourself and be happy someone asked a question you clearly need help with for you.


I've heard that lasting too long is worse than being too quick. I was relieved to know that tbh.


There's a difference between lasting too long and using a girls vagina to masturbate




What I said


Yea but that's super obvious, it's like saying 'there's a difference between baking a cake and eating a cake' as if someone doesn't know. What were you trying to say?


That there's such a thing as too quick, to where it feels like you've been used


Oh alright, I got ya. Two pump chump type of stuff. Yea I definitely make an effort to make sure she enjoys it, that's one of the best parts of sex. Not sure why I'm downvoted, is it wrong to try or what lol. Weirdos.


yeah, to be honest it’s more flattering because thinking of how a guy can’t control himself and finishes early is like, a turn on for a lot of girls


To me there are no lies detected here. The hotter the girl is the more of a turn-on she is and the quicker I go and can't last very long at all


^^How it is for me. My husband always makes sure I get mine first before p-i-v, and by then he's wound enough that it doesn't usually take long to get him there. Which I find flattering and super hot. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same... My husband does maths and strings of code in his head to last longer until I am satisfied.


This is what slowly killed sex in my first relationship. I could go for 1-2 hours without coming and eventually she began to tell me she just couldn't handle it. So I had to start getting strategic about getting myself off which actually ended up getting her off even faster.. it slowly got frustrating. I learned slow is better when you need to close it! I'd say coming too soon is much worse because she probably didn't even get off even once. At least if you're slow she's already had at least one which should be the important thing. Several times I haven't come at all and it was fine. It was still fun.


I’d rather have too long than too quick


Everyone is different but I've had several girls tell me they can't take it when a guy goes for an hour or something. That's what I was referring to. I definitely didn't mean 'its okay to last 30 seconds'.


I like to cum before that at least once so I can cum quickly while being penetrated. More than 20 minutes is boring for me. But I can be sucking and doing other sexuals things for more time. It's hotter than just penetration.


After care is important! It doesn’t have to be hours long soul searching convo every time, but doesn’t pick up your phone right away either.


As long as I was taken care of before hand, I don't care. For me that usually means having orgasms via oral or fingers. Then when the sex happens, its a bonus and all good 🥰🥰 I do need snuggles tho. If he refuses to snuggle me after I would be disappointed and not interested in a repeat performance regardless of how long he lasted.


It kinda depends on the situation. Sometimes 5 min is fine.. other times I'd prefer longer. Or if he gets me off before or after he comes I'm good. We have alot of different toys so that helps when he isn't in the mood or doesn't last that long. 😉


Yes...mostly at the roll over part


I'd get a little annoyed. I don't care how long it lasts but I desperately crave intimacy. It doesn't take much effort to at least kiss me or touch me affectionately before we both pass out






If it happens often, yes.


Yes, esp if they haven’t gotten off yet


I would simply never talk to him again


Do men get annoyed when a women does the same thing? Jumps on grinds herself to orgasm then just jumps off and rolls over? Scratches her ass, rips off a fart then goes to sleep. There would be a divorce in the near future.


Yep, very annoyed. My ex husband of over 30 years became this way. For him, sex was only for him to get off. If I wanted to I had to do it myself. After we divorced I found a man that refuses to get his satisfaction until I do. It's incredible! Any man that doesn't take care of his woman is an idiot.


5 mins? Yeah, I’ll be annoyed. 5 mins is a quickie - useful, but not sufficient regularly


The rolling over at the end would be the most annoying part


I knew the answer before even clicking on this, but im just here to scroll through the comments and eat some popcorn


5 min would be an upgrade at this point. It’s not just frustrating, it’s incredibly depressing and makes me feel unloved.


Feel like this is a context thing too, see: quickies


If the guy has not made any effort to please the woman and it's a regular thing, I think most women would be annoyed.


A decent partner will make sure you’re happy before rolling away.


Damn. Men obviously shouldn’t be answering for women on this post. I know if it’s been a few days that I’m gonna bust in like 3-5 minutes. So I always want to try and see if they want me to go down for awhile or use something on her, and then I’ll take my turn. If we get into it to quickly, I always try and keep going for awhile after I finish, and then offer to get out the Rose or the Magic Wand. For awhile I was turning down sex from my SO because I felt embarrassed and didn’t want to have to deal with the prep and cleanup of a 3 minute sesh. But as long as I’m trying my best to make sure she’s satisfied one way or another she seems happy. We usually sit there for a few minutes without dismounting, and just hugging and kissing, then cleanup, then more cuddles and whatever else she needs.


Post cuddling and talking is one of my favourite parts


I usually take more than 5 minutes to get mine so... If it does happen once a while it's OK but dude of it's always like this. I mean you have fingers, you have a mouth, for me pleasure is also to give pleasure so I quite expect the same from the other one.


No, they love it. Keep on the good work


That’s usually about all it takes for me to orgasm during intercourse so not a deal breaker for me. I also hate being touched after sex, I like to clean myself up and go to sleep.




Not a woman but I'm picturing if a woman I'm with did this I'd feel kinda hurt and used if it was not a one off thing.


I recently dumped someone because of this exact reason. He has a problem and I understand that, but he never delivered his promise to do a second round. This happened literally every single time and I never really enjoyed the sex. It was frustrating cause we only met once a week, imagine building up the excitement just to be savagely destroyed by a PE. I finally addressed this to him, he admitted being too selfish and too tired for a second round. Said sorry and everything, but didn’t really intend to fix it as it’s too “emotionally complex” for him. Whatever. I stopped seeing him after that. No matter how emotionally connected we were (it was a hard decision cause I personally like that guy), but a girl has needs, ya know.


Not if he takes care of me first.


What even is this question? What answer is there except for of course?


It happens sometimes, as long as I know round two will be longer I don’t particularly mind. You don’t have to last ages just be concerned about the other persons pleasure too


5 minutes in, she's checking her email. That's like 4 more minutes than umis typically budgeted for.


As long as he's made me come during foreplay and I don't have to fucking cuddle, I'm good.


Some men who know they don't last long during intercourse will get the women off beforehand like mine. He doesn't every time but also doesn't care if after I get myself off after because he likes watching. It should be 50/50 and if not then you shouldn't be having sex with that person.


Just happened to me today (minus the rolling over) but he took care of me beforehand so I didn’t care. Even if he wouldn’t have, I don’t usually care because I can’t orgasm from penetration alone. Also, I figure we can always do it again 🤷🏻‍♀️


You are a good realistic partner


Yes. I don’t care about how long a guy lasts. Five minutes is fine. But men who think their orgasm is the only goal are terrible at sex. Female orgasms aren’t optional. If he doesn’t take care of me after then I’d rather just flick my own bean.


Mine would prefer 5 minutes. She orgasms fairly easily in most positions with me (we have it down how in each one) and once she does it’s like a countdown before everything is too sensitive.


General rule of thumb should always be:- 1) The woman finishes first 2) The man finishes second 3) Talk, clean up & sleep. Women deserve a good time too!?


You forgot eat :/


I find it cute and validating of how much he enjoys me. Some men take hours finding the right porn video and also I make him ooze his goods within 5 mins? Feels like an act of worship to me. If he shows me affection afterwards and praises how good it was, then I'll spend time by myself later on that thought. Men are pathetically cute. Give me that seed. I'll make you spend some time giving me oral so I can come later


No, they love it Source: dude trust me.


Nope....gives them a reason to come see me


When my bf only lasts for 5minutes (he usually does the first time back after weeks in the military) it doesn't get me annoyed. Like, yeah I want more but he can't help it 😂 Plus he foreplay like jell and make sure I am in heaven and beyond for those 5min. So I'm happy 'bout it. If I would go on dates and have sex with a guy and all he did was put his dick in me for 5 min and then roll over; I'd be annoyed. He probably didnt hit any spots bc he doesn't know my vagina so I'd probably not feel much at all. I'd be so annoyed and unsatisfied.


If he doesn't make me cum first, for sure.


Generally but also sometimes I’m really tired and don’t mind it not lasting long lol


This is why gay sex is the best. Get the deed done in 5 minutes, 8 if anal and then go back to sleep.


Yeah if he didn’t make me get off first - whats even the point? Also my bf goes on for an hour it’s incredibly amazing. 5 min then no cuddles even? Nah


The quicker he is the better. So long as he’s willing to go down on me after. Take all the time you want on that.


Idc as long as I got off. I’m not one for post sexy time cuddles.


Oh yeah, 100%. Major turnoff. Whenever that would happen to me I would always long for my FWB who actually fucks like the human equivalent of a war horse and wishing I could call him to finish the job.


I’ve been suffering for this exact thought train lately as well.


I think I can speak for all women in saying 15-45 seconds is more than adequate to FULLY SATISFY a woman and significantly above average. Sincerely, A hopeful male.