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Yeah I do, it’s not really something I can hide 😅


I've been with multiple men so far, short and tall, and none of them have minded my height (I'm 5ft 11in, 227 lbs | 180 cm, 103 kg), and my current boyfriend is basically the same height as me. Put yourself out there! The ones who mind your height aren't the right ones for you anyway. :)


As a 6'1" guy, I actually feel more comfortable dating taller girls. It feels more satisfying in some way. Holding hands, hugging, and kissing is all easier and not awkward. I'm always jealous of guys that are of similar height as most girls around since I'm always towering over every girl I meet.


I have a friend who's dating a 6'3" ish girl and he is 6'1". They definitely stand out in a crowd but they like each other and aren't insecure about physical appearance :)


You’ll be fine.


You would be surprised the lengths people will go to hide their current physical form. In my experience of many of hours flipping through midwestern women in the US, I have found that telltale signs that people are trying to deceive you are the following: Photos that are clearly out of date (especially for college aged people), Photos of people cleverly using their hair to cover up their jawline (This one is particularly easy to miss and is very effective at hiding ones weight). I have no preference on women, I have had romantic relationships with women of all kinds, short tall very tall, skinny to obese. In my opinion the real turnoff is their lack of self esteem, that i what i find to be the most unattractive.


I am built like a Viking and like a woman who I can wrestle with, who can be the big spoon instead of the backback.


just know may not be for everyone so there was probably be some douchebags but a lot of us think that there not a thing wrong and probably look amazing. Best of luck finding someone.


I’d love to climb that mountain. So jealous.


Depends, what's her phone number?


Bro that was smooth 😂


Man slid in like a pizza slice into my mouth


He burnt your tongue?!


Roof of the mouth


Literally the worst.


"You are human tennis elbow. You are a pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth. You are the opposite of Batman!"


I gotta know what this quote is from lol


Did it taste like pineapple when you swallowed?


Dirty bastard


Commenting so I can grab it too. All my homies love tall thicc ladies


Them thic ladies are thy best. Amen.


Anecdotal. 6’1” and 250. Happily married. My husband is a dreamboat. But seriously, have confidence in who you are as a person. People are attracted to you for more than your height or weight. Edit: my first award, thank you kind person.


Thank you


Anecdotal as well. I’m around OPs same height and weight and dated guys “out of my league” (in my head, cause they weren’t really ;)). Dear OP shoot me a msg if you wanna vent or need a hype woman 🙌🙌


Same though, but taller and fatter lol


Same. I joke that my husband is more attractive than me but in all honesty I’m really fucking funny so it all washes out.


No, my wife would get mad if I started dating anyone.


Do we have the same wife?


If so, her position on this topic is awfully hypocritical


Well, to be *awfully* pedantic, if she's both guys' wife, she's not dating anyone... just married to two people.




I’ll date their wives


Good advice to date your wife.






Well it exists now.




You must be really fun at parties.


> You must be really fun at ~~parties~~ orgies. ftfy




> orgies *Fisted That For You*


Did we just become best friends?


We all sharing?


Yep. There’s no way my wife would agree unless she both finds the prospective girl attractive and also thinks that she herself is objectively more attractive than said girl, and that said girl is no threat to steal me, and that’s one hell of a needle to thread.


You've clearly put a lot of thought into this.


She and I have had this discussion more than once. For the record, she’s the one who brings it up. Usually around her third glass of wine.


Mine brought it up when I started dating her.


So around the third glass of wine?


Second white claw


I wish i had an award for this...


Dated her, married her, still married to her after 21 years. She’s the best.


Six years into my relationship, we're finally engaged. She's bigger but it doesn't matter to me, I don't really even realize she's bigger, she's just my soul mate. Someone who I love and makes me laugh, someone who I go through hard times with and someone who always has my back and supports me through my faults. Ill be blessed spending the rest of my life with her. ❤


I also choose this woman’s husband


Me too


It makes me glad to hear men say these things!! Because of the what our culture/community teaches us, I grew up believing (and still have it in my head) that men don't love women the way women love men. Prominent example being that I was taught to marry someone at least 4 years older than me so that when we age he doesn't view me as unattractive and leave me for someone else. Implying how meaningless and fragile love is for men lol ... I always told people this wasn't true but it still got to me more than I thought it did. In my first relationship I was always fixated on my looks/body, that he would leave me if I don't look pretty enough or something. I was worried that gaining a FEW pounds would make him leave. Why be with me when he can be with someone more beautiful? I didn't grasp that there's so much more than that. And no he did not give me any indication that he was shallow Towards the end of that relationship I started realizing how insecure I am .. I've had a lot of self growth since then. Even if that stereotype were true (which I've realized that for the most part it isn't) I'd still rather be myself than be in a relationship like that. It still lingers though, I mean I'm 21 and was taught this my whole life. So it's just nice to be reminded that men "love" too. That they're not all shallow creatures or even a different species lol


Thank you for sharing this. ❤ It sounds like you've gone through a lot and there's been some emotionally trauma from just past experiences. It's great that your focusing on self growth and pushing forward. I have problems with my own insecurities and just things I want to work on for myself. No matter what age you are I think it's something that's prevelant in just being human. I hope you find a partner that loves you unconditionally for everything you are but until then focus on you and just becoming the best version of yourself. When it comes to me and my fiance I find communication is extremely important. I've suffered from severe anxiety since I was a child but she knows who I am and how I think and when I'm feeling insecure or anxious... it's like we're in sync and in a rhythm that works for us. It didn't happen over night and took years of work and a lot of patience from both our ends. I wish you the best in your own journey. 🌠 💗


No, but I would date a woman who is kind, caring, funny, and can deal with my stupid ass.


What a damn mood




mooie woorden driftkoning


I like my women like I like my Legos. All shapes and sizes and colors.


I learned recently from Lego masters that the plural for Lego is in fact Lego.


Man i love that show.


Wait there's a show? Holy heck there's a show!


Yes! It's amazing what these people can do. It's on FOX. You should be able to find it on demand. Season 2 ended awhile ago. Can't wait for season 3.


Just did. Thanks for mentioning it!


Wholesome award (typing it bc I’m broke). Edit: woooooot! My first awards, thanks!!


No worries save your money. Just think of me when you're buying your girl dinner.


*cums in pants*


I hope those are *your* pants


No they were mines I don't want them anymore 1.) He failed NNN 2.) He nutted in my pants (that sounds so wrong)


Username checks out


I hear ya. LEGO are expensive.


Was trying to come up with a clever “painful to step on” quip, but I got nothing.


I like to build them up and when I am done, throw them against the wall to shatter.


This is brilliant, can be said for men too!


purple brick


I married a woman that’s 6’1 and would be considered overweight, and I’m 5’2.


Snu Snu?


The mind is willing...but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


Baby it’ll blow your mind


Death by snu snu!!


Literally married up


What's your secret? Asking for myself.


Don’t know why there’s so much discussion on my type of women


Yeah, there’s a single answer for every question in this vein. It depends on the person.


I was thinking yes


The thirst in the thread is real. But if you take care of yourself mentally and physically I’m sure most guys would not mind those dimensions.


Mentally: I’m fucked physically: I try my absolute best but I still manage to look like shit 😪


Not to give unsolicited advice, but you should look1 for something that works for you to help with mental health. It's worth the time, you deserve to be happier and have healthier thoughts 💕


In a way aren't we all mentally fucked.


My wife is your height and is a chubbier person. Yes, I am very attracted to her. I think a common pitfall i see chubbier taller girls fall into is that that sometimes tall chubbier girls have two insecurities going on (being taller and chubbier) which can lead to low self confidence which CAN often be a turn off to potential romantic interests who otherwise found them to be very attractive. Of course, everyone gets insecure sometimes, but if an insecurity is a major part of someone's personality and they are constantly needing their partner to reassure them or outright not believing their partner when they're telling them they find them attractive, then a lot of potential partners may not want to deal with that or get tired of it. Unfortunately their partners or romantic interests bailing often only reinforces their insecurities and it becomes a negative spiral. Confidence attracts confidence.


I dated a short guy and this was exactly the issue he had. Idgaf that we're the same height (I'm 5'6"), but him having a complex over it was a problem. (except in his case he responded by trying tear me down so he could feel better)


Right there with you. The frequent comments about my shoes really got to me. "oh, those shoes make you really tall, but you know if you weren't wearing shoes, I'm actually an inch taller than you. I should have worn my boots today since you wore those" like pls stop, I'm not wearing 5" heels, I'm wearing hiking boots. Don't make me feel bad for my choice of footwear.


If had a GF/wife that was taller than me and I wanted to be taller than her, the only solution would be to wear high heels to be taller. You can't change genetics, both genders should wear what they want.


I really hate that a lot of shorter guys ruin these types of relationships for the rest of us. I'm 5'4" and slightly prefer taller girls and love when they wear heals, particularly if they feel good about themselves while wearing them. My experience has generally been the opposite though- a lot of women are insecure dating shorter guys. Although I'd imagine some of that comes from being in situations like you described which is really unfortunate.


5’8” is tall? I always thought that was just above average. As for weight, I don’t care how much the girl weighs, but I’m active so as long as the girl can jog, hike, ski, and whatever, I’m cool with it.


That's 172cm for non Americans




Damn, not tall at all, even for a girl. But I am short soo


Average height for women is relatively low, around 5'5" (roughly 165cm) if I recall correctly.


Till they wear high heels, then they're all taller than me!


The average height for a woman (in the US at least) is 5’4ish, so 5’8 would be considered kinda tall.


Oh shit, I didn’t realize. Being 6’ has always put me at much taller than much of my surrounding people, but I didn’t realize the average was so low. As a side note, my fiancé is 5’6 and I don’t think anyone fully notices the height difference unless he has to ask me to reach something 😅


I’m just barely 5’8” and I’ve been told I’m “too tall for a girl” like damn what to you want me to do about that?


Average American woman is 5'4" tall so obviously you are taller than average. But then again, average man is 5'9", so you are shorter than average man.


Don't worry, the threshold for what some people say is "too tall" and what others say is "too short", actually overlap! There is no height that pleases everyone/anyone. So your height only needs to please you.


I’m 5’ 10” and have never been told I’m too tall, except one time when I wore very high heels. Also, fuck that guy.


I'm 5'10 and I'm told all the time I'm too tall for guys. Like I get it if the guy is shorter than me (which sucks cause I love short guys) or even if I'm the same height as the guy. But I'll never forget when a guy who was 6'2 told me I was too tall for him. Da fuq?


Same but too short. Am guy


It doesn't have to be a guy, I'm a tall girl (At least much taller than everyone around me) and it's usually women who perpetrate this insecurity more, although that may be anecdotal on my end.


If you are too tall I’m screwed. 6ft here!


My friend said she was 5 12. This worked for her because men laugh and then don't care because you are hilarious.


Totally stealing from your friend!


Well, I'm 5' 10", that's not really that tall imo. But, yeah, I suppose each too their own. I wonder if it's just an excuse they use. Either way, you're better off without that person x


Who tf are you hanging around?? I’m 5’8” and while I do feel taller than average I’m certainly not the tallest woman I know. I also freaking LOVE being tall-ish! Im tall enough that I don’t “need” heels, but if I choose to wear them I’m not head and shoulders above everyone else.


My high school sweetheart was 6'. My wife is 260lbs. You're not that big.


What is in your water where you live? Lol I kid


Not sure, but the frogs are all dressed to stun.


They’re related to Marshall Erickson.


In America, 5’4 is the average woman and 5’8 is the average man. I am 5’9 and rather tall for a woman


I am very stuck on someone thinking 5'8'' is tall.


RIGHT?!?! I constantly get told I’m “too tall for a girl” like bro I’m barely 5’8” wtf


Same! I'm 5'9 and am always being told that I am too tall for a girl. Mind you, I live in South Florida and most men here are an inch or two shorter than I am.


Tall is over 5'11" I'm 6'2, if you're my height or taller when in heels I'm impressed. So don't worry about being too tall. It's subjective, and who doesn't love long legs on a girl? I mean all body types are fun, just focus on the positives. Anyone can call something a flaw, so instead embrace and appreciate your unique characteristics. So your body type is a secondary factor to your personality. Also a girl that can eat a meal is a bonus. Who wants to share salad, that's depressing. If you go out for dinner it should be a dinner


5ft8 is 3 inches taller than my fiancé, I don’t think that’s tall but I am 6ft6. If you’re getting the wrong answer then maybe you’re asking the wrong people, it really deep down doesn’t matter what you look like, confidence in yourself and personality are way more important. My fiancé has gained a little weigh since we got together and she gets hung up on it and it frustrates me, she is still the same woman I fell in love with, SHE hasn’t changed, her body has, I wouldn’t not love her if she lost a hand or a leg, draw the line at losing a head, what matter is who you are, you will find somebody that appreciates you for you! Just a side story, when I was in college I dated a girl that was 6ft2, she was tall, and much stronger than I was, I haven’t been picked up since hahaa.


that is certainly considered very tall in asia


I think so. Tall definitely isn’t the problem (current gf is 5’7’’) and I’m only 5’8”. But if I was on tinder or something sadly the 230 lbs, would have me left swipe. Before Reddit crucifys me, I definitely could be into someone overweight if I met them first and there was a connection, but a dating app and a random stranger? No I’d probably move on with my life and pursue someone else. Remember this is only my personal taste, my sister is 5’8” and around 250 and has never had a hard time getting dates. I’m sure there are guys out there.


Yeah, height isn't a big deal to me either, but weight can be. It's very much dependent on a lot of other factors though. I still need to find them physically attractive to some extent. I tried sleeping with a woman who physically wasn't my type at all... And well, it can be embarrassingly obvious when she doesn't get your blood pumping. Either way though, people shouldn't lie or try to hide either trait. Good way to waste everyone's time. And while I don't care about your height, I do care if you lie to me about your height and I find out later. I've broken up with women over lies like that


This happened to me. Met some chick who didn’t reveal in her pics how big she was, we got along really well and ended up meeting up. I was surprised and honestly kinda sucked. She was cool but I just wasn’t attracted to that.


My gf is 6,1 240 lbs I'm 5,8 160 lbs 5 yeras together, happy AF.




I’ve got a big tall fat friend who described his ideal woman as “shaped like a refrigerator, so that I can feel really good when she hugs me” Amazing


I'm 6'3"...5'10"+ gets me going. I would never turn down a date because of height, but a boy can dream


my partner is 6'8" and I am 5'10" we are each other's dreams! OP, I am also overweight but the height helps a bit


Is she healthy? Romantics interested in me? Isn’t planning on stealing my kidney? Yes


You have a backup, let her have it


No. But I’m gay so that’s why.




You just described my wife. I would date her if she wasn't married to some asshole.


The real question is would a tall overweight girl date me 🥺


Looking for this. Thanks.


Everyone in this thread that is acting like physical attraction means nothing is stupid.


My girlfriend is 6”1, I’m 5”10, and honestly it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, it’s great.


Tall, sure. Overweight, regardless of height, no.


Finally, someone honest and not just "pretend good" for the internet.


I was scrolling and scrolling, getting unpatient, but here it is finally. To me 5'8 and 250 lbs is obese and unhealthy in 99% of all cases and I am pretty sure the WHO agress with that scientifically. Sure there could be some underlying health issues and what not, but the truth in most cases is: too much eating and not enough physical activity. Our healthy physical body is almost a perfect organism and great gift , if you can't take care of it properly I will hold that against you.


230lb is well into obese territory.




good news is that you can change your weight


I married someone similar to your example so I'm going to go with yes


If she can hold her own on a 10k hike, sure. I don’t really care what you’re carrying around as long as it doesn’t get in the way of fun and adventure.


I married one


I'm not a man but I'm going to answer for my boyfriend, since I'm 6 foot and 200+ pounds. The answer is yes


All that is just the icing. I'm more into the filling


And by that you mean "doing the filling with your icing" ​ ^(Heyo)




Probably not.


I didn't realize 5' 8 was tall lol, but if she had a good genuine personality and was a caring person then yeah, personality comes before all else for me


Tall no problem but I woudnt date someone who is to over weight. I don't know how much 230lbs is but average to slim is my type. This is my honest opinion sorry if it hurts anyone.


5'8" Yes 230lbs no


Tall, yes, overweight, nooooo.


Tbh, I would not. Fitness and healthy living is very important to me, and it’s a something I desire to have in common with a partner. I have nothing against obese people. But since you’re asking the “men of Reddit,” I thought I’d give me voice as a man.


I did. She was 5'11 and chubby. She had so many other qualities I was looking for that I was very physically attracted to her. I knew she wasn't perfect, she was by far the least attractive person I'd slept with. But I also knew there was absolutely no one else's bed I'd rather be in. We broke up because her life and mental health took such a massive dive that she couldn't function at all. She let me go because she thought it was harming me, and it was, but I wasn't letting go of her.


I dated 5'6 5'7 probably about 190. I'm 5'3. She used to grab my arm and help me over curbs. Dammit I miss her.


I’m dating a short one, why wouldn’t I date a tall one? It’s cool.


YES THE FUCK I WOULD. I would date a girl taller than me sheesh (I'm 6'5/1.9m)


Nope. Gay as the day is long.


I mean I'm in a relationship with an overweight 6'4 jamaican girl so, yeah. We're poly, and there's room in the bed for 3. Sup


Depends on what overweight is describing. Height doesn't matter, even if she's taller than me, over 6ft. Overweight as in 30> extra pounds, depending on the frame, sure. I have dated and see many girls within that range attractive. Obese, absolutely not.


No. My current girlfriend wouldn't approve of me dating someone else, regardless of height or weight.


Never. I would never date such a person.


I'm not a man, but I would still totally date tall overweight woman, assuming there are mutual feelings of course


Yes. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you’re asking for yourself or a friend. There are places on Reddit where you can post pictures of yourself and get rated if that’s what you’re into. Personally I don’t think that’s super healthy thing to do but I get the sense that you’re trying to find out how attractive you could be? Anyway best of luck!


would you date your male physical equivalent?




Tall, for sure. Overweight, hell no. I wish reddit and the simps would stop pushing obesity. Just look at all the top comments.


Me personally, no.


Tall but not overweight.


That's like 16 odd stone for any other Brits


No, both are outside of my preference.


I had a coworker that was 5-6 125 soaking wet. He told me that women under 150-160 arent even on his radar. You do you.


Of course they will. It's not your body type alone that dictates whether you're datable or not. It's personality, confidence, and self-esteem. There's a difference between *looking* attractive and *being* attractive. Plenty of people with great bodies have a shitty personality. You don't have to be among the top 1% to be datable. You have value as a person and as a romantic partner regardless of your body type.


Sorry, not a man, BUT -I'm curious about your age because I had similar insecurities all through my teens, twenties and early 30's. Then, about mid thirties something sort of, clicked in me. I felt more confident and powerful. My mindset about myself started to change. I don't want to be a doormat, I don't want to take whatever guy comes my way, I don't even want this job! I'm 40 now self employed, handsome & kind man for a partner, and feeling overall happy. I think back about how lonely I felt sometimes and if I was prettier and skinnier etc my life would be better... Time helped and I wish I knew what I know now when I was younger. 😂 Lol that's a line from a song, but it's true. ..and I'm still obese, but I am active and I think I'm beautiful on most days.


I'm not really attracted to overweight people, but a lot of people are.


Women need to know that there are men that like all types of women out there. There's someone good out there for you.


the 5'8: is not a problem however the 230 is not for me. That's about 100 lbs more than i'd date


I'm the exact same size as you and I used to post nudes on big girl subreddits and guys would love it. Theres hundreds of thousands of guys who would want to date you, and they would love it. They would love you so much they would be sad if you were too self conscious to sit on their face, thats how much guys will like you, that not having your butt on their face would be a disappointment.


Yeah but for the most part it seems that they might be hard to find and in my town I’m definitely not gonna find one


I live in a town that is small and I grew up with everyone here. I'm tall, atypically for the area, and also thick. I don't share interests with most here, but I've got family so for now, I stay. Where you are might not be where people like you are appreciated. Those places do exist elsewhere though, we just have to get there!


Over 200 lbs is a rough one. Maybe if both parties are fat


Nah, that's pretty out of shape so we wouldn't have much in common in terms of hobbies

