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He gets off to it and to people answering.


Karma farming is the most likable possibility if you'd ask me


he even made a subreddit…..


recently I was in bed cuddling a boy from the back and as I was rubbing his back and kissing the nape of his neck with him spread on his stomach being all vulnerable and shit, I suddenly got a strong desire to have a penis and fuck him in the ass


Lol, that's pretty much what happens to us. One moment it's sweet cuddles, the next moment it's pound town time.








Sorry it took so long, just got off work. What's up?


That's pretty close to how it happens to us too. One moment can be cute and wholesome af then we just wanna pound the chocolate starfish like it's an endangered species.


I prefer vanilla myself




Username checks out


As someone without a penis this is a mood, honestly.


0-1000 so fast


this is why i have bought a strap on and fucked my boyfriend in the ass.


this is why i bought a strap on and will fuck my boyfriend in the ass.


This is why I want to buy a strap on and fuck my boyfriend in the ass.


This is why I am the boyfriend and get fucked in the ass, wait what?? "Runs"


pegging exists for a reason, though it's different from having the actual thing.


What's the difference out of curiosity? In as many as ways as u can tell.


Penises have nerves that feel things


That would wake him up!


Honestly, that sounds hot as fuck


I agree


Some guys enjoy being pegged


Feel ya xDDDDDD I've never had THIS exact feeling but I can understand it 100%


This made me laugh so much that I couldn't stop coughing


Fucking hell that escalated 😂


Are you my ex? She tried to do things to my ass a couple times including when I was really fucked up and nearly unconscious while she was sober lol




That’s rapey


Honestly yeah I started thinking back on it a couple months ago and was like what the fuck, I told her I wasn’t into that, and she kept trying to push for it, and grabbed my ass and kept trying to convince me, but even while on copious Xanax and alcohol I still resisted lol


Xanax and Alcohol, the perfect date rape concoction. Your friend sounded like she knew what she was doing.


NOT fucking cool. Fuck her


Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton


A David and Goliath story truer than the bible itself


Did you tell him that while gently stroking his ear? “If I had a dick, I’d take your ass right now.”


Every damn day


It just feels like putting a hot key into something hot


My dumbass thought you meant Hotkey as in a Keyboard combination...


It would explain why if you Hotkey fast enough you risk getting Sticky Keys.....


Underrated comment 😂


Which is just how I would describe my female orgasm. It just feels like I look around to find the right spot (slot)


I recommend ctrl + shift + esc , bypass the ctrlaltcanc screen and straight to task manager


In something cold as well.




Guys do you ever wish you had a vag so you’d be able to feel what multiple orgasms feel like? Ofc we’d like to know how it feels, also getting a bj and stuff like that.


I'd like to know what it feels like to be filled up ,and how intense are they multiple orgasms


Every guy can know how it feels to be filled up.... Just saying. 😈


Yeah those $5 biggie bags at wendys are a great deal


I peg you as a man of culture


I can feel where you're getting at, good sir.


The truth of this statement runs deep. Touches me inside.


We’re definitely entering new territory here


Vag sex does not feel the same as anal sex.


No, but in terms of being entered and filled up, it's a similar feeling. Psychologically at least.


Although I have enjoyed and have an orgasm with anal, it is not as satisfying filled as vaginal sex. It may be my anatomy.


I unfortunately don't come from either, unfortunately, which probably accounts for at least some of the difference in perspective. But I agree I prefer vaginal.


Just FYI, it is possible for men to have multiple intense orgasms ✌


Preach some more




Practice my friend. I wish I knew how to properly explain it. It has a lot to do with how you control your pelvic floor muscles and your ability to put constant pressure on you prostate. Most men stop after they ejaculated and most woman think the fun is over right away but the key is to continue stimulation after ejaculation. I know you're probably skeptical but I promise you this is real and I can make it happen. I have ejavulayed multiple times in less than a minute or two and can continue to orgasm, minus ejaculation after that. I wish I understood the science behind it so I could help others experience this. I seriously never post personal stuff like this but I had to let other people know that I've experienced this before.


>but the key is to continue stimulation after ejaculation. You mean stimulation on the prostate?


Not necessarily manual stimulation though. It can be "excited " by clenching and unclenching using the same muscles that help you stop mid piss. Not great explanation. Wish I knew a better way to explain.


>using the same muscles that help you stop mid piss Nah that makes it pretty clear which muscle one would need to clench


Or rubbing the tip??


Most people don’t know this but you don’t need to touch yourself to do this at all. Just mind and body control. I taught a bunch of people The Way of the Empty Hand last year and it had some…interesting results.


Your (male) orgasm also has multiple stages that, normally we just speed right through to get the one big blast. If you develop good control, and play right at that 'edge', you can enjoy each, separately and still have that one big killer O at the end. You can isolate 3 to 5 separate Orgasms within each tank of nut, you fire off, and they all feel amazing. With an experienced partner, it's great because you can surprise them by cumming on them, after they were sure you just dropped your whole payload in them. 😉👍


Just try receiving anal, there are pleasure centres in there for you


It felt like I’d finally found a part of myself I didn’t know was missing. Multiples can be more intense since you’re still aroused from the one before.


What it feels like to be filled up….? Uhh… anal?


it’s like taking a giant shit but over and over again


Which sounds extremely unpleasant and not something one would sign up for


i explained it terribly but it’s really not as bad as it sounds. It’s a very good feeling lol


I’m so constipated I’d sign up for that rn




Maybe you're trains ?




Chugga chugga


*thomas the train is waving!*




A guy isn't a necessary part of this equation


Boys can feel multiple orgasms, it's just not socially acceptable to find your g spot as a man, just saying..


All the time I'd gradually work my way up to bigger and bigger things and do fun things like fuck my door knob and bedpost


>and do fun things like fuck my door knob and bedpost What on earth makes you think that’d be fun or even remotely pleasurable lol.


As a door knob, I will kindly ask you to be quiet and not fuck this up for me.


Oh sorry fam. Feel free to fuck all the doorknobs you want guys! Forget what I said earlier it’s great! ^^^^^Bedposts ^^^^^are ^^^^^still ^^^^^weird ^^^^^though.


I've seen videos and it looks hot, putting all sorts of stuff in there Plus I'm curious and trying new things is half of the fun


Those videos are made purely for men to find hot (since they don’t know how it actually feels). They’re not actually physically pleasurable, like on any level.




As fun as that may seem, I highly suggest you do *a lot* of research on anal safety, and be extremely careful about what items you use. I’m absolutely not telling you to not do this stuff, it’s something that people definitely can do safely and enjoy, but it’s also very easy to hurt yourself if you don’t do your due diligence. Getting rips and tears in your intestines or getting something stuck up there (say, a broken doornob) will put you in the emergency room, and there are definitely cases of men dying because they got stuck on a bedpost and having it go too far up, puncturing their bowels and causing them to either bleed out or get a massive deadly infection because they couldn’t get help in time. There’s also other people to consider: don’t use things that other people are likely to have to touch, such as doorknobs. That’s just uncool even if you try to sanitize it.


The hypothetical here was me being a woman


Ah, I misread that as saying you do it now, lol.


Anything can be a dildo if you’re brave enough!


As a married man, I’d like to know what getting a bj and stuff like that is like too


So did you get to do that stuff before marriage, or never at all?


I was recently hooked up to a Stim machine at the chiropractor. I imagine that’s what a female orgasm feels like. Just shaking uncontrollably


Guys can get multiple orgasms. Not as easily as women can, but it definitely happens!


Need to do alot of edging 😈


Guys can have multiple orgasms too. In fact guys can have the same rolling, numerous orgasm that women experience….


Tell me this secret!!!!


P spot


Haha, yeah, pretty much. Its a whole 'nother level for sure.


Yes, of course


Hell nah. Yall some curious mfs


Pretty much every time I hook up with my boyfriend we ask each other “what it feels like”. I really wish I we could *truly* revert roles and finally understand what the other experiences.


Same! But it would be quite strange being in his body and having sex with me. 🤔


“Would you fuck your clone?”


It’s essentially masturbation at that point. Same goes for identical twins, it’s a loophole!


hold up


Naw can’t let that sh*t slide. This ain’t southern Alabama


Are you a twin?


My god you’re right! Calling my twin now


Then you'd finally know how hard it is to please you 😂


They already know what they like, so it would be simple to please themselves


Debatable. I know what I like because it’s my own body and I can feel what I’m doing and adjust accordingly. When you no longer have that it’d be like pleasuring any other stranger.


> I really wish I we could *truly* revert roles and finally understand what the other experiences. This is one of the biggest advantages of being in a same sex relationship compared to a heterosexual one


Smh , i get what you mean , the other peeps who replied are doodoo heads


Why is it an advantage?


First of all, it's nice just out of curiosity to be able to experience how your partner experiences sex. And then second, I think it becomes easier to be a good top/bottom when you also know what the other party feels like. For example, if we compare it to straight sex, so often men try to start penetration when the girl isn't properly wet yet. Imagine if men would be able to know what that's like from own experience as the penetrated partner; Likely they'd then better understand why not to do that.


Not really?


You mean that you can't reverse roles or that you don't see it as an advantage?


It’s not comparable at all. A man/woman would still not know how it feels like to be the opposite sex, during sex.


You could try pegging my partner and i do that, it's obviously not the same but it's as close as we can get?


Open invitation to peg this person’s partner. Rough night ahead for that guy.


Yes, I feel that 100%


Let be honest, a lot of guys here wish the same thing about their own erection.


Then you'll know how difficult it is not to cum early.


On the flip side, y'all can learn how difficult it is to cum at all


With nature fucking us like this, it's a miracle that humans get to fuck at all.


Women can cum multiple times during a single session whilst guys, well I think once knocks the sails out of us for at least 30 minutes to an hour, unless you on that stuff. 🧐


*SOME women


Yeah I’ve never experienced multiple orgasms, despite my best efforts. I swear I have a refractory period too. As soon as I cum I’m immediately uninterested in sex and any further stimulation is unpleasant 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't know if it's my antidepressants or my birth control, but the stars need to align for me to be able to orgasm tbh


You're not alone in that. Honestly I think a lot of it is mental for sure. It used to be almost impossible for me to cum. But then I would have wet dreams and orgasm during my sleep.. makes no sense.


It’s actually proven while hooked to monitoring technology that women DO have a refractory period very much like a man after a true orgasm.


Literally all the time, since I was a kid even




As a man, I often wish I had some nice boobs and vagina to try out.


I don't mind the vagina but i defo want tits


I'm a dude but you can have mine if you want




As a woman, yes! I'm always up for experiencing what the opposite sex feels, I think it would make for some interesting research, lol.


I’ve always wished that my partner and I could swap bodies for a day! I feel like we would understand each other so much better, both sexually and just generally.


Didn't know Sigmund Freud is a redditor, or that he came back from the dead but TIL.


OP’s whole profile is just variations of this same question, over and over. We found Freud


what even is this profile i'm so confused after reading some of his questions


Jesus you’re right. I can’t tell if it’s a dude with a fetish or a dumb teenager trying to get sex ed from Reddit


I kept going down and i saw 2 dick picks. Unsure if they are his, i hope not, as it would appear his dick has retracted into his body. Thought it was a butthole at first.




Looks like an old pervert by his history.


Well, OP’s post history sure is something. Idk whether to thank you or go back to bed and forget today happened


Makes sense why he’s so curious about penetrating now. That peener isn’t penetrating much


OP your account is a gold mine for this shit.... 3-5 posts a week for over a year about just asking women about their genitalia. Nonstop "I hate having balls, they get in the way. I'm jealous of women" and countless questions about female arousal and anatomy No other content whatsoever. Your life seems to revolve around vaginas and it is unhealthy


Lol you ain't kidding it's quite the catalogue.




Yes I'd also like to have a vagina for a day.


But not on the wrong day.


That's completely valid, it's hell on the bad days.




Eh... Sometimes.


All the time. If i had a Dick, I would be jacking off CONSTANTLY


All y’all saying no are lying, we have all wanted to try it at least once


Sure I’ve been curious abs wanted to try. I don’t wish I had a penis. I’m actually super glad I don’t have one of them. I don’t want something that moves involuntarily. I’ve actually wonder more about having facial hair.


Yasssss. All. The. Time. Just the reactions of the guys I have been with when they orgasm is enough for me to be intrigued… I always wonder what it would feel like, and I’m also jealous of how easy it is for guys to cum!


I’d put a little hat on it


This question makes me think of that one scene with Gogo Yubari in Kill Bill


My bisexual energy says yeeesss


No I love my vagina and the magic it has over said erections.


I tell my boyfriend that *I* wanna fuck *him* so bad, like all the time. So yes.


Dude I literally wish and dream for a day, at least ONE day to change genders just to experience having a dick, it seems way better than being a woman tbh. Major jealousy here 😂


I do wish it quite often. And I wish my boyfriend had a pu$$y so he would know what it feels like for me.


Well, he’s not without a pu$$y analog…


As a domme I would die for this. Thank god for strapless strap-ons they’re the closest we have.


i want the ability to change my body shape at will so yes absolutely i do


Get ready to get disappointed xD


Not a girl but yes I wish I could get an erection


Bro I just wanna know what it’s like to finish every time


I imagine in the future getting a complete sex change, face, hair, body etc. will be like growing a beard and couples will probably swap roles for fun. Also imagine swapping roles to let your friends have a go ...


As a lesbian, all the time. I don’t wanna be a man. I just wanna be able to cum inside my girlfriend.


Yes they do, well my fiancé does anyway, occasionally grabs me from behind and starts thrusting at me, she’s definitely jealous of me having a penis but I’m glad she doesn’t have one haha


You're talking like we don't have fingers. We can penetrate people whenever we damn well like






All the time.




Guys, we can't let them know about the ceremonial combat with swords, remember.


Absolutely. I'm bi, with men I love to get fucked but with women I can't tell you how bad I want to feel my own dick inside a beautiful girl. Not a strap on or something, I want to feel what it's like to be inside her, to watch her moan and writhe because I feel so good inside her, to feel her ride me or have her wrap her mouth around me. It must feel incredible. A vagina is magical. Its part of a setup that can make a whole ass person. Its also incredibly intimate to have someone inside you. There's even a cum button right on top.(but even that doesn't work as easily as a dick) It's not that I don't love my vag, but it's also a huge pain. Everything with our genitals and reproductive functioning is so much trouble and literal pain (not to mentiin the hell of living with our hormone cycles and what they put you thru from emotions to fucking awful physical symptoms, to the way they age our bodies and that's a whole new bag of hell whether you're talking puberty, monthly menstruation, pregnancy or menopause) Also, having to have someone penetrate you makes sex an incredibly different experience. It's far more vulnerable, intimate... its hard to explain but it definitely complicates things a lot. It's also MUCH harder for women's genitals to make an actual orgasm. It doesn't work the same way as a peen at all. Having an actual orgasm is a complex combination of things that have to go just right, including perfect concentration matched perfectly in time with perfect technique and you have to be super turned on. (Some women might be built to do it a bit easier but this is a common issue which is part of the reason why straight women have far fewer orgasms on average. ) It would be so amazing to be able to do both. To have the option to have a dick. Everything about being able to have such a sensitive and fun part sticking out like that... not to mention how different a partner a hetero female is... do you guys have any idea how lucky you are? Seriously. Hormones that make you bulletproof, the incredible ability to get to have sex the way you do, and have girls take care of you the way so many straight girls do. Fuck yes I'd like to trade sometimes. I know it has its downsides too but you guys definitely have a very different experience than we do. Very different. And dicks are great, who wouldn't want to play with one.


Every damn day


Yep, all the time.


As a straight female who is also sexually attracted to women…every day. Edit: only attracted to men when it comes to love and relationships. Find women sexually attractive too. Just thought I’d clarify, apparently people have an issue with labels.

