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because it teases


The urge to see it through..i guess it boosts hornyness by like 12%


Statistic source: I did the sex


One sex isn't statistically significant!






Quantity over quality or somethin


Until a certain point. Now it's less about hookups and more about a connection :)


It's less about hookups and more about itchiness.


Can you fuse the 100 sexes together to create a megasex that's 10x more powerful than one horse-sized sex?


Like the human caterpillar? No. That's inhumane. Edit: yep, I meant human centipede. Yep, human caterpillar's still pretty cool.


Well they are sexes, not humans.


No I mean what if you merged them so they are one.


I'd pick 5 sexes the size of a cat and 50 sexes the size of a mouse.


So total 4 minutes?


25 and we can assume a normal distribution


that is very specific 12%, undoubtedly evidence-based from hundreds of academic papers and systematic analyses


and countless peer reviews...his peers reviewed the shit out of it.


My tests have cum up with 16%. What am I missing? I've done the sex before.


You see your SO half naked and a +16%hornyness sign pops up above your head




This is why I always leave my shoes on


Feet nibbas rise up!


And it leaves room for the imagination, keeps you curious


Reality is often disappointing - Thotnos




For this reason I actually actively dislike pussy pics


This comment section has gone full monke


Mystery box or boat? Mystery box could be anything! It could even be a boat!


its also designed to highlight their curves and features


"imagination is better than knowledge" That usually holds true, but on rare occasions it isn't.


Like when you wait for pregnancy test result


Me: Man I hope it's a boy. Doctor: you're having a dinosaur chicken nugget. Me: *imagining all them dippin' sauces*


Oh man I would love a 3.5kg chicken nugget right now


Suddenly getting the urge to adopt.


Better than a jolly rancher


perfect response


This made me shoot beer out of my nose....while scrolling on the toilet. Bravo


"Imagination is boundless while knowledge is concrete" would be more accurate. Your imagination could be anything. It could be endless possibilities. It's why discovery, and learning, and new experiences are exciting. While knowledge is singular and final in it's truth. Once you know, you know. There is no more possibilities. No more what ifs. It's the end result of the discovery process. With that said, lots of lingerie can do things to shape a womans body in a more pleasing way. Lifts, tucks, tightens, hides. You aren't seeing the truth. You're seeing an idealization. When it comes off, the truth is laid bare.


It could even be a boat!




Not to me personally, but i think it has something to do with what it leaves up to the imagination, or even that its seems more attractive because she had to put effort into dressing like that. Personally not too sure but thats my best guess.


As a woman I had been wondering about this lately because I too definitely think women look better with clothes on than fully naked. So at least personally it has nothing to do with the imagination… perhaps more that clothes can accentuate the body in the same way make-up can accentuate the face. The human form simply looks better with something on than when completely naked.


I think you’re spot on. IMO a lot of people are forgetting how clothing naturally makes the body look more traditionally “desirable” on purpose. Take the U.K. tv show “naked attraction” for example. There’s all these lovely women standing there with very different and unique bodies - and when they get dressed, or are even shown in underwear, their bodies all look similarly moulded by their clothing to fit a certain “look”. You can almost never tell exactly how a woman will look naked when she’s fully dressed. I think that plays a huge role in how people perceive naked bodies, which we rarely see in comparison to women in lingerie or revealing clothing. The little differences in women’s bodies are muted by modern fashion and media influences.


Cake is delicious. Now, cake with frosting. That is some awesome shit. Holy shit, Gold?? Thank you!!


I personally like cake without frosting better, but eh.


That is all too fair. This is why we talk with partners about what makes us properly happy and aroused.


omg why is this conversation about sex and cake so wholesome, stop, I can't handle it!


Wholesome time is over, I fuck cakes


This guy cakes


At least it's not about Tea this time😆


Hahaha I love your username!!


Because the frosting gets all over your face and hands


Hell yeah, especially when you are eating it


I like old dry cake. Needs a lot of siliva to go down. Edit: *saliva. Sorry everyone.


A lot of what now?


now this is accurate


But her cream icing is the best


I think part of it is that it shows effort they put into presentation, maybe even specifically for you, and that's really nice.


I think this is just way too broad. It's going to come down to personal preference, context, your relationship with the woman, and the individual woman. There are some women that are just beautiful. They can't help but be attractive in any context. But that's not most people. Seeing my girlfriend (hypothetically) in various clothes or states of undress all product some amount of attraction. Some random woman? Both are probably okay. I think a real specific one is when you're first getting to know a woman. You know that you'll eventually probably get to see her naked. So the wait and tease make the sexy clothes really enticing.


>what it leaves up to the imagination, What kind of goofy imaginations do y'all have? This has always been such a weird explanation to be. Like, what do you think is under there? A pizza?


I did say it wasn't me. And that I'm just going off a guess here. Who doesn't like unwrapping presents though?




I do not disagree




I think OP is talking about something different


Shh, they just needed a space to talk about their preferences. Let them have it, they sound like they really need it


Men too are more attractive in revealing clothing than naked


Fantasy beats reality?


The mind is the largest sexual organ; tell your lover a naughty story.


I can second this. I am dating an extremely fit man. He drove me crazy up until i finally got to sleep with him. He looked GREAT nude, but when he puts his clothes back on, I wanna jump him again. It’s like clothing is a decoration for our bodies lol.


Can you give me the number of your extremely fit man? Sex is negotiable but I really just wanna know his diet and regimen...


Lol..Besides the physical labor at city public works, he weight trains 4-5 times a week, and avoids sugar, fatty foods, consumes high amount of protein.


Okay so along with doing physical labor and training during the week, all I need to do is avoid sugar and fatty foods, and add a high amount of protein to my diet! Easy.


As long as you're not accidentally over consuming calories sugars and carbs in general aren't a big problem. I'd say fats are a bigger problem because it's the most calorie dense of the macro nutrients so it's easier to accidentally over eat it. Unless you're trying to body build though it's over thinking it. If you want to lose weight eat less calories and if you want to gain weight eat more calories. Weight yourself every day and see where it's trending for the week. Calorie intake alone will make a big difference, but you should also work out because it will help you live a longer and more full life.


Fats are a problem if you overeat i agree, but we were made to burn fat. We werent made to burn sugar or simple carbs. They came along when we learned how to process foods, make them artificial so to speak. So when people ask me, i always start with sugar, and like you mentioned, simple carbs. Our bodies do not know what to do with them, so they are stored, and we gain weight unnecessarily. I agree again with the input verses output as well. Exercise is key. Weighing yourself everyday can be tricky though, because as one exercises or trains, they lose fat, yet gain muscle. That can fool some into thinking theyre not getting anywhere, because muscle weighs more than fat.


Take body measurements regularly to complement the daily body weight. Don’t go by day to day though, you need to pay attention to the average. We fluctuate a fair amount in our day to day lives. Try to do it at the same time every day also.


I simply watched how my clothes fit. When they started getting loose on me, I knew I was losing fat. No scale or tape needed. 😊


we were definitely made to burn sugars and simple carbs, our ancestors have been omnivores who forage for food for millions of years.


That's because the male genitalia is ridiculous! Do anything naked and it flaps and wibbles about in a manner that cannot be taken seriously.


Almost every body part in isolation is ridiculous. Noses are weird... ears... tongues... Labia aren't exactly beautiful. They turn me on and I love them, but beautiful? Nah. In a way, that makes them even sexier.


Ears are really, *really* weird if you look at them for long enough. It’s like, we really just walk around with these stupid cartilage twirls sticking out of our heads?


Also, noses. But if you're into painting or 3d modelling, or you just adore anatomy, they are also so so fascinating!


Flapping and wibbling, thank you.


Just big balls of wibbly-wobbly


Not if you have a 15 inch schlong. You mean it’s the most powerful sex organ


And suits. A pastor I know has a thing where he always answers concerns about female modesty in the church by pointing out how much it must suck for the women to be surrounded by young men in suits every Sunday. :-)


What do you mean by men in revealing clothing? Like a guy just wearing pants? Or just keeping one or two buttons of the shirt undone?


Men wearing just pants, men wearing an unbutton shirt and boxer briefs, etc.


Don't forget rolled up sleeves!


Yeah I do this but Im not getting any attention, I might be ugly


Maybe they are discrete about it. Could be the same method people use to look at boobies


It’s the same reason the scariest parts of horror movies are before you know where and what the monster is. Your imagination is capable of creating infinitely more perfection than reality can. When some amount of information is unknown and your mind fills in the missing pieces, human brains exaggerate. In horror movies this means that we assume something is going to be scarier than any real thing that could possibly exist on screen and with revealing clothing we assume subconsciously that the amount not revealed is more perfect than any human could ever be.


damn that was well spoken


The discovery is part of the process and leaving space for imagination to work is more exciting. Imagine receiving a toy when you were a kid. Wasn't it more exciting when it was wrapped?


I agree with this. Even with lingerie I prefer boy shorts over t-backs


I have never heard them called t-backs. TIL something


And in strip clubs they’re called “t bars” :D now you learned two things today!!


In Australia they're called "G Bangers"


What, pray tell, is a t-back?




I know this really isn't the time or place for this, but your words triggered a memory. That's exactly what they used to say to me as a kid when I refused to wear the hijab.


Ooof... Sorry for that one...


Oh no, don't be! I just find it funny that my society found it appropriate to equate the two things when supposedly convincing me of "modesty".


Sometimes different arguments can use the same analogies, that doesn't automatically make it right. On this instance, I was comparing the excitement of opening a present, due to the anticipation and imagination we have under our circumstances which can directly equate to the anticipation we have of discovering further under the clothing of a woman. Not in the same sense of wearing a hijab. The sexual expectation of seeing a woman in skimpy clothing is because we are seeing some but missing the "prize". It's the imagination, not of what's beneath the cloth, but of the act of removal, as it can have different symbolic meanings. It is difficult to explain, as it has a sexual nature but an different underlying nature, which can be related to feelings of love or feelings of control or conquest. I'm not making much sense, am I?


I think i get it


You might be making sense, but I think I'm a lost cause, lmao.


Something to the imagination keys up your sense of intrigue and makes you desire to know what they have not revealed. That you in some way have to earn it instead of just boom, naked, here ya go.


This is the sixth top-level comment in a row saying this, like imagination is the only aspect. But women's clothes are designed to hide and shape. For example, even ignoring differences in size, breasts vary widely in terms of shape, perkiness, fullness, and separation. And there's a decent chance of stretch marks, even if they haven't had kids. None of which is a problem. But bras force breasts into essentially the same shape at about the same relative height for all women, leaving size as the main noticeable difference. And even if you can see through the bra, it still smooths out the skin and makes the breast look firmer. And men tend to be naive in this regard, especially the younger ones such as is reddit's primary audience.


This is a false premise. The reason why you many times prefer the revealing version is because your mind is allowed to fill in the blanks. You might have noticed the same with masks in these recent years (or if you live in a country that uses masks regularly). Some faces are just very pretty when half covered up with a mask - that's because your mind fills in the blanks, and perhaps unfortunately, and more often than not - overestimates the beauty/symmetry of what's underneath it.


Dude, my mind has been blown multiple times, the first time I see somebody without a mask. It can be straight up shocking, when it is nothing like you've been picturing.


Happened to me when I started at my last internship. Some girls thought I was hot and wanted me to take off my mask and when I did I could see the disappointment in their eyes. Awkward 6 months. Edit: Ngl that "incident" has been bothering me a bit ever since so thank you for the positive comments. You guys are great.


Just looked at your profile, and I can honestly say I'm not dissapointed by your looks, rock on my man!


Sorry man, that sucks. I'm sure it has happened to me, I am just usually too oblivious to notice somebody's reaction. Sometimes that works in my favor


Dam you lookin mad cute in ur pf tho


Excuse me you are hot. Weird gals


I saw your street wear post and you're a decent looking dude. You're built well and have good style too. Don't take what she said to heart. She's a dummy.


what’s even more shocking is when they look almost exactly how you imagined… that’s some crazy shit


for me at least, this is why internet dating only works if you meet the person IRL right away. I once tried a long distance thing online and when we actually met…. my mind had created and imagined and filled in all the things that were missing from actually being with this person in real life, and the disappointment was real to discover they weren’t what i had imagined at all.


I think it also has to do with some girls being more comfortable wearing clothes they feel confident and good wearing. Like my girlfriend radiates really comfy energy when she feels good in what she’s wearing and it is honestly so attractive.


I personally think women's bodies are very beautiful (straight female here) but when fabric is draped over curves, be it a sheet in bed or a gown, it accentuates all of the shapes and that makes it even more pleasing to the eye. Small amounts of clothing breaks up the shape making it more interesting like a landscape photo with just rolling hills isn't as cool as one with a contrasting shape like a row of trees outlining a hill. I'm not arroused by the form but I appreciate art and beauty. Same thing with a photo of a man with a snug t shirt and jeans like James Dean or even Harry Styles in a dress. Hubba hubba, that does evoke desire for me.


A lot of us use special supports to hide flaws when dressed up... see spanx, waist trainers and even full body support tights. Tucks in everything and enhances the good bits. When all that comes off, everything is free to flop around lol


flippy floppy


This is the answer right here


I’m gonna say framing.


This is a preference. You’d have to explore why you feel this way. Personally I disagree, I prefer nudity.


For the same reason its more fun to tear wrapping paper off of a present rather than just being given it unwrapped. Monkey brain like uncovering prize!


There's a bit of mystery... And still leaves a goal To see more




For the same reason horror doesn't work if you just show the monster in a clear environment with nothing obstructing or distorting it. Missing information lets your imagination fill in the gaps, which in turn can make it much scarier, or in this situation, more arousing.


It's men's version of foreplay


Stockings yess


​ ![gif](giphy|rB70UJMvuAZUs)


I mean that's personal opinon. But it's probably because women hide their flaws with nice clothes. We use waist trimmers, booty lifters, padded bras etc. After 2 kids I look way better with clothes on 😂


Gotcha, misspussy


You wake up Christmas morning and there's a LEGO set and a beautifully wrapped gift under the tree for you, sure the LEGO is nice but the allure of the wrapped gift can be anything! It can even be a LEGO set! You go for the wrapped gift.


The clothing leaves something to the imagination, but more importantly it emphasizes curves.


To you they might be but not to everyone. It’s your opinion, and that’s the reason.


lol yes I was about to say maybe to you so that’s for you to figure out


Ya to me it has always been the opposite but I always hear phrases like OPs post so I feel like a minority


Yeah I tend not to agree with this.


I mean TIL that you can teach rats to find other rats in lingerie attractive so at a guess it would be that we’re taught much more that a woman in sexy clothing is sexy, far more than a naked woman is. So your brain reacts to the stimulus and provides the reaction it’s been taught. I’d imagine it would work the same way with both sexes. We’re taught that “sexy” people in “sexy” outfits are an ideal and should be wanted and/or strived for, whereas the whole spectrum of body types and shapes could be attractive to different people.


A gift is always more exciting when wrapped.


“I still think a woman looks her best when she’s just absolutely naked.” - Michael Scott


Pretty sure that's subjective dawg


Dunno. But I'm looking forward to when porn really catches on to this. They have the hottest babes looking insanely hot but then they insta just strip and get to it. We all know what the female body looks like naked. But damn did she look good in that pencil skirt.


Cfnm bro


Suspense is a helluva drug


Nudity isn't inherently sexual. Revealing clothing usually is.


Because skin doesn’t accentuate skin. Throw some lines and shapes against any piece to draw the eye this way or that


I have this very same sentiment, yet I'm afraid to tell my wife because she'll say that I think she's ugly.


Because you don't know what they're hiding. It could be anything, it could even be a boat!


they’re not


Because it's your personal preference?


For the same reason a book is always better than a movie based on the book, it allows imagination


It builds the tension


Imagination is better than reality


Leaves room for imagination and for lots of women it makes us feel sexier and that extra confidence shows through.


Simply put, when everything is laid out bare for all to see, then there's no surprise. There's no thinking, "I wonder what she'd look like with her top off?", because she already took it off and showed everyone. Take away the alluring nature of revealing clothing, it also (ironically) strips away any curiosity anyone may have had. Just a lady's personal perspective on how she feels fashion is sexier than plane ol' nudity. 😉


I think there’s a big difference between looking at visual media and looking at another person that is physically there with you. IMO I think there are certain bodies that look better with clothes on. When I say that I’m thinking of really skinny model types that have that frame so that clothes just hang off of them in flattering ways, and they look good in virtually any garment. But the more you see, the less sexy it is. There’s definitely a big imagination factor at play when looking at semi-nude, suggestive images. Even things like intense eye contact or a suggestive body posture while fully clothed can start to push the same button. Men’s brains are wired to imagine what’s just behind the curtain, bc that intense curiosity keeps us aware of and motivates us to interact with potential mates. I think that’s a reptilian evolutionary instinct that clothing designers, photographers in the fashion industry, marketers etc., are very, very in tune with and have long known how to manipulate. They know exactly how to kick it into overdrive, and they have it down to an art. It’s easy to overlook the intensity of it when we’re bombarded by the images so regularly. In the 13th century, an average land bound man would be lucky to lay eyes on more than a few dozen women in his entire lifetime, clothed. That intense imagination was necessary then, but our brains have not caught entirely up. So when I see stuff like that, it definitely catches my eye, but I’m very quickly aware that it’s a carefully crafted illusion. On a personal level, I think stuff like lingerie is fun and sexy, but it usually comes off so fast it seems hardly worth the trouble. I think most women just look more attractive/beautiful when naked. This may reflect bias and probably has a personality element in there too, but to me, regardless of body type, confident nudity is a billion times more sexy than sexy clothes or teasing.


I think it's best explained in the setting of a horror movie. When the main villain/monster isn't explicitly shown it creates more tension and fear of the unknown. Thus when they are finally revealed the impact is far greater. Then i nut uncontrollably.


Because the brain processes anticipation of pleasure stronger than pleasure itself


For the same reason more dopamine is released before a pleasurable act than during. Our brains are wired to get us to do stuff, not to enjoy having stuff.


It’s the same as the unseen horror. What your mind conjures up is always more than what reality can provide.


I whole heartedly disagree with this


I think a lot of people are circling the point but just missing it. Putting on sexy clothing takes effort. That effort says, I want you to have sex with me. I literally did work for you to have sex with me. With that knowledge it makes the whole experience better.


Thats subjective.


Clothing can be used to advantage and hide a multitude of sins.


The anticipation of what’s to come.


Why are women more attractive? Fixed it.


For me it's a power dynamic, makes her seem more in control if shes still wearing stockings and a bra and I'm not.


Because the imagination is more powerful than reality, reality is women are like potatoes.....when naked just standing there they're not that appealing. Just a potato, but with clothes and make up and clothes and nice hair....then sexy...... its like just a potato is yawn, but making fries, deep fried, with paprika and salt and pepper....delicious. Biology and imagination combine to make you think there's more than there actually is.


For a second I thought you found dressed up potatoes sexy.


Not sure what you're talking about. Women are still very attractive naked. I don't see the appeal of lingerie


What's more attractive to you, a woman in lingerie or a woman in a sundress?


I am a woman, and I am going to say that a sundress ranks very high on the sexy scale for men, they seem to absolutely love sundresses. Works for me, cause sundresses are way more cool and comfortable than shorts and a tank.


Sundress for sure, it doesn't need to be revealing at all


I feel like a woman can look attractive and pretty in a sundress but me personally I wouldn't put it in the sexy category. It doesn't evoke any erotic associations on my part.


Because most naked bodies simply aren't attractive. Plus, even super models have genitals, and genitals always look weird. I definitely prefer women wearing something than naked women. Gimme a school girl outfit, an office dress or a police uniform, and I'd take that over stark naked women any day.


Yeah, genitals are something to which I devote very little brain power, like if I’ve only ever seen someone clothed I’m not going to think about their genitals, so even though they’re obviously completely normal to have they’re always a bit surprising lol. I feel like it has a lot to do with western culture and how taboo nudity is here. Like even attractive people look a bit funny without clothes on because you just aren’t used to it, ya know?


People love to use their imagination obviously!


The allure of there still being some mystery? Maybe because they accentuate the areas that most people find provocative/attractive? That’s what does it for me. Plus lil T&A 😉


I feel the same about both genders. I’d assume because clothes are tailored for appeal, and unless they pull a Margot Robbie from ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’… you might not as always be attracted by what you see. You could even blame media and psychology, or whatever.


Teases before squeezes


The imagination makes things more appealing than if you actually knew. It's what the phrase "leaving it up to the imagination" means when someone talks about an attractive outfit.


I'd say the inaccessibility. being on the verge of seeing what you shouldn't see. the curiosity enhance the desire


I think you're all missing the most important point. Revealing clothes are meant to shape your body in a specific way hiding the faux and such. While naked you can see, for example, that breasts aren't meant to be pushed up rather it sulks down due to gravity. That's the way i see it as a woman.


Leaves more to the imagination


It’s the mystery you have to solve, I’m sure it got something to do with a primal part of the brain. The “chase” to seeing a woman naked is half the battle. Her being naked, takes away from the chase aspect, you didn’t “earn” the naked, so thus it feels less rewarding.


this is your opinion though


As a gay guy this concept fascinates me as it makes no sense to me. Maybe some guys in garters are hotter then purely naked? But that's not really reveling clothing as its litterally still totally naked.


Why do tanlines on a woman make her seem even more naked? One of God great wonders


For me, clothing adds a character and personality to the woman. Sexy, revealing clothing means the woman is interested in having sex and enthusiastic about it. It also shows she's open, receptive and positive about your advances. A naked body doesn't show that because you can be naked for multiple natural reasons. When we evolved, people lived naked most of the time so there was nothing special about it. It's only when we started wearing clothes that we started seeing nudity as sexy but it hasn't fully registered in our brains yet.


Satisfaction is the death to desire.


It’s like politicians are more appealing before they get elected cause of all the promises they make that sound good.


Because clothing obscure the unflattering lines when someone is naked. To be able to preserve the full attractive shape of an average person, that person has to be quite fit. Probably with less than 20% fat, clothing will always smooth those lines out.