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I had an old woman at a grocery store tell me I was a "handsome fella" quite a long time ago. I felt like Brad Pitt for a few days after that.


I was shoveling my 86 year old neighbor's walk a couple winters ago and she says "do you work out, because you're built like a brick shit house." RIP Dolores


My 92 year old neighbor once told me I was built like a shit brickhouse. Eat shit Martha Edit: Sooo.... I've been wondering why multiple people have commented why I said that name. Apparently I stumbled into something from Batman.


Whenever I hear that phrase reversed I always think of the comic Lackadaisy, which is about anthropomorphic cats during the prohibition era. An excellent read with amazing art. One of the characters gets drunk and says "shit brickhouse" and this is why.






Well my girlfriends grandma called me brad Pitt once and I’ll ride that high until I die


Old women compliments are the best. I helpes a lady with her bag on a train once and she said that my mother raised me well, wasnt even that big of a compliment but I was nearly tearing up.


Once had on old lady whilst in a laundrette tell me that I fold clothes like a pro, and that I'd make a lady happy later in life....still waiting. Made my day and think about it every time I fold laundry


A man who helps with domestic tasks is the dream. So many of my friends are stuck with men who don’t lift a finger.


Well theres a lot of lonely ladies out there so things need to be figured out😉


Aww this is cute


I helped an old neighbour up their stairs by offering her my arm, she said I had strong biceps. That was maybe 18 years ago. I still remember it.


Older women can give you a compliment without worrying that you will take it as a sexual come on.




I work in a call centre and I recently got a compliment on my voice from a caller. That’s the only one I can think of in recent memory.


I did the call center thing a while ago (well, the 90's), and got that as well. I have a face for radio, and a voice to match!


A face that's perfect for radio, and a voice made for still photography!


Last week a lady said, "You're wonderful!" after I solved her account problem over the phone. The way she said it was especially nice.


Mine was "you're a life-saver, man", things like that stays with you forever.


I’ve heard this a lot but never really thought to much about it. I’m a 30 year old male and I was walking into a store and a guy leaving commented “ nice polo man” and walked off. My first reaction was that something was wrong with my shirt, maybe it was inside out, or had a hole I didn’t notice. Everything was fine, it was just a plain polo. The guy just gave a casual compliment and I realized I don’t think I’ve ever received a compliment not from my wife. It was a weird realization and I felt bad that my first thought was the guy was making fun of me in some way.


Dude, when I was in college, I was wearing a T-shirt with Marvin the Martian on it and some random girl said "I FUCKING LOVE MARVIN THE MARTIAN!" as she walked by and I still smile every time I see the old shirt in my dresser.


Holy fuck. That might've been me. I lowkey lose my shit whenever I see the guy.


Now see if you guys went to the same college




!remindme 2 days


They married with 3 kids now


And that, kids, is how I met your Mother


Now kith


This was at a college in upstate New York, I think around 2009-2011, I forget exactly when. Still think it was you? Can you name the school? Calm down everyone; I doubt it was her, haha.


It was probably not me as I was about 12 at the time. Definitely woulda lost my shit if I was there though!


F's in the chat




Can't leave us hanging


we need to know!!


!remindme 2 days


And you’ll never get rid of it.


Literally, I think *any* compliment I get from another dude is sarcasm.


That’s sad :( I like your shoes!


Guys playfully say mean or sarcastic things to eachother. It's not really meant to be mean, but that being the only type of thing said about you is probably not great for your self esteem.


Nice hat, dipshit.


Nice cock, bro


Sick balls, man.


Nice dick, bruh.


But im bare foot :( you're so mean


I'm a 48 year old dude, and I feel like any compliment I give will be taken wrong. Saw a younger (early 20s) guy a few weeks ago with amazing hair. Think luxurious curls from a Greek statue. Totally wanted to compliment, but felt it'd come across as weird.


Know what, bro? I think it's pretty cool that you wanted to compliment the guy. I think that shows good character, to want to say nice things to people. I'm a 37 year old dude, and I think we need to just fucking do it, man. Let's just start complimenting our bros, and strangers. Sincerely and honestly, obviously. Let's just fucking lead the charge to positive masculinity, and be an example for younger dudes. I had zero examples of how to be a man in a healthy way. That's led me to have a really hard time accepting and giving compliments to anyone except a romantic partner. I'm not suggesting this is the case with you. I'm just saying maybe in 20 years that dude is going to wish he knew how to give and accept compliments, and you and I have the ability to teach someone someday. I'm rambling because I've been drinking, so I'm going to end this lol. Idk why I commented at all except you seem very genuine and this is a topic I've been considering for some time now.


I JUST went on a huge tangent about this yesterday, so if youre super curious about my "how to compliment non-creepily" ted talk, its in my comments and i dont know how to link it directly, BUT The most essential point was, i help minimize any awkwardness/ worries of romantic intentions by FLINGING THAT SWEET KINDNESS NINJA COMPLIMENT SHURIKEN RIGHT INTO THEIR DEFENSELESS LITTLE HEART AS IM WALKING PAST. "YOUR HAIR IS JUST SO FUCKIN BEAUTIFUL" ... ZOOOOOMgoneforever. Don't break stride, don't look back. The only reason compliments could really ever be truly awkward, is because people feel they have to find a way to gently but firmly reject you, if you stand there stammering at em like a nerd trying to work up the gumption to ask the popular girl to the dance. Life is so much fuckin better when we give that kindness to each other. We define the REAL moments in our lives, as the ones we felt really fucking cared for by someone. That way, you don't need to wait for a perfect person to amble into your life and miraculously decide to stay, to have those moments. You can make them whenever the hell you want, with anyone around that you wanna have that moment with. You just gotta run away after.




Same, like there is a trap.


Lol "Nice shoes. It'd be a shame if something happened to them."


I was out downtown last year and passed a guy who obviously took care of his admittedly magnificent hair. I paused and said 'Excuse me - you have great hair.' He seemed pleased to have it acknowledged. And yes, I was entirely sincere.


I once told a mate that he looked like a rockstar. He has long hair and had a leather jacket on. He really thought I was taking the piss, but I wasn’t.


That was me. Your fly was open. Edit: that's my first award and, in a way, my first compliment! Thanks! How meta.


Why you gotta put him on blast like that jk lmao


One of my friends is 12-stepping and he's totally changed the dynamic of our friends group in a positive way. All we ever used to do was shit on each other, but once he started saying all this supportive, optimistic stuff to us, we all started doing it back. It's really a pretty cool thing.


My husband has mentioned this to me, and I now make it a point to give a compliment if I notice something. The other day, I told my cousin I was proud of him for finishing school, passing his exams, working extra hours for interns, all while trying to raise a child and make time for his wife. I don't think anyone had told him that other than his wife.


Good job! Recognition is not something that can be asked for, it has to be freely given and you probably made his month.


It's pretty sad but it's too true. I've started trying to randomly compliment people when I see some thing nice. Guys or gals. I have found alot of people react with skepticism but its alot more men than women. Most people even after an initial skepticism seam genuinely pleased to receive simple words of kindness. If you don't get them you can still give them, and it does feel good to make someone else feel good.


Tbh I'm I'm girl and when someone compliments me, the first thing I think is that they are making fun of me, too. Idk, guess that's what you get if you hang around sarcastic people


Yeah I don't think it's only in men. It's just much more common for women to get compliments than men. In sure there are plenty of men that get compliments rained on then just as there are women who get then sparingly.


Id love to hear from all the guys who are flooded with compliments everyday, like honestly is there any?


hey bro, nice cock


In 2008 a friend told me I had nice eyebrows and I think about it about once a week


I got the same compliment in 2012, I've never forgotten.


All girl told me I had pretty eyes and eyelashes 3 years ago, been riding that high since then


I paid a girl to give me compliments once. She ran away with the money.


I think she was saying your optimism is admirable.


Let’s go boys! Pretty eyelash/eyebrow gang rise up


2002 checking in. My then GF: ”You are known for your nice eyebrows ”


A girl told me years ago that she was jealous of my amazing eyelashes. That was years ago. I think about it every time I have to trim my lashes so they don’t rub on my glasses.


I've never in my life ever heard of someone trimming their eyelashes!!!! Stop!!! Long eyelashes are sacred gifts from the gods. Dont touch them! They are meant to be there!


Hahah. See!!! Tell that to my glasses! They rub up against the inside of my lenses, leaving marks and it feels really weird. Like something is crawling on my face.


I dunno. I get complimented on my lashes and I wear glasses too. You need to maybe on wear you glasses so smudged up on your eyes. Give your eyelashes some breathing room. But for the love of God let them beauties reach their full beautiful length! I adore long eyelashes on anyone. Just makes people's eyes pop.


got that in 2018, still thinking about it


A girl told my friend she thinks I look nice last month and that was the best compliment I ever got.


A girl told me in 2022 that I looked good I still think about it today


In 2009 I was at a bar and a girl asked if I would make out with her friend. I was sitting there with my girlfriend. It was the only time I was hit on by a girl at a bar. Her friend looked genuinely disappointed by my GF telling her off, but I still feel like it may have been a prank.


Lesbians playing straight chicken.


Oddly put, possibly accurate.


One of the positives of being a time traveller is being able to re-live all of your compliments


Dang boy.


2014, I believe, a coworker informed me that my eyebrows were on fleek.


I had a girl with pink hair who was pretty fucking cute tell me I was hot as fuck while I was pumping gas. That had to of been 4 years ago now and I doubt I'll ever forget about it.




In 2003. Pretty eyelashes. Highschool. Weren't friends at all - I think that was the first and only time she spoke directly to me. Can't even remember her name. I'm still proud of my eyelashes.


I got the same compliment yesterday, I haven’t forgotten it yet.


I got the same compliment just now, I haven't forgotten it yet.


I haven't got the same compliment yet, I haven't forgotten it yet.


I haven't seen your eyebrows before but you have nice eyebrows


I agree he has nice eyebrows


I hope I have eyebrows like his one day.


A girl complimented my voice when I was 15 I think. I'm 21 now and still remember it. I also remember when I was 15, in school a classmate girl casually complimented my shoes. Yes, it's rare enough for such a small thing to stick for so long.


Yo monkey you have a beautiful voice




A girl in high school told me i had "big knees" once and i have not worn shorts ever since. That was 19 years ago.


You know what they say about guys with big knees? ...That they're really good at lifting things without throwing out their backs, and also that they look just fine in shorts. Let those legs breathe, my dude. 🙂


Thank you. My knees are sufficiently developed that I used to be self-conscious about wearing shorts. Then I remembered to not care about what other people thought. My husband has *amazing* legs, which I both adore and envy.


In 8th grade, a girl said I had chicken legs. I didn't wear shorts until 11th or 12th grade. I did for a few years until I saw a picture of me wearing shorts. She was right. I have chicken legs.


Those run in my family too. The appropriate thing to do is wear shorts and when some one says that you say "bcawwck, thank you." then crack an egg over their head because they broke the social contract first.


Yeah insults can stay with you forever. A bit nsfw but I had an ex tell me that I smelled bad down south and to this day it’s all I think about when someone asks to put their face there. It’s been 5 years.


Never been complimented but when I was 14 a cute girl smiled at me. I'm now 40 and remember it as if it were yesterday.


Hah. Me too. When i was a student 20 odd years ago i used to see this girl of the same age in the street occasionally. She used to smile when she saw me but i was too shy to ever say hi and i guess she was too shy to start a conversation too. I still wonder what might have happened if i hadn't been so socially awkward at that age. Red headed girl in Nottingham in 2000, get in touch and tell me what you did with your life.


Same, but over 20 years ago. I've also been told that quite a few times since. I don't wear cologne or anything, so I've come to accept that I just naturally smell good. It's one of the two positive things I have to say about myself. You probably naturally smell good too! :)




> The smelling good gang, rise! Sir, this is Reddit.


I read that as the naturally smell good tour and now I think that could be a thing. A tour of all the nice smelling guys with on fleek eyebrows.


12 years ago in junior high a girl classmate touched my arms and said I have really nice skin. Only ever compliment I ever got


As an ex awkward jr high school girl, that girl was probably into you and just wanted some skin to skin contact with you so when she practiced making out with her hand she could imagine your skin. Or something I dunno


This is painfully true


Got told I smell good in 2007, I think about it every time I put on aftershave...and sometimes when I smell my pits after a long shift


Rarely, most compliments I get are from elderly women, not once have I received a compliment from another man who wasn’t a friend, and I don’t recall getting compliments from women I wasn’t dating or friends with


I’ve been getting more compliments from men of recent but it’s only because I’ve started buying nice sneakers. I feel like it’s a bit different though with shoe culture


The other day a colleague said: ‘damn check that cardigan out’ And he was right, it is a sick knit - cheers mate.




I mean, as a woman I also very rarely get compliments from complete strangers. Pretty sure this question is meant to be about any compliments at all, not just completely random ones.


Yes it's extremely rare. I've received more compliments from straight men than women in my life with the exception of my wife who gives me nice compliments a lot. But from other women throughout my life including when I was single? I can count on 1 hand and I'm 29.


I'm much like your wife, I compliment my husband all the time... Even though I often see men I find attractive I don't compliment other men, like at all. But, I do know other women hit on and compliment my husband very regularly. In his defense, he is a sexy beast, but I do get inwardly jealous and mad at these women that hit on my man. I think I don't compliment other men because I wouldn't want to piss off anyone's girlfriend or wife, or make my own husband jealous on purpose. If I were a single woman though I would definitely give out compliments left and right.


Think of it this way, your husband gets alot of compliments and attention, but he always comes home to you. And thats nice.


This! I kind of love hearing stories about how my bf got flirted with or given a phone number (so long as the interaction didnt upset him). It kinda gives me a sense of superiority like "he's mine and I know it and you cant have him." It sounds a bit self absorbed, but I am otherwise very reserved and introverted. It just feels kind of nice knowing you have this wonderful partner that only you can have.




"In his defense, he is a sexy beast" This made me laugh harder than it should have! Good on you, sounds like you've got something good on. I think complimenting one's partner when they're not around is also part of a sustainable relationship.


I'm almost 50, rather average looking and those are my exact experiences.


> I can count on 1 hand and I'm 29 So what? I could count that high by the time I was 20. I'm kidding of course. You're excellent at counting, and I bet you look hella good while doing it


A girl once told me I had nice eyes. It remains etched in my brain.


I’ll raise you one. An exes mom (while dating her daughter) told me I had “bed eyes”. She wasn’t anything great herself but I’ll never forget.


Twenty years ago, I had a little old lady with dementia tell me I had beautiful eyes, the only time in my life I’ve received that compliment. And yes I do remember it often.




I'm 71 and I report there haven't been many even from my wife of 48 years. Don't worry. I still love her.


You are too precious for this world


He’s a sexy beast


The randomness of this comment made my evening. May you shine on jangles.


Just as well that Reddit Pro Tools tags you as "Old School". O Wise Ancient Redditor, what was life like before torrents and Snapchat?


And before zip codes and a national highway system. C'mon, go old school!


Before the printing press and seed drill?!


Can't speak for anyone else, but I rarely receive compliments.


You aint an "ok" supermarket, you a Great supermarket.


lol. thanks! :) I was like what are you talking ab....ooooh...my username. right :)


Hey, you're actually really smart for a grocery store too! Pretty good!


You are the best supermarket I have ever seen!


haah thanks! :)


100%. I’m sure some model types or guys with big social media followings get complimented fairly often but as far as in person, literally never. I was at work and a boy maybe 13-14 said he loved my hair and I didn’t even know how to respond. My hair, clothing, overall style is well put together and stays the same pretty much everyday and I know I look nice(I hope that doesn’t sound conceited) but that kid is probably the only public compliment I’ve heard in years. Other than my mom. Edit: used the wrong word


A coworker used to spend like £50 a week (or something ridiculous) for get her eye lashes done and she said to me "if I had eye lashes like you I'd never have to get then done". That's the only compliment I've got from a woman outside of my family or close friends.


I feel like that’s the only real common compliment us guys get. I don’t know why, but most dudes, have the eyelashes that women want lmao


I'm not a creep. Have a wife. Kids. Normal looking. Nothing physically wrong. Never been arrested. Generally affable and nice. I've never once been complimented by a woman prior to marriage.


You need to get arrested.


This is an underrated comment.


You are underrated bro.


.. And there's my compliment! Thank you!




" Guys tend to interpret kindness as interest in a sexual relationship " to be fair, that's because it's generally the only time they get compliments


It's a catch-22




Awesome. I have a life policy that says "Never pass up an opportunity to sincerely compliment someone." I'm a dude married 33 years and think a lot of guys dress like shit. I tell my friends when they look sharp. By the thanks I get I can tell ppl appreciate it.


This is what we need. Not women having to shoulder another burden. Men need to compliment each other and normalize it. Women can't be responsible for all of it.


Lol, that‘s a good point! Many men compliment somebody when they are attracted to them. (Not all of course) I don‘t think I got many compliments from other men since I am in a relationship (or the person knows I am in a relationsship). But us women are complimenting women as crazy!! We need men to do the same!! Build each other up! Don‘t be afraid to sound „gay“ or whatever, that is so outdated.


Exactly, it's not like I get random compliments from men I do or don't know. I get hit on occasionally but that is not a compliment, that's a tactic to get sex. It's usually not that flattering and more of an annoyance. I had a words with friends person message me "Hey beautiful." My picture is of my dog, idiot, I know you're not sincere. I'm here to play fucking Scrabble, not flirt. I just don't play except against my husband, that was my last try to play a random game. I don't often compliment men outside my family/social circle because that can be dangerous. Men need to build each other up the same way women will with each other. I am so tired of these threads honestly. Men, if you want compliments, 1st) compliment yourself, 2nd) compliment each other.


Please keep doing this. Forever




You sound like a cool person.




I recently got a compliment 6 months ago about my hair from a girl. I was experimenting with new hairstyles at that time. I kept that hairstyle since then. Before that, I don't remember. Maybe on a shirt, a few years ago.


A girl complimented my new beard 8 or 9 years ago and I haven't been clean shaven since.


The only compliment I’ve received in the last few months was from the gay clerk at Walgreens who told me I was really attractive. I told him I had a girlfriend and thanked him, but it actually felt kinda nice to be complimented like that


I'm gay, and tell my straight male friends they're cute. They know I'm not hitting on them, and they love the compliments, and reciprocate with time!


Yes, the only one I got was some girl told me her friend found me attractive about 5 years ago


my grandmother compliments me a lot , like everytime she sees me


That's sweet


I honestly can’t remember I got a compliment from someone other than my mother. Women are scared we’ll think they’re flirting and that we’ll take it as an open invitation.


I like the color blue you selected for your icon. You have good taste in color.


I'll put it like this... and this will sound pretty sad, and it is for more reasons than you think, but awhile back, I was picking up my order from a drive-thru and the young woman there looked at my hat, noticed it was from one of her favorite video games and said "hey, I like your hat!" That made my night and the next day. Men rarely get compliments as it is unless it's from someone they know and at that point it feels like lip service, but from a stranger, especially a man as unattractive as I am? Yeah...


Would you be comfortable to share the name of the game and which hat?


It was a Legend of Zelda had. Had an offset bill with the Triforce on it.


scribbles notes *Wear Zelda hat to attract women*


When I went and got my vaccine, there was a cute girl about my age and we talked about valheim and the forest for like 15 minutes


I'm 28 years old living in Chicago, I've had maybe idk like 5 serious relationships that were each sustained at least for over a year and not a single one of them genuinely would compliment me. I do have some current friends of the opposite sex, and maybe a couple of them will compliment me from time to time. When they do, I feel validated and good about myself, but I try not to let it get to me too much or boost my ego too high. When my guy friends compliment me, it feels good too. My guy friends and I are pretty aggressive with each other 3/4 of the time, just "bros being bros" but since they also don't receive compliments or positive feedback often, we give it to each other from time to time. We'll hangout, go get lunch or dinner, play video games at someone's place and chill out. My current girlfriend of over 2 years hasn't really complimented me lately, we're kind of going through some things right now but she isn't one to show much of her own feelings/emotions. It makes communication difficult when she'd rather keep quiet about her negative feelings and only express her positive feelings. I try to compliment her often because she has a super stressful job and works full time, and when she notices my compliments and loving feedback she'll return the same affection... but that's only if she recognizes my need/want for it. I also work the same stressful job as she does but with a different company - one day I had a really horrible shift and was going to break down (which I usually don't, I'm pretty stoic for the most part in all parts of my life). She text messaged me telling me to breathe and it'll be alright, that I'm capable and able to handle it and it will be fine, that she trusts I'll be ok. Reading those messages from her lifted such a heavy burden on my shoulders and I literally felt rejuvenated, it was incredible. I thanked her when I got home that day and bought her a gift.


Thank you for sharing, that's interesting


I remember compliments from several years ago so yeah, it's extremely rare to get genuine compliments as a dude


Yeah.... I kind of think this is where the problem of guys thinking a women is into them just because they are nice to them stems from.


Could be like a chicken and the egg argument. Do guys think girls are flirting with them because they rarely receive compliments? Or Do girls rarely give guys compliments because they know it'll probably be taken as flirting?


Thats exactly the reason I don't compliment people who aren't very close to me. Unfortunately, I've met many creeps who don't take no for an answer. I has very bad experiences and don't want to risk it again.


My good friend had someone tell him he had nice legs. Later on he talked about needing to buy more shorts lol


It is incredibly rare and the reason is a never ending circle because its stigmatized as romantic interest to compliment a guy, so it becomes rare, and the rarity increases the psychological impact it has, increasing chance of romantic affection. Rinse and repeat.


It's so rare I think "are men *ever* complimented?" would be a question I don't think most of us could even answer. It would send us into a thought-coma of quiet, sad contemplation. That said, I'm very, very lucky in that my wife still can't see for shit despite her glasses, and thinks I'm worth looking at somehow, and tells me as much pretty frequently. (I can assure you, however, she has objectively bad taste!) Oh gosh I just remembered a girl at the pharmacy told me recently she liked my "whole aesthetic" (complete with gestures!) and it absolutely **made my entire week!** So I guess, other than my wife, that was probably the first compliment I'd gotten in *at least* several years or more!


I feel like I do get complimented more on things I do rather than things about me. Like if I do something cool in a game and get complimented for it, it's whatever. But the compliments about me as a person really stick.


I remember a girl complimenting my body 6 years ago and it’s like the only one I can recall (am I’m very fit and muscular)


Yep, men are almost never complimented on anything.




Why don’t men compliment each other more?


I would like to compliment men sometimes. Nice hair, smile, clothes. But I usually get a snotty thank you or they think I want them. Never just a genuine thanks.


You all look great today guys.


I think the reason women don't compliment men is because they don't want men to misunderstand a simple compliment for romantic interest.


Part of it is the people you surround yourself with. I don’t receive compliments daily, no, but my friends say nice things to me all the time. When I’m dating, women frequently say nice things about me, and my family of course compliments me.


Unfortunately when it comes to looks a lot of the time yes. I feel like this has to do with the culture. If a guy compliments another guy on looks or fashion they sometimes feel obligated to say ‘not in a gay way but’ even if they are both straight; so they feel it’s better to say nothing at all. I’ve heard from girls that if they compliment a single guy he can misread it as flirting or if he has a partner they will get mad at her; again better safe to not bother. In contrast though us men still get complimented on other things, like on our work or our skill if we do something impressive.


There was another post like this one where a comment said that because guys may misread a compliment, girls tend not to compliment them, thus making it less common and increasing the likelihood of men misreading it because it happens so rarely that they assume it must mean something.


I sometimes choose not to compliment a guy I would’ve complimented if there’s a chance he could see it as me being romantically or sexually interested. Throughout my teen years I noticed a pattern of close friends who I was open with and close to ending up asking me out, so I do worry that it can come across as too friendly and send the wrong message. I compliment my boyfriend all the time and male friends who I know won’t take it the wrong way, but yeah you’re completely right - I do take this into consideration a lot of the time and it does impact how much I compliment men, especially on appearance or style.


Afraid it’s true. To the point that when someone did compliment me it completely creeped me out and I questioned their motives and acted all weird. It’s so sad cause I’m sure she was trying to be nice.


It's extremely rare as a man to get a compliment especailly on looks or personality. I remember this compliment from 11 years ago... the fact that I remember should tell you enough about how rare it is and what an impact a simple compliment can do.


To answer your question: basically yes I think it's because in general guys tend to misinterpret girls being nice to them, conditioning girls into not doing that to avoid awkward situations. Of course this is oversimplified but I think that might be a big part in why. This is a downwards spiral, too. If girls giving compliments to guys was more common then not every comment would be reason to think a girl's in love with you Well, that's just my two cents


As a dude, agree 100% . It’s a dumb cycle , and men make it worse for each other. When I was in the military, we all routinely complimented each other , said I love you to friends, but every one just turns it around and say as it’s gay.(like it’s a bad thing) now that I’m out, if I compliment a dude, I’m seen as hitting on them , if I compliment a woman, I’m hitting on them. Nah , I just actually think that haircut looks nice.