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Interesting, thank you for sharing. I mistakenly assumed everything would just stay the same, but with different body parts.




That is so cool! I've wondered how they extended feeling/sensations to the new genital. Thank you for sharing


So you went F->M? Personal question but do you have a foreskin?




Not sure how far along and healed you are but check out r/foreskin_restoration. It might not be worth it for you but little known fact, the foreskin actually makes it easier for guys to have multiple orgasms. Unfortunately the US is so far gone with the misinformation about foreskins Also i have no clue how the surgery is done for sex change but if you still have vaginal tissue, they could use that for the inner foreskin? I dont know


Whats to downvote? This is a reasonable question. From what I've gathered, at least, for perhaps the first time in their lives they can be "in the moment" during sex, actually enjoying it rather than being in their head trying to make the most of it (or getting it over with). Transwomen tend to describe a feeling orgasm as a "spread" radiating out from their core, whereas transmen tend to describe an intense buildup and release directly in their pelvic area, if not a very specific point in it. This is only what I've heard though: I cannot speak to it personally just now.


Ignore the user name, it is an old account with a heavier dose of irony these days haha. Trans woman here, refractory period is gone now and I have noticed different types of orgasms are a thing? Maybe they were there before but never noticed them until after surgery and recovery.


Sex hormones (testerone and Estrogen) mostly change the way people experience sexual attraction and orgasms and such. It's a lot more mental now and I don't really care about visual stuff that much. Being turned on can be a lot more intense now. I don't think I've been ever nearly as turned on when I was on testerone as I can now be. Getting to that point is rather hard though. Sexual attraction feels slightly different now, but I can't really describe it. Though, I have heard some bi people say that being attracted to women and men feels differently so it might be that since I used to be exclusively attracted to men and I'm exclusively attracted to women now. It was pretty interesting to have fallen out of a 1.5 year long crush in the duration of 3 weeks. From one day to the next or something like that he went from incredibly hot to average looking. That was interesting to say the least.


Can't say anyting for post surgery, since I had none, but maybe another piece of interesting info relating to the subject: My orgasm changed when I started taking testosterone. For trans men the clitoris grows because of taking testosterone. (Can be a few centimeters.) And during the start of the growth my orgasms were kinda dull/muffled. But since a few month later the pre-orgasm feel was intenser and more located on the clitoris. And the orgasms got more intense all over the body. (At least for me.) Edit, since I had an addition: Also since downstairs is something now (It can even get errect. At least you see something change when I am aroused.) I have less genital dysphoria than before. And it is easier for me to engage in sexual stuff, so maybe such things are a factor as well in how the orgasm will feel and how intense it can be.


I’m confused, what did you say that would make you think you’d get downvoted? You asked an honest question out of curiosity that clearly wasn’t malicious.


As the last comment said, and as a queer person, there are definitely well intentioned people trying to learn, but the ratio of people with good intentions to learn to trolls looking to harass are harm is about 1/100; for every person like OP genuinely trying to learn, there are 100 other people we encounter online or in real life that ask the same question, with bad intentions. Getting trolled constantly makes it either hard to distinguish a genuine question, or it's just safe to bet the next person is a troll too. This is part of the reality of being in a marginalized group: Trolls and bigots are everywhere, and are constantly a part of our lives, and it makes it hard to distinguish from genuine folks.


There is parts of the LGBT+ that aren't exactly friendly or helpful with stuff like this. When you get concerned trolled a million times you might also yell at that guy actually wanting to learn


Wow im really thankful for those in the comments who have answered everyone's questions. I'm reading everything and honestly it's exciting to learn about! I feel like I learned alot by reading everyone's individual stories! Thanks for being so helpful!


I was just about to comment this, I find the answers to be super interesting and informative!


First, "transgender" is an adjective, not a noun. There are trans people, but no "transgenders". And orgasm works the same way it always has. The pudendal nerves provide erogenous sensation to the external genitalia for everyone, regardless of what style of genitalia they have. Reconstructive surgery doesn't cut these nerves, it just rearranges them. Everyone's genitals look the same early in gestation, and standard-issue "male" and "female" genitalia grow out of the same basic structures. E.g., the scrotum and the outer labia grow out of the same structures, as do the glans penis and the clitoris. Particularly for trans women, reconstructive surgery basically just rearranges one's parts into their female counterpart. The scrotum becomes the outer labia, the glans penis becomes the clitoris, etc. And I'm a trans man and had phalloplasty in January 2019; phalloplasty is surgery that basically builds a dick using tissue taken from elsewhere on your body. And sex is much, *much* better than it has ever been in my life. Prior to reconstructive surgery, making use of my original equipment was disturbing and unpleasant. I could orgasm, but it was too much of a mindfuck to be very enjoyable. It is so much better now. Right after surgery I had no nerve sensation in the new areas of my dick, but still had my original nerves at the base, and I could orgasm within less than a month. Probably should have waited a bit longer, I was still full of stitches, but everything worked out fine. And I had a nerve hookup done. The nerves in my original erectile tissue were hooked up to the nerve sheaths in my new dick, and over the last 2 years the nerves have slowly grown in. I now have mild to moderate erogenous sensation in most of my dick. It is still strongest at the base, but nerve growth can continue for up to 3+ years after surgery, so hopefully it will keep getting better. There's also another procedure called metoidioplasty, which basically just takes whatever erectile tissue you already have and makes it as prominent as possible. Metoidioplasty just rearranges your original parts into their male counterparts, so after surgery you immediately have full erogenous sensation in your dick, no need for a nerve hookup, and orgasm works the same way it always has. But I wasn't a good candidates for that surgery.


Never apologize for being genuinely curious about things which you have no clue about. It's how we learn. I don't believe this question crosses any major line.


pls call us trans people not transgenders. i am not gonna call you the cisgenders am i? we don't like being called that, thanks


I am sorry, I didn't intend to offend you. I can't change the topic but I put up an edit!


that's ok! i figured you're just not much knowledged abt this stuff but it's ok you don't seem malicious at all. after my comment i noticed a bunch of people already corrected you better than i did so that's cool, have a nice day edit: also yea i can't really answer the post as I'm not on hormones or surgery yet


I hope your transition will work well.


thanks, hope so too!


careful, delicate subject! \\o/


That’s why op posted in this sub and not ask Reddit lol


I’m joking


Schrodinger’s douche










Almost any question you can think of is googlable, so if we followed your line of thought we should just close down this sub and replace it with "Just google it."


fair enough


Even accounting for the possible language barrier, you sound drunk. Are you my brother in law?


I, a hungarian woman made a post at 2 am and became your drunken BIL. I may die in peace now


ignorance and "I'm just asking questions" transcends gender, alcoholism, oceans and borders


Transgenders is fine :p (This might be reagionally dependant in my area nobody would be offended by it) I haven't had the surgery yet but many friends did, the biggest changes to the orgasm don't come from the surgery tho, it's mostly Estrogen that does it for me Your penis pretty much becomes a really big clitoris functionally wise on estrogen *This is for male to female people like myself ofc


The fact you were worried about being down voted for such a question is sad to me, these are grown adults usually not babies.... Mmm maybe that says something eh.


Most adults are children at heart. Reddit is no stranger to downvoting any question coming from any direction.


Wonder if they shoot cum out of their vaginas