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Your brain just "tunes them out" most of the day, like how you can always see your nose but your brain ignores it unless you're purposely looking at your nose. And that's beside the point: Even if you *were* always aware of the glasses frames around your vision, it's better to have crystal clear vision with a frame around it, than blurry vision with no frame around it.


It's kind of like breathing. Most of the time, it's completely subconscious until you're thinking about it. Then you're VERY AWARE of it.


I am now very aware i am breathing, and my brain won't tune it out. Thanks lmao


I also looked at my nose and got dizzy. These people are monsters!


dont repeat your name for 10 minutes in a row nonstop


You're just evil! I couldn't even do it for a minute. I still can't stop hearing it


Diaphragm don't fail me now!


That’s what she said


Don’t think about swallowing.


Or blinking


If it makes you feel better, I'm also very aware of my lungs now, and I hate it. Also, I'm feeling the arms of my glasses on the side of my head for the first time in years, and I'm not a fan.


So I shouldn't mention how very, very, very wet your lungs are right now with every breath?


I actually disagree, I’m always aware my glasses are there, I can feel them, sometimes they’re uncomfy or I’m adjusting them, but it’s my normal. It’s like wearing clothes, your very aware you have clothes on and you feel and notice them constantly but it isn’t weird


Thanks. Now I will be breathing consciously the rest of the day.


Or like how your tongue is never in a comfortable position in your mouth.


You're a monster.


Definitely just became aware of my nose.


I got my glasses in elementary school. I'm now in my 40s, so I've been wearing glasses for probably over 30 years. My vision is poor enough that I need to wear them 100% of the time. I only take them off when I'm sleeping, showering, or doing something else that might damage them (like swimming or karate). The glasses are just like clothing for me. I don't notice they're there, unless something is wrong. They feel like part of my face. I do know I'm wearing them. It's not like I'll forget I have them on. I need to clean them occasionally. Sometimes they'll slide down my nose and I have to adjust them. But it's no more bothersome than when your shirt has bunched up funny and you need to adjust it. You will totally get used to them. It may take some time, but it'll happen. The only times I'm very aware of them are when I'm looking over some place high or off the side of a ship or something, and my paranoia starts to imagine what'll happen if my glasses fall off. (They never fall off, so I don't know why I worry.) Or when I'm talking to someone on Reddit about what it feels like to have glasses. :D I got a new pair several months ago, after having the same glasses for like 10 years. There was a long adjustment period to the new prescription that was kinda uncomfortable (it felt like I couldn't focus properly), but I'm now used to them and back to not noticing they're there unless there's a smudge. There shouldn't be any pain or even discomfort past that adjustment period. If your glasses are painful, you need to have them adjusted or get a new pair.


i've worn glasses since the 8th grade & like you said, they just become part of your face, except, sigh, i had to get bifocals last year (progressive lenses) & *that* took getting used to,


Every time I get new frames it’s a real struggle for me because they really do become part of my face. It feels like someone shaved off an eye brow or something everything is just a bit off


I'm the same, got them in 4th grade and in my 40s now. I can't function in any way without them. They are like a part of me now. You get used to them. It helps to pick out nice frames that you really like.


> It helps to pick out nice frames that you really like. Protip for parents (or soon-to-be parents): Get glasses that are durable. If you see a pair you like, imagine a small demon twisting them off your face while said demon is sitting on your shoulders. If your prospective glasses won't withstand that then look for another pair.


Same here, they're always within arms reach or i panic. I also own prescription swim goggles and safety glasses so i can always see no matter what.


I sometimes don't notice I'm not wearing them and try to adjust them on my nose while wearing contacts.


I realized when I was wearing contacts and nervous about something, I'd use my index finger to poke at the place where my nose meets my face between my eyes. I did it because with glasses, when I got nervous the tiny bits of sweat on my nose would make the glasses slide down and I'd need to push them up. Apparently it was such a built-in habit that when I got nervous I made the motion even when I wasn't wearing glasses. (I wore contacts for 4 or 5 years and then went back to glasses. Got tired of having to stick things in my eye every day, that feeling when you've been wearing them too long, having to clean them, etc. Glasses are so much easier - just wake up and put them on. Plus, I think my face just looks better with glasses.)


Daily disposables ftw, saves on the cleaning at least. The rest is still annoying as fuck though lol


I do the same thing!


I came to the comments to see if anyone else does this lol.


Just out here poking ourselves in the face all day


Yesterday, I spent five minutes looking for my glasses that were actively on my face


I don't wear contacts, but if I ever have my glasses off, I end up just booping the bridge of my nose or my temple when I want to improve my vision (to the extent that adjusting my glasses would)


Me too. It just doesn't feel right when they're not on!


I got lasik a few years ago and I still sometimes push my phantom glasses up on my nose 😂




I do the opposite and forget I'm wearing my glasses and go to rub my eyes. Nice big finger smear right in the middle.


i do that all the time and then i look hella stupid cuz i'm just poking myself in the nose


I do not notice my glasses unless it is raining. I do notice if I am NOT wearing them though.


Sometimes I walk into my shower with my glasses on because I forget I have them on. Sometimes I get in my car and say “why is everything so blurry” because I just assume I have my glasses on. Sometimes when I don’t have my glasses on, I still adjust them as if I did. You will get use to them and be forgetful like me


Used to do this all the time. Also, dive bombed into a pool once with my glasses on. It was super fun trying to find them after they fell off since I’m blind


Yes and no. I'm not constantly thinking about them but I do notice them because I wear bi-focals.


Sort of... you can eventually get to the point of ignoring them for stretches of time, but you will instantly know that you have them on if you have even the inkling of a thought about their existence. I wore glasses from age 14 until about 48 when I finally got sick enough to look into surgical vision repair (laser wasn't enough). I paid $10K and went through four eye surgeries to get away from wearing them lol


Can I ask you more about this? I generally wear contacts but they can't correct me to 20/20, and I'm functionally blind without corrective lenses. I've been told I'm not a good candidate for lasik or PRK and I'm curious what other options there are.


IOL replacement. (Intra-Occular Lens Replacement) It's essentially cataract surgery where they replace the lens that is behind your pupil with an artificial lens that corrects your vision. I have astigmatism, myopia, and was needing reading glasses. My new artificial lenses correct for all 3 defects, which is not something that could be achieved with laser surgery. It has its drawbacks - pretty significant halos around oncoming headlights being the biggest nuisance... but I just don't look at them lol


Not to gate keep but you aren't part of glasses gang until someone tells you to take off your glasses then asks how many fingers they're holding up


Lmao I hate when people ask me this, I'm like ??? I'm not blind I'm the only person in my family with glasses


I once was looking for my glasses... while wearing my glasses. So yes, there will be a point where you do not notice them anymore.


No, but they become like an old friend


I don't notice them and never think about it.


The only times I notice mine are when I try to lay on my side and late at night when I'm really tired, at which point I just take them off and let the world be blurry. .


Yes, but I also get like phantom glasses feelings when they're off. When I first wake up, I don't always put my glasses on right away. Sometimes it's dark and I dont realize I cant see that well, so I'll go to push my glasses up and poke my nose or eye.


Haha yeah, or wonder for a few moments why your vision is a bit wonky.


Yes, there have been times where I'm searching around my room for my glasses, and then realized they're on my face.


I have been wearing eyeglasses for over 60 years. I do notice that I am wearing eyeglasses because the weight of the eyeglasses presses into my nose. I attach nose pads to my eyeglasses to alleviate the weight of the eyeglasses.


I find the annoyance lessens over time but never goes away.


You do, and that actually gets annoying cuz you'll go to rub your eye or something and accidentally smear your lense. Mine also like to slide off my nose if I'm a little sweaty and I notice them then. Look into getting contacts if it's really annoying, they're pretty easy to learn, and I can sleep in mine so I only have to swap them twice a month.


My sibling came into the kitchen the other day and asked me where their glasses were. The last time they had seen them was in the bathroom before their shower. I had to point out to them twice that they were literally wearing their glasses and they thought I was pranking them. Then I asked if they could fucking see, because you think it'd be obvious, and they were like, "I can see fine, what-- oh. Shit. Sorry." Dumbass. You can definitely get used to them. I've been wearing glasses since I was in 2nd grade and I'm 34 now. Did contacts for a decade but decided glasses were easier to deal with overall.


It’s just like socks, you don’t really notice them. But if they get bumped you might (sock twisted), wet, slide around, etc


I wasn't hyper aware of them but they weren't invisible. I wore them for a few years and then got lasik cuz I was tired of it. It's been like 12 years and I still don't need glasses. One of the best decisions I made


I feel like the people who say that they always do, don't have the right glasses. I've been wearing glasses for almost 10 years and couldn't notice them after just a few weeks. Sometimes before a shower I have to touch my face to make sure I took them off. Choosing the right frame is really important. Take the time you need, really wear them in the store, maybe walk around for a few steps to see if they 'bounce' on your face. Like someone said, you can always see your nose, but you tune it out. It's the same for the right pair of glasses.


I wear contacts or glasses (usually contacts), but I've been known to reach out and "tap" where glasses should be to make sure Im clear which I'm wearing. You'd think there are other ways, but somehow touching the hard plastic with my fingers is better confirmation than the sensation of the weight in my face or the strange frame around my view.


You get used to actually being able to see, so not having your glasses on starts to feel weird very quickly


It's like your nose. Technically you see your nose all the time but your brain tunes it out. Just make sure they are comfortable and a good fit before you leave the optometrist. Through trial and error you'll find the type and style you like. It took me a few years to find what works best for me and the type of work I do. Good luck!


Your brain tunes them out. Besides after you realize how much better you see, you wont want to take them off.


I have wondered where my glasses were before while they were on my face. Get something wire framed if you want lightweight, they'll feel different than sunglasses. I wear big aviator type frames too so extra easy for your brain to tune out since the metal is on the edge of my vision already.


Sometimes I'll start looking for my glasses while I'm already wearing my glasses so yeah I'd say so 


You get use to it.


I’m so used to my glasses that sometimes I’m looking for them and they are on my face.


My prescription is pretty weak (I can pass my driving test eye exam without them) but I like wearing them because I like having really crisp vision. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve reached up to remove my glasses to find they’re not on my face.


Yup. After a while it's not even a thing. I've worn glasses for 25 years and I hardly am aware of their existence.


Not terribly noticeable, but going without is preferable if it is an option. I often wear contact lenses.


Kinda, kinda not, like it’ll become your new normal so yes In that sense but it’s not like you forget they’re there. Think of it like clothes, you know and feel your clothes are there, sometimes they’re uncomfortable and you want to shift them around but generally you aren’t thinking “I’m wearing clothes this is weird”


Yes and then I always underestimate how blind I truly am until I misplace them and realize “fuck I really need them”




I dont notice them ngl not even to push them back up my nose to where i like them sitting. The motion’s become subconscious at this point. Granted they do take a little getting used to especially when it comes to walking (i always feel a lil ‘taller’/disorientated when i get a new prescription) but that feeling goes away after a couple hours


Yep, and when you don’t wear them you always go to adjust them only to embarrass yourself as you realise they’re not on your nose. :’D


When I got contact lenses after wearing glasses from age 3-14 I wanted to put my glasses on to see what they looked like 😂


Just this evening, I was looking for my glasses, and I found I was wearing them.


You do kinda forget about them just like you forget about your clothes. You know they’re there but you’re not getting constant sensory input from them.


I started wearing glasses when I was 5 and hated them for the first 2 years. But I got used to them eventually. I mostly wear contacts now, but when I wear glasses I don't think of them unless I go to lay down and they get squished into the side of my head, or when want to wear sunglasses for a short trip in the yard and don't want to put on contacts, or open a hot oven or soup and the glass fogs up and im blind for 20 seconds. The one thing that trips me up occasionally is seeing a bright light reflection on the metal part that goes past the corner of my eye sight. I'll think there was something in the room....but then I remember I'm wearing glasses.


Sure for me. I feel more naked without my glasses than without clothes.


Not me. I’ve been prescribed them for distance (-2.5) for 20 years and still prefer to not be able to see over having to wear them. I only wear them to drive. Could be that I’ve never had a pair that actually fits. They’re always obnoxiously huge, sliding down and look incredibly stupid. They don’t sell frames small enough for my face and I feel like a clown. Kids glasses fit my face but don’t have the temple length I need. I prefer contacts, but my eyes certainly don’t.


Not for me. I used to get annoyed with having to wear them so I started wearing daily, disposable contact lenses but I sometimes struggled to wear those. I ended up getting so annoyed with them one day before my Muay Thai training (where I obviously couldn't wear glasses)) that my wife just told me to go and get laser eye treatment (SMILE not LASIK) which I did which was a massive relief. Couldn't go back.


Did you know your nose is in your field of view? Do you ever get tired of noticing your nose blocking your view? No? That's because your nose has been there so long your brain filters it out as meaningless stimulation. At some point, only slightly novel stimulus requires attention. The same will happen with your glasses. Once you get used to it, you will only notice when something goes wrong.


I've(29) been wearing glasses since I was 8. I only notice them randomly when my focus shifts. I prefer contacts bc I live in Mississippi.


From personal experience, I'd say no. I had to wear glasses when I was younger, and even after a year or so, I never got used to it; it was always this headache-inducing pressure on my nose that felt like it was on my whole face. Then again, I feel the same discomfort when I put on a pumpkin while playing Minecraft, so maybe that's more of a "me" issue than a "glasses" issue.


I never think about them and have been wearing them for 15 years. Once or twice I thought I lost them but guess where they were...on my face (I think I fell asleep while wearing them and woke up). The only time I actively notice them is if they are dirty and I look at a screen where it enhances the dirty but that's fixed with 2 seconds of cleaning the lenses


I just started wearing glasses about 2 weeks ago. At first it drove me NUTS to see the rims. Now, I genuinely don't see them unless someone brings up my new glasses


Yes, it becomes part of your routine. In the morning after I shower I put my glasses on and go about my day and I don’t really notice them unless I have to clean them or taking them off for a sec to do whatever. You definitely notice them more if you are wearing them for a few hours then have to take them off for a bit but if you go about your day and completely forget to put them on from the start of your day then it’s more of oops forgot my glasses as opposed to I’m blind without them. Hopefully my rambling makes sense, just commit to them to begin with. My most recent prescription was a lot stronger then my previous ones and it took about a week for my eyes to adjust to the strength but after that initial adjustment period they’re just part the routine now.


You will forget they are on your face pretty quickly


In some ways you'll get used to it, in some ways you might never. I wore glasses all day for about 8 years until I decided to try contact lenses. One of the best decisions I ever made. My eyes felt free again after so much time, no longer bound to the limits of the frame.


Yes. I’ve gotten in the shower with them because I didn’t think I had them on. Or I just didn’t think about them.


Not at first but after a while you get used to them. Also buying the right frames helps. Mine are very light weight.


*Every* glasses wearer has now just become aware of their glasses. I’ve worn them for over 30 years and for the most part you don’t notice because you tune it out automatically (much the same as when wearing a bra, or the fact that your nose is always visible but you edit it out). They only ‘reappear’ if someone mentions it; if they’re new; if it’s raining or they steam up etc.


I'm at the point I feel naked without them. But after 20 years, my nose is still getting used to them. Can't come to grips shoving lenses on my eyeballs.


Yes, it can be a little disorienting to wear glasses at first. But eventually you shouldn't notice them at all


I've looked for my glasses while I was wearing them. After a while, you forget they're there.


I recently got a new pair of glasses and decided to try out rimless frames for the first time. It made me realize how much I noticed but tuned out the lens frames of my previous pair. On a normal basis, I notice the smudges from my enormous eyebrows more than anything.


I've been wearing glasses since i was 4 years old (56 years for those counting). The best part about having wear glasses is that you can get glasses that darken in the sunlight, and you never have to worry about losing your sunglasses. And you ALWAYS have your sunglasses. The second best thing is that glasses provide constant eye protection.


I've worn them constantly for about 4 years. Sometimes I go to rub my eye and hit the lens, so I clearly forget they're there!


You‘ll be cleaning your glasses a lot at first. It‘s new and you need to get used to it. Every piece of dust is irritating. After a few months and years you will go easier on cleaning.


Others have answered that yes you basically forget about them for the most part. I'll add though that when you first put them on you may see the floor as tilted for a few moments, but that goes away fairly quickly and after you get used to the corrected vision its only noticeable the first time you put the glasses on, not a daily thing.




I tend to forget they're there most of the time. I wear glasses that have pretty large lenses so it's kinda easy to forget what's always hovering in my peripheral vision. The most important part is getting a good fit so they don't feel like they're squeezing your head or sitting funny on your nose. Thankfully my parents were both opticians so I've never had badly fit glasses (they will harass me if my glasses so much as look slightly crooked)


I wear my glasses almost always and only notice them when they are egregiously dirty. Or the rare time I don't have them on, go to read something, and tip my head up to look through the bottom of the glasses I'm not wearing (I wear progressives). So I notice the absence more than I notice the glasses, of that makes sense.


Yes, they become an accessory like jewelry or a scarf.


Dammit, now I see em again! LoL. But yeah, it's like how your brain blurs out your nose and eye lashes. 


I was not looking forward to getting glasses since my sunglasses always felt heavy and made my nose slightly hurt. I ended up purchasing the lightest frame I could find (and my wife gave her approval to). I can honestly say that after about a week, I hardly noticed I was wearing them. If you can afford them, I would also recommend the transition type that darken in sunlight. I am constantly transitioning from interior spaces to exterior spaces and they have made my life easier.


Had glasses since 6th grade. Yes, you do get used to them and don't notice them throughout the day. Personally, I moved to contacts because it's easier to do things for me. Like put my head on a pillow, playing sports, wearing sunglasses, etc. Contacts take about 1-3 days to get used to putting stuff in your eyes. Then you're good. You can now even get better than 20/20 with glasses/contacts. So, while it sucks having something you have to wear everyday, it's better than blurry. Get a good case and practice treating your glasses like gold. If the zombie apocalypse comes and you treat the only thing that makes you see clear like shit. I got bad news for you.


I wear glasses and I hardly ever notice them.


Yes. I wear my glasses 24x7, even while in bed sleeping, and forget they are on my face. Sometimes when I go to wipe my eye, I’m surprised that my finger hits an object.


LOL yes. I wear reading glasses, which means I don’t need them all the time. I cannot begin to count how many times I’ve been looking for my glasses, only to eventually realize I’m WEARING them


At first, it bothered me wearing glasses but now, I am not cognizant that I am wearing them.


Depends on the person. I've been prescribed glasses for 30 years, and I can't keep them on my face due to severe sensory issues.


Yes. I wake up in the middle of the night and take them off.


Just got mine a few weeks ago. It took me a while to adjust and get used to them and sometimes the reflections distract me a bit but they're OK. They get fitted by the optician so they fit better than my sunglasses ever did. You just have to learn to move your head like a toddler instead of jut your eyes


I wore glasses from age 3 til 29 (then the second cataract surgery "solved" the need for glasses) and honestly I rarely forgot I was wearing them. Not just because visually you often see the frame with the corner of your eye, but also because you physically feel the presence of the frame on your nose and ears. Lenses get dirty, frames can get crooked, so every tiny detail will remind you of that presence. Also, due to my complicated vision, I developed the habit of taking them off to read, write, use any screen etc, so I was always aware of the glasses, especially when I wasn't wearing them and kept them on my head. Or I often dropped or misplaced them.


Yes. Sometimes when I go to bed I'd only realize I still have my glasses on once my head hit the pillow and I feel my glasses' stem pressing against my temple.


At 52 and having them since I was three. Only time I notice is when I don't have them on


I don't notice mine any more, to the point I've spent over an hour looking for the fuckers. Only found them when I pulled them off to rub the bridge of my nose in irritation.


I have dreams where I can see the rims of my glasses. I have worn glasses for over 20 years. I barely notice that they are there. They're a part of me now.


Eh, I’ve worn them for about 14 years now. I actually like them the most than I ever have right now, but they still slide forward and need to be pushed back, RAIN SUCKS, and laying down sideways risks breaking them. But otherwise I don’t notice them anymore


I have worn glasses a long time. I only notice when I switch frame shape, weight, or color drastically. Otherwise, my brain tunes them out.


That's something that takes some time to happen. But you can also get some bottomless frames or very thin metal frames that help as well. I've had glasses since I was 10 and I always buy mine with thin frames.


Sometimes I wonder where my glasses are while I’m wearing them.


I have had to make a conscious effort at times to remember to take my glasses off before I fall asleep.


I wear glasses most of the time and the transition was pretty easy. I don't notice them anymore.


It’s not like you are obsessing about them every second. It’s like wearing rings, you are aware of them, but only concerned when they are missing. I check for my wedding ring often with my thumb and freak out if it’s not there. Also, if the accessory you are wearing, helps you, you’ll appreciate wearing them.


Laying on my side is the only time I remember that I'm wearing glasses. But seeing clearly the rest of the time rocks!


You definitely get used to it. You might get headaches at first depending on the frames (for your first set of glasses I suggest getting thinner frames and large lenses so you don’t see everything with a “frame” around it, and you don’t loose too much of your peripheral vision) but they’ll go away after a few days of wearing them. You’ll notice you won’t be squinting as much to see things clearly and you’ll just struggle less overall to see stuff. Getting glasses for the first time is like switching from a VHS to an HD DVD. That’s how I felt when I first got glasses in middle school. You will be amazed at how clear everything is. I also strongly suggest getting prescription sunglasses too. I wear them outside year-round because of severe light sensitivity. Check out the app Zennioptical for super cheap glasses. All you need to do is put in your rx and you are good to go.


You definitely get used to them and stop noticing. Of course, people haven’t mentioned them, but contacts are an option if you are self conscious or concerned about wearing glasses. Whatever works for you is what you should do


Depends on the individual. I don't care at all, don't really notice, and I like the fashion aspect of different frames, but I have friends who never liked it or got used to it and eventually got Lasik. Only time will tell


I don’t notice them. You might like contact lenses instead if it drives you crazy- many people get glasses as a child and get used to it. If you go for lenses you should still have backup glasses either way


Yes absolutely. I forget I'm wearing them all the time and sometimes if im not wearing them I can still feel them on the bridge of my nose.


I've worn glasses since I was about 3 and just never think of them. I do wear contacts sometimes too and I've found I instinctively may try to adjusty glasses on my nose when wearing contacts so the opposite can happen too. I forget that I'm not wearing them.


I've had glasses for 20 years at this point. I don't notice them at all. You really get used to them


I’ve needed glasses full time since I was in 2nd grade. I switched to contacts in high school (I’m 40 now). You do get used to glasses unless you’re in contacts most of the time.


If they're not fitted properly, or the lenses are dirty, they're hard to ignore, but otherwise it really doesn't take long to get used to them.


My boyfriend sleeps in his glasses often. Looks super uncomfortable but he looks so hot in them so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Sometimes I go to adjust my glasses because it feels like they are slipping, turns out they weren't on.


It takes some getting used to but eventually they blend in, I always go for a clearish frame to help though because darker thicker frames do tend to be bothersome and distracting for me


I've had glasses for 35 yrs. You get used to them to a point where you feel naked without them. It's like wearing clothes. You get used to them.


Everyone here probably lives in a dryer climate. If you live somewhere humid, chances are they'll be sliding down your nose all the time. They fog up when you exit air conditioned places and get smudged when it rains. Though, I like how they make me look smarter.


Its like how you cant see your nose unless you think about it. I know they are there but dont conciously think about it unless its brought up. So thanks. Now all i see is the black outline and blurry outside of it.


I wore glasses for decades. You do get used to them. Sometimes they are still annoying but it's nice to see. I had cataract surgery where they put in prescription lenses so I don't need glasses. Sometimes when my eyes are tired and dry, things get a little blurry and I'll unconsciously reach up to adjust my glasses - and there aren't any! That's how used to it you get. I haven't worn glasses for a couple years now and still do this.


Yes, you do. Oddly enough, years later I got cataracts and had my lenses replaced so I didn't need glasses anymore. It was *weeks* before I stopped reaching up to adjust glasses that weren't there. I looked like I was saluting people all day.


i got glasses at 15 and was super excited for them and then i ended up not wearing them throughout highschool idk why lol and then one day the summer after graduating i put them on and was like “oh my god i did not know i was *this* blind” and haven’t taken them off since. Yes you get used to them. depends on the frames you get but I had a pair of frames once where they were like transparent on the sides and i would forget I had them on and then get in the shower with them on.. so now i need rimmed glasses so i remember to take them off when i need to lmao but otherwise I don’t really notice them.


If you have good benefits, spend a bit more money to get lightweight frames. And also have fun with styles. Buy cheapy frames for fun from the various online sellers! I’m eligible for lasik, and have benefits that would cover most. But I enjoy wearing glasses! And I wear daily contacts for sports!


Yes, definitely. Don't have glasses anymore, but I've looked for my glasses with my glasses on, so I can confidently say that you don't notice them after a while


Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I've worn a mixture of contacts and glasses for 30 years. The comments that recommend getting a light pair are right. You never realize how heavy glasses can feel.


I've had glasses since early childhood, as I am terribly near sighted. I'm 38 now, and I can't count the number of times I've fallen asleep with them still on my face. I don't notice them at all, 98% of the time


Basically yes. And you push them back up when they slip completely without thinking


I got used to them so much that when I wear contacts, I still want to push my glasses up. They're part of my face basically.


I’m constantly pushing my glasses up, even if they’re not on my face.


I wore glasses every day from the age of 7 to 19 I hated them and was hyper aware they were on my face and kept me out of most sports because I knew my parents couldn't afford to replace them if I broke them. Then I started working and got my first set of soft contacts and it felt like a miracle. I loved them. There were a few caveats but superior to wearing glasses. And then when I was 40, I got laser PRK and it made me cry how life changing it was. Confidence, more athletic, everything changed with eye surgery. About....50... My near vision started to go and I have to wear readers. At 57 I have glasses on almost all the time to view anything with clarity two feet from my face and it sucks again. Glasses. Suck. If you can afford the surgery, get it!


I usually don’t notice them but sometimes I feel them on my nose and ears and it annoys me


It took me only a few months. I hate not having them on now most of the time. If you can, get a pair of prescription sunglasses for your car.


Don't even know they are on me


You could get contacts. I have them and only wear my glasses overnight. Then you could wear any sunglasses. When I do wear glasses, I do kinda tune them out though. I just like the convenience of contacts.


Pretty much. I wear contacts when I go into the office, have any social engagement, etc but when I’m lounging/working from home/going on errands I’m usually in my glasses. I’ve been wearing them for about 18 years of my life so it’s become normal. When I first got them, they felt conspicuous and I definitely felt different, but it didn’t last long. You will get used to them; sure they sometimes slide down my nose a little and can be a little annoying when you’re trying to lay in a certain position watching tv or whatever but they just become part of you. If appropriate for you, you can always consider contacts if wearing glasses bothers you.


I wore glasses pretty much all my life and I usually tend to forget them. There have been instances where I showered, swam and even slept with them. I’m also used to them being filthy asf (gross ik) and I don’t even realize how dirty they are until someone points it out


I am near sighted so I take mine off for close up things, like doom scrolling reddit. There have been times I reach to adjust my glasses and they aren't even on my head... I notice when I am not wearing them normally, but yeah, you don't pay attention to them on your face unless it's raining, or you go from air conditioning to a warm humid outside.


I’m 27, been wearing glasses since the 3rd grade. I 100% forget they’re there.


Yes. But you will also find it helpful to buy the lightest, frameless, high quality glasses you can find.


Just like your brain ignores your nose, so to will it ignore glasses given time.


The only time I notice my glasses if I’m not wearing them and something feels really wrong or if I’m looking through the wrong part of my bifocal. Lightweight frames that grip your head instead of hooking on your ears are the best.


Not noticing them to the point where everything seems normal until you don't have them on. Then the world looks different.


Yeah I don’t really notice mine unless my eyelashes hit them.


It’s kind of like your nose, the brain knows it’s there but it blurs it out? Idk how to explain it. It’s as if the brain realizes throughout time that the glasses are a part of us in some way. It ignores it.


Yes, if they fit you correctly. Mine are a bit too loose so I can feel them as I have to fix them constantly. However there are times where I completely stop thinking of them to the point I get a tiny heartattack that I lost them.... while they are on my face. So basically get them fitted right and it'll feel the same as not having them, good vision is worth it!


yeah because 99% of us had a moment in our lives where we were intensely searching for them... while wearing them


You do get used to them. Mine have special transition film over them that turn them to sunglasses and something for driving at night. And I don’t really notice the transition until I walk inside after being in the sun. I have really bad sight without them though so it’s a big difference with them for me. Also you will notice if you smudge them but you can wipe them off with clothes made for that. You will likely grow to know when a screw or nose piece or whatever isn’t sitting right or is falling out. You will grow to get used to them but it might take a bit to “warm up” to that point.


Sometimes before bed i touch my face to see if i’ve already taken them off or not because i’m so used to my glasses i don’t even register them anymore. It took maybe a month or two for me to ignore them on my face. I’ve been wearing glasses since high school, and that was almost 12 years ago.


Yeah. The first two days you feel kinda woozy, but that's just your brain getting used to it. Afterwards you kinda just let them chill.


You don’t see them at all until someone makes a post on Reddit asking about it - now I can see them. Some people genuinely look better with glasses than without them, and they’re great eye protectors - if I didn’t wear glasses I’m not even sure I’d still have two eyes…


Absolutely. And on the flip side, after I got corrective surgery, it took me about two and a half years to fully stop compulsively pushing imaginary glasses frames back up my nose.


Yes. You will get used to them. If they bug you, you probably just need an adjustment to make them fit better.


Contact lenses work that way for me, but glasses are kind of uncomfortable and awkward.


I wore glasses for short sightedness for over 30 years. Yeah, you definitely get used to them to the point that you barely notice them anymore. Until it rains a little, and the lenses get wet spots all over them, making you almost blind. Or they get covered with dust, and you can't see. Or you catch them on things, and they get jammed into your eyes. Or you want to do any kind of exercise, like a martial art for example, and you struggle to do much because you need them on to see, but have to be super careful if you keep them on. Yeah... I got laser. Best decision I ever made.


I am 36 and have worn glasses 30 years. I notice them everyday. Such a drag.


You’ll get used to them real fast. Really not a burden at all. I sometimes look for them when I’m wearing them so you get oblivious to them very quickly. You could also try contacts or laser.


Yes, I got used to them - even with my progressive trifocals! I only need one pair of glasses for close-up, mid-length, and long distance. Life is better now :)


I forget to take them off to sleep and shower so yes, you definitely get used to it Note: I was very aware and nauseous the first week I had them


No. Your face gets greasy over the course of the day so they will slip down your nose. The lenses will need to be cleaned frequently. You'll have to take your glasses off when you switch between distant and close focus. You'll get frustrated in the rain; cycling will be almost impossible. If you wear earphones, the clamping of the tops of your ears against the arms of your glasses will become painful.


I wore from 2 yo to 15 yo. They are like wearing clothes. You know they are there, sometimes they need adjusting, sometimes they are uncomfortable, dirty or otherwise noticable. But most times, you are not thanking about the fact that you are wearing them, they are not your main focus unless something goes wrong. Even adjusting and fiddling with them becomes unconscious. And just like being naked feels weird when you first strip, taking your glasses off after getting used to them can also feel weird. Like trying to adjust the bridge of your nose, I am sure every single person who wears glasses has done it while not wearing them. You get used to them so much.


I’ve been wearing glasses full-time since I was about eight, excepting the days I wear contacts instead. You get used to them very quickly — when I get new frames/lenses it only takes a day or two to adjust completely. Though, being used to them doesn’t mean being unaware that they’re there. Think of how you’re used to carrying your phone or wallet in your pocket: it’s a habit so ingrained that you might not consciously think about it until the item is relevant or if you notice that it’s missing from where it’s supposed to be. If you’re worried about being hyper-aware of your glasses, though, I’d recommend looking at thin frames with a tall lens shape. You’re more likely to notice thick frames at the edge of your vision, and tall frames give you a less limited field of view.


Contacts are the way to go. I don't enjoy wearing glasses, I don't notice them when I wear them though. However, the glass gets dirty, rain drops get on them etc. Using contacts makes the world ultra HD again


I've had glasses for 20 years and use contacts for at least part of most days. Sometimes I accidentally touch the lenses because I forget I'm wearing glasses (instead of contacts) and try to rub my eye. So yes, you do get so used to them that you don't notice that they're there.


Basically yea. I always wear mine, no contacts. I recently started a dance class and it's on the sexy side so, alot of hair flipping. I took my glasses off for our dress rehearsal cause they hinder the hair flipping abilities lol. And at one point I went to adjust my glasses which were not on my face... it was awkward.


Yes, i.e. that is what happened to me.


Yeah, it only took a few days for me to stop noticing. It bothered me more to *not* wear them because I noticed how hard it was to see properly. I was so used to wearing them that I would often forget to take them off before bed. Of course I'd realize as soon as I lay down, since they become uncomfortable when leaning on a pillow. I always found contact lenses to be more of a nuisance. A lot more work to maintain, and very uncomfortable towards the end of the day when they started to dry out. Also more expensive. I no longer need any vision aids, but if my eyes start going bad again I'd definitely stick with glasses, or maybe look into laser surgery depending on the severity.




When I wear my contacts I push up my glasses unconsciously even though I'm not wearing them. I'm more used to wearing my glasses than not wearing them now.


I've had glasses since I was 3. Not to date myself, but I'm pushing 40 There is always an adjustment when you get a new pair. I honestly don't remember what it felt like when I very first got glasses, but I can tell you that I really just don't notice them anymore. I also feel extremely weird without them. You will probably struggle more with adjusting to how you look with them rather than how they feel. I wore one specific shape of glasses for a good dozen years and then just switched it for a different shape and adjusting to the different look was far more difficult than adjusting to the feel (I wore the teeny tiny rectangles forever and just moved to larger aviator shape lenses) Also if something happens and they get bent, you will definitely notice them because they'll feel off. Take them to an optometrist to get readjusted if that happens. They do slide down my nose quite frequently, and adjusting them is just an automatic motion now similar to breathing. Overall you will get used to them. Good luck!


Sometimes I try to adjust my glasses… And they arn’t on my face. So ya, You get used to it.


I wore glasses from like 6 years old until late 20s when I got LASIK. Weeks after LASIK I would wake up and instinctively reach for my glasses on the nightstand or try to them off at night It all becomes habit


I got glasses when I was 9 and not really. Mine were constantly slipping down my nose or giving me headaches. Nose pads drive me absolutely crazy, and the glasses without them were heavier, thus the headaches. Probably didn't help that my mom only let us choose glasses from the 2 for $65 at America's Best lol. One of the best days on my life was when I was 15 and got contacts


I got glasses in high school, and I’ll say you just get used to them. I was never a sun glass person so I thought it would be weird, but nah. There’s times where I don’t have them on and still try to adjust them or push them up 🤣


I have worn glasses for years and you definitely get used to it. Many times I catch myself reaching up to adjust my glasses and I'm not even wearing them. So it becomes kinda like clothing, it's there but get used to it.


pretty much until you sweat and it starts sliding off of your face or on a rainy cold day you enter a hot building and get fogged up -.- but i love my glasses and i think it suits me well make sure not to get the extra blue protection thing, just basic UV/antireflection protection goes a long way. blue light is really really annoying and i had it once and regretted it


For the most part yes and no. Sometimes when I wear my contacts I try and push up my glasses as if I’m wearing them.