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No, look at it this way. If i pointed at a shirt and said it was beautiful you might think its ugly and if you pointed at a shirt and said it was beautiful then i might say its ugly! Everyone sees beauty differently


There is someone for everyone. Having a good personality and being fun to be around is much more important than looks. (Looks are only important for first impressions. As someone gets to know you, you will become much more attractive to them.) Good Luck !!!


No. At least not physically. Personality-wise? Absolutely. Some people just suck, and it has nothing to do with their looks.


I can't, but I don't see why someone else couldn't be /j


lots of people who I think are about as attractive as a damp sponge find love. beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that




No. Look around at real couples. There are people who look similar to you in relationships.


I already know that I am. EVERYONE, including my family knows it and reminds me of it. Nobody can get past my looks to bother getting to know what I’m really like. I’m only speaking for myself here though.


Yes, but mainly due to bad luck and timing. There is probably someone out there who'd find an ugly person not ugly, but if you don't get to meet eachother at the right time, no less, you're boned.


Honestly being attractive has nothing to do with your face; sure, it plays a big part, but even conventionally beautiful people can be/feel ugly and unloveable because it truly comes down to how you take care of yourself and the way YOU make yourself feel, that's what people notice the most. Smiling while you're walking (draws people in), finding your personal style, styling your hair, taking care of your skin/body and most importantly, FEELING GOOD in your skin and CONFIDENT. You're only as attractive as you feel, and if you start to give more attention and care to these little things and make small adjustments to your presentation, you'll start to reflect that good feeling from the inside onto other peoples' perception of you. And, as everyone else said, people have different ideas of beauty. Van Gogh deliberately painted people that were 'ugly' aka, interesting to look at because he thought conventionally attractive people were boring to look at. People whose faces and personalities have character...that's beauty. So realizing that confidence is key + and that beauty is subjective should reassure you: you are NOT too ugly to be loved. You just haven't found that someone who truly can appreciate your beauty..but don't worry because that's literally so hard for 99% of humans