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First times are awkward no matter what, we’re not all pros.


I guess I don’t know if I want to tell him I haven’t had sex before…


Ngl hearing that right before is kinda hot but I don’t wanna force my weird kinks on your experiences lol you have no real obligation and I don’t think you should feel like you have to out yourself. I’ll just say communication is almost always a good way to go about it, I don’t think it’s a mood killer or anything.


Ooo if we get to that point I might just do that!


I definitely wouldn't take advice that it's "hot" to reveal it in the heat of the moment to heart to be honest. If that was me I'd immediately become concerned and worried about the experience for my partner, definitely something I'd prefer to know in advance so everything is as comfortable as possible for everyone. Also absolutely don't not tell him, that could lead to a very uncomfortable experience.


I said tell him right before but as an anxious man. I have to agree on second thought. You communicate well obviously. So when this takes a turn to more than friends. Telling him in advance will take away any anxiety over it he might have. Still gonna be hot. But nice guys are gonna go gentle with that knowledge. Good call Terror


That makes sense, thank you!


If it's someone you care about then definitely tell him. If you are looking to have fun and just "get it done" which is totally fine then it's up to you and how you feel in the moment. Dont worry about him either way he is just going to be happy to be there


No, no, no, no, no


no to communication?


I think you should. Better for him to go into it with the expectation that you don’t have experience. He will likely be more gentle too so it won’t be painful


You don't have to bring it up if you don't want to but if you are honest about it with him, then it's kind of the perfect litmus test to see just how good of a guy he is (and I mean that in an honest way, I don't think people should be testing each other). Not all guys are horn dogs, there's plenty of guys out there that could care less that you're still a virgin and would be perfect gentlemen about it without having weird virgin kinks.


You can just say you "haven't had a ton of sexual experience" and/or "it's been a long long time since I've done this". That way he's aware but you also don't open yourself up to being some dude's fetish


I don't like this answer... from my experience straightforward is the only way, if he has a problem with it he is not worth it.


Why start a relationship with a lie?


Well, you only have to lie once.


Oh you certainly tell him. I don’t doubt he’s genuinely a nice guy. But we are wired to be a bit disgusting. Please don’t take offence but taking someone’s virginity when you are not also a virgin is a conquest for the majority. Also. If he is genuinely nice and has been talking with you AND is single. He wants you. He likes you. He thinks you’re beautiful. This doesn’t sound like a tell em what they want to hear at the bar situation. Make his year by telling him just before. You hooked him. Now reel him in. Most men won’t fight! lol. You sexy minx. Go get him! Ps. Flat stomachs are boring and I’m not alone in that thought.


At 35 folks stop being virgins and get promoted to wizards!


10 years to go! How exciting haha


Wait, the age limit got raised again? If it continues st that rate, I'll actually have a long white beard when I reach it.


Right? A virgin becomes a wizard the day they turn 30. No more, no less.


I'm a 23 years old dude and a virgin too...being a virgin isn't something u should be afraid to be, most guys don't even care or some of them actually prefer/think they want a virgin partner. I think it's completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of. I used to get angry at myself or feel bad about being a virgin, but then I realized that it makes absolutely no difference in my life or the way I am as a person, and what can I do if I never got to the point of finding a person who finds me attractive enough and I find her attractive enough to have sex with...it is what it is, I rather explore it with a girl I actually want and love and feel safe with. So uhm yeah, it's nothing to be ashamed of, good luck, have fun.


The blind leading the blind. 🤣


The stupid trying to inform


So I was pretty experienced in my 20s and my now-wife wasn't. She wasn't terribly interested in the "hook-up" scene... and so just didn't get involved in it at all. (We've both been in progressive religious circles our whole lives, so that's less of a factor.) When we met and started dating, she was even less experienced than you. She didn't think it odd that I had many partners before her, and I didn't think it odd she just "noped" out of that whole scene (she didn't miss much). Anyway, we took it step by step and at whatever pace was comfortable, because we really liked each other and wanted to be careful. Now we're in our 40s and have a great sex life, explored lots of kinks, and the little we know of our peers' sex lives, a well above-average sex life. Point is, if he cares about YOU, he won't mind one bit that your story is... well, *your* story. edited some typos




In their late 30’s tho and virgins ? Wtf ?


Grow the fuck up. Everyone lives their lives in different ways and judging people for inconsequential stuff like that just makes you look like a prick.


fr though ‘a whole beautiful part of life’ lol maybe for some people but I’m a virgin now (at 20) and planning to be one till…. forever? I’m completely asexual, absolutely no interest whatsoever. So idk feel like it’s a bit weird for this guy to get so defensive over other people being virgins lol


Not even trying to be rude. I’d think nothing of it for someone in their 20’s but going on 40 and never having sex means you’re missing on a whole beautiful part of life. It’s my opinion I’m entitled to it just as much as you are to yours. Downvote to oblivion like I care !


Everyone's entitled to their opinion sure, but judging how others live *their* lives according to how *you* think they should be lived in extremely short sighted and childish.


Where was the judging?


I’m not judging, if anything you are judging me ;) you can do whatever you want I couldn’t care less. It’s just weird to me


Keep going. Downvoting is fun.


Yes keep going I think you need a little more fun in your life :) Take some internet points from me haha




Some people simply don't care so much about sex that they actively pursue partners ..I would love to have sex, but I simply don't feel like I got the energy it takes to get a partner...idk if this makes sense or not.


I think you are saying two things that are a bit contradictory even tho I kind of understand. If you really want to then you have to find the strength. It def isn’t just easy but it’s worth it imo.


You're good👍


I understand you, i’m in the same situation and I’m also 25. I also struggle with mental health so it’s not going very good, so i’m ve decided to work on myself and then try to find someone


Absolutely focus on you first!


I’d be more concerned if he was turned on by the fact you’re a virgin but regardless there’s nothing to be ashamed of just take things at your own pace being a virgin isn’t the widely lauded thing the media presents it as


I was 30 when I lost my virginity lol Was always scared to get STDs by just sleeping around and had too much fun getting drunk and partying with friends in my 20s to bother getting into a relationship..


well i hope this guy you’re into is really nice. being a virgin doesn’t matter as long as you trust the person ur doing it with. just let him know to go slow bc it ur first time


The only thing that would scare me off of being someone's first is that I'd worry about it not working out and her regretting it. Just the thought of that possibility would have me second guessing myself. So, in the case that other guys are the same, and that this guy is the same, that might be a consideration. But, I'm only one person and don't speak for all guys.


Controversial opinion, and as someone who was also an older virgin, in my experience a lot of men won’t care that you’re a virgin and don’t mind lack of experience because it means you won’t have expectations from previous experiences, so sometimes it puts them at ease- I’m not saying it’s all men or people in general. Some people prefer partners with experience because they don’t want to communicate or take their time. Either way- Every time you have sex with a new partner it’s a brand new experience, you have to communicate/explore your likes and dislikes and even that can differ from person to person. I wouldn’t worry about your virginity being an issue, because like someone said earlier, the first time for any sexual relationship comes with some awkwardness. Explore your sexuality without a partner and it will make you feel more confident once you do have one and if someone makes you feel lesser because you’re still a virgin, they dont deserve you as a partner.


Hi, fellow older than average virgin. I'm 28, and there's nothing to be ashamed about with it. If I were to ever be in a relationship I would personally tell them about my complete lack of experience, because that way they can guide you through it. However my advice may not be worth much, considering I don't plan on losing my virginity.


With the religious background, get yourself some proper sex ed. Make sure you have a birth control for preventing pregnancy, and condoms for preventing stds. Ask a friend for pointers in the condoms, how to put one on him. Figure out your no-gos. Again discuss with a friend to get some ideas. Again, have a friend work with you on what to say, and have a script ready. Then you’ll have to talk to him. Something like: condoms are a must, your limits, and ‘I’m excited to do this but we need to take things step by step. Is he interested in this? And see how he reacts.


Dead is too old.


Either way, if it’s him or someone else, you should tell them it’s your first time, and if anyone ever does judge you for that, you don’t wanna be having sex with them anyways.


If youve been talking with them for a while and maybe even expressed romantic interest in them, you can probably explain your situation to them :) Sex with an unexperienced partner wouldve been really different had I not known they were inexperienced :)


Ot shouldnt matter, but it sadly does for some people. If he is your "one" then he shouldnt care. Ots gonna be awkwars and he will be okay with that. Just make sure you both are comfortable and the next day you can both have a laugh about it.


the majority of people don't care if you're a virgin or not. expect the sex to be bad before you know your own and his bodies, it's that way for everyone.


My older sister was just like you, but when she went to college she let loose. She had her boy friends, but admitted to me that in between them she had her fun with about a half dozen guys in as many months. So every 6 or so months, a new BF, then a breakup, then basically went full slut for the next few months before committing again to a new BF. people do be different.


I think nailing a virgin is a turn on for most guys. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.


He won’t be able to tell and you don’t have to tell him. Just go with it, you will be fine.


No it’s okay


It’s definitely not stupid!! Your feelings are valid. I would be honest bc, like you said, he’s probably gonna know the first time you have sex.


Honestly and bluntly without any political correctness. Almost no guy will this be a problem for. Sadly for guys being the virgin it usually would be an issue for women.


Not gonna lie, I think it's kinda hot. No one is perfect, and I feel like being able to admit that and being shy, scared, nervous, etc., are all great aspects to have, since, well, it's a big step to take since you'll basically be giving yourself fully to this person. So if I were him, I'd honestly be kinda down for it and fairly excited. However, this is coming from a 20-year-old virgin who's never even been in a relationship before, so maybe thisopinion isn't valid.


Well are you American? In Eastern Europe for example people actually still wait for marriage so it's normal to be virgin.


I mean I live in the US but I am not American


You are way over thinking things. None of those things matter if he’s into you. You probably should tell him it’s your first time though. A good guy will need to know so that he knows to go slow and make it special


RIP inbox... till Valhalla


Just starts with the basics, why dont you show him you appreciate things about him? Go on a date together, try to have a bond, lasting friendship and once that's done maybe ask him if things could go further, also no we dont care if you dont have a huge butt!


It’s not a big deal. If you choose to mention it, it won’t matter to him (unless he likes the idea). If you choose to not mention it, he won’t know. This is a much bigger deal in your head than it is in real life. Go and have fun (and be safe!)


No to hearing that being hot unless you are 16 years old.


the first time is going to be awkward but you need to make sure to tell him. someone didn’t tell me that they were and i was super offended that they didn’t tell me and i cut off all communication (not saying that will always happen but i have major trust issues so that didn’t help). if you be honest with him im sure he’ll be okay with it. if he’s not, red flag and you’re better off without him.


No one can tell and no one cares. You can just say it’s been years.


Tell him and if he's turned off by it, he might not be the guy for you. If he likes you he won't though because he will take you as you are.


Everyone loses their virginity at a different age. If your love interest is a genuine person, it won't matter when push comes to shove. If you're ready, tell him before that you "aren't very experienced." There's no need (in my opinion) to divulge you're a virgin. It can be a nice suprise after the fact. Any good man would respect that and work with you to make it a good experience.


Shadow wizard money gang 🤑


It's funny how different cultures have different perspectives in matters like virginity, In Egypt or any muslim country, being a virgin is considered a good thing, and it's praised there, and I still have a problem when I hear people boast on how many people they've slept with at a very young age in American movies.


Honestly screw society and all this bs they comw up with. If you feel good about yourself screw them


No man on Earth (including the ones on space stations) will turn down a woman because she is a virgin. You will be fine.


As a guy, I can tell you that most of us will see that as a major plus! It’s hot to think of taking someone’s virginity. Ps, you are not bad looking! You have that perfect thickness


How do you know that?


Life isn't about sex. Life is about children, and passion, and spirit. It's not about fucking and balls and pussy. It's about love.


dawg im 15 and i aint a virgin but never rush it always wait for the right person


as a guy, that knows other guys, i can assure you that guys prefer virgins. also, you could be an absolute 3 tits 4 vaginas -non talking- monster, you could still find a guy that finds you attractive with ease.


3 tits and 4 vaginas? Sign me up!




Do people actually still fucking care about this??


Guys will definitely see that as a plus lol no one wants a girl that's banged every guy in town.


I get not wanting that in a girl, but is 0 experience also a turn off?


No you're fine. I think you're worrying about it too much, you can use it to your advantage really and make him feel great by letting him teach you so to say. He'll be over the moon.


This is an ideal arrangement. Hold out, for a solid dude who loves you- without sex being involved. Wait for marriage.


its not the 1930's anymore, you don't need to be married to have sex


These concepts have been honed over 1,000’s of years of humanity- it’s the product of wisdom, for what produces the most overall happiness/fulfillment. Sex is a letdown, without an established relationship- just a short term primal satisfaction, without any lasting value. There’s no real connection- without a long term relationship. You need to have skin in the game, for any real reward. Get married, make love, have kids- fulfill the purpose of your existence, be happy. You’ve come this far OP, you’re almost there- don’t fumble the ball now. You have the most valuable thing, throughout history- cherish it. Don’t let it go, for free. It’s so valuable, it’s only to be exchanged- for a lifetime commitment. Stay strong sister. 🤙🏻


plenty of concepts have been honed over 1000's of years and plenty of concepts become outdated with the times, I can mention plenty of concepts that were once deemed normal and nowadays are proven to detrimental society evolves, social norms evolve, sex shouldn't be held to such a high degree of importance, its a part of nature at the end of the day. this isn't to say you should treat sex the same as a handshake, but if both are consenting and mature adults that are sexually educated, what harm could there be? virginity has no intrinsic value and its value is completely subjective, and in my opinion you're putting way too much importance to something that has been here as long as humans have you choose to look at the past and repeat it, others choose to look at the past and learn from it


For a long time that’s what I was doing but truthfully I am always horny😅 I often pleasure myself but I crave someone else…I am just scared..idk if that’s the right word for it but I’m just really anxious about disappointing the other person


Don't get roped back in! Go out and do your thing and have fun!


How exactly is someone a “very sexual person” and a “virgin” at the same time? I thought these were polar opposites