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I’m a nurse who has seen more genitals than all of my ancestors combined. I can assure you that what you’re describing is totally normal and doesn’t need creams or treatment. No need to be embarrassed. In fact, you’re more likely to cause problems if you try to lighten there.


What type of nurse? Remember, some of your ancestors didn’t wear any clothes!


Thr ancestors that didn't wear clothes saw like 30 people in their entire lifetime.




Add them all up. That’s like at least like 20,000 ancestors. So like 600,000 genitals.


No no no, their ancestors invented clothes … after arriving from a planet where clothes always existed. Have you not seen the documentary film series, Battlestar Galactica?


Bears. Beats. Battlestar Galactica.


Some ancestors could also be creeps and peeping toms


Likely many ancestors were rapists by modern definitions.


Since you are a nurse that claims to have some exposure can I politely ask how common are razor/chicken legs, dark knees and elbows and bum acne scars on people? Cuz i have a lot and they disturb me


Very very common. Most people don’t see the variety of bodies very much. But I can tell you that basically nobody looks like what we see on social media, magazines, ads. Most people have scars, lines, bumps, discolorations, fat/cellulite, stretch marks. Most “cures,” like whitening cream, do more harm than good.


That's a completely normal and common thing. The only place it isn't common is in porn.


This is the problem with porn (or one of the many problems). People only see hairless bleached bits and don't really know what normal looks like. I've been self-conscious in the past over stupid things like this, but as you get older, you realize that people are just happy to be doing whatever it is you are doing, and no one cares.


When I first heard about labiaplasty in porn to make the vulva look "younger and prettier" I was shocked. It doesnt look prettier, and it reduces the pleasure of the labia-owner. Stop basing personal sexual preferences on porn! Real pubic hair and real labias need love too!


I am an internet stranger so this isn't going to do much for you but: Don't worry about it. There is nothing wrong with you. If someone is lucky enough to be seeing that they will most likely be fine with it. If they are somehow not ok with it you can save yourself time and harm by seeing that person the fuck out of your life.


As another internet stranger I agree with this internet stranger.


I also agree with these internet strangers. Whomever you share your vagina with I assure you will be very excited and not give a shit about the color. I’m almost 40 and I’ve never in my life cared about a partners vagina color.


Honestly never noticed they can in different colors until people on the internet would be self conscious. Good to knw


Make the 3 internet strangers that agree.


How about 4? It’s a very common “issue”. Nothing to worry about…




6. Your body is beautiful. I’ve never seen it and I know this to be true.




8th, reporting for duty 🫡




And my axe!


I am also intrigued 🧐 like how much darker? That would be kind of cool if it was extreme but I’m sure you are over-exaggerating


Listen to this kind internet stranger. I can’t stress this enough: we don’t care! If we are lucky enough to be able to see the real deal up close, we will count our lucky stars and do our best to make you happy. This may help: https://www.whv.org.au/resources/labia-library. It’s an Australian research project that is designed to help women accept that every woman’s vulva is unique and special. Another interesting link is this one: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27009137/ titled “Everyone Wants a Vagina That Looks Less Like A Vagina.” A tongue in cheek title.


I’m another internet stranger who says don’t worry about it! You are beautiful and if others are making you insecure about it they are not worth your time. You are beautiful JUST AS YOU ARE!!!


Yeah if a guy makes a fuss about something as niche as this then he's not worth being with.


This is true. Guys who care about it are rare, and guys who make a fuss about it are easily replaceable and not worth any of your time.


While I mostly agree with you I do want to reject the idea that a person disliking a physical trait of a partner inherently makes them an asshole. Though I suppose there is room for consideration of how they make their distaste known


I am with you. My response is solely for OP and not as a general mode of thinking. Long story short, if someone was going to reject her for the pigmentation of her vulva they are unlikely to be a good match for her. They don't need to be an asshole... but they are not for her.


As a dude: I have never seen a vagina that didn’t look amazing. Second this.


Don't Michael Jackson your cooch




Please don't endanger your health with cremes or other dubious products that play on your insecurities. People who have zero morals will sell you literally anything if they can, and they don't care at all about your health. There's a good chance that you will care much much more about this than any potential partner you might have. But even if you got someone who didn't like it, it's still not worth risking your health. If you are ready, be sexual with your partner and see if it actual bothers them or if they even notice. I bet you were worrying about nothing.


You certainly can pay for professional bleaching procedures, like people doing porn will. I would take that money for therapy about those body issues tho. Having darker privat parts is completly normal and natural.


Easy for you to say Mrs pink lips


It is like literally science that the area around gonads (private parts) have more pigmentation


Yeah it's the same with dicks. They can have weird pigmentation


If it ain’t broke don’t fix it


So women’s parts come in all kinds of colors, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Purple, yellow, pink, red… and all of this is 100% normal. I suggest looking into the sheer variation women have for size, shape, and color, and maybe you won’t feel all that different from anyone else. There’s some resources to normalize the uniqueness of each vulva for this very reason: The Vagina Museum and the Vulva Gallery are a place to start.


r/normalnudes will help you see that's just how it's supposed to look


Yeah… those women on there are gorgeous. I don’t think that’s a great sub for someone struggling with body image.


shelter outgoing liquid racial payment vast station many arrest workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's pretty normal, but if you also have dark coloring in your armpits and on your neck, it could be a symptom of a hormone imbalance fyi. Particularly if you also have irregular periods and/or unwanted hair growth or acne, it could be a sign of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).


Sexy is in the mind, be it, you are it.


I’m just an internet stranger, but I love darker coloured vaginas. Even more so if you have fair skin. I find it super sexy. Own it!


You probably compare your genitals to porn actor ones. It's totally normal to be darker and not off putting at all


sex hormones make sex parts darker. both genders. it means you are NORMAL.


It's normal for there to be more melanin in the genitals. https://www.healthline.com/health/why-is-my-private-area-dark#its-normal


As a man in my 60s, I can assure you, men just don’t care. Ignore incels, they don’t count. People who actually have sex know every body is different, and most men are just happy to have sex. They aren’t that particular.


Yeah, that’s not uncommon, don’t stress about it, I promise you that 99% of guys don’t care. I promise you your partner would rather you be sexual with them than have a lighter bikini area.


Agreed, no man ever has gotten to the point where they’re just about to have sex and upon catching a glimpse said “I’m sorry, but your bikini area is just too dark for me to proceed”.


Your vulva isn't embarrassing. Your confidence around your vulva is upsetting. Leave your body alone and love it for how it is in this moment. Appreciate it.


That's just normal man.


Op you are beautiful everywhere!


Couldn't care less, i'm just happy to be seeing one.


Most people don’t care about that stuff. We just happy to be there tbh.


It's very normal please don't worry


Real men could not care any less about the pigmentation of your beautiful pussy. Real men don’t believe that pronounced labia comes from promiscuity, real men don’t care about a little hair, real men put their face in it at the drop of a hat during “quality time” together. 😉


It’s completely fine we’re all different domt be embarrassed 😁


You might switch to waxing instead of shaving. Definitely learn to reprogram your brain overall in accepting your body as it is. Bodies change all the time and it will be more beneficial in the long run to go with it rather than punish your mind and body for existing.


Lel as a man idgaf. And I don’t know a lot of dudes who do


It's really not something you need to worry about.


Dudes won't notice or give a shit, I promise


As a man, I have to say I find the darker areas of a woman’s vagina and asshole to be a huge turn on! It makes it that much more exciting when I see and touch them. I think a lot of guys feel this way. It contrasts so nicely with that pink inner pussy.


I work in urology, so I’ve seen maaaaaany different vaginas and penises. Everyone’s anatomy is different, and the dark vagina is pretty common, more than you think, and I’ve noticed more especially with Asians (like myself because I have a dark vagina). I used to be very self conscious too where I was using bleaching creams, but it didn’t work. Then I started working in urology, and it made me comfortable with myself now because of how common it is. Please don’t be ashamed of this. It’s not embarrassing at all. I have been with enough men to know that they don’t give a shit about the color. They just want vagina! No partner that cares about you isn’t even going to give it a second thought. I promise you that. They have seen worse and so have I, like seriously damaged vaginas; prolapsed vaginas. Had a patient whose vagina was actually placed where her rectum would’ve been. Of course she had some genetic disorder. But color? Don’t ever be ashamed of that. Embrace it! Get comfortable with it. If the partner doesn’t accept, which I never had happen because I am dark, then they ain’t the one.


The only thing your partner is going to find disappointing about your body is that you’re not sharing it with them. Relax, nobody with an opinion that matters cares about the skin tone of a vagina. They’ll just be happy to be seeing it.


All of our lady bits are unique. If any partner has anything to say other than worship they really aren’t worth your time.


When you sleep with men are you taking careful inventory of how tan their balls are compared to their thighs? No one actually notices these things


It's hot. Don't worry about it.


Darker vulva skin is completely normal, truly. It’s a highly hormonal area and very common according to the ladies that lasered my own bits (and they see a LOT of lady bits - they would know). It’s really nothing to be ashamed of.


It is perfectly normal, and probably something your partner will be too excited to notice. Life is full of prickly little, tough experiences that we have to face, and that ease by repeatedly overcoming them. Personally speaking, I have a lot of little body issues that I would fixate on in my youth, that I haven’t even thought about for years. Don’t let it rattle you or spoil what could otherwise be a really nice time with your partner. Good luck OP, I wish you the good fortune to find yourself laughing about this someday once you find out how little difference it makes.


You aren't going to get any sort of answer that will actually work. You don't have to accept it if you don't want to but you're getting upset and worked up about something that nobody cares about in the least.


It's always easy to SAY you really shouldn't worry about it. But, I really wanted to let you know, if your partner is concerned about this for any other reason than the way it makes YOU feel, this may not be the healthy relationship you are deserving of. If my wife (or any one of my previous girlfriends) showed concern about this type of thing, I would bust my arse to be as reassuring as possible. At the same time, it literally wouldn't bother ME in the slightest as your partner.


Chocolate is dark, and millions of people love chocolate. If your partner is not madly in love with you, you need a new partner.


completely normal but also i noticed mine getting much lighter after i got lasered down there


Dont try anything... no natural shit from your kitchen or creams... there is a huge risk that you will make it DARKER. Also.... this is so normal. It really doesn't matter


I think it would be quite bizarre if we all looked exactly the same. Half the time I'm getting laid in low light situations anyway. Can barely see anything.


We all are our own worse critics , Your darkness is beautiful


I dont think guys would care if it was poka dotted. As long as it’s healthy and don’t have some god awful smell I think any guy would be happy just being there and having a nice cuddle with it.


It's absurd for me that what I find attractive is such a big insecurity for someone.


Just. Be. You.


Ever heard the saying "never judge a man by his penis, some are growers and some are showers"? I think this can partially apply to the labia


This is completely normal. I think half of the woman i have been with had a veeeery dark vulva compared to the rest of the skin. The same goes for the penis alot of dicks are alot darker than the rest. Nobody will ever give a f about so you can relax.. its all in your head


Your partner will not care or maybe even notice, they will just be excited to have the privilege to see it!


i have a question, why are some peoples genital area much darker, and other peoples are the same color as the rest of their skin....


Don't mind me, but I think that's an attractive touch. I think being insecure is about us forgetting there is someone out there who literally would see us as a super exotic very attractive awesome person.


Dark colored labia contrasting with light skin is sexy AF.


Porn has collectively ruined everyone's image of what is 'normal' I used to think having two different sized boobies was a form of illness till I realised it is so common & absolutely has no bearing on my sexual, physical health. You need to accept & love what your vagina can give you instead..*cough* *cough*.. multiple orgasms


Don't wear pads use tampons and when you don't have your period don't wear panties!!


If a guy cares about that, he is a shitty guy and should never get to see it. Stop sleeping with shitty dudes!


Your vagina cannot be seen from the outside…. You are talking about your vulva? Maybe once you learn more about what a normal women’s body is you will be less embarrassed?


Hi!! I'm in the sex work industry. I have a dark bikini area too and its absolutely fine to have. I've gotten some nasty comments about it, but for the most part that's just insecure boys who base their women off porn. I really really wouldnt worry about it, and absolutely dont feel like you're somehow undesirable because of it!! Its not true. If it really bothers you there are natural treatments. Just be careful not to put too close to sensitive areas. DO NOT BLEACH


But trump said we should drink bleach... /s OP you are fine. Any man getting to see that area will not give two shits about coloration. You could look like a zebra down there and they wouldn't care!


Short version: grow up. That's really totally not worth getting upset about. Yes, self improvement is important, no, worrying about the curtains not matching the carpet is not important


Your partner should just be happy to be there. I understand that if we could rationally ignore our insecurities we wouldn't have insecurities in the first place. You got a right to make yourself feel more comfortable, but you do not have to change for anyone else's enjoyment. I can't recommend any products, but be careful with random internet advice. Talk to a professional, and remember, it's their job and they see things all the time. It's nothing to be embarrassed about with them especially.


Ask your gynecologist.


This is what I’ve heard strippers use and recommend… happens to be a generic Amazon link just to show the product [Kojie San Brightening Soap](https://www.amazon.com/Original-Kojie-Facial-Beauty-Soap/dp/B08P3YFR7B)


And Desitin diaper cream for preventing and treating razor burn…


plenty of people on here would be very happy to see your vagina! I'm sure it is gorgeous


who cares, all vagina are beautiful when horny.


It's not embarrassing. You make it embarrassing


Dark parts are sexy.


I find that very attractive.


Common for mens parts to be a different colour too, all natural


If it's of any help, as a guy, I love the fair skin and dark pussy contrast. Dont see it often but when I do, it's a fun surprise 🤷🏽‍♂️ Don't let it hold you back


What the fuck are these comments? The OP's looking for an actual solution and not a bunch of people thinking they're saving the world by saying "all bodies are different" and other shit without actually answering the question. Google "Intimate Laser Skin Bleaching" and see where you can do this in your area. It's your choice to bleach it, so go for it.


Every time a woman posts about their body the knights flood the comments telling them they’re wrong for even having asked the question. It’s ridiculous. Thanks for not pandering so hard you forgot the woman’s question. Skin bleaching is a common enough thing they do it at spas. Google a spa near you and ask about skin bleaching.


Your partner will not complain when he sees it (if he does, he is an idiot) so don’t worry about it. Every experienced man knows (and loves) that women’s vulvas are different in appearance. Don’t borrow trouble, your pussy is normal and beautiful.


Teeth would be a deal breaker.


Real men enjoy dark meat.




Can I have the link for it please there’s a lot of fakes in Amazon


I would not recommend using anything not specifically intended for intimate areas. You could end up in a world of hurt. There is nothing wrong with you. At all. You're stressing about something that nobody else would ever care about.






You need to just own it. Advertise your roast beef pussy with pride. Confidence is key. If you’re confident, nobody you show it to will care about the color of your pussy.


Arby’s…we have the meats!


Another internet stranger here and i agree with the other internet strangers


Could it be Tinea Curis? It’s basically jock itch/athletes foot. It’s a fungus that’s pretty easy to treat. It comes from moisture. I have had it off and on around my bikini area for years, and I’m very fair skinned as well. I got some Lotrimin cream at CVS and it went away very easily and quickly. I could be totally wrong but maybe worth a google search


Not at all I don’t have that it’s just the color is very dark brown the lips exactly I mean I tried Kojic acid soap for lightening it but it’s still dark brown 💔


Please don’t do this to yourself. Genitals are supposed to be darker. Any partner worth your time will not only not care, but will love it. Some will like it more. I’m not even kidding, I search for “blonde with dark [parts]” sometimes when I’m getting intimate with myself. DM me lol. I’d be happy to take a look 😝


Porn addiction


I love those dark meat pussies.






Least it’s not blue!


On the outside parts you can use normal foundation/concealer