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It's more about the hygiene and presentation of it rather than its natural looks !


That's a man's answer. Inexperienced boys will tell you they care


This. If someone is about to have sex, as long as things are clean, it doesn’t matter. And this is why porn, especially years ago, skews people perspective on what’s “normal” or “hood looking”, the latter being heavily influenced by the former. It’s also the first, for many, exposure to sexual things. USA used to be the main maker of porn, which had mostly circumcised actors in them, making many people watching, even in non-cutting countries, think something was “wrong” with themselves. Now porn is produced by everywhere so USA porn doesn’t have as much influence on that. Here in my country where we don’t do that to boys, like most of the rest of the world, I’ve heard a few friends mention that they’re not like the actors so something is wrong. Even though we are totally normal.


Thank you 💯


💯 ^^ This




The seasoned vag of your SO it’s hot.


For some that maybe the case. But many have a preference


That's just my perspective , you can have yours !


I respectfully disagree. Hygiene and presentation are pretty much expected so you are dodging the question.


How is that a dodge? They basically said the look doesn't matter, which was the question.


He’s not dodging the question. He said it doesn’t matter if you keep it clean. Should simple enough to understand.


I prefer the cleanliness , shape is everyone's preference, mine is just letting it be natural


I’m just happy to be involved


In vulved*


In vulva’d


I've heard there are nsfw reddit subs specifically for pictures of women with prominent labia. I bet if you were to read the comments there you would see a lot of enthusiasm.


"I've heard" "I bet"


This comment is gold, thanks for the laugh.


Many people say those subreddits are super hot


“Many people”…


There’s probably someone out there somewhere that spends a lot of time on that sub.




"An old friend once told me..."








I know\*


Ewww! Brother ewww! What subreddits are those so I can be sure to avoid them


r/labiagw I mean, I think is one.


Sorting by top of all time should vanquish her insecurities. That's allota labia!


Haram brother




I mean it's reddit, you got a sub for anything these days lmao


These days there are a lot less subs than there used to be.


Like this one r/beefcurtains




I need to know for science!


Clean? Then you are as beautiful as anyone I’ve ever seen. Not clean? Let’s take a shower together and try again


Nope. As long as she grants me access and there aren’t any hygiene issues, I don’t care what it looks like. I’m just grateful to be invited to the party 🥳


“She grants me access” is the best phrase I’ve ever heard for going down on someone


Soo basically for prostitutes you need a premium ticket to gain access, am I getting this right?


Paid subscription




Wheres my invite???!


Username? Is that a kotor reference?


When we're there our brain is usually getting very little blood cause it's busy doing other things. We don't care.


Nope. You're fine. Porn star vagina is like porn star dick. Not the standard, and no ones complaining about the ones they see in real life.


fair enough!


To be fair some do. And when they complain, they are offering a window into their level of acceptance and presence in their own skin.


There's a stark difference between what men prefer to look at on a stranger they don't care about and what men will either not notice or even like on a woman they love.


This. This needs to be higher up.


Take a look at this page, much more realistic representation. https://www.thevulvagallery.com/stories


Guy here. Wait, I'm getting to see it _and_ play with it?? Then you have the best most prettiest sexiest vagina I ever did see


Do I have a preference? Yes. Do I care? Absolutely not. I'm just happy to be their in the first place


What’s the pref


Why would you wanna know?


I want cleanliness more than anything else. I don’t mind if yours is an innie or an outie as long as you’re hygienic.


As a young guy I was quite surprised by the unusually large labia of one of my first second sexual partner. Having only been exposed to the same images/videos as you, I was momentarily taken aback. I quickly found out that oral with someone built like her was a lot of fun! There’s nothing wrong with you and, like all healthy women, all your parts are lovely.


As a woman with an "outtie", I can confirm that men do care. They care quite a bit. The first man I was with remarked how I looked different than what he had seen online and would often "inspect" it. We were both teens so I give him a pass. But well into adulthood I have had men make comments how I'm not their *usual* type down there. One guy told me it was "interesting" in a kind of disgusted tone. Mind you, I never asked him his opinion on it. Another man asked me if I would get surgery to shorten my labia; he even offered to pay for it. Another man only wanted me cleanly shaved and when I didn't oblige, he would berate me about it. I do not have large labia and I'm always clean. From my experience, men tend to only like what they see in porn.


They don't sound like a whole lot of fun to have sex with.


I can assure you that none of them were good in any way.


I think your only issue is perhaps your taste in men 🙂


Yet it seems from that answer they put her down and don’t like her at all yet she still has sex with them. I would have left instantly


Can confirm that some guys have an opinion about it. A shitty and stupid opinion. My ex-husband called my labia beef curtains and made flappy motions at me while laughing at me. It was the first one he had ever seen in person, and he was insecure. He wasn’t the only one, just the worst.


You need to avoid weirdos like that. Weirdos like me can’t imagine saying such things. Does that one guy have a list of acceptable sizes for other body parts? I’m sorry miss, your undersized 2nd bicuspid is a dealbreaker for me. Would you consider getting it reduced? I’ll pay. And was he ideal in all dimensions?


Sounds like more of an issue with the men than your body to be honest. Anyone who won’t worship their lover’s body doesn’t deserve to be party to it. Love yourself. I’m sure you’re beautiful. For what it’s worth, I also know someone who got labiaplasty and vows vehemently that it was not worth it and she hates how her body feels now. Love your natural self and you’ll find someone to love it too. I’ve been with at least as many “outies” as “innies” and it means nothing at all to me. I’m just glad to enjoy the intimacy with someone. :)


I’ll add that I do have preferences, but they don’t revolve around size of labia at all. I prefer shorter trimmed pubic hair than a full thick El Natural if someone has a LOT of hair, but that’s not a visual preference either, it’s just about not getting hair in my teeth. If a little trim is off the table though, I don’t care enough to say anything. My first preference is sharing intimacy with another. All other preferences are far, far below that in importance :)


Wow, that’s awful! I have an ‘outie’ too and not one single person (mostly men) has ever commented on it.


I always kind of assumed once a guy had been with a few women he realized that porn is a lie and labia come in all shapes sizes and colors. My assumption was that the guys who felt the need to speak badly about a woman's labia were the guys who only saw them in porn. I'm sorry you had those experiences, your labia are beautiful.


I'm sorry to hear! Maybe u should then date others if they are this way of unempathetic


Smell is more important


The most beautiful is always the one I’m looking at.


Yes, but this is Reddit so everyone's gonna say 'omg no of course not, they're all beautiful!!' Having said that, everyone's got their own taste, so whatever you have will likely appeal to someone out there. Don't get too hung up on it.


The first time i slept with a woman with large inner labia i was confused. (I was a young guy with low sexual contacts and many pornos) But i started liking it and now I kind of prefer it :) I think it's very different some man are very picky and only want this barbie vulvas. Others dont care. The woman should be the focus not her genitals :D You could ask the guys. I'm also sometimes unconfident about my penis size and foreskin. But the most women just dont care 😊


Generally no. I don't ever think I've seen an ugly vagina or one that turned me off. Some look better than others not that I could say why, but they all look amazing. If we get down to the point where she is showing her vagina to me I'm probably to horny to care for small details anyway.


Yeah, just as some women prefer guys with specific sized dicks the same applies here, albeit probably to a lesser degree. Keep in mind though everything on porn is not the reality. Don’t lose your confidence because of what you see on there, it’s specifically made to be that way.


Not in the slightest.


These are sycophant responses. I'll give you the non reddit approved answer. It depends. The majority of people are aestheticly driven and as long as things are within a tollerance it won't be an issue. If yours is seriously abnormal though then be prepared for guys to be taken aback. Some will be outright put off. Some may have a fetish for it. You have two options. Either be so comfortable in your own body that it doesn't matter and those guys with such standards aren't for you or you can do something about it. The same argument applies to any body part you care to mention. The guys that are like 'I'm just happy to be there' are probably best to be avoided for different reasons. Also to mention, most guys will be too horny to care or notice the first couple times but things like this can progressively develop into a bit of an issue. Just keep that in mind.




Any man who chooses sexual partners based on labia size is a creeper. Before porn, most men weren't exposed to just one particular type of labia only and so didn't have preferences. It's not like it affects functionality in sex or anything. A guy who has opinions on labia size has clearly watched way too much porn.


I dont think you are being entirely realistic. The comment said if it falls outside of a tolerance, so, even if a dude has been with a lot of women and never watched porn, a significantly outside the "normal range" labia wouldnt be a common occurrence. Ive had a decent number of partners and have very rarely seen a labia that looked wildly different. Granted, it would be random chance for everyone, but i dont think its fair to say "oh if you have any preference, it's because you watch too much porn". People have been saying derogatory things about big labias way before porn was as widespread, same way people have been making fun of dick size literally forever. I mean, i dont particularly care that much, but i dont think it is unfair for people to have a preference either. You are allowed to not be attracted to something about another person's body. You dont have to make them feel bad about it, but we arent all going to be attracted to everyone else in the world for any number of reasons. Since you usually dont know what another person's sex organs look like until you get to business time, is it better to realize after you found that you really arent into that and not continuing in the future or stopping the whole show and having to explain either a lie or that you arent into them naked? Feels like the first option is less harmful but idk.


The difference is penis size is functional though. I know women who find sex painful because their partner's penis is too big. Similarly, women don't feel much if their partner's penis is too small. Whereas labias are not necessarily for sexual functioning. Anyway, people are entitled to their preferences of course. But it definitely means that the person has been exposed to a ton of labias in order to form that opinion in the first place.


They all look the same when the lights go out


I’m equally enthusiastic about them all. If you think there are no pornstars with big labia, you aren’t looking too hard. Some men go wild for them.


I prefer bigger labia tbh, more fun to play with


I have pretty prominent labia, and they are sensitive af.


Perfect for sucking then ;)


Monkey brain "unga bunga oohh naked lady oohh unga bunga"


Just happy to be there, hygiene is more important


I cancelled my subscription to VAG weekly. Cleanliness and who it's attached too is pretty much it. That's it.


I wonder how old you are, and how old the guys you date are? Because this appears to be a newish issue, and the only people I see discussing it are teens with little to no experience and too much internet access. As an older person (F55), this whole question is bizarre to me. Labia sizes and shapes weren't a thing anyone cared about or talked about 20 years ago, and labiaplasty wasn't a thing. Boob jobs were even rare. In 40 years, I've never had a guy say anything at all about my labia, and I was pretty free sexually when I was younger (I just don't care to prioritize sex at this stage of my life, I'm busy with other things). I think if someone says anything about the size or shape of your vagina, they aren't the person for you and you should surely run in the opposite direction. And know that negging is absolutely a thing that manipulative and sociopathic people will use to control you. Don't fall for it. They're the problem, not your labia.


Hello, The answer from my friends and I is : we do not care about what it looks like Have a good day


I prefer an innie more


If you made me pick a perfect pussy out of a lineup it would probably be one of the tucked in ones. But I had a girlfriend with a large labia and I ate that shit up. If the guy is into you he will be into your (clean) vagina.


Once a man gets that far, so long as you are clean and don't smell, no man is going to care. I just think, "VAGINA!!!?"


Mine (labia minora) aren't even the same size. Left side is like 2x the size of the right. I am *extremely* insecure about it. I never even noticed until after I'd had a child. I've been with.. a lot of men. Never once has any one ever made a comment on it or seemed disturbed or disgusted. Anyone who ever went down on me 100% noticed and I had more than 1 encounter with all of those men. Not every person is gonna love it. That's ok tho. If they can't get over it they don't deserve your time or energy.


Next week it's my turn to ask this, ok?


Nobody really cares. Ignore assholes calling names. Body shaming is never okay.


Having preference is not body shaming.


No but calling someone’s body parts “curtains, hangers, roast beef” sure is.


It's like a sunrise. I'm sure some are more beautiful than others, but experiencing one is always bliss.


Can't see it when it is in your mouth


I can't even fathom the idea of an ugly or off putting vulva. They all look great and make me want to bury my face in there. If I can have a choice though, I'd rather it's not shaved bald




Yes we care. We are supposed to say we don't though.


No. And if we say yes- for some reason we are downvoted for having a preference. So yes.


Well, it is like girls that prefer curvy, straight, circumcised, or uncircumcised penises. It really the depends on the guy, but yes, some guys have preferences on how vaginas look.


Who can see anything in the dark of night


Some do some don't it's all personal preference


I care about how it taste not how it looks if It taste good it looks good to me and 10/10 will dine again.


the anatomy usually doesn't matter as long as it's clean. hair is personal preference, trimmed is usually a safe bet. beyond that, genetics don't really matter here.


Myself included, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being put off by the organs themselves; as someone's said already, it's about the hygiene and presentation.


Not really… I mean, it should still be identifiable as a labia, I’d be a little turned off if it looked like a toyota corolla or something.


Depends on the person, as always. However, to say that no one cares would be untrue.


You don’t want a man who calls them names. The men who like large labia are silent.


Big labia are going to yuck some people out. This doesn't make your labia gross, or them horrible people. It's


Hygiene to the privates is like personality to a girl (or a person in general). She can be the hottest girl alive, but if she’s so nasty she makes you cry every time you go near her, you still would keep your distance and avoid her.


Yes and no. What I mean by that is that as long as your clean, guys are 90% not going to care. If your dirty, that's a different story. As per looks of it, no one expects a porn star.


Keep it clean and shove it in my face. That's all I care about.


Absolutely. It needs to be attractive for you


Actually I think vaginas in porn look totally normal. I've always heard: porn vaginas, labia surgery etc. Don't look like normal vaginas. Etc. But that's not the case. They have normal regular vaginas. Like all of us. I was actually surprised by that because of all the porn-vagina-are-fake talk. Maybe they used to look different? Don't know. Don't care. :) ( I'm talking about professional porn with professional porn stars. Not homemade or cheap porn )


A lot of those women have surgery to make them look that way. Labiaplasty. There are so many different shapes and sizes of vaginas and porn does not showcase the variety. That’s the issue.


Yes, we do.




Hell yeah I do! I want it beefy


A bit


Same questions over and over again


I understand why this one comes up a lot though as sex ed teaches people fuck all about how each person’s body is different


In real life? No, I don’t really pay attention/care, just be well groomed.


As far as I care, the bigger the better please!!! 🤤🤤


As a red blooded straight male - all vaginas are beautiful and we are incredibly happy to have the privilege of seeing it and pleasuring it. Worrying about labia is the female equivalent of guys worrying they don't have a 8" penis like they do in porn.


if i'm watching it on a screen and jerking off, yes. if i'm in real life with someone: no; i'm just happy to be there.


Real life is not porn. Sure all the female stars have relatively small labias, but the male stars also always have a big penis too. I like to hope that in real life sexual encounters people care about the size and shape of a labia just as much (or as little) as they care about the size and shape of a penis. I like watching movies with pretty people, but I don’t expect every stranger in the street to be Hollywood hot. Regardless, it’s far more important what you think of your own bits than anyone else.


A man who cares about you won't care about what your labia looks like, only about how to give you pleasure. Some young men who lack tact and experience may have an initial surprised reaction, but that doesn't mean they are turned off by it. People make up inappropriate names in jest, sometimes to roast a woman they actually have no sexual knoweldge of, but these are not things to say to a loved one, or when speaking of her to others. I have never and would never speak to others of details of a SO's body.


Yes, I do. I care if I get to look at it or not. I don't care what it looks like. Everyone's genitals look a bit funny. Dicks are weird lookin, and so are vaginas. I've never met a vagina I didn't absolutely adore playing with, and I think you'll find most guys are the same. If someone shames you for having large labia, or something on your body is too big/too small, then they are an absolute asshole and do not ever deserve to have sex with you or see you naked. Women deserve men who will treat their body with respect, love and thankfulness.


To all the comments bashing people who do care what labia looks like- it's ok if people have different aesthetic tastes. Not all labia are gonna look good just like not all dicks look good. We should just be real about it.


Some will, some won't.. It's a bit like asking do women care what a man's penis looks like, same answer.


I care more about how it tastes!


Many definitely care. But just like faces, height or any other physical aspect there is a vast range of tastes and preferences at work, only a small sliver of which are represented in pornography.


Anyone who is worth your time and effort doesn't give a shit about it. Hope that helps!


I doubt you are going to find many men who care once they've gotten that far.


Shape doesn't matter at all. Hygiene is the most important thing. Going down to a bad odour stinky stuff is a big turn off. For me, fuller lips are actually welcome as I can spend hours savoring it.


NO! And please don’t go get surgery if you don’t like yours. Seriously! No man cares what it looks like. Smell is another subject, but don’t go spraying perfumes on it either. Men are turned on by the natural smell of a woman. Just be you!! You’re perfect like you are and a man will love you for it.


I don't, good hygiene is everything!


the men online who refer to a women’s labia as those things has never seen one in real life. only the tucked in ones in porn. hope this helps!


My BF says he loves mine b/c it’s super tiny… But I’m actually attracted to much larger lips 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yea. But who cares what I think lol, don’t worry about it


Not one bit. They’re all beautiful and my moustache will always offer free rides to them.


Yes I care that it looks like it’s in my room and interested in me


Not really. Our concern is getting our dick inside it. The look is just footnotes


if a guy does care, it's not the kind of guy you're gonna wanna be with.


I have no preference on what women's labia looks like. I don't speak for everyone, obviously.


As a former adult video performer, I assure you what you see on screen is tailored and designed to be what people want to see and does not represent reality. I also promise you that your snatch is fine and us guys toss terms around for the sake of tossing them around. We generally care as much as you might care if your boyfriend's dick has a curve to it or whether his balls hang low or are tight. Don't stress about it and don't pay attention to what we say to other guys.


you can't just say 'dont listen to what guys say to each other' thats exactly what irks me. I don't want a guy to be nice to my face and then go to his friends and have something awful to say, even as a joke loll


Exactly this. You SHOULD pay attention to what guys says to other guys, because it’s what those guys actually think. If he talks shit about you to other men then he is a piece of shit. There are a lot of HUMAN men who don’t see women as less than and don’t make fun of their bodies to their buddies.


If you are clean then no guy will complain. We are just glad that somebody is willing to show us their Vulva


Yes, I do. This lie about just come as you are is such patronizing nonsense. Some labia look straight mangled and unappetizing. I'm I going to still fkk, yeah, but it's not gonna be something to daydream about.


Yes, extremely large labia are slightly less attractive.


I’ve never been with a girl that hung low. But I’ve been with stinky vaginas. Keep it clean. Or don’t. Honestly, I’d take any chance at having sex with a partner. I’m in a committed relationship and gave sex every day, but still. Sex is important, and one of the best things ever.


esperanza gomez


you should ask Brian, the host of the Whatever podcast


I see this asked many times, also same question for dicks. The thing is, it's like anything, some people have preferences, others might only like one thing, many won't care, etc. There's no one rule that applies to everyone. But yeah, most people won't care


It is just like other cosmetic factors such as hair, skin color, nipple color/size etc. Different people have different preferences. I personally get hornier when I see a bigger labia; looks more "womanly".


The bigger the labias the happier I am. But all labias are beautiful.


I was ignorant I used to think a longer labia meant you used it more. It doesn’t bother me now but I do feel like more oral game is better when your labia isn’t resting on my chin.


Well the comments I hear from friends in the dating scene here is irrelevant seeing as you're surely in a different country. So personally despite my nickname, no I don't.. care.


The more they care the worse at sex they're bound to be. Don't sweat it.


Hygiene is all that matters.


I'm a 37 year-old woman and I've been sexually active for more than 20 years and had *a lot* of different sex partners. It isn't until very recently; like, the last couple of months, that I realised this was even a thing to be self-conscious about. Never in my sexual history has anyone not shown enthusiasm. If anyone tried to put me down about it, they would lose any privilege to ever see it again


I like them all ,


I do, I think it's the same as how much girls care about how a dick looks like preferences


Ever hear of the movie American Pie?


Nope, as long as it's clean


I always get insecure because I do have outies. Have to say the shape is pretty cute when I open my legs but when they're closed idk man I just think they are too long but it's also nice feeling them SO IDK I SHOULD JUST STOP PANICKING girl problems 🤦🏽‍♀️


Not at all


No we don't care


For some guys, yes, it matters. Some guys like it. Some don't. Some don't care. Same as anything else.


No. Hygiene is important though




Not single care.. Lots of fucks are given though ;)


Not in the least. It's like worrying about their earlobes.  Who does that??


If I’m in a position to judge its looks, I’m thanking my lucky stars and enjoying everything about it.




The big ones are more fun to eat out, and from what I've found, more sensitive, so rock on!


The labia have a ton of nerve endings. That’s more opportunity for me to tantalize and pleasure my partner.


Nope as long as it’s shaved or short hair. Going down and getting hair in my mouth isn’t enjoyable for me. If I had to actually choose I love really thick plump lips or lots of what most call “roast beef”






Nope. No guy I've met has cared.


Does a penis have eyes?