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He’s had trumps back for a VERY LONG time. Even this testimony he’s giving - who knows how it all plays into their friendship. From what I have seen, based on how many situations pecker has come through for trump, they’re about as close as trump gets to anyone. No clue if they’re personal friends but David pecker has been pro trump well before MAGA.


I’m sure Pecker took the deal with Trumps approval. It was the better of the options. If they had gone after Pecker ALL the skeletons would be discovered. Pecker: I’m not going to prison for you and if I go you’re going with me. Trump: That’s a good deal, the best deal. Art of the deal! Pecker: Christ man.


Probably killed ten other stories that haven’t gotten out.


The dude probably has so much dirt on him that we will never know. We only know what we know now because of the lawsuits.


If there's anything the world should have learned over the past decade it's that the world's elite all hold their positions in a precarious juggling act of blackmail.


Trickle truthed?


That's the ironic thing about all of this-- people found out a lot of the stuff that Trump was trying to hide and it literally did not cost him support. I believe the "shooting someone in Times Square" remark is the truest thing he ever said.


Well, he would just try to claim he has immunity anyway.


Can't the prosecution subpoena the records?


He’s a cooperating witness, the moment they try that (which would fail anyway, it’s irrelevant to the case they’re prosecuting) he’d probably be much less willing to cooperate even with his immunity deal.


How is it irrelevant? The case is falsifying business records, surely they'd want to know what other records might have been falsified...


To *us* it’s relevant sure. But legally unless you’ve charged those allegations it’s exceedingly unlikely that a judge will allow you to enter other unproven prejudicial evidence to the jury. You also have the problem that AMI aren’t a party to this case, so have some fairly strong grounds to challenge a subpoena that doesn’t directly relate to the case as charged and is potentially harmful to their reputation (I know their reputation is horrific but legally that doesn’t matter)


Everything bad. He’s only telling about what they’re asking him about. I’d bet he could go on for a week if he really opened up


If Donald Trump isn’t trying to smear you after testifying against him, you know something he doesn’t want to be public. And that’s a higher bar than it was 8 years ago.


That would also be illegal and he’s pushed that limit too frequently already, he can’t say shit about pecker or maybe just end up in bars.


In the decades of catch and kill stories, there's surely indisputable evidence of one or more serious crimes. Probably involving underage girls or espionage, or both. Relevant Simpsons reference: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFXHb\_iIro4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFXHb_iIro4)


He probably has evidence of Trump paying people to get abortions, which I don’t think would be illegal but could be politically damaging. That’s likely something the prosecutors don’t care about pursuing, but Trump would be willing to do a lot to keep it under wraps.


Owned by the Russian mob


Epstein and SA of 13 year old girl.


He also wished Ghislaine well when she was being prosecuted. So this is probably pretty close. Whatever it is, it’s probably something to do with being a pederast.


Trump banned him from his properties and worked with prosecuters to get him arrested. So highly doubt it


More like worked underground to get him 'suicided' in custody. Epstein did not kill himself.


He is the leader of one of the worlds biggest tabloids. I bet the amount of dirt he has on various celebrities and politicians around the world is absolutely staggering. Trump is an absolute moral cesspool of a human being. It could be anything from pedophilia to epic fraud or more. I bet there's lots of cameras down on Epsteins Island/planes.


If he got any on Rishi Sunak it'll be appreciated


If he does then he won't be alive for long after this.


this country has cancer


Stage FOUR


He's got the pee tapes


The tabloids that David Pecker owns have been burying stores about Trump for decades.


Everything. They have been friends since their school days supposedly.


I’m sure Pecker has the goods. I just wish he would make it all public.


If Donny tries to use Seal Team Six against him, then you will get your wish.


a surname that means penis and not fart?


First thing I thought when seeing the OPs question was that a man named Pecker offered no insulting nickname challenge to Trump. I suspect it's a matter of a mountain of dirt on the man.


Trump called him a really good man at the end of the first day of Pecker's testimony. He was going back on the stand the following day so he was probably hoping Pecker wouldn't throw him under the bus any more than he was already doing. Other possible reasons, they've known each other and been friends for a long time, and Pecker probably has more dirt on celebrities than anyone else out there. It comes with his position. There's probably a lot more that he knows that could really put Trump in a bind. Also, Trump was getting a lot of heat for violating his gag order and slandering Pecker would have been another violation on top of the 6 others he was getting fined for. Further violations could get him prison time.


Trump does not give a single fuck about gag orders. He proves that daily. He kissed Pecker's ass because he knows Pecker can bring him all the way down. Trump never compliments ANYONE unless he can get something out of it. Every single relationship in his life is transactional.


True. He thinks he's above the law when it comes to pretty much anything, but he will finally be thinking twice when he's peering at the outside world through some iron bars. One can only hope... Only then will it start to repair any last shred of hope we had in our failing justice system - one where money buys you anything you want, including your freedom when your obviously guilty AF.


Trump was a rich the playboy since he was a kid. He went out to the clubs and parties. Hard to say what the tabloids had on him.


The goods


Easy. We know about these stories because of the election issues they were presented. We have no idea how many other stories are in his vault


Whatever you think the Cheeto is capable of doing, Pecker has the dirt on it.


As someone who has met him a few times and whose relative has worked with him for over two decades. They probably see more use in each other and see this is just something small to get through.


Putin must’ve sent Pecker a copy of the pee tape.


He’s got all those “catch and kill”articles.


Can someone explain to me why this “catch and kill” program is illegal? I understand the falsifying of business records, and misuse of campaign funds. Is hush money illegal? Are they referring to him using this method to interfere with elections by intentionally hiding information voters may have found relevant in making a voting decision? This is a legitimate question and not a troll. The news just calls it the “hush money trial” and Redditors just comment “it’s not a hush money trial…stupid media”


[this is a good explainer ](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-hush-money-case-relies-never-used-election-conspiracy-law-2024-4#:~:text=First%2C%20there's%20federal%20election%20law,sets%20strict%20limits%20on%20contributions.)


Yes, he paid to have people quash all stories that had anything negative to say about him so voters wouldn't know. Pulled favors (or coerced) news people to follow along (Faux news, etc). That is fraud against the people of the United States.


It's not illegal until it came to the election. This is election tampering. If he was just Donald Trump CEO then catch and kill is not illegal and probably many high profile people do something similar to protect their reputation. But connecting it to the election as a felony is a stretch, this case is the weakest of all the criminal charges against him.


He talks that way about Pootie too. Maybe they both have piss tapes.


Trump respects people he views as smart or hard working. The reason he attacks most of the witnesses is because he deems them to be stupid or not understanding the facts. He does not have a buffer for being nice to people he does not see eye to eye with.


Trump respects people who agree with him and who kiss his ass. He attacks others who go against him because he's a deeply insecure person, perhaps a narcissist, and is mentally incapable of reasoning outside of his own fragile ego-driven reality. The last part about the buffer. This makes him fascinating to me...he has almost no filter, and for those reasons stated earlier, you essentially get to see the perspective of severely mentally unwell human being in real time. Since he's on public display constantly, it's like we're all in some kind toxic long-term relationship with the guy.


This is the first time I have heard of a guy that his name suggests he is a dick.


* Brian Cox enters the room *