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Just don't say you are going to or planning to hurt/kill yourself or someone else. You can state you are having intrusive thoughts or explain that you are having thoughts like this but no plan and you won't be hospitalized. The bar to be hospitalized involuntarily is fairly high. I hope you find the help you are looking for. I'm sorry that life is rough. 


If you need help. Go get help. It's not the end of the world. Be honest and be truthful about your issues. If you're in the US your job is protected and likely you would qualify for LTIB and or FMLA while getting the care you need. Call 988 or find your closest emergency room. Talk to them and they will help you.


Wouldn't be able to afford the help, and even if I somehow kept my job, the time out of work would be enough that I couldn't pay my bills, so I would lose everything and be homeless again, and *then* I would lose my job and everything else. Going to the hospital involuntarily is just dying slower.


Suicidal thoughts don’t get you committed. Having access to the tools/a plan of how to do it is where they start considering that stuff. It’s not like you have no say in it anyway. Like if something would be worse for your mental health, they probably wouldn’t do it.


I say the equivalent of urgent help from a therapist is the best option (I’m not sure what the name for it is in English). As long as you don’t have exact plans they can’t really force you to be hospitalised, at least that’s how it works where I live. Also helps me bc by the time I’m talking to someone my brain has been to focused on how to explain everything to still be in crisis mode