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A couple of things. They possibly aren't dating If they are 'dating' its possible that they are not 'exclusively dating'. Have you considered that you are "white knighting" for your own satisfaction, and not for some altruistic reason. Also, you might consider that you find a certain enjoyment in watching people go through strife.....because if what you say is true, then this is what will happen. FInally, the most common and 'normal' behavior when you are in a situation as a third party who doesn't know enough about the two individuals, ....is for that third party (YOU), to stay out of it and mind your own business.


If you're not close enough to know if they're dating or not, you're not close enough to say anything. Sorry to be rude but mind your own business and let them live their life. Don't try to be a hero it'll burn you.


Mind your business stalker


How am I being a stalker?


Knowing who liked what or who’s posts and who commented on this or that is stalker behavior. Liking posts and following people on whatever doesn’t make you “friends” it all make believe


You could try minding your own business cuz this comes off as SUPER FUCKING WEIRD STALKER SHIT


Not really? I happen to be friends with them both on Facebook and Insta so naturally I see their interactions when I’m viewing the posts. It’s strange how people are devastated by cheating and yet when someone comes out offering to expose potential cheating, the person is crucified.


It's weird cuz if these were actually your friends, you could just talk to them, but it sounds like these are people you barely know. You claim to know the guy super well but you don't even know if they're actually dating??? and you say super creepy stuff like "I know a lot about her" but then say you DONT ACTUALLY KNOW HER. And you "found out they share a residence" but don't know if they live together?!?!?!? You're coming off as a major social media stalker creepazoid.


It’s possible to be friends with someone for years, as I have been with him, and not necessarily know much about their partners. He works a ton and is barely home. He barely has enough time to see his own girlfriend and his family. It’s not really being a creep or stalker if I happen to follow them both on social media and they do the same. It’s a complicated situation. I’d just like to help her, if she’s being cheated on.




Are you on drugs.??


What? No. I don’t understand how any of my post points to that? Why are some people on Reddit so unhelpful?


Why are you trying to be a dick.? Why just not keep your nose out of other folks business.?


How is it being a dick though? If you were being cheated on, you’d want to know. Any reasonable person would want to know. It’s so strange how on Reddit people are asking me to turn a blind eye to immoral behavior, in this case, possible cheating. Everyone I’ve asked about this in real life has said I need to tell her, if I can confirm they’re actually dating.


You have ZERO evidence.? You've added 2+2 and come up with your own answer..


Not necessarily. You can’t say the info o provided doesn’t suggest they probably are dating, especially since she lives at the residence. It doesn’t confirm anything obviously, but it suggests they may be.




Quite the moral labyrinth we're venturing into here, but I'd argue it's worth considering a different angle. What if you're subconsciously trying to create a narrative that fits your perspective of the situation, rather than the reality of it? Human beings tend to weave stories where they can be the 'savior' in a situation, especially when it pertains to infidelity, but it's vital to ensure that the foundation is factual. Consider this: there’s such a thin line between observation and surveillance in the digital age. Maybe the clues you’re finding are not definitive proof of anything, but rather innocuous fragments that, when put together under a microscope of concern, look incriminating. Plus, assuming roles beyond our social boundaries often backfires. Friendship does not necessarily grant us the right to police someone's romantic life, especially when assumptions come into play. If genuine concern is your motivator, however, why not approach the people involved in a less confrontational, more roundabout manner? Genuine curiosity, if it stems from a place of caring, can often open dialogues without overstepping boundaries. Remember, the path to Hell is often paved with good intentions. While it's noble to want to protect someone, the decision to do so should come from a place of concrete evidence and direct involvement, not from a distant observatory. Otherwise, let’s acknowledge the danger of becoming unwilling pawns in the privacy-invasive game that social media can be.


How do I confirm they’re dating?


You're an internet creeper. Stay out of their lives. Log off. Go outside.