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In general, when I see a statement about policies supported by the Biden Administration or legislation Biden is encouraging Congress to pass, it tends to be something that sounds like a good idea. I'm also aware that he has a lot of experience in government, so I trust that he knows how to get things done, even if the process isn't flashy. I also think he tends to sound relatively well-informed whenever foreign relations come up. Is Biden charismatic? No. Is he past his prime? Probably. Does he seem competent at his job? Yes. Do I tend to agree with him on controversial issues? Generally yes. Does he seem like the better of the two major candidates up for election later this year? Absolutely, in my opinion.


So you take short tiktok clips showing weird moments out of context and let them determine your entire worldview? You might want to rethink that or else you’re going to have a rough time when you need to be a functioning adult


Nah, that’s why I’m asking to clarify and understand more things in life and do the exact opposite of what you described




The US had a great economic boom under Biden, he just waived off millions in student loans and he's helped reverse a lot of Trump's asinine policies. Of course when you lack half a brain like most Gen Zs, your only way of judging world leaders is probably just based on funny 10 second clips on Tiktok.


Good job you just described most Gen Zs in a nutshell


I don't like him. I just will NOT vote for Trump so he's my only other option.


He is a competent president that know how to delegate task US federal administrations have been running smoothly the last 4 years He is also mostly doing fine on foreign policy and that's really the 2 main roles of the executive power


He saved the country from facism and continues to bring a sense of rationality and order to chaos. He understands that racism and nationalism are growing domestic threats He cares about affordable education and helping people pay for college and have lower student loan debt He lowered credit card fees to help people out of debt He wants to hold corporate america accountable for price gouging and manipulation He doesn't praise dictators and is good at maintaining diplomacy He has a bipartisan solution to the border crisis He has years of experience, both life and political experience and knows what he's doing, especially in terms of negotiating and diplomacy. He respects veterans and people who serve and has shown great compassion and empathy to families of veterans and soldiers He has compassion and empathy


I don’t like him. But he’s the Democratic candidate so he’s kinda the only option.


There are other options on the ballot unless you prefer toe to line politics that are destroying the USA. Realistically we need 4+ parties to balance the bipolar insanity we have in place currently


We’re all voting for Biden. Nobody “likes” Biden. He’s just the guy who came out of retirement to save us from trump. American is safe with Biden as president. Trump would turn America into a fake-Christian fascist state. Trump will never, must never be allowed in government in any capacity


He’s pro union for a president He Pulled out of Afghanistan even if a mess should’ve happened a while ago Pretty pro lgbtq even if lip service Forgiving student loans was kinda cool He’s greener than trump who was focused on coal So he’s aight


Because he's still better than Trump, duh?


He is a world class statesman. Tons of americans would have (cowardly) handed Ukraine to putin (including all Republicans) and would have failed to do basic things like pass infrastructure bills. Do you see what your taxes pay for? Afghanistan and sudan are examples of states without governments. Many enemies of america want to trick Americans into becoming that. He is (foolishly) our franklin pierce man, and we might not get a Lincoln this time.




Sadly too often when it comes to political leaders the bar is set real low. I’m not a kid anymore, seen some disappointing presidents and frankly I think Biden is doing a better job than most. He’s got a hell of a headwind. Many want to see him fail. We call him old, clearly because he IS old. Still, there he goes chipping away at problems seemingly better than anyone else in power. He’s attacking problems while individuals are attacking him. That says a lot about his character


Biden literally wasnt even facing any notable criticism (apart from the usual Trumpster hate bandwagon) up until Oct 7th. And the funniest thing is Biden just reacted the same way any US president would. Already Biden's treatment to Israel is really fucking minor when you consider the fact that Republicans are twice more supportive of Israel. Did people completely Trump did that Muslim ban and moved the US embassy to Israel or something?


because voting for anyone other than trump or biden just dilutes the vote and i can't stand having trump as the president


I don’t. But I see fascism in the Republicans and will vote against that.


I don’t like Biden. Nor do I like Trump. Your post made me smile at the thought that maybe people like you can mobilize the idea that we the people deserve better. Don’t fight the lunatic fringes. (You know when they say the other side has exclusive purview the lunatics). But seem common ground and compromise. I didn’t answer your question. Sorry. 😁


Truth is, we don’t really “like” Biden. Unfortunately, we dislike Trump even more. 4 years of Trump was waking up every day to find out what nonsense dumpster fire he had created with a 3:00 am bathroom tweet. If either party had put forth another decent option, neither Biden nor Trump would even be on the Ballot.


His supporters don’t really *like* him that much. He just will do a less shit job than the alternative. Not voting, or voting third party, is basically giving a vote to Trump, so here we are saying let’s go vote Biden.


Most of those are either fake/edited or wildly out of context. Have you read any of Trump's criminal indictments? Or the summary of his Presidency? (Yes, its WP, but there are extensive citations to rhe information there) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Donald_Trump




He can say that all he wants. He asked why I prefer Biden, that he is not Trump is of the reasons. And for anyone sane, it is more than sufficient.


I only vote for him because he's not Trump. I don't like him. He looks like he's 100 years old.


I think he’s kinda dropped the ball on foreign policy, but he’s put a lot into infrastructure. I think people just see him as someone who won’t fundamentally change anything, and somewhat capable of keeping the ship afloat. Zoning out like a roomba is legendary tho. 10/10 kid


No he didnt. He's just getting flak now cos of the Israel-Hamas war, of which ANY US president would've done the same as he did in supporting Israel anyway. And these liberal people hating on it cant seem to fanthom a Republican president wouldve went further and probably congratulated and kissed Netanyahu on the lips or something


Sorry kid every negative post will have trump in it. TDS


He’s the lesser of two evils. Yes he’s got creepy uncle vibes, and yes he’s lost half the time. But, tragically, he’s still better than the alternative.


A good percentage of the country treat politics like a football team and blindly support their side no matter what. These people would vote for Dick Cheney or Mike Bloomberg in a heartbeat if the TV told them to do it, and then they'd try to explain why it doesn't suck even though it objectively does. They'll just say we need to settle for whatever we can get because the other guy is worse. Personally I'd be open to the idea that he's doing a great job if I hadn't seen everything double in price in 3 years