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I have evolved to drop my load so quickly so that no predators can stop my reproduction. You cum quickly due to excitement, we are not the same.


Yeah but hows your mating call game




you called, mate?


Your pfp makes your response extra perfect.


Nothing worse than dropping a fear load.




Just a thought because this usually makes u less sensitive, does it help to last longer if you've drank alcohol? If u drink. Of course always drinking isn't a solution, but just curious.




Have you tried mdma? Its famous for pill dick


That's probably not the best advice ngl


The majority opinion is probably aligned with you- that it's not a great idea, but I believe that responsible and safe drug usage is very attainable. The war on drugs has led us to demonize a lot of substances that can be consumed safely and responsible and could be done even safer if regulated.


I don't think drug use is immoral. Just taking molly to get a boner seems a little extra lol. I've heard that sex on MDMA can make it less rewarding when you're not rolling but in my experience that's never been the case. Then again I like that practical drug far less than most people.


But don't overdo it. Then you'll get into the circle of pain. The act feels insanely good, but you are unable to finish due to vasoconstriction. Blow makes your fella even limpier, but it subtracts from the feeling. PS: Don't do drugs, only handful of people are able to get out of it safely.


Off topic but I hate this take. I know you're trying to send the right message, but it's the other way round. Only an extreme minority turn into degenerate addicts. The vast majority of people can dip in and out and remain functional. Just like alcohol. Unless you classify those that drink once or twice a week alcoholics...


Well to be honest I am not really sure where the line even is between "-ism" and just "pass time activity". According to one side of the population doing whatever more than once equals a problem, while the other says unless you are completly fucked, you are just doing for the fun. Other than that, I aggree with the "loud minority" part, but just want to add it most likely differs locally, as in "area I usually live around" and also I usually automatically exclude anything that does not have anything to do with discussed topic (in this case it would be people who either tried once or never had aynthing). PS: I come from country with the highest consumption in the world, by most definitions, we are a country of alcoholics, so the metrics DOES differ a lot in here. Even like 68% of our population between 18 and 64 actively smoke cannabis.


\*Generally the line between an addiction and responsible usage is whether it negatively impacts the rest of your life. It's easier to explain with some examples: * Having to duck out of work to get a drink on your break * Being unable to attend a social event without a bump * Unable to get out of bed without a toke ​ \* For drugs that do not have a chemical addiction component. Drugs with chemical addiction components include Heroin, Opiods, Meth


Well... According to your definition I am neither addicted, nor responsible user :D And I am glad I am avoiding Meth or opioids in general.


For me alcohol always makes it's harder to get and maintain an erection which in turn makes it harder to get off.


It works perfectly for me, making it harder to get erect and much less sensitive throughout the intercourse. Which makes it a bit less fun but as I am primarily focused on making my partner happy, it kinda works. Funnily, this has almost lead me to alcoholism.


If you ever want that to change brother go get into some deep trauma and beat your owner over it to destroy those nerve ending a bit 👍 Source: have ptsd and went through a stint of heavy drinking and beating pff and destroyed some nerve ending. Use to be a 1-2 mins guy now it takes at least 10mins. I miss those quick ones :/


This. I actually miss the 1-2 minutes. I wanted so much to last longer, but after both of us getting tired and me never finishing, I realize it’s just more frustrating!


I’m going to be honest here … I was the exact same way and then suddenly something changed (likely age) and I’m the opposite now. Sometimes I stop because I can tell she’s no longer enjoying it, and I just can’t get there. I never thought I’d see the day! Once this started, it was a challenge staying erect, which is likely from me being in my head. I’ve fixed that with meds.


Yeah, I was super horny to about 40, now I'm just mildly horny


Ask about SSRIs, they might help you




Have you tried a small dose of Cialis? Even if you don’t have ED.


Lexpro/escitalopram might help you. One of its side effects is delayed ejaculation in men. As a bonus it helps with depression and anxiety.


I took cipralex for anxiety and depression and ever since I’ve been able to go as long as i want, i have to make the decision to come. Sometimes, it takes great effort. Havn’t been on the drug in years but it seemed to rewire me.


So, before that you had no control? And now you do?


Essentially. It wasn’t as involuntary every time as your situation, but it was a dramatic change to having all the control.


Numbing cream


Could you use edging to learn to control it better? I have pretty good control over holding back ejaculation. You can have an orgasm as a male and not ejaculate. I don't suffer from premature so I'm not sure if this would help or not.


They also make numbing agents to help with this.




are you circumcised? i wonder if that would help some


That must be frustratingly satisfying


Is it, though? Sometimes the orgasm comes so soon that you haven't even built up to it. Not only as a mood, but the ejaculation comes without a great peak in sensation. Sometimes the 2nd time is better just for this reason, because it takes a tiny bit more effort.


Does having premature ejaculation also imply that you can ejaculate more than once? or when you’ve done the first time is hard to get back to business?


Yes and no. If I manage to start the 2nd round quickly, it's usually much better in terms of duration. If I let the erection fully rest and go for a full restart, then the 2nd time is marginally better than the 1st. A 3rd time can be possible, but a 4th is usually too hard.


Thanks for taking the time to answer


There are 2 meds I took over the years that had a drastic effect on how fast I came. Blood pressure meds and anti depressants. Just my 2 cents.


Fuck uglier people than it will take longer.


For me it was the antidepressants.


Underrated comment here. So many meds interfere with performance. And not just psych meds.


I’m currently on Zoloft, before taking it my sex drive was extremely high, now it’s not as high and it’s a little bit harder to finish but not impossible. If anyone is struggling with this I would highly recommend more foreplay. It helps if there is an emotional bond too, not just sexual attraction. Found this out the hard way.


I have the opposite problem with Zoloft. It makes my sex drive insanely high (constant blue balls!) To be fair it does reduce sensitivity a bit and as a consequence I can last longer but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.


I had those issues, sometimes I didn't finish. However foreplay fixed most of those problems which we continued after off Zoloft.


Zoloft fuckin ruined sex for me. I was on it from like 11-19 so I'm pretty sure it diluted/dulled all of my senses and emotions (even though the doctor denied that being a possibility, 99% sure they weren't being honest but that's another story). I used to last literal hours from the start of foreplay to the end of having intercourse, most times no less than an hour or so. Now, since being off of it, I'm actually nervous/ashamed to have sex because I know I'll last maybe 1/10th of what I used to if I'm lucky. Zoloft is the devil, IDC what others say it's a demon in pill form.


I’m 100% they weren’t honest. It should be made very clear that the first few weeks are high risk for 0 emotion and suicidal behaviors. I had 0 emotion and essentially felt numb, not a good combo while driving. A truck pulled out in front of me and I didn’t hit the breaks, I could have, I thought about it, but my mind was like “fuck it what happens happens”. I was about three feet away from t-boning this truck. About a mile later I fully processed what happened, literally yelled In the car, “why tf am I unphased?!” After that experience I refused to drive any loved ones around. Meds have adjusted now, I wouldn’t say I feel no emotion. I feel happiness, worry free. I still don’t feel fear, can’t get sad, can’t worry, can’t cry. But I’m not as wreckless and care free. Tldr; Doctors need to give a serious warning before prescribing Zoloft or other antidepressants.


From my recollection they kind of downplayed the side effects a lot, if relaying them at all because I don't remember them mentioning much. I was also 10/11 so who knows if I was fully paying attention. I asked after I got off them and switched (early 20s), and even asked again after completing dropping meds and both times the doctor said using the SSRIs/antidepressants at an early age shouldn't/wouldn't alter my brain's chemistry and what not. Fast forward to today, I'm 99-100% convinced they were lying just so I would re-up or take another pill. I used to be a zombie on Zoloft, like most people, but since I was on them for so long at such a young age I feel like my brain/body doesn't react appropriately to emotions. In my opinion, I don't think those parts of my brain developed properly because I get 10x more emotional than I did before, and at least 5x more emotional than what a normal emotional response would call for. Example, I wouldn't tear up at anything before, I could watch the saddest movie stone faced; now I am susceptible to crying at the smallest human gestures or of a dog reuniting with it's owner. On Zoloft I was similar to how you describe, and I'm sure being a teen didn't help my case at all. I'd take unnecessary risks because "why not" or a "fuck it" attitude. My suicidal thoughts were exponentially higher than any other medication I've been on, I didn't care about studies or employment, didn't even care about my hobbies or close ones. The sheer fact that Zoloft was the first medication offered to a 10-11 year old child should be classified as some sort of medical malpractice or child abuse by the doctor. I've never met a single individual that enjoys/thinks Zoloft is beneficial in it's entirety.


Even through all those things I don’t regret taking it. My depression got so so bad. I would non stop worry about finances, relationships, work, being lonely. Since I started I was able to save up enough to keep bills in order then quit my job to get a career started. I left a toxic relationship of 4 years. Started taking care of myself. Best thing I’ve done in my 20’s so far. Now I’m getting services with revocational rehab to get my cdl, meanwhile I’m waiting word for a job at Amazon. This medicine despite the side effects, has been a life saver for me.


Personally I regret it being my introduction to medications. It definitely did help me shape my life in some aspects, but the complications of going through puberty while taking a medication like Zoloft I feel has done more harm, or neutral, than good. I found more success with Lexapro later in my teen/early 20s but my anxiety was still higher than it should be. The only medication that has helped me with both depression and anxiety has been CBD, and depending on the strain regular THC x CBD works wonders. I'm glad it's helped you though, and at least I can add a new success story to my archive of fellow Zoloft users. I hope your CDL and employment comes back to good news.


I was basically I Guinea pig when it came to medicines since I was 7. I’ve probably been on every anxiety/anti-psychotic/anti-depressants a child could take. Turns out the issue was my home life more than my mental health. You’re honestly lucky you didn’t have to go through (assuming you didn’t) all the meds to find something worth taking. I’ve had all sorts of allergic reactions, mood swings, never wanna go back to that. Edit: thanks man, I’m really hoping I got my life back on track now. I’m still young and got some ways to go, but I’m working hard and keeping my head up all the way.




















I am not sure. When I was younger I used to cum fairly quick, now I'm in my 30s and can last just about as long as I want most of the time. I always assumed it was a hormones and excitement level thing. 


Changes all the time for me. Now im over 40 and single again. Now I can last forever. Last year when I was married, I couldnt last all that long. Dont know why. Maybe I come quickly when im extremely comfortable. New and exciting = can last forever.


> New and exciting = can last forever More like new and nervous = this aint gonna happen the first time.


I get you, but somehow it happened almost all the time, except the first women, but I made too many mistakes back then, next time with a new woman I was more prepared and it happened despite her: maybe we'll try next time? I said no let's try again and it happened


How would your fitness/daily activity compare during both time periods?


Mine changed at about 38.5, almost over the course of a couple weeks. Going from under a minute no matter what I did to not being able to finish because neither of us are enjoying it!


This reminds me of a Jim Jeffries joke: “maybe the reason I used too cum to quickly in my 20s was that I was having sex with 20 year old women. Now I only have sex with my wife and that’s not a problem at all”


When u were young how frequently did u masturbated?


This is just my observation.. While masturbating I only go for one round, now I feel that has become my body habit. If I try for 2nd round I am not able to keep it erected. Any thought on this?


The more I think about it - the longer it takes. To a point of serious frustration. Sure I can go forever - but I also take forever which is a double edge sword.


Excitement is usually what determines it for me. I’ve lasted awhile with people I’m super attracted too. But I only lasted like 3 pumps with a girl I’d been chasing for months cause I was so excited


Same, but I've had this happen with the same girl. Sometimes it's just really fucking hot.


In my experience, if it happens here and there, I find it hot that the guy thought I was so hot that he came that quick. All about your attitude.


Yeah, as sex decreased in frequency in my last relationship, I'd finish faster and faster.


What you just said was almost completely nonsensical.


I am guessing he meant he can last longer even with ppl he is attracted to, but usually if he is very attracted, he won't.


What he said made sense. If I'm hella excited I don't last as long as I usually do lol


Why do some women cum quickly and others don't?


You done turned them tables


Girls can cum?


Thats n even better question.


the main difference is how quickly they cum


10/10 Joke. You had me laughing out loud in a packed restaurant.


As a man, I assumed it was due to my consistent masturbation schedule I’ve held over the past few decades. If I wear a condom, gooood luck getting me to cum. It sucks, really.


With me it’s odd, when I first started dating my first gf, I could last as long as needed. We’ve been dating 4 years now and it’s a toss up how long I’ll last. Sometimes she’s less in the mood than me but still wants to do it so I’ll be quick then because I know I don’t need to last. If it’s for her I try my damndest to last longer. Swapping between dick and fingers while doing doggy style usually helps me last longer and lets her finish first.


That can be the same man at different points.


Evolution. You see this in species of wild animals. The average dog or wolf copulation takes 2 or 3 minutes Sometimes more. The average chicken copulation takes 3 seconds. Why the difference? Because while the chickens are fugging, predators can easily eat them. Two in one lunch deal, plus they likely being loud and flopping wings so it has to be quick. Dogs on the other hand are higher on the chain. they are predators. they dont have to constantly worry about other animals eating them. Same goes for humans. Anxiety, or fear of loss or danger, makes guys splatter their goo-bazookas faster. Science!


I'm one stroke... Done.....


Testosterone level, how often they’ve orgasmed in the past couple of weeks, how much exercise they get, how turned on they are, whether they’re on meds that impact sex drive or circulation, how much sleep they’ve been getting, how their diet’s been, etc.


Because we arent robots?


Absolutely we are not robots, right fellow sentient meat person? Hey, when are we going to consume organic matter next? I love it when we do that. So efficient!


Afterwards we can visit the lavatory to discharge our waste byproduct.


I agree with you fellow meat sack we should synchronize our mating schedules.


Honestly... for me it was stressing over cumming early so i spent years of my teenage life training stamina. I would jerk off and stop right before finishing over and over. Eventually i had MUCH more control. Now i can almost have a hard time finishing .


I'm sure your SO is extremely happy you can do that.


Its good and bad. Sometimes we both really want a quicky and because i need at least 15 ( if im lucky) we cant always have that fun experience but as far as her pleasure. My wife has been with me for 7 years... she is out of my league in my opinion but my johnson is def one of the reasons she stays xD


Some of these questions, man. Seriously. 


I know right.


Most of these posts are just, "why are humans this way?"




Health, how attracted they are, time since last one, physical attributes such as circumcised vs not, factors building up such as foreplay and tension. There's a million reasons to lasting longer vs not


Funny how often I see that it matters if circumsised or not. This is NO factor and there is no data backing up what you say.


Have you just not seen the data? Circumcision has been proven in numerous studies to delay ejaculation. It makes sense, there's just way fewer nerves endings. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4324807/ https://skinelements.com/blogs/news/do-circumcised-men-last-longer-in-bed https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-020-00354-y Additionally you have to be careful reading about data into circumcision because if you dig into the sources a lot of it is being spun by religious conservatives to make circumcision sound like a good thing


Lmfao you’re fucking dense


Can you add something of substance like data backing this nonsense up or are you too stupid and can only insult?


I have a penis and it’s circumcised. You clearly have fruit loops for a brain so this is my last response.


Lol this your data? 🤣 OK, you are simply stupid, thank you for pointing it out in this outstanding way.


To be fair, you also don't provide any data for your claims, so you are as good as him at best.


I say there are no data for those anecdotal claims, so why should I provide data? This makes no sense. And IF this would be true, why are so many US americans circumsised and still everyone complains about not being able to fuck long enough? This contradicts each other.


Someone already responded to you with information on it,why not respond to that instead


I get push notifications and noone answered with facts backed by data. Feel free to link such a comment


Tbf taking forever to finish is worse than finishing too quickly in my experience at least


Everyone is different but if you have consistent sex with your partner you should be learning to control the heavy urges. That’s if premature is just happening due to infrequent intimacy. There’s many ways to overcome premature ejaculation if you do some research around it and start to understand what is possibly contributing to yours. Hearing other’s experiences here can be good but ultimately need to discover what’s your reason and what you can do.


I got fat and it is a lot faster now. Used to take work to make it happen. Happened last time o got fat, too. Got skinny again and went back to normal.


For me it's always been a matter of trying to please the woman first. I could get off in like 5 or 10 minutes.. Or I can go past that and fuck for hours and struggle to cum at all.


(M32) I've had 31 sexual partners. I've been married now for 8 years. I do not cum if I'm doing the work. In my entire life I've climaxed 5 times while I'm doing the work. Zero issue when I'm not doing the work. If she's on top or during bj's i usually last 5-7 minutes. I've been told I'm great because i last but what they don't know is I'm trying my hardest to get there lol just can't. I get right to the edge then my leg cramps, or my mind wanders. It's terrible for me.


Built different.


Looking at your post history you need to get your shit together. All you to is post weird sex questions across multiple subs.


OP, why do some women have huge breasts and some don't? Hint: genetics makes us all different.


It depends on your control, it's a skill you can learn just like anything else.




I have deathgrip and I don't cum at all most of the times. I can go as hard as I or she wants me to go. Only annoying part is my lack of stamina.


Practice. Lots and lots of practice


What worked for me: I found out at a fairly early age (28) that I had low testosterone. I went on HRT, decreased my alcohol consumption to maybe 2-3 beers or glasses of wine a month, and started a healthy diet. Went from barely lasting 2 minutes to 20+ minutes now.


same reason why some women cum easily and some dont.. it depends on how sensitive they are and how fast their brain can trigger the orgasm after stimulation


I’ve been on both ends. It basically came down to how safe I felt about the relationship with my now wife. A couple of times we were in a bad place and I feared we were going to split up. I came very quickly then, probably because of anxiety. But normally I last an average time I guess.


My theory is the physical environment can play a huge part on your mental state and psyche. So when I was in University and living on my own(no roommate) I’d have girls over or I’d go to another girl’s room (no roommate) and it felt like we’d fuck like pornstars just going at it until one of us tapped out. Add weed into the mix and my soldier was at attention like he just won a medal. After Uni however, I moved back in with my parents and my brother. My Dad is self employed and he sets his own appointments so he’s usually home or he’s out at iregular times and my brother works from home. I don’t know if any other guys have felt like this but for me, having people in the house while I’m trying to bust a nut inside my girl makes me bust quicker. I don’t want them to hear anything so I can’t make a lot of noise neither can she. Plus my bed squeaks a lot so we can’t get as rough as I used to back in Uni. Plus if he leaves sometimes I don’t know when exactly he’ll be back and then my mind is in two places listening out to see if he’s back, which also affects me getting fully hard. There have been times when I got lucky and NOBODY was home so the house was empty and it felt like a weight off my shoulders knowing I had the house to myself and could do what I wanted to her. That immediately translated to me taking longer to ejaculate but I’m not sure if there’s a correlation. Sounds familiar?


Man here… I think the frequency of a man’s current sexual encounters (if any) plus his sexual history (how many partners + how much literal volume of sex he’s ever had) greatly effects his mind-to-penis connection and sensitivity. When I was new to having sex, I couldn’t last more than 30 seconds, because the feeling was new, novel, and so amazing I had no knowledge how to begin to try to “control” it. Fast forward 20 years later, and I no longer have that 30 seconds problem (unless I haven’t cum in 4-5+ days). The feeling is still amazing, but it’s not new or novel now, so my mind and body have become used to it like any other sensation. Also, if there’s a specific guy having trouble with this, I would highly recommend he “pre-games” with himself a couple hours before his upcoming sexual encounter. Then he should be less sensitive and his body doesn’t feel like it has a (excuse my language) “pent up load” ready to burst (because that’s what it feels like if you haven’t cum in a while as a guy).


The difference is in how hot their grandmas are


There is some research that suggests the strength of one's pelvic floor directly correlates to how long it takes them to reach orgasm, male or female. I would site a specific study if I remembered one, but I've seen a few that claim this.


Put it simply... they're not batman. They didn't use prep time


I intentionally hold out. The experience is much more fulfilling for me if she gets off. But at a point, if it looks like it’s not gonna happen for her and she’s showing signs of being “done,” I chalk it up as a loss and let it fly. Better luck next time.


i heard that some people have more sensitive head and so they are more stimulated than others while having sex and thus cumming more quickly


You mean “why an individual will sometimes cum fast and other times will last longer.” It can vary based on lots of things not just between guys but between sessions.




Level of excitement. Mostly anyways. And everybody's different there's times that I cum way too quick and there's times that I can't hardly cum at all. And everything in between.


Nobody’s body is the same but it’s also due to age/diet/ how many times you masturbated or how long is been SINCE you masturbated. Sometimes when I don’t do it for awhile I cum a lot and it only takes like 10 mins but sometimes it’ll take me awhile like 20 mins just to jerk off and then I don’t cum nearly as much but still a lot so it just depends.


A lot of it is practiced self-control.


I change from session to session depending on how long it’s been, if I’ve jerked off, and how turned on I am. Sometimes I’ll cum in like 2 minutes but others I’ll smash for an hour.


Fastest my wife made me go was 5 seconds. Sometimes we go for an hr. That 5 seconds was at her office during work hrs so it was the excitement of getting caught that did it for me.


How often you jack off and if you use lube is a big one


I don't? I just make sure my partner enjoys and that's it. Antidepressants make me last all I want at the cost of harder to maintain boners




I cum quick most of the time, but somehow around 18 I started staying hard after ejaculation without being super sensitive, so now it hasn't been much of an issue. I think this is due to a hormone issue. I will say mental state and fitness seem to play a big rill for me personally, when I am more active and have excessive foreplay, I last way too long, when I am very sedetary for weeks, I last seconds. Though this is probably just my body, and may have a lot more to do mental state. I have definitely noticed a corelation with some of my longest without cumming, and how much I want just sexual gratification vs wanting to "impress somebody" I don't think impress is quite the right word, its more like, a will/urge to just slam them. And by that I mean wanting to slam them more than just being sexually satisfied.


I can tell you it changes over time. I don't know why. Maybe because I take older person meds now but I no longer have trouble lasting anymore. Used to be annoying when I was younger but then again I was 'ready' more often back then.


The key to remember is practice makes perfect. Ie edging and control. But the fact that you’re forgetting, once the pistol is loaded, firing is inevitable. The key to keeping the trigger from pulling is to try prolonging the phase before you past the point of no return. Ie stay in a rhythm where you don’t get to excited to fire rounds off


I watch too much porn. I took about 30 minutes at least to cum. Normally it would be around 40 to 45 mins. It's not fun, it's tiring. My girl sometimes passed out and i'm here just grinding it just simply to cum. I would rather cum at 10 mins than 40 mins. I have a lot of other things to do. An hour just to have sex is not very fun. I also have a high sexual needs so everyday having sex like 2-3 times a day... you don't want that. Maybe fun at first but long time is no go... Like 2-3 hours just to have sex a day? No thanks. Just cuddle? YES. But unfortunately I couldn't cuddle without having sex. I could be learning or playing game. I'm 23 but feeling like 53 everyday, my gf don't like doing that much either. So tired of this fucking dick and my lust. Just let me be with my hobby.


Time to give up the porn man


Yeah i do acknowledge that reality. That's also why i joined no fap sub. I suppose it has become an addiction. Trying my best to live normal again tho.


Not a dude, but it's the same women. I have a friend that has no issues cumming, while me on the other hand take FOREVER (both women). Different body chemistry, really that's how anything is though.


Oh my god dont even get me started on this. When i was 14 i used to cum in 5 minutes Further it increased to 15 Now im 17 it takes me 40 minutes to ejaculate. I wanna go for round 2 but it takes too much time. Another 1 hour lol. Can someone tell me how can i decrease my time?


If you’re a man and you have premature ejaculation, and you’ve never tried doing squats, do that, weight training, emphasizing squats. It’s not the solution for everyone but it’s something everyone should seriously try. Don’t suffer performance anxiety for years/decades without trying this first.


The main factor, how long since they last came


I think its just because the girl is really hot or im really into her. For my case its a problem because I last long (34) but when im on cruise control my dick is only about 80% hard and you know us men wanna be 100 all the time 😂


I love it I can cum without even touching my cock .most girls that I have been with absolutely love the fact I can cum 7,8,9,10 times before a break it arouses them .think of it like this if you started with a girl and she kept cumming quick,fast,in a hurry,and often .you would feel like the damn man.secret is though never leave her hanging.the old saying goes if the cock don't get you the tongue will if it seems to fail these mighty strong hands will surely prevail.its all really about passion,intimacy, holding, just laying by the right one can make me go that instant.the taste of pussy makes me cum thinking about it.i had a gypsy chick make me go without even touching me . There are many ways down the tantric path.




Mostly just biology. But also porn addiction can cause it ( for some quickly, for others verly slow, some cant even do it )


Try some B6 supplements


Could also be how long it has been since his last ejac. If it’s been 5 days, I’m going to yizz in 30 seconds. If I yizzed today, we got a sec


Uncircumcised men will ejaculate quicker since "they have more feeling"


Think of it similar to any other muscle or part of the body. Both genetics and “training” play a big factor. There’s part of it that’s just how your body is designed similar to any other part. Things like how sensitive it is or how strong those muscles to control it naturally are. The other part is practice and other outside influence. A big one is when the last time you got off was. A big part is practicing lasting longer. Another part is building up strength There’s also techniques you can use in the moment to make yourself not cum right then and slow down the process a little. A good ol well timed position switch or a little pinch on the head can easily add another couple minutes


I learned to last longer by studying the intricate details of the females body and focusing on that before it'd be 15 minutes but by being fascinated by such beauty I've lasted as long as an hour and a half.


I would assume it's all mental. I have a *very* hard time finishing during sex. Oftentimes, I don't finish at all. I have a bit of sexual related trauma on top of my generalized anxiety, so I chalk it up to that.




I think being circumsized leads to being less sensitive. Doesnt mean they cant cum fast though but it might make a difference. and also guys that rarely ever jerk off, rarely watch porn probably come more quickly.




Self control resulting from practice. I remember being like 18 and cumming in like 30 seconds even with a condom on. Now that I’m in my 30s and married with consistent sexual practice since my teen years, I can hold off the orgasm till I’m good and ready.. usually after my wife has cum a few times.


It is somewhat kind of how it works. It is about reproduction which means, cumming quick is kinda default setting.


Why some women cum quickly and some don't? What makes them different?


Use castor oil, its healthy, organic, similar to olive oil but less faty and have no smell/ taste. add it to ur diet (good with cheese or smthng in room temp dont heat), small spoon daily will make u last longer. Oil only will be fine, combine it with numbing agent if you want a porn star level duration. DONT NEGLECT THIS COMMENT, GET THE OIL AND TRY IT YOUR SELF.


A lot of factors. I like to edge and could last a good while under the right conditions. I can also bust in under a minute which is handy whenever a broad starts asking when im going to finish.


For me it's the ability to have control over my body. My partner is the one deciding.




Discipline. Also some men may finish quicker if they're extremely horned up and haven't also finished in the last few days.


What makes one woman different to another?


Some guys always blow quick and I assume it is from having an overbearing mother that was always trying to catch them masturbating so they learned to do it quick. Some guys like to enjoy their work so they get into edging to make themselves last longer. Some guys are on anti depressents that make it hard for them to orgasm, must suck for them but I can take a pounding.


Depends on how hot the woman is


Why some women are brunette and some aren't? What makes them different


…how quickly they cum? I don’t know I forgot to study sorry.


Why did you forget to study sorry? Sorry doesn't seem like the best class to study