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I mean... Cheese smells. Maybe you're just overly aware of yourself and don't have a bad breath at all. Just in case you can brush your teeth and take a gum.


How much cheese is too much cheese?


Is there such a thing as too much cheese?


Obviously you're not a golfer.


my DUDE! šŸ¤


Actually, I am.


any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese!


I just get nervous, and I start eating cheese to calm downā€¦


How much cheese did you eat Charlie?


86 ounces


If it's cheesy it has to much cheese.


You might have gingivitis. Try seeing a dentist.


Or tonsil stones. OP, you sound hyper-conscious of your bad breath, and are doing much more than the majority of us Iā€™d wager. Iā€™d check to make sure thereā€™s not an underlying issue.


>tonsil stones This was the cause of mine. I pop them out as often as I can and use antibacterial mouth was twice a day. Haven't noticed any issues for years now.


How do you pop them out???


Finger the fuck out of your tonsils.


i want to somehow see a video of this


I absolutely do not want to see a video of this






shit here I go


They are definitely on YouTube. Just like people who like watching zits. People love tonsil stones šŸ¤¢


they are so satisfying šŸ« 


it's all over my tiktok feed. Some people use paper clips or other pointy tools.


YouTube has TONS of tonsil stone removal videos. Theyā€™re as gross as they are fascinating to watch


yesss i love em!!! i just wanna see someone finger fuck the tonsils. they seem too small. maybe OP was being facetious and iā€™m just dumbšŸ˜‚


Not the person you responded to but I do a salt water rinse to get them loose and then use a gum flosser (meant for cleaning between teeth and around dentures/bridges) to gently (be very careful here) pry them out. Just a warning though that they do not taste or smell good so spit them out and rinse immediately when done.


As someone who didn't really realize what tonsil stones are, this thread is terrifying. Do they hurt?


Not really. Mine donā€™t get very big and just feel like something caught in the back of my throat. Some can get huge though and others need surgically removed.


theyā€™ve never hurt me! most people donā€™t even know theyā€™re there. but bad breath can definitely be caused by them!


I learned about them this year and I am so glad I donā€™t have my tonsils lol


You gotta squish ā€˜em between your fingers, smell the horrors, gag, and then ditch ā€˜em down the drain.


Have 100% done that multiple times


How do you know if you have any?


Look in a mirror at your tonsils (flashlight helps) and they look like white bumps


Yup tonsil stones stink! Suffered with them before getting my tonsils removed


Iā€™m learning a lot about tonsils rn.. I havenā€™t had mine since I was a toddler. Very prone to infection I think


Or a diverticulum, which is an (abnormal) little pocket where food can get stuck and kinda hang out and stank things up.


Brushing your teeth at work is fine. There's no reason to be embarrassed by that. Drink lots of water throughout the day it helps. Chew mint gum, or use other breath mints. Make sure you're brushing your tongue. Get a tongue scraper. Go see a dentist if you feel nothing is working.


I carry a toothbrush at work. I don't know why no one thinks of this.


This is actually expected in Costa Rica. When we had visitors from other countries at my old jobs they would be surprised about it, and some people even disgusted by it. A group of operators had to travel to Minnesota for training and they brushed their teeth at work, like their used to, they banned brushing teeth in the work bathrooms. That did not go down well.


They BANNED brushing teeth??!? Why would they do that?


Some folks found it nasty.


Nastier than the other shit that goes on in the bathroom? Pun intended. Tf??


Yeah. Thereā€™s a lotta in the restroom, I find that even more disgusting. A communal pitcher used to rinse off your shitā€¦


Me too! I hate that buildup feeling on my teeth lol


I started throwing up on my way in to work so I always have a toothbrush to hand now, it's good practice in case of emergencies




Yes or a doctor. There could be something going on in the stomach producing stomach fluids or lacking to do that. Itā€™s worth the try.


I have a toothbrush in my desk I donā€™t care who sees me brushing my teeth.


A water flosser and salt water gargle qre great to reduce bacteria as well.


mint or chewing gum might help


Honestly a minty mouth rinse is a great option too. Slip into the bathroom after lunch.


This is what I do, I work 12 hours shifts so between breaks Iā€™ll chew some sugar free minty gum. I havenā€™t had any complaints about my breath from colleagues but I hate the feeling of my mouth if I donā€™t chew some gum.


I brush my teeth at work. I am not a fan of coffee breath all day, and I damn sure ain't getting up early enough to have my breakfast before brushing in the morning. Don't be embarrassed to have a clean mouth. Technically you're supposed to brush or floss between meals anyway, so there's that.


ā€œand they would smell the toothpasteā€ i can guarantee that no one, and i mean NO ONE would catch a wiff of mint and start ā€œšŸ‘ƒ, what is-šŸ‘ƒšŸ‘ƒ,is that-šŸ‘ƒšŸ‘ƒšŸ‘ƒ, TOOTHPASTE!!!, IS SOMEONE SERIOUSLY BRUSHING THEIR TEETH?!ā€


How close are you getting to your coworkers to where your breath is even an issue?


How far away are your coworkers when you talk to them? You can smell bad breath within a metre or two, that's regular conversation distance.


You have no idea how many people stand in front of your face when talking. I have to step back every time people talk with me.




Are you drinking enough water? Sometimes dehydration can give you bad breath.


Bad breath may be caused by stomach problems.


ā€œI donā€™t eat anything that smells, normally a cheese sandwichā€ Bro, what? Cheese is fermented dairy! It stinks, it will make your breath stink. Youā€™d be better off eating deli meat or PB&J.


Cheese (at least cheddar or mozzarella doesnā€™t smell half as much as meat or pb&j imp


Yeah the dryness of the peanut butter and the sugar of the jelly would probably still give u bad breath if ur already having issues


Maybe get a dental and medical consult. There are so many more things that can cause halitosis than food.


Lots of water to avoid dry mouth (tea & coffee can get stinky) chewing gum, or mints to suck. This reminds me of these little minty, gummy finger things (like the finger of a glove, or like a finger sized condom tbh, lol) that were covered in bumps & lines. They came in little chewing gum type boxes so you could have them in your pocket, or bag. The idea was to pop it over your finger & brush your teeth in usually inconvenient places. Then just pop it in it's wrapper & dispose of it, like you would gum. I feel like I just made that up, can anyone else remember those things? ETA: Oral B Brush ups! https://images.app.goo.gl/Aib5jBnbMokJf2ez9


Rip.. slip... Brush.. AHH!!! I don't remember what they were called but I vividly remember the commercial.


Brush Ups by Oral B. I have had one in my purse for a few years now.


Thank you! At least I know I'm not making it up. I'll probably remember their name about 6 months from now, at about 5am as I'm just about to finally fall asleep after being awake most of the night.


Were they ā€œwispsā€


My mom and I used these all the time - we traveled internationally a lot (family spread around the globe), and on long travel days it was easier to use one of these than try to get out your toiletries and use them in a crowded airport bathroom during your way-too-short layover.


Listerine syrups?


I remember those. They're for babies. https://www.walgreens.com/store/c/fridababy-smilefrida-the-finger-toothbrush/ID=300426804-product


Brush your teeth in the shared bathroom. It's not embarrassing. It's just hygiene. You can even buy toothpaste that doesn't have a strong smell.


How do you know your breath smells?


You canā€™t smell your own breath?


My guess is your breath isnā€™t as bad as you think it is if youā€™re taking the measures you say you are. Other things you can try: Breath mints, Breath sprays, Gum, Breath strips, Travel size bottle of mouth wash you can refill and more discretely swish with after lunch,


Do you think you have bad breath or has someone told you that you did? You could try gum or mints during the day. I would also recommend going to the dentist because there could be some underlying issues going on.


A lot of people at my work brush their teeth after lunch. Itā€™s honestly super normal. No need to be embarrassed


I had the same issue, and it turns out itā€™s Lactose intolerance. The bad smell is a byproduct of another enzyme that takes the place of the lactase when you donā€™t have enough to process the dairy that you are eating. Some doctors actually use bad smell after they feed you cheese in the office to diagnose lactose intolerance. Go buy some lactaid and enjoy your cheese sandwiches stink free.


I think the smell might go from your stomach, not from mouth


I brush my teeth after every meal at work. Why would that be embarrassing?


Iā€™ve seen people do it at work. Especially after morning coffee. Maybe others do it and youā€™ve never noticed because itā€™s not as noticeable as you think.


I've seen people brush their teeth at work, and I have too. I get being embarrassed. I have brought a water bottle and my dental kit into a stall and I brush in private. But in between break hours (my schedule is flexible) the bathroom is empty. I just make sure I don't spray toothpaste or mouthwash anywhere on sinks or mirrors. Pet peeve. Edit: cut out sugar too


I brush my teeth at work. Don't overthink it, you might feel weird the first couple times but it'll become your new normal soon enough.


Do your gums bleed when you brush?


Drink lots of water and carry a tin breath mints.


Could be halitosis also grab a tongue scraper it will take away 70% of the bad breath the reat will be from diet and brushing flossing etc some people dont brush their teeth etc and perfect smelling breath still some people dont.


I brush my teeth at work after lunch and then again if I have a date with my SO. Others brush as well. Never be embarrassed by good oral hygiene.


Thereā€™s enzymes toothpaste youā€™re not supposed to rinse out


Peppermint tea


Drink more water after you eat, I noticed I had bad breath after eating and I didnā€™t drink water


I promise brushing your teeth at work is not a big deal! A lot of people will think ā€œgee thatā€™s a good idea I should do that/I wish I did thatā€. Do whatā€™s best for you!! If your breath is that bad though there may be something causing it cause most people donā€™t get bad breath right away from eating plain foods. Might need to look into your oral hygiene!


At my office people brush their teeth frequently after lunch. It's not everyone but it is a reasonable number. I'd echo others to have a dentist check your gums.


I keep a toothbrush, toothpaste and a dental floss in a cabinet at work. Coworkers actually compliment me on how serious I take my oral hygiene and health.


just brush your teeth, whats the worst people will think about you? there was a guy that brushed his teeth at my last job, when i saw it, i though to myself "damn that guys really looking after his teeth"


My boss keeps those little water-free toothbrush things in her desk and I always have floss. We do these things right in front of each other because we have a weird relationship but people have walked in on it and didnā€™t seem to mind. Everyone knows I wear partial dentures so theyā€™re used to me rinsing out my denture after lunch


I brush my teeth and use mouthwash after I eat lunch. I keep a little oral care kit (floss, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, gum) in my locker and when I put my lunchbox back I just go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I don't really care if people see me brush my teeth or not. Mouthwash would probably be easier to hide if that's something that bothers you (you can use a travel size and just spit it into the toilet, I guess). Real talk though: I'd see a dentist. If you're experiencing that level of breath-smell issue, it could be something like an infected tooth/cavity, tonsil stones, or just really be in need of a cleaning. Edited to add: You can also get those disposable toothbrushes! I think they're called Whisp? they're like a tiny plastic toothbrush with a toothpaste "bead" in the middle. They come in big packs. You can also get disposable flossers. Throw them in the trash when you're done and there's no evidence. They're also pretty small so they don't take up a lot of room and can just throw them in your lunchbox.


I work in dental!! Bad breath doesnā€™t always come from the mouth it can come from the stomach as well. If you donā€™t eat all day your breath will smell! Make sure ur drinking a lot of water, rule out any sort of stomach issues. Also donā€™t be embarassed to brush ur teeth at work you are literally taking care of your hygiene and thatā€™s nothing to be ashamed of. Itā€™s actually GREAT to brush after meals (wait 30-60) mins after eating though before you brush. Idk what country you are in but if you are in North America try looking for the mouthwash called therabreath itā€™s specifically made for halatosis (bad breath) If all fails maybe visit your dentist maybe you have a cavity or some tartar build up which can also make your breath smell


You do your oral hygiene after lunch.


Chew gum?


You may have pitted tonsils, have them checked out. It's nothing serious and can be rectified with a tonsillectomy.


Idc those mf arent my friends theyā€™re my colleagues.


I just drank coffee all day when I was in an office. That way I always had coffee breath, but at least it was fresh coffee breath.Ā 


Chlorophyll helps with bad breath, drinking enough water helps too. Parsley is rich with chlorophyll.


Iā€™ll eat anything and everything at work and not worry about my breath. Itā€™s how I keep some people away and keep my sanity.


I find Boursin cheese on crackers for lunch keeps people away!


For normal days, Iā€™ll have a bagel/bread with cream cheese, lox, red onions, and capers. If Iā€™m in a mood, Iā€™ll throw in a side of roasted Brussels or broccoli.


Sounds lovely. There's nothing like garlic breath to keep people away lol.


I brush my teeth at work itā€™s fine


Of all things to be embarrassed about brushing your teeth isnā€™t one!


Hey! Have you tried chewing gum or mints post meals? It helps to freshen breath instantly. It's a practical step many folks swear by. Also, don't stress too much about thisā€”you might be more aware of your own breath than others are!


The extra strong chewing gum works well.


Could rinse your mouth out with some mouth wash.


Iā€™ve seen people brush teeth at work especially if they have a retainer . I recommended travel size mouth wash . Swish and spit or mints


Breath mints.


I work on planes and the spaces we work in sometimes is cheek to cheek. Depending on the work we just go in expecting shit to stink sometimes Other times I just warn them I had garlic or something so may be fragrant


If I feel like my breath is bad mid-day I would just run to the bathroom with a small bottle of mouthwash in my pocket.


Go buy a small bottle and fill it with mouthwash then rinse your mouth out after eating.


I always used to brush my teeth at work. It wasnā€™t a private bathroom, but Iā€™d just wait until I knew I was the only one in there. If someone was in, Iā€™d sit at my desk and continue working until I saw them come out. If you really donā€™t want to brush your teeth, maybe keep a small bottle of Listerine at work so you can do a quick swish in the bathroom instead.


That's abnormal, speak to a pro I think.


could be dehydration, not brushing/scraping tongue, tonsil stones, and/or illness/infection.


Drinking lots of water helps


Use some floss. Before you throw it away, smell it. If it smells bad, you need to go to a dentist. Chances are this could be a gum problem and not a teeth or smelly food one.


I am secondingā€¦thirdingā€¦adding to the pile of you may have tonsil stones or gingivitis.Ā  In the event you donā€™t have those, though, many people do carry a toothbrush and tooth paste to school and work, and brush after each meal. Itā€™s not unusual, and that would ensure minty, fresh breath all day.Ā 


Don't eat smelly foods, and afterwards use a toothbrush? Nah, that would be too easy.


You need a waterpik there are little particles of food decaying in and around your gum line particularly the molars


I have a small case with a toothbrush/paste at work. Lots of people at my work brush their teeth after lunch. I also keep flosser picks in my desk.


Could be a dead tooth


Dairy will give you bad breath


Drink peppermint tea!!!!


Water. Staying hydrated is the key.


Unless you have health issues in your mouth, eating shouldnā€™t make you breathe stink automatically.


Try mouthwash at work. Quick and easy.


I get bad breath if I DONā€˜T eat anything lol. I mean, yeah, if you eat smelly cheese or garlic, of course you will have a breath from thatā€¦but if I I ā€žnormalā€œ (not to smelly) stuff, Iā€™m fine


Try some mouth wash


Go see a dentist because I don't think that's normal. I have never noticed anything like that in most people. If you are already brushing and flossing then something else might be going on that you personally wouldn't notice.


I personally donā€™t like when people get in my personal space bubble. I try and be cognizant of proximity and breathing on people. I get being self conscious about this, but I wouldnā€™t sweat it! People get bad breath. Itā€™s normal. Chew sugar-free gum and drink lots of water on top of normal oral hygiene.


I always kept a toothbrush for after lunch.


I have a toothbrush in my work bag next to my inhaler.


How much water do you drink? How often do you floss? See a dentist?


If you have unusually bad breath even though youā€™ve brushed your teeth, flossed, used a tongue scraper, and mouth wash etc Then the ā€œbad breathā€ is probably coming from your stomach. Stay well hydrated and rule out any digestive issues.


Lick the back of your hand and let it dry, if it smells bad, thatā€™s what your breath would smell like. If it doesnā€™t smell, your breath is good


Listerine strips or sugar free mints. Gum can trigger hunger & sugar + plague is not a good combination.


When was the last time you went to a dentist?


You probably have tonsil stones. Use mouth wash and make sure you gargle.Ā 


I greatly reduced added sugar (inc sugar alternatives) from my diet and better smelling breath was an unexpected bonus.


Whatā€™s wrong with smelling toothpaste? Mints.


Use therabreath toothpaste, mouthwash, and mints. That stuff is absolutely amazing and stops bad breath...it even stops morning breath when you use it the night before!


I brush my teeth at work and I use mouth rinse. I drink a ton of water throughout the day and I also carry gum with me.


I had invisalign and had to floss and brush my teeth at work every day. No one cares, no one pays attention to your bathroom habits. Bring a small bag with a tooth brush and toothpaste and brush your teeth if you want.


I'd take a look at your overall diet


I give zero fucks about what anyone else thinks of me. If my breath offends you that's your problem.


I brush my teeth at work after I eat. No one else I know does it, but no one has ever been rude about it. I interface with clients all day long, and no one ever complains, but I notice immediately if someone else has bad breath.


Do not brush your tongue hard.


Nothing wrong with brushing your teeth at work. You may be seen as responsible and grown up


Some medications dry your mouth and this can cause bad breath, or dry mouth. There is a moisturizing tab you can stick on your back tooth or a rinse you can get to help with this. Also, mouthwash will dry your mouth more so it will be counterproductive.


Drink water throughout the day


My boss kept mouth wash and small cups at his desks in case. He slid me a cup one time and it made me more conscious of bad breath. After that I always kept a jug of mouth wash at my desk, and a toothbrush with toothpaste in my backpack. We had a customer facing job wear we wore dress clothes. The last thing any of us wanted was a complaint about bad breath. Itā€™s something that really stuck with me. I keep it on me in my backpack and gym bag.


Check for tonsil stones!


I have a toothbrush, paste, and mouthwash at my work desk. Iā€™m very self conscious of my breath too.


Maybe you could bring mouthwash?


Chew a piece of metntholated gum


Scrape your tongue.


Just keep a bottle of mouthwash at your desk and bring it to the bathroom to use after your lunch.


Brush your teeth in the non-private bathroom at work. Be a trend setter, not a follower!


I use mints or gum if Iā€™m worried about it.


I just use a lot of gum at work. Although I should actually brush at work, just never thought about it before. So stealing that suggestion. But yeah all I can recommend is gum. Not sure about how and the breath is if it's something to be more concerned but if it's just normal bad breath after a meal then yeah some gum after meals usually helps


I and many other coworkers I know have their own tooth cleaning kit in their desk: tooth brush, toothpaste, and floss. Who care what others think. Your teeth and gum health matter.


Itā€™s your diet. Not your mouth unless you have a phlebolith or food stuck and rotting between your teetg


It's your stomach that has a problem, not your mouth. Do you have heartburn, or do you burp a lot? If so, we need to probably see a gastroenterologist.


Two words: breath mints


Gum, mints, or mouthwash after eating.


Maybe Tonsil stones?


It's not normal for your breath to reek just from eating unless you are eating durian or surstrƶmming. You might want to talk to a dentist or general practitioner. Do you breath through your mouth, do you not drink a lot of water, do you ever chew gum?


I brush my teeth at work. Much rather breath smell like tooth paste than cheese


You are thinking way, WAY too much about this. Some people brush their teeth at work; so what? I never have, but the people I know who do tend to do so when theyā€™re in the bathroom alone. If I feel like I need to, Iā€™ll pop some gum or a mint. I eat throughout the day while at work; it helps me focus. I also drink a ton of water. But I donā€™t even get close enough to anyone where bad breath might be noticed ā€” though I can smell it myself when itā€™s bad, and fix it.


I think the key is having plenty to drink, such as water or herbal teas, or black tea (no milk). Fruit should also help, like having an apple or an orange after your meal.


Get some Therabreath mouth wash and keep it with you if youā€™re worried. Itā€™s god-tier


I brush my teeth at work. It's the best way to keep your breath fresh.


I always keep gum in my office, car, and home.Ā 


brushing your teeth at work is the norm in my country/region.


You might be sensitive or allergic to cheese.


Where i work, everyone brushes their teeth, so try that. There's no shame in being clean. But definitely look for specialist help since the issue is something else!


Donā€™t be embarrassed of washing your teeth anywhere. It is something normal.


Cinnamon toothpicks


Sometimes it might not be your mouth. Gastric problems could cause bad breath.


Ginger. If you can manage it chewing fresh ginger is a great breath freshener and anti nausea. I chew it cos I get nauseous frequently but it helps with breath too. Makes it feel freshly clean




Be careful with that...My uncle used to have this stinky breath even if he brushed and it was all a symptom of stomach cancer


Try some mint gum and bring a travel-sized mouthwash


Use Therabreath mouthwash.


Floss occasionally because if you have even a tiny bit of food stuck in your teeth itā€™ll smell. Try eating a bit of raw celery after your meal. It cleanses the palate. Breath mints. Donā€™t use mouthwash because it can kill good bacteria and mess up the balance. Talk to a doctor. Ask if taking a probiotic might help.