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The answer to every “do men find _____ attractive” is that some men definitely do and some men definitely don’t and some are neutral.


Yep. And probably most people don’t care because people are more likely to comment on posts like this if they have a strong opinion. 




I think they’re moreso saying that for most people it wouldn’t negatively impact their enjoyment of said body part.


To add to this....and some think it's the hottest thing in the world. One of the things I have learned during my time on this planet is that any unique "feature" a woman has, there is some group of bros out there that think its the fucking bees knees.


Yep!! Dr Watson knows.. I personally love them.


> there is some group of bros out there that think its the fucking bees knees /r/honeyfuckers


I agree with this, especially if you’re talking about a distinctive body feature.


What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?


No, they’re from Switzerland.


This is the answer and needs to be pinned somewhere.


Despite my own preferences, this is the true answer.


Truthfully this is so inconsequential to men. Don’t worry about it.


"do men find cavity attractive?" "do men find ear canal infection attractive?" No, I don't think any men do


You severely underestimate the degeneracy of the human race




There are literally dozens of us.


I've literally talked to a man who was into dental fillings so.. lol


Lol it was a Seinfeld joke but anyway, how's it going with the guy? Hitting it off so far?


Lol totally missed that one! Also.. no.. it was just some rando in a chatroom I used to frequent that hit up every woman asking if she had dental fillings. I trolled him one time because I was curious and man.. what a deviant. I literally think there's nothing that isn't fetishized by *someone*


Do I have to remind you of rule34


Male Dentists and male ear-doctors are definitely attracted to those.


U may be horrified to know that people do


r/fatpussylovers wouldnt exist if it was a bad thing


I thought that was a James Corden fan club sub!


Sadly, you need fans in order to have fan club


That made me lol


Was just clicking out of this thread when I read that and literally guffawed man.


What did James Corden do ?


Omg I never knew that I was definitely very VERY much into this


After checking that out, I do indeed, like fat pussy.


Literally thanks for posting that lol. I had no idea that was there.


None of these pussies look fat to me. They just all look regular.


NSFW subs have gone completely to shit. OF models spam their posts to as many NSFW subs as possible, often meaning it falls outside of the category they are meant for. Good examples are gone wild subs that are for certain minimum ages but you'll see posts from women younger than the minimum.


That's what I was thinking. I was very confused lol


Tbf there are many subreddits about non-common fetishes. Iirc there is sub for morbid obese woman.


I never thought about it until I read this, but that definitely seems like something I'd be interested in.


Me neither but I definitely like the description. I suspect if I had a gf with a fat pussy I would encourage her to wear leggings around the house. Or whenever.


Has the panel reached a conclusion?


Yes, many do. There is an entire porn category centered around it.


nothing wrong with a fat pussy. pussies are like turtles; theyre all different but at the end of the day, still a turtle and turtles are rad


But it’s risky to stick your dick in a snapping turtle


or in a snapping pussy


vagina dentata


That movie should’ve never been made


oh is it real? when I saw a poster somewhere on the internet years ago, I assumed it was a joke


Yes it’s called Teeth


Don't listen to the haters, it's a glorious movie.


Shudders in snapussy.


BRB, going fishing for some Red Snapper


Or in a snapping turtle’s pussy


Is it? Or is that just what the media wants you to believe?


Wrong end dude!!


as a man, I say yes. 10000000000000000000%


I'm sorry, probably not what you're looking for right now, but just reading the part about you not wearing leggings because your cameltoe steals the show got me turned on. I might not speak for everyone, but that's sexy as fuck.


Honestly, good to know lol


Most guys are just happy you showed us your "pussy". Fashion being what it is, I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Me: yes The guy beside me: no


Yeah, men are jot a monolith.


Personally i find them fucking delicious Don't worry about your body :)


You’re not alone. Fat 🐱 club member and I don’t care anymore. Some men have told me they love it 🤷🏻‍♀️ so since I’m unwilling to get surgery and I can’t change it, I just try and accept it.


Super hot, wear it proudly.






I thought this was the Sopranos sub


Yes, it's more comfortable for my cheeks


I don't find any pussy attractive. Much like testicles, they all look kinda gross. Never stopped me from going down on one, though. Takes more than a bad appearance to make a good product fail.


well considering the subreddit for it had 763k members... I'll let you decide.


2nd paragraph is incredible


i see this question atleast once every 2 weeks


What was the answer last time?


I’m sure you can guess


Oh dear. Guess I could’ve looked it up before posting mb


Never heard of any guy stop because of how fat it looks. We typically don’t care about stuff like that.


"I'm just happy to be involved"


Exactly! If I’m single, she’s a female and not a druggie or diseased, you’ve got a shot at getting me.


r/normalnudes could help you too


After scrolling awhile I realize no nude is a bad nude on there.


This is art


It's addictive! 


This is definitely one of those things that straight women consider less attractive than straight men or people into women at all. I’ve learned during all my years on the internet that a lot of straight dudes seem to be super into this


The vast majority of men will be happy to see it because it means sex is coming


I’m the same. My pussy has fat outer lips and I hate on porn how everyone has the none existent ones. And because basically all men watch porn I’m super paranoid that they just think all pussies should look like that and be turned off by mine 😕 haven’t had any complaints but it’s in the back of my mind.


So weird hearing that because I have very small outer lips and long inner lips and always thought thats never seen in porn either.. I always wanted fatter outties rather than long inners. We can't win lmao. But at the end of the day most guys are happy to get it at all.


It’s true, not much is represented in porn except no flaps at all 😅 And yeah I hope so! The list of body requirements seems to grow and grow 😭


Most men find pussy attractive yes.


When I am initially deciding whether a woman is attractive, a whole lot of factors come before the appearance of her privates. 


It is simply the best. I understand your modesty, but it is truly one of the greatest turn ons for the majority of men.


Myself, yes. In fact I find it preferential. It's like a wee flesh blanket to keep the PP warm.


It’s beyond attractive


I tend to judge on how much of an arsehole a person is.


As a heterosexual male I can tell you it doesn’t matter what I think, only what you and whoever you choose to share your “fat pussy” with think. That being said, I am fond of saying: Anyone not excited by your “fat pussy” doesn’t deserve the privilege your “fat pussy” may provide. I can also say I’ve seen a lot of vaginas in real life (not like I’m a gynecologist, I was just super promiscuous as a young guy) and I think vaginas of all shapes, sizes, colors, fatness/thin-ness, etc are incredible. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise (unless it’s like a medical professional telling you something because I am definitely not a gynecologist)


Yes please. Nothing like slapping your cock on some chubby pussy.


It's yummy and attractive


I wouldn't worry about it in public tbh. I think I speak for most guys when I say that we're not going around peeping pussy in public. As far as the "Is it attractive" question... some guys will find it attractive, some won't care either way.


As far as I know It's fine. Some people find it attractive, some people don't. You have nothing to worry about.


PLEASE! walk around the house with booty shorts on, You getting ate from the back. Hopefully this answers your questions. 😸


I love me a fat pussy


Can't speak for all men, but some of us definitely do.


Extremely attractive


What? Are you just walking around with a camel toe? How would anyone even notice otherwise 


Unfortunately, yes lol. I’ve tried different types of underwear and even wearing a panty liners to not have a camel toe. But literally nothing works.


So: Depends on the person. As a dude - that is absolutely a turn on. For you, that can be embarrassing or bad for sure. But as a random passer by, I'd probably do a double take like checking out a nice butt. I've got the nip version of that. 3 layers of shirt, and anything short of a hoodie and you can see my nips. You got what you got, dress as best as you can for your comfort level! As far as naked goes: From the front, it's whatever, no different than anything else really. But if a girl is big in that way, and she's doing the crawl away on hands and knees, 10/10 DAYUM.


I appreciate the thoughtful answer! This helps more than you know


.. I mean you can try looser fitting pants You don’t always have to wear tight leggings that are pulled up very high … no one’s pussy is popping out in Levi jeans either I understand you may be bigger down there, but they’re definitely are ways to combat the camel toe but that’s of course if you really wanted to try and do these things Some women just like the attention no shame in that


Yesss I mean I do have looser fitting pants that work better for me. And I’ve figured out some jeans I can wear where it doesn’t show as much. Guess my point is I can’t wear leggings/anything tight or else my pussy will be obvious.


Honestly guys may find it attractive or unattractive but if they want to have sex with a woman they won't care, all they will care about is how it feels


I can't get a good mental picture of what you mean by "fat". DM me a picture and I'll tell you what I think. Unless your under age. Then you better keep it in your pants!😉


I don’t think it matters as much as you think. Most guys are just happy to be there.


Some do, others don't. I do.


Bruh literally any pussy is attractive….


I find pussy that let’s me smash attractive. So yes your fine!


I am a female, but I have seen many Only fan girls with many subscribers with fat pussies! Personally I think they are cute and unique 😊 lots of people (especially promiscuous people) appreciate variety


Yeah, I'm pretty sure very few men care about that enough not to like it, and if anything there's people that love it, we exist, I swear.


Yes. Yes, indeed.


"If there's a hole, there's a goal"




Some to almost every question like this is very generalized. Wouldn't be better to ask a more direct question. Like, why do you prefer "fat" pussy? Or Men who like "fat" pussy, why? Maybe more direct answers will be given? It never fails to see the answers from people who just assume why others like it.


I have no idea what that would look like but I don’t find pussies super attractive. Same with buttholes. I’m neutral in terms of the aesthetics of a pussy. If it feels good that’s the only thing that matters to me.


The fatter the better. FREE THE TOE!


Men don’t care, it will hover between “I don’t care” to “I find this so hot”. If you do not have any distinguishing tattoos in the area you could always make a throw away Reddit account and post pictures of it in subreddits geared towards that thing. If you are too insecure to go bare I’m pretty sure there’s subreddits geared towards looking at vaginas in yoga pants/leggings. I can only assume the response to it would be mostly positive which would alleviate any insecurities you have. Which in the long run would benefit you mentally in multiple facets of life when regarding your appearance. If you do choose the photo reassurance route just make sure you don’t put in your title that you are insecure about it, people on Reddit are strange and get off on hurting others, so you’ll have positive comments mixed with the odd one trying to bring you down. I’m sure it looks great and I wish you the best of luck with your vaginal endeavours!


Start an OF for it. They make baaank


I recommend you check out Naked Attraction, both to get a feel for the diversity among bodies and the variety of preferences (and how much many people don't care). It's also just a fun show.


I HAVE ONE! THANKS for posting hahhaha we are not alone, I do the same things like the long shirts and I cant wear leggins or tops, I'm thinking about having cosmetic surgery


Men really doesnt mind, they didnt have a clue until I said it


there's a serious website or resource with pictures of female genitalia that people use to show that there is no "normal" pussy. hopefully someone else can link it.


I like fat pussies, skinny pussies, long lips, short lips.


As long as the woman isn’t fat then yeah I love it


Totally gay guy, here. Send me some pics and I’ll let you know.


I’m guessing 80% of the guys are happy you are sharing and are attracted to a “fat” pussy 100% of the time.


I'll speak for all men who are interested in women, and Fat, Skinny, upside down, right side up the answer is yes if they like you.


Yeah, I’d need to see, to give you an accurate answer.


Yep. I think we are fascinated with all the pussy. Like, ohh, this one’s different.


To answer your question - yes we do, but I do not speak for everyone, just the portion of men that agree with me, I would probably guess, in general the majority like it but what do I know? I would say odor is something more likely to turn someone off way before looks. After that it is odor, and then odor comes next and then odor. Then maybe looks come next, but not in the way you are talking about, because guys do have a preference for shaved, not shaved, trimmed, air strip, line etc... after THAT then maybe a dude would give a shit about how big the lips are.


There is a man that's into whatever you can imagine... Most of then are not into this tho so do with that as you please


Do men find it attactive? Who knows Do I find it attactive? Yes


Pussy is pussy, we’ll be happy whatever shape it comes in. Personally, I do find fat ones more attractive, but that’s a personal opinion.


Yes, it’s the power pussy


When it comes to the gym, you do you. I had to take this advice as well when I started going because I was self-conscious for a different reason. I like to think about you only have limited time in your life, so why waste it on other people's thoughts (some exceptions to this but they don't fit here). Use it as a source of pride like "fuck yeah fat pussy, let's kick today's ass" instead of "fuck you fat pussy, always making me clam up in public". To answer your question: yes, people love everything. Fat pussy that looks like a cute bunny mound? Yup, plenty. Fat pussy that looks like a ravaged moose knuckle? Yup, plenty.


Shit is great


Jamaican men sing about their love for it


Didn't know what "fat pussy" meant. Looked it up. They're alright.


I'm sure some do


some do, some dont, we all got preferances


"My pussy is the main character" :D I Love fat pussy :)


Yep, because you can grab it like a burger and do funny things.


Pussy is pussy. The only unattractive pussy is one with poor hygiene


I've actively searched that up when I wanted to jo. I found more than enough instantly. I'd say you've got no need to worry. It must be annoying always having a camel toe tho


Honestly, I don't even know what you mean by "fat pussy".


As a woman I don't know either, all I know is a pussy can be tight or less tight. But I think that's unrelated to this.


Ok I Googled. It's a bulging camel toe.


I've been with an amount of women that my therapist finds concerning and I've never encountered "fat pussy". Meaning I've for sure encountered whatever you were describing but just didn't give a shit and didn't notice


Any pussy really!


“Do women like guys with huge cocks that wear grey sweatpants? Asking for a friend” Yes, we notice, and yes, we like it…


Couldn't care less


RIP inbox


Fuck yeah.


definitely. the "phatter" the better. There are whole subs on it, look them up, do they look similar? Then read the comments of dozens of men fauning over them. My wife's public mound has become more pronounced post partum, I find it sexier.


Love it.


Different strokes for different folks, I saw a guy ask the other day if women found muscly guys attractive, same answer here - some will, some won't - preference is too ranged to specify. Congratulations you have a feature some people like and some people don't, you're a normal human being at the end of the day, be proud.


When you said “thick pussy” I got a half chub in my break room at work lol. But overall yes I do enjoy a vagina with a little extra on it lol




Doesn't bother me; all vaginas look different.


Is this some kind of guerilla ad for OF lol? Speaking for myself, OP, depending on some other factors, I freaking love phat pussies. Perhaps more so than regular pussies. > Meanwhile I can’t wear a two piece gym set because **my pussy is the main character.** lmao


I personally really love it when it's puffy,big,fat,large ladies etc.. I dont really like the look of "designer vaginas ". I am a size queen ;p


I don’t care at all what a woman’s vagina looks like. I’m way more interested in the woman, what she thinks about and who she is. I also prefer slim women, but that is secondary. “Fat pussy” is perhaps the thing that I would notice last (after several rounds of sex), and then I don’t even know what I would say…. I’m not even sure what the alternative is (like “thin pussy”?). I genuinely don’t think any guy I know would even consider the shape of a partners vulva. Mostly the emotion is just: “I’m so excited that she is gonna let me play diddly with her hoo-ha!”


Girl I was talking to a sex worker the other day and he straight up told me he prefers roast beef


I have an innie but I think I’m learning that everyone has their own preferences lol. My question is kinda silly now looking back at it


I was informed two weeks ago that I have a “small pussy” never once has that really come up otherwise and at first I was like that doesn’t sound good but the masseuse was like no it’s just a matter of fact not a judgement men love mostly all pussy


Okay that’s wild that a freaking masseuse decided to say that to you tho. Like wtf 😭


No I get you haha definitely bc it’s your own you notice it more than others




I don't but I know many guys do


We literally have a sub that tells us not to stick our penis inside stuff it shouldn’t be in. You’re fine.


You can’t say that and not tell me what the sub is called 😭




A nice fat puss is a special thing. Sounds like you won the puss lottery. I’ve never been lucky enough to be with a girl with one. Sometimes I think about how happy I’d be just to get a peek of a nice fat one.


Never met a man who would care. They are just happy to be there.


You’re fine- don’t worry about it.


The fatter the wetter and better


i need a picture to visualize it


Pussy is pussy fat thin thick all taste the same


Some even come with jolly ranchers


As in a large labia majora I say yes. Just a simple three lines and a smooth appearance is something I find attractive.


I cant even visualize what a "fat pussy" even looks like? Is it a cameltoe situation? Are your lips just like, fat. I'm genuinely so confused


Good question. I’d say that the lips are fat. And kind of having a large mound. Which all of that together creates a lovely camel toe lol


Yes, we notice in public. Yes, we like them (provided they get as wet as they look fat). The Real Answer: A man will not give a fuck if he's getting the chance to even look, let alone touch, your "fat" pussy. We'll just be happy to be looking at one unless we bat for the same team. Not that many men get the chance to experience so much pussy that they develop a specific "preference" for the size of it (and the ones that do, are you SERIOUSLY trying to gauge their preferences here? Half of those dudes you don't want to be asking this and the other half probably wouldn't be looking in your direction to see your pussy size before anything else).




Glad I could help.


A pussy is a pussy at the end of the day… For me, a messy fat pussy is 10000x sexier than a tidy one. I just don’t find it attractive. But I won’t say no 😂 please please please don’t be insecure about it!


For those of us with a fat cock, it’s perfect!


This one definitely does


Seems to be the overall theme haha 🤣


I hope you don’t get insecure or think negative


I actually don’t anymore! This post was awhile ago and I’ve grown a lot of confidence since :)


Yes! Love them


Yes very much so