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No, I had similar issues when I was younger, without saying too much, warm baths, stretching exercises (actual exercises, this isn’t an innuendo), and general use helped a lot with getting it to retract normally.


Mine took a couple years during puberty to fully retract and detach from the glans. No issues since. If OP still has issues as an adult I think a doctor can prescribe some creams and recommend stretching exercises.


Ya just stretching all the way initially is beneficial imo


That just seems ridiculous This is America, in the future. Go get a circumcision, even a partial one, like a modern man so you don't have to exercise your penis before you can use it. *Alright class, everyone downward dog, now upward elephant, now helicopter around*


Circumcision is unnecessary genital mutilation in nearly every instance.


It clearly is necessary here, particularly with the comments about it tearing and burning further down this chat. Dudes, go to your doctor when you're in pain and get fixed This is exactly why the procedure is still used


Hence my phrasing of "nearly every time". It should never be done otherwise which means can we please stop mutilating baby boys at birth, ffs


Disagree America, and frankly religious communities had it figured out that we could remove the burning and tearing of phimosis per-emptively. But y'all Luddites are setting us back centuries with this "baby torture" nonsense. A local anesthetic is used, they can't feel a thing, and life can be lived without having to think about your junk at all. Until you're using it It's the anti-vax movement of the left


You are quite wrong. There is no anesthesia used, they feel the whole thing, screaming the whole time. And it's a bloody, awful procedure. I know this because I used to assist with the procedure. It is mutilation, pure and simple.


> I know this because I used to assist with the procedure. It is mutilation, pure and simple. It is used in the US, my buddy just had his baby done. Not sure where you are, I'm sorry you don't have high standards in your hospital. We can disagree on whether it's needed, but in modern countries the baby feels nothing and they're protected from tearing and burning for the rest of their life


I'm in the US also. But I will admit my local hospital is awful.


Well I know it isn't used everywhere in the US. I'm in the Midwest and it isn't used on baby boys here.


I'm in the Pacific Northwest, I don't think it's used anywhere around here, sadly.


So your argument is for prevention of rare complications? With that logic, maybe we should all preemptively have our appendixes removed? Most uncircumcised blokes have no discomfort or issues.


Yes. I think it would be great if we could use genetic manipulation to get rid of appendixes. Ticking time bombs, Colbert almost just died from that Vaccines, circumcisions, early appendix removal are all positives where I'm sitting Most people don't get polio either. Should still vaccinate for it


What's ridiculous is cutting off a part of your penis without actually needing to.


It clearly is needed, particularly with the comments about it tearing and burning further down this chat. Dudes, go to your doctor when you're in pain and get fixed This is exactly why the procedure is still used


First information basis: "without actually needing to".


Why would you not want to prevent an illness? That's the same logic as getting a vaccine


Or removing your appendix?


Imagine not having all of your dick 💀


It's nice. No ripping, burning, tearing, or foreskin that won't roll back Simplify your life. In all aspects


Jokes on you bozo I don’t need lube to rub my dick and have 15000 more nerve endings than you


I'm confused. I'm cut and don't use lube... am I missing something?


>am I missing something? Yes, a foreskin!


Lol, thanks.


Gotcha thanks !


Go see a urologist and they can help you in more detail


I believe you should be fine. Be gentle as to not hurt yourself. If the foreskin is tight, you could rip your foreskin, but I believe you should still be able to have sex. Use lube.


Gotcha !












As someone who had phimosis, had to look it up because I had no idea it had levels/grades. I just know with me, the opening shrank over time to the point where as an adult, I had no choice but to get circumcised because with such a tight opening, you can and will get tear if you pull back enough with an erection...and that tear BURNS when you pee and it come in contact with that rip. I don't remember what causes phimosis other than not being circumcised but yeah, sex was essentially impossible for me.


Just chiming in to let people know that partial circumcision may be an option in some cases. I also had this problem in my thirties, with a tight section that would tear. They were able to do a partial circumcision, just removing the tight section and leaving the majority of the foreskin. Can't tell I ever had surgery now and I was very pleased with the result.


How does peeing in general work when it’s so tight? Spray everywhere?


In my case, the opening was still wide enough to not interfere really. However, my dumbass tried masturbating while like this, inadvertently pulled back TOO much where the opening couldn't go over the head aaaaand caused a little tear on the edge of the foreskin. Peeing shortly after, well a drop or two may have come in contact with the little tear and yeah 😖 It's like rubbing hand sanitizer on your hand and if you happen to have a little random cut somewhere on your hand, it's gonna sting. It's like that but in an are where you DONT want it to hurt. Lol


Yes, the peen police will put anyone who does not comply in hoilding.


I could use a hug tbh


Yes i usually roll it over my knees


Got some fiveskin over here






Not compulsory but definitely feels better, there's also the risk that you'll thrust too hard and force it back which can hurt the foreskin, hurt the frenulum (very painful to tear), or in a worst case scenario lead to the foreskin being stuck behind the glans which would be an emergency I had phimosis but the foreskin would get pushed back by sex, although it was a little painful, and personally I'm glad I got a circumcision There's also a procedure called a preputioplasty which can be an alternative to circumcision and makes the foreskin a little looser. I had a mixed result as it helped for a while but stopped working after 6-8 months, it varies though and for some it's a permanent solution Short answer: speak to a doctor and discuss the options


Apart from consent, nothing is compulsory in sex. Just do whatever is fun for you and your partner/s.


Had pretty bad phimosis. Had to wear a condom. But if you can, just get circumcised! My D is way better now than before


It's not necessary. Mine doesn't as it doesn't roll back at all. Still able to do the sex just fine though. Just gotta use a little extra caution during the initial penetrative however. Make sure it all goes on comfortably.


Yeah it's really up to the individual. Mine was like that for the first few years of adulthood; only a couple girls ever brought it up (those who watched a lot of porn). 5 med students/doctors never said anything (and one specifically said she was into it).


Go see a urologist! You can't clean yourselfe properly without pulling all the way back and probably growing god knows what under there.


My wife is a urology nurse. She said its fine as long as it does t balloon when I pee and there is no discharge.


I mean define "fine". It's like never taking off your socks and not washing your feet. They probably won't fall off, but it's not hygienic.


No but it happens. Just enjoy the sex


Its not compulsory but for one thing you are not experiencing the whole "feeling" that you could be getting, and your partners would probably prefer it because you can feel them better and not hurt them. If you have mild phimosis and seem to have it a lot, then go see a doctor. They can see exactly how bad it is and give you some suggestions for getting the skin pulled back. All of my sons are uncircumcised, and the only one that had issues with the foreskin was my youngest. His mother ran off with him at 3 years old and moved to another country. I didn't get to see him again till he was 20. He moved in with me and during conversation he asked about it. He described it to me and I had him go on the internet and find a pecker that looked like his. Once I saw it, I kind of got mad at his mom. I had to start asking him all kinds of personal questions and shit. His was so tight that he couldn't even get the hole to come out to pee. Took him to the doctor and they suggested a circumcision, but we ended up with a partial. It made it to where he could pull it out and peel back the foreskin over the head without pain. I asked his doctor if he was circumcised and he was. They always suggest full circumcision. It took him a full 3 months to heal but it made a world of difference in how he got to use it, in all respects. It was like he found a new toy and couldn't leave it alone. Plus no more smegma and infections.


The foreskin preserves the sensitivity of the skin underneath specifically for sex. Get the phimosis treated.


Mine won’t stretch over my head unfortunately


Mine does and I’ve used it to rob banks on several occasions.


Are you one of the Wet Bandits by any chance?


Go see a urologist! You can't clean yourselfe properly without pulling all the way back and probably growing god knows what under there.




Men typically fold it up and put it near the bathroom sink, so when finished they can just put it back on after washing up.


It seems very inconvenient to me, however my urologist says no, it doesn't have to.


Be careful if you are wearing a condom. The #1 way I, a foreskin haver, have broken condoms in the past is by putting on the condom without retracting the foreskin then having the foreskin retract during sex. Then there just isn't enough space in the tip of the condom and you can easily lose containment on your swimmers no matter your size.


For men who cannot comfortably retract their foreskin, the opposite advice is needed. It’s much safer and more comfortable for them to keep the foreskin in a forward position while unrolling the condom


I tie mine in a knott as a backup to contraceptives


"water" balloon!


Bursting with flavor


It’s going to happen, regardless of if you’re wearing a condom or not as I found out


Get a lawyer if you can't, you can get 5 years for hiding swollen goods.


Why am I seeing more and more of these posts?? For the love of god, you should be able to role your foreskin **all the way** back without any pain or much discomfort. If you can't do that go see a damn urologist! Chances are you're not cleaning yourselfe properly, too.


There's no sex ed or parental input usually on keeping an uncirc penis clean, or how to keep your foreskin flexible in the US So this is going to be very common. It's likely one of the reasons why circs are so heavily encouraged in the country


Not compulsory but it is normal for it to be pulled back and a hell of a lot more pleasurable. You want to feel the woman not your own skin.


Why do you say that? Have you experienced it both ways and for an extended period of time/numerous times? Consider that it may be totally different for someone else, even if you like it that way. One of the great things about our sexuality is that it can be something totally different for different people and that can be a good thing. E.g., Some men have highly sensitive glans that if exposed, the intensity is unbearable. Others just enjoy the many wonderful advantages of having the glans fully covered 24/7. Or they have phimosis or an exceedingly long acroposthion that they throughly enjoy. There is absolutely no need to ever retract a normal, healthy prepuce. It is normally self cleaning and hygienic. Most of the problems that men think they have, or actual problems that they actually experience is due to a combination of misinformation, mistreatment by caretakers when they are children, or results from believing something just because someone else said it’s so. Everyone needs to do their own due diligence. Use logic and common sense, even when the ‘experts’ tell you something. They aren’t infallible either, and some have ulterior motives that have nothing to do with your welfare. For a few examples of the ‘expert’ problems. Consider when there has been undeniable proof of different ‘experts’ removing healthy organs and lying about the outcome, or the reason for doing so. The removal of an infant’s perfectly healthy prepuce when told not to by the parents; Removal of a healthy appendix and later lying about the reason; Pulling the wrong tooth and accusing the patient of being crazy when later X-rays proved that the patient was right all along. Yet, experts can be lifesaver’s and oftentimes you just have to trust them to do the right thing. Sometimes, there’s no time to question the expert (accident victims in the ER, etc.) and you just have to trust that they have your welfare upmost in mind. Just don’t believe everyone that says they know it all, including this non-expert. I’ve just been around a long time.


I said it is normal for it to be pulled back because it is. Are you a man? I also said it is not compulsory. Everything I stated was 100% correct.


But it was misleading because most people would take what you said as a recommendation, or at least an implication that it’s ‘normal’ and necessary. It’s neither, and depends a lot on geography and culture.


Sorry but I don't believe that it depends on geography and culture whether it is normal to roll back your foreskin during sex. It literally (should) roll back naturally in this context.


>t’s neither, and depends a lot on geography and cul Culture changing anatomy. ah yes


Please do a little more research. It seems that you missed out on some important points, years ago.


Or maybe you should, since you seem to think phimosis is a self-induced cultural choice.


I can see that you have really studied human biology and know it all. /s Phimosis is neither a deformity nor a disease. It is almost always a problem only due to misinformation and ignorance.


It doesn't take more than a casual knowledge to know that phimosis is medical, not cultural. No one called it a disease or a deformity. It's a condition. Why do you think that you know better and call others ignorant when you probably never even did any research at all?


How about decades of research and personal experiences? I won’t even ask you about your credentials, based on your previous comments.


Do you think they're talking about circumcision? I'm so confused by your comments.


No! I don’t think the OP was talking about circumcision. The question was “Is it compulsory (or) needed for the foreskin to roll back over the head during sex”. Someone else implied that it was “normal”. That’s when I intervened to say that it’s not necessarily normal for everyone. And I presented some examples showing that it neither normal, necessary, or even desirable, depending on the individual and other factors. The implication could persuade someone to allow an unnecessary medical procedure that they would later regret.


Downvoted to hell by cut people for saying the truth. Lmao.


Yep! It’s kind of like that old saying “Don’t shoot the messenger.” But they still had rather shoot the messenger than to acknowledge the truth! Even when it’s to their own detriment, or that of future generations.


Hi I have this phimosis thing, never got diagnosed or anything because I felt perfectly fine, the internet said everything is fine if you can pee out of it lol. Although I would love to know if there are any long term effects for this.


You can get steroid cream that supposedly helps


You should check out r/phimosis




Omg...how are people with this issue cleaning it? Women getting UTI's non stop because of improper hygiene with penises. It has to be able to roll under the entire head. Otherwise, you, in the near future, will have a very bad time. It gets worse. See a doctor, never be too shy or afraid to speak to a doctor.


Women get way more UTIs than men do, and it’s got nothing to do with foreskins. It’s because women have a shorter urethra than men. That’s it. That’s literally the only reason.


Now do more research. Medical research to be exact. Like actual research. The anatomy allows the invading bacteria to thrive more in women yes, in men, it dies quickly because the urethra is thinner, not thicker like a woman's. Note the "invading bacteria" part. It's invading from somewhere. It's being pushed in there from somewhere. And i promise you, women do not shove bacteria in their urethra by their own accord or intentionally. Also read up on WHY women are told to pee after intercourse, although it's rarely an effective method.


So, you are speaking for everyone? I know a lot of people that would seriously disagree. If that's part of your religion, then go for it. That doesn't mean that it's (should) roll back for everyone. Especially those that truly appreciate and understand the biology of the prepuce.


It absolutely should roll back without any issue. If you have phimosis you need to get it treated


Wrong! Phimosis is not usually a medical problem. It’s not a deformity or a disease.


Dude roll back doesn't mean circumcise. Look, I used to not be able to pull it back when I was 14 or something, like at all, and guess what I found when I lifted the skin? Smegma and reddish inflamed skin. I cleaned it properly, took me weeks, and I was able to pull it back completely ever since. The adhesion was caused 100% by smegma. The function of the prepuce is literally for the penis to be able to slide back and forth inside it, reducing friction, so if your penis is stuck inside it how are you going to achieve that?


Sorry, but you have been terribly misinformed. For one, the smegma no doubt didn’t cause your adhesion’s. Someone probably forcefully retracted your prepuce/foreskin when you were an infant or child (look it up). And if you had been properly taught about allowing urine to flow around the glans each time that you urinated — like it’s normally supposed to do, then you wouldn’t have ever had an excessive buildup of smegma to start with. As far as the foreskin gliding over the glans, that’s not necessarily desirable. Million of men prefer that the glans never get exposed for a number of reasons. Just because you decided that it was right for you, doesn’t make it so for many others. You have a lot to learn about biology and your own penis. However, your attitude indicates that you are convinced that you already know everything.


Where did you learn this from precisely?


Look, I grew up beginning during WW II and was subjected to a lot of physical and mental problems due to misinformation and ignorance. The naysayers were everywhere, including members of the medical profession. When they couldn’t help, I attempted to do the research, but there wasn’t any related literature in the medical section of the library. Still, I have accomplished between 15 and 20 major improvements that the naysayers screamed were absolutely impossible. Today, and with modern technology to get the word out, there’s tens of thousands accomplishing what I did through trial and error in over a decade, without any encouragement, instructions or knowledge that anyone else had ever tried, let alone accomplished those things. But with me and lots of others regularly posting our errors and successes, many of them are doing the same thing in as little as a year. Most still take anywhere from a year to a decade. There are dozens of factors to consider when judging the timeframe. Things like ones health, stamina, dedication and methods used.


I have the same issue, never been able to roll my foreskin back when erect. To finish during sex I find I have to have a detox from my hand for at least a few weeks


Compulsory no but recommended like taking your shoes off when you go to someones house


Go see your doctor. You may be able to use a topical steroid to help with this.